《A sith dies, A huntsman rises.》Sparring


Vader finally finished his arm project, his old mecho arm wasn't made to be exposed. With these changes, the arm could be out in the open without a problem.

Vader had outfitted the arm with a type of armor, enough to make it look like it belonged, but his favorite part, he pressed a button, his scroll extending out. He grabbed it and examined it, observing there was no damage made, before placing it back in his arm.

Vader, checked his scroll extending it out of his arm, it was a message from Glynda, she wanted him to be a demonstration in her combat class. Vader smiled to himself, very well.

Vader had a few hours to kill, so he decided to go for a walk. Walking, through the dorm area, he saw Jaune standing outside the door with a guitar, a door slammed in his face.

Vader: Jaune, what was that?

Jaune: Ah, P-Professor Skywalker! I just tried asking Weiss to the dance, it didn't go well.

Vader: Clearly... Jaune let me give you a piece of advice, Weiss is not interested in you.

Jaune looked at Vader in shock, his face deflating.

Vader: But that doesn't mean that nobody isn't... the person I'm talking about is surprisingly close to you.

Jaune thought about it as Vader strode past. Jaune quickly turned, yelling out to him.

Jaune: is it Pyrrha?

Vader turned and looked at Jaune, staring before nodding slowly. Jaune's face lit up with joy.

Hours later Vader stood in Glynda's class listening to her speech.

Glynda: Today, I am having several Professor spar today to show actual huntsmen fight. The professors here today are Professor Skywalker, Professor Port, Professor Oobleck, and Myself. We will be fighting tournament style, two of us will fight, then the other two then the winners of both will fight each other.

Glynda: The first two will be Professor Port and Professor Skywalker.

Ren: You did wonder who would win Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: That I did.

Pyrrha said inching closer to Jaune, whose face turned a bright red in response.

Vader turned to look at Port, who grabbed his weapon and walked towards the battle area. Vader launched himself using the force and floated down into the battle area.

Vader extended his arm, his lightsaber flew towards it and ignited, illuminating the surrounding area with a purple glow, pressing a button, switching it to training mode. Port drew his weapon, the blowhard. A blunderbuss with ax blades attached to the hilt.

Glynda: Begin!


Port attacked by firing fireballs out of his blunderbuss, ones that Vader easily deflected with his lightsaber. Vader began slowly walking towards Port, still deflecting each blast aimed his way. Port then decided to swing his blunderbuss at Vader, which he easily countered with his lightsaber.

Port tried going on the offensive, swinging his ax at Vader, to which Vader easily countered. Then Vader lifted Port with the force before tossing him across the arena.

Port gathered himself, grabbing his weapon, he was barely able to block Vader's attacks. Until Vader slashed outward knocking Port's weapon aside. With his weapon gone, Vader held his blade at Port's neck guaranteeing his victory.

Glynda: The winner of the first match (unsurprisingly) Is Professor Skywalker!

The crowd cheered, Vader bowed and helped Port off the ground.

Unsuprisingly to Vader, Glynda won the match between her and Oobleck. That made this a rematch between them, Vader thought as port became the announcer.

Port: Ahem, The final match will be between Professor Skywalker and Professor Goodwitch. Ready...

Vader equipped his helmet yet again, raising his blade in djem-so form. Glynda readied herself by summoning a glyph and getting into a defensive position.

Port: Begin!

Glynda sent multiple purple projectiles at Vader, he responded by deflecting each one. Vader rushed forward slashing at her, which she dodged by backflipping, and landing a kick on Vader's helmet.

Vader: I see you've been practicing.

Glynda: Yeah, well, I knew we would have a rematch at some point.

Glynda smiled at this, deciding to taunt Vader a little bit.

Glynda: Come on, I know your better than that -

Glynda was cut off by seeing that Vader had disappeared. She spun in a circle trying to pinpoint where Vader was, only for him to materialize behind her. She was blown back by a force push.

Glynda was barely able to roll out of the way as Vader tried striking her, but was stopped when Vader stood over her, the blade inches away from her face.

Vader: I win.

Glynda: (sighing) So you do.

Vader retracted his lightsaber and extended his hand to help Glynda up.

Port: And the winner is Professor Skywalker!


Later that day, Vader was in the courtyard meditating, floating off the ground. When he was approached by Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Um, Professor Skywalker?

Vader: Yes Pyrrha?

Vader said slowly floating to the ground, standing up.

Pyrrha: Well I was wondering if Jaune and I could use your classroom to spar?

Vader raised his eyebrows in suspicion, he wasn't stupid.


Vader: Of course, but! I wish to supervise.

Pyrrha: Oh... (clearly disappointed) ok then! Do you mind if we start now?

Vader nodded and strode off to his classroom, Pyrrha calling Jaune on her scroll.

Pyrrha: Jaune he said yes, meet me in Professor Skywalker's room.

Vader reached his classroom and opened the door, letting Jaune and Pyrrha in the classroom.

Sitting down in one of the student's seats, he pulled his scroll out while Pyrrha and Jaune got ready.

Pyrrha: Are you ready Jaune?

Jaune: Uh...y-yep.

Jaune was clearly nervous, but Pyrrha just chuckled at this and shifted her spear to sword form. Jaune getting into a defensive stance. Pyrrha smiled, before rushing forward. Her sword striking against his shield, Jaune went on the defensive, backing up and blocking her attacks with his shield.

Jaune saw an opening, and rushed forward, using the training he received from Professor Skywalker, forcing Pyrrha to go on the defensive. But it didn't last long, and eventually forced Jaune back with her hunting rifle.

Jaune: Pyrrha...(Blocks another attack) I want...(slices at her) to ask you something.

Pyrrha: Yes, Jaune?

Pyrrha lowered her guard, her face beginning to blush. Vader looked up from his scroll, watching the two.

Jaune: Would you...(rushes forward, catching Pyrrha off guard) like to go to (Pyrrha knocked the sword out of his hands) to the (catches Pyrrha's sword hand, with his own, bringing her close to him) dance with me?

Pyrrha froze and stared into her leader's eyes, they were incredibly close now. Vader raised his eyebrows and smiled at the brave boy.

Jaune: I-It's o-ok if you d-don't want t -

Pyrrha: Oh, Jaune!

Pyrrha rushed forward and grabbed him in a hug, Jaune was shocked for a moment before hugging her back.

Pyrrha: I would love to!

Pyrrha laid her arms around Jaune's shoulders and moved forward, her lips colliding with Jaune's. His eyes opened wide for a moment before he closed them and placed his hands on her waist.

Vader smiled at them, he then received a message from Ozpin. Standing, Vader drew the attention of the two. They looked at him in surprise, obviously forgetting that he was there. Vader only smiled and walked out of the room leaving the two alone. As he closed the door, Pyrrha tackled Jaune, sending him to the ground.

Ozpin, sat at his desk seeing the elevator rising. He watched as the door opened to reveal Vader, without his helmet on this time.

Vader: You called, headmaster?

Ozpin: Yes, well, I wish to give you something... Something that's long overdue.

Ozpin held out his scroll, sending something to Vader. Vader brought his arm towards him, extending his scroll, he observed what Ozpin had sent to him.

Vader: What is this?

Ozpin: It's an official huntsman license, I think you deserve it now.

Vader smiled and turned towards Ozpin, he bowed but rocked around when an explosion went off.

Vader: What was that?

Ozpin ran behind his desk and widened his eyes at what he saw.

Ozpin: The white fang is attacking. We must evacuate.

Ozpin began speaking over the intercom gaining the attention of everyone on the school grounds.

Vader: (with his helmet on) Where are they attacking?

Ozpin: The...dorm's

Vader: Blake...

Vader ran to the window, pushing with the force he shattered the window and lept through it, flying towards the white fang.

Vader concentrated on the force, slowing his fall. He landed with a thud, the white fang turning towards him. Vader activated his lightsaber and attacked.

As Vader fought the white fang he realized one thing, they were retreating. His fears growing by the minute, he reframed from killing the last foot soldier, instead, he extended his hand and probed his mind.

Vader: Tell me... Why are you here?

His haunting mechanical voice had returned, terrifying the soldier. He searched the mind, learning this was a hostage mission, not a full-on attack.

Vader: No...

With a quick slice of his lightsaber, he decapitated the soldier and ran into the dorms. Killing every white fang member he came across. He reached the dorm of team RWBY, blowing open the door with the force, he rushed inside.

He stopped when he saw inside, beds were destroyed, books everywhere. There had most obviously been a struggle. Vader looked out the window, seeing bullheads take off he yelled in rage. Punching the glass, cracking it.

Ozpin sat at his desk, listening to Glynda. The elevator then dinged, revealing a still masked Vader.

Vader: They have taken team RWBY.

Ozpin stared in shock, his mechanical voice had returned. Glynda gasped in shock as well.

Glynda: No!

Vader: I learned from a soldier their plan with them, they will be executed tomorrow on live television.

Another gasp was heard as Ozpin spoke.

Ozpin: Glynda, contact Ironwood, we need his army -

Vader: That will not be necessary.

Vader said cutting off the headmaster as he entered the elevator.

Vader: I will be extracting them myself.

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