《A sith dies, A huntsman rises.》The fall


Vader sped through the castle rapidly searching for Salem. Finding her while using the force, he burst into the room.

Salem: Vader? What are you doing?

Vader: Where is Cinder.

Salem: I already sent her away why -

She didn't finish as Vader beheaded her with his lightsaber, knowing that wouldn't kill her. But it would buy Vader time.

Vader: Dammit.

He sped through the castle, using the force to speed him through. He reached the landing platform where he saw Watts.

Watts: Ah, Vader how can I help you -

He was cut off as Vader force punched him against the wall, knocking him unconscious. Running into his bullhead, Vader powered it on. Lifting off the ground, Vader punched it into full speed. Zooming towards Beacon.

As Ozpin watched the feed of the final fight between Pyrrha, Din pointed out Emerald in the crowd. Ozpin quickly radioing Ironwood.

Ozpin: Ironwood, we found Emerald! She's in the front row...

Ozpin was cut off as they watched the fight. Pyrrha unleashing a shockwave of magnetism, tearing Penny into pieces.

Ozpin: Oh my Oum...

As they watched the feed, a voice came on the speakers, Cinders voice.

Cinder: This is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians but are in reality nothing more than men. Our academies' headmasters wield more power than most armies, and one was audacious enough to control both.

Pyrrha gasped and covered her mouth at the sight before her.

Din: Ozpin... the Grimm.

Ozpin looked out the window, seeing an army of Grimm descending upon the city. easily tearing the Atlas soldiers to pieces.

Cinder: They cling to this power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl?

One of the warships began to turn towards the rest of them, opening fire. Roman Torchwick laughing away.

Glynda was on the streets of Vale, seeing the Grimm rapidly approaching.

Cinder: I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference. And what, I ask you, is Ozpin teaching his students? First, a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither.

Vader listened to the feed as he increased the speed of the bullhead with the force.

Din smashed the window with his boot and jumped out. Activating his jetpack he began picking off Grimm one by one.

Cinder: Perhaps Ozpin felt as though defeating Atlas in the tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets. Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces.

Weiss and Blake were in the streets of Vale, powerless without their weapons. Quickly grabbing their scrolls and summoning their lockers.


Cinder: Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong, but I know that the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves. As someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you the situation there is equally undesirable.

Din spotted a group of civilians being cornered by Grimm, taking out the first one with his blaster, he landed in front of them and activated the dark saber.

Cinder: Our kingdoms are at the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark. So, I ask you, when the first shots are fired, who do you think you can trust?

Neo smiled while watching Roman go to town mashing buttons everywhere. Then she handed him a scroll.

Roman: Ooh... That'll be fun!

Placing the scroll in a port, a red light overtook the warship as a rook appeared on the screen. All the Atlesian knights' visors turned from a blue to a bright red.

Din, removing the dark saber from the head of a beowolf heard a blaster activating, he turned to see several Atlesian soldiers open fire on him. The blaster bolts not getting past the armor, but knocking him over.

Glynda zapped another beowolf with the riding crop, while Qrow sliced at several Grimm before turning his weapon into a gun, opening fire on the Grimm.

Then the Atlesian Knights started turning all around them, pointing their guns at the huntsman and huntress.

As Vader neared the city, he saw the carnage below him, covering his mouth out of shock. Then he saw purple flashes, flying the bullhead lower, he opened fire destroying the Atlesian knights and Grimm.

Glynda looked up and wondered who the pilot was, while distracted, an Atlesian knight opened fire on her, hitting her wrist and causing her to drop her riding crop.

The bullhead then came around for another drive-by, Then an un-masked Vader lept from the door, the bullhead crashing into several Grimm. Vader's boot came in contact with the Atlesain knight's head crushing it instantly. Turning, he defflected each laser bolt back at the Atlesian knights destroying them instantly.

Glynda: Vader!

Vader turned, catching Glynda in a hug, she immediately kissed him.

Their moment of peace was interrupted by a broken Atlesian knight grabbing a gun and pointing it at Glynda. It fired, Vader saw this and turned Glynda around, the blaster bolt hitting his back. He winced in pain and fell to his knee's groaning.

The Atlesian Knight's head was shot by a blaster, turning she saw Din standing there, dark saber in one hand and blaster in the other. Tears, began welling in her eyes as she looked down at Vader.

Vader: (groaning) I'm fine... The armor absorbed most of the bolt. But it still hurt a lot.

Glynda smiled at this as Vader stood slowly, wincing at the pain. But her face turned to shock when she saw the Grimm wyvern fly overhead, dropping Grimm as it flew past.


Glynda: My riding crop!

Glynda looked, around but couldn't find it anywhere. Vader noticed this and removed his arm.

Vader: Here, use this.

Vader tossed his arm to Glynda, who caught it immediately, turning, she summoned a glyph with the arm and blasted three Grimm at once.

Vader: Hold onto that, I'll be wanting it back.

With that Vader charged forward towards Beacon tower.

Vader reached the bottom of it and looked to the right, hearing a scream as a locker flew off, Vader could sense Jaune was inside. Vader tried calling a piece of rubble to him but found it troubling without his mechanical arm.

Vader clipped his lightsaber to his belt and put on his helmet. Using his flesh hand, he brought the piece of rubble towards him. He stood on it and lifted up, the rubble flying up along with Vader.

As Vader neared the top, he could see the Grimm wyvern. Its head close to Ozpin's office. Vader then heard the noises of a fight, his eyes widening, his vision coming true.

When Vader got close to the top, he lept off the rubble and into the air. Using the force to increase his speed, he landed atop the building seeing his vision once again.

Pyrrha was engaged in combat with Cinder who was effortlessly using the power of the fall maiden to fight. Cinder knocked an arrow on her bow, while Pyrrha stood gasping as an arrow was lodged in her side.

Pyrrha threw her shield at Cinder as she let loose the arrow. Vader watched, unable to do anything as the arrow deconstructed around the shield, then formed again and imbedded itself in Pyrrha's chest.

Cinder then slowly walked forward, Pyrrha gasping as she fell to her knees. Cinder slowly moving her hand to Pyrrha's head.

Vader: No!

Vader pushed with the force, making Cinder collide with the remaining wall. He winced in pain again, he said the wound wasn't bad to calm Glynda, he was lying.

Vader: Pyrrha!

Vader tried running over to her side but was met with a barrage of fire, pushing him back.

Cinder: What are you doing, Vader?! You're supposed to be on our side!

Vader: I never was.

He formed a barrier, protecting himself from the flames, he ignited his lightsaber but was forced to drop it when another wall of flames shot towards him.

Vader: Grahhh!

Vader shouted, his wound distracting him, forming another barrier, he tried pushing back against Cinder, but she focused even more flames on him. Making them at a stalemate.

There the two powerhouses stood locked in combat, Vader trying to save Pyrrha, while Cinder slowly increased the amounts of flames. Moving closer to Vader, who was on one knee now.

Ruby and Weiss ran to the bottom of the tower, having gotten the call from Jaune about Pyrrha.

Weiss began summoning glyphs, each one going up the building.

Weiss: Be careful ok?

Weiss said quickly kissing Ruby on the cheek, Ruby looked at her in surprise as Weiss turned away embarrassed.

Ruby: I will.

Ruby took off, using her semblance to increase her speed as she ran up the tower.

Vader and Cinder were still at a stalemate, Vader knew he had to win, while Cinder knew she had to win, otherwise, Vader would kill her.

As they continued, they didn't notice someone slightly stirring, they grabbed the lightsaber at their feet and limped towards Cinder.

Time seemed to slow down, as Vader's purple lightsaber activated, Cinder turned in shock as Pyrrha stabbed through her chest, the anger clear on her face.

The flames stopped as Cinder fell to the ground, her eyes looking at a wounded Pyrrha. Before slowly going lifeless.

An orange glow left Cinder's corpse and floated to Pyrrha, who collapsed to the ground.

Vader: Pyrrha!

Ruby made it to the top of the tower, seeing Vader holding Pyrrha's body. The Grimm wyvern began charging up its fire breath to fire at Vader.

Ruby: No!!!!

Her eyes glowed white as a large flash appeared, Vader covering his face. While the Grimm wyvern turned to stone.

Vader sat in a medical tent, Pyrrha's body on the table in front of him, he had healed her the best he could, but he didn't know if it would be enough. His helmet was on the ground next to him as Glynda entered the tent.

Glynda: You did the best you could

Vader: I know, but I wish I could've done better.

Glynda: Even if she survives she will have a great burden to carry.

Vader: I know.

Glynda: Here.

Glynda handed him his mecho arm, she hadn't damaged it at all.

Vader: Thank you.

Vader slowly attached the arm again, flexing his fingers.

Vader: I'm going to check on Team RWBY.

Vader left one medical tent and entered the other. Seeing Yang and blake on two tables. Vader turned to the nurse.

Vader: Are they alright?

Nurse: They're stable, the blonde girl lost an arm though.

Vader lifted Yang's arm, realizing her wound was incredibly similar to his own, he lightly placed the wounded arm back on the table before looking behind him, seeing an unconscious Ruby on another table with Weiss sitting next to her.

Vader walked out of the tent seeing Din standing there. He nodded his head to Vader.

Din: Vader.

Vader: Din.

Vader then walked away, hearing Din shoot a Grimm with his pulse rifle. Looking around he saw Nora and Ren sitting together.

Vader: Have you two seen Jaune?

Nora: No, he went for a walk.

Ren: He said he couldn't handle the stress.

Vader nodded and turned to walk back to Pyrrha's tent. Noticing it was empty, and that Pyrrha was gone.


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