《A sith dies, A huntsman rises.》Meeting


As the group landed in Mistral, they thanked the two pilots and followed Qrow.

Qrow: I have a house here, we can spend the night before going to Haven.

As they neared the house, Vader saw it was a two-story, multiple-roomed house, how Qrow could afford this was beyond Vader's imagination.

They entered the house, Vader asked Qrow a question.

Vader: How many beds are there?

Qrow: Uh...Didn't think about this, but there are six.

Vader: That is no problem, Jaune and Pyrrha can share one along, with Ren and Nora.

Jaune/Nora: Wait - !

He was interrupted as Vader entered his own room and closed the door, ignoring the two altogether.

Pyrrha: Come on, Jaune!

Pyrrha grabbed Jaune's hand and dragged him towards their own room, Nora's face turned red until Ren grabbed her hand and began pulling her away as well.

Ren: let's go, Nora.

Ahsoka, smiled at them, before noticing that Qrow was turning to leave.

Ahsoka: Qrow... where are you going?

Qrow: I need a drink.

Ahsoka: I see...

Ahsoka sat on the same couch Din was on, he was currently fidgeting with a small metal ball, Ahsoka knew was his way of remembering Grogu.

Ahsoka: Raven... how long has Qrow been like that?

Raven: Ever since he could... he's always been a drinker, unfortunately.

Yang: Mom... I have a few questions -

Raven: Maybe later.

Raven climbed the stairs to the top-level, leaving Yang to clench her fist out of fury, Ruby and Weiss walked over and placed their hands on her shoulders, comforting their teammate.

Maul: I do not see the point of being here.

Oscar: He said we're looking for someone, but he failed to mention who.

Maul: Let's not stay long, I have a feeling that people won't like me being here.

Oscar pushed open the door to the bar, people staring at Maul as he walked behind him.


Maul: Do you see him?

Oscar: No...wait...

Oscar walked off, Maul losing him in the crowd. Cursing to himself, how was he supposed to protect this kid if he keeps walking off like that?

Eventually, Maul found him speaking with a man at the bar, he had black hair, a white shirt, and black pants. He eyed warily as he approached.

Oscar: I'm supposed to ask you... I want my cane back.

The man laughed, before standing.

Man: Come on kid.

Maul: Wait...where are you taking him?

Man: None of your business pal.

Maul placed his hand on his shoulder stopping the man.

Maul: I believe it is.

Ozpin: If you two are quite down now... It would be best if we leave.

Maul and the man looked at Oscar who was now being controlled by Ozpin, he motioned to leave the bar, Maul begrudgingly agreed.

Maul: How do you know Ozpin?

Man: I knew him from his past life, how do you know Ozpin?

Maul: I do not know Ozpin, I know the person whose body he is inhabiting. I am Oscar's guardian.

Man: Alright then, sorry for the rough introduction. (sticks a hand out) Qrow Branwen.

Maul: (grabbing hand) Maul.

Qrow then fell over, being caught by Maul.

Qrow: Turns out that alcohol has a side effect.

Qrow said, obviously very drunk. Maul stood him up.

Maul: Where is your house.

Qrow: Oh, just around the corner... I've got a lot of guests!

Qrow said, sticking his hands into the air. Maul, and Ozpin following the drunken man, Maul having to occasionally catch him from falling over.

Qrow: Here we are!

Qrow walked up to open the door, but fell back once again, to Maul's annoyance he had to catch him again.

Maul: Oscar, knock on the door.

Qrow: Ask for Ruby Rose.

Maul focused on the force, he could tell there was two other force-sensitives inside, they were very powerful, one of them very familiar.


Ahsoka's eyes shot open from her meditation, she looked towards the door, sensing a force wielder outside. Someone knocked on the door, Ruby got up to answer it.

Ahsoka: Wait -

Ruby: Hello?

Ruby could see a boy from the crack in the door.

Boy: I'm supposed to ask for Ruby Rose?

Yang and Weiss' heads both perked up at this, they grabbed their weapons.

Ruby: Why?

Ruby then saw a man standing behind the boy, he had horns in a circle around his head, with red and black tattoos all over his body.

Ahsoka: Who is it, Ruby...

Ahsoka and Maul froze when they saw each other, She quickly grabbed not her sabers.

Maul: oh n-

Maul quickly pushed Qrow to the side and drew his own double saber, blocking both of Ahsoka's.

Maul: Please! Don't do this!

Ahsoka: Lot of nerve coming from you.

Ahsoka began attacking Maul, he just defended himself, not attacking back knowing that wouldn't end well.

Pyrrha: Ahsoka!

Maul looked hopefully but faltered when he saw a red-haired girl summon a sword. She lept off the roof, Maul dodged to the left, the Pyrrha girl stabbing the ground where he stood.

Maul had difficulty deflecting Pyrrha's strikes, somehow her sword wasn't harmed when it struck his lightsaber, angling his lightsaber to deflect both of the girl's attacks.

Maul: I...don't...want to...fight you.

Ahsoka: That hasn't stopped you before.

Ahsoka deactivated one of her lightsabers, still holding Maul with the other one. She angled it at Maul's chest.

Vader: Enough!

His voice echoed across the three people fighting. Making Pyrrha back up, Ahsoka looked at Vader questioning his motives.

Vader: Have you considered why he's here?

Ahsoka: I...

Vader: He's from our galaxy... I doubt he found his way here via space travel, am I right Maul?

Maul: Yes... When I died, I was reincarnated on this planet, for what reason still eludes me.

Vader: Ahsoka... even if that doesn't convince you... look at his eyes.

Ahsoka turned and squinted at Maul, retracting her sabers.

Ahsoka: (internally) The force purified him.

Vader: Maul... come inside, I will inform you of our situation.

Maul retracted his sabers and followed a hesitant Ahsoka and Pyrrha.

Pyrrha and Ahsoka stood in the kitchen, occasionally hearing the conversation between Vader and Maul.

Pyrrha: Why were you so hostile towards him when you saw him?

Ahsoka: In our galaxy, Maul was a sith lord and an incredibly powerful one. A friend of mine sliced off his legs, he survived on rage alone. He killed a lot of people, but now that I think about it... So did Vader, but he has found a way to redeem himself. I do not trust him, but the force did revive him.

Vader: Qrow... who is this boy?

Qrow: It's Ozpin.

Vader: ...What?

Everybody gathered in the living room, Vader introduced Maul to everybody making them stare in wonder at his looks. He let Oscar speak for himself.

Oscar's eyes flashed as Ozpin took control once again.

Ozpin: It's good to see some of my students together again...

Ren: He sounds like Ozpin, but how is that possible?

Ozpin: A long time ago... I was cursed with reincarnation, every time my previous body dies, my soul moves onto the next one. This has gone on for centuries.

Ruby: He wasn't kidding about making more mistakes than any man, woman, or child.

Ozpin: No, I wasn't. Our goal is still to get to Haven academy, and retrieve the relic of knowledge.

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