《Star Wars: The Soul of a Sith》Chapter 20
Ren emerged from the cave into the uncomfortably bright sunlight, and was immediately confronted by Cathock and an escort of twenty mandalorians. Ren sensed fear all around him. The soldiers, as much as they mattered in the equation, knew how likely their deaths were and were terrified. Ren ignored them and looked into the eyes of his massive companion, who stared back uncomfortably and said: "So?"
"It is time to speak with them," said Ren.
"What are you going to say?" Cathock said.
Ren looked into Cathock's fierce yellow eyes and saw immense tension. He was terribly afraid for his little sister, and like Ren he suffered with guilt in his part of convincing her to go. "She is going to live, Cathock."
"How do you know that?" Cathock said, his deep voice tinged with emotion held painfully back.
Ren walked calmly up to the massive soldier and said: "She's going to live." His voice sounded distant even to his own ears. There was no room left in him for fear. Everything that was about to happen had been planned long before he was born. He did not have a choice but to play his part. He had never had a choice in anything, it seemed.
He walked past Cathock, feeling like a ghost. "Come on, it's time," he whispered. "Sakar's apprentice will want to meet with me." He spoke the words as the future revealed itself. It came unbidden, and with greater clarity than it had ever come on before. He knew he was seeing what Kalethian wanted him to see. The ancient Sith lord was in him now, showing Ren the things he needed to see.
"You're different," said Cathock almost absently as he began to walk next to Ren. "Do I want to know what happened in that cave?"
"No," Ren whispered.
Cathock said nothing after that. Ren could guess what he was feeling. Cathock wanted his sister back. She was the thing he loved most in the galaxy. In the face of losing her, he couldn't worry about Ren's soul, or resurrection of some ancient Sith lord. If anything, he was probably grateful that Ren had been the one to make decisions about such things.
"Ren, Sarak's apprentice wishes to meet with you," Dalvin's voice said very suddenly through the wrist computers.
"Why doesn't Sarak meet with Ren himself?" Cathock said.
"That was the original offer," Dalvin's voice said. "However, that was strategically unsound given how likely it is that Sakar would simply kill Ren right on the spot without giving us anything, let alone Neeka. This was the compromise we negotiated."
Cathock frowned. "Why doesn't he just offer Neeka for Ren without the trouble of an in-person meeting? That is his intention, isn't it?"
"It is," said Ren, "but he is not certain how... Sithlike I am. If he were to make such an offer, and I were to say no, all his power over me would cease immediately. It's too much of a risk, given how important he believes I am to his destiny. He knows I care about Neeka, and he wants his apprentice to ascertain how much this can be used to manipulate me."
"That was my assumption as well," said Dalvin.
"The meeting is acceptable," said Ren. "Everything from this point forward will move according to Kalethian's design."
Ren's mother came into view as they walked around a large hill. She was sitting in perfect stillness with her legs fold and her head tilted up. She looked so very peaceful. Ren broke off from Cathock and the madalorians and approached her from behind.
"I spoke to him, mother," he said when he came within earshot of her.
"Yes," she said in an almost shrill whisper. She remained utterly still. "You will no longer be my son very soon, will you?"
"Come and sit beside me, Ren."
He walked over and perched on the ground next to his mother. He turned to look at her and he saw something that made his heart race for several beats. Tears ran down from the veil around her eyes. Never, in all his life, had he seen his mother cry. He did not even know as a Miralukai that she could cry. But her old and worn face was soaked wet, as if the tears had been flowing for some time. She knew.
"I am sorry that I brought you into all of this, Ren," she said. Her voice was soft.
He smiled at her. "I'm not," he said. "I loved my life, mother."
"I put you through hell."
"It did not matter. My mind was open to so much. You cannot imagine the things I felt. No matter where I was, I could feel all the life in the whole galaxy. It was beautiful enough to sustain my soul through everything."
She reached out and took his hand and slid her gloved fingers between his own. "I do not love anything in the entire universe except you, my child."
Ren squeezed her hand within his own. It was the first time he could ever remember her touching him with any kind of affection. It sent ripples through his heart. He had longed for the slightest sign of her love as far back as he could remember.
"I am glad you told me about your childhood," he said. "I wish I could have met my grandfather."
The slightest smile crossed her face. "What a different life that would be." She took a few slow breaths and then slowly drew back her hand. That small display was all she had to give him. After some seventy years of fighting and killing as a Sith, her heart was a hard and twisted thing with only a tiny sliver within of what it had once been. She stood then, returning to her cold and callous self.
"Thank you for not trying to talk me out of my chosen course," Ren said.
His mother chuckled. "You mean throwing your very soul away for a silly girl you have known for less than a week? What would be the point? I can finally feel the awesome magnitude of the mind that is controlling us – that has been conroling us for over two decades. You might attempt to kill yourself to stop him taking you, but beyond that I do not believe it is possible to leave this ridiculous planet under our own power any longer. Kalethian is too far beyond anything we could ever conceivably defeat for all our power in the Force." She cocked her head in the vague direction from which Ren could feel Neeka's life Force, many kilometers away. "This is all the free will you have, Ren. If you have set your mind and heart to a decision, I will honor it, no matter what it is."
There were many words he would have liked to say to her in that moment, but he could feel time slipping away, just as the last of his time in the universe was slipping away. As he gazed at her, all he could say was: "It is time for me to go."
His mother nodded and turned away. As she did, Dalvin's voice came through Ren's wrist computer: "We have just agreed on coordinates. I've already uploaded them to your-"
"I know where to go, Dalvin," said Ren. "Tell them I will be there in ten standard minutes."
"Understood," said Dalvin.
With that Ren sent his body whipping over the alien landscape in a fierce blur of Force-enhanced movement. He vaguely sensed Cathock plodding along behind him but he paid no attention. He was faster now than he had ever been, and focused entirely upon his singular goal.
"Good of you to show up," Tikon said through gritted teeth as Ren came to a halt a few meters away from the assassin. Ren's eyes traveled to the crudely fitted mechanical arm that hung from the stump Ren had created. The iridonian noted where Ren's eyes were staring and said: "I am quite happy to have this chance to thank you for this." He gave his metallic arm a little tap.
Ren said nothing, but walked slowly forward. He could sense how strongly the iridonian wanted to kill him.
Tikon's glare twisted into a vicious smirk. "I had a conversation of sorts with your female. She is a remarkably strong willed creature for a non-Force-adept. I beat her, electrocuted her, even burned her skin and she would not give me any information about you. I think perhaps I'll cut a few things off with my lightsaber when I get back. I'm curious to see how much that little freak can regrow."
These were crude words, Ren knew, meant to provoke him. Ren had no time for them. Whatever plan Sarak and Tikon had for Ren – however they imagined twisting his psyche – was irrelevant. Kalethian had arranged this moment, and Tikon was not there so that they could exchange threats and insults.
Ren lifted his hand and Kalethian's power moved through him. Tikon let out a sudden shriek as his body was enveloped by a power far beyond his own. Both his biological and artificial arm compacted against his torso. Ren sensed the alien's ribs crack as he was lifted off the ground. Ren flicked his wrist and Tikon was yanked toward him at a brilliant speed. His body came to a very sudden and jerking halt as Ren's outstretched hand shot out and slapped against Tikon's bone covered skull.
"What are you doing?" Tikon hissed. He tried to struggle against Ren's and Kalethian's power. The effort was almost laughable. Holding Tikon's body parallel with the ground in the air, Ren reached very suddenly to the alien's skull, slipping his fingers between the horns. He reached into Tikon's mind, instantly taking hold of what he wanted. Tikon himself was insignificant; only his connection to Sakar mattered, and that only mattered for the next few moments.
With mental strength and skill beyond his own comprehension, Ren followed the psychic tether between master and apprentice back to Sakar, who sat in a throne-like chair in the center of the bridge of his ship, some two hundred kilometers away. Ren could see the great Sith lord there in his mind's eye, and with only the slightest exercise of his will he projected himself before the monster.
"Hello," said Ren, speaking with the cold confidence that flowed through him from Kalethian's ancient mind. "My name is Ren Blakthar. I understand you are looking for me."
Sakar, in all his power and physical might, rose and glared at Ren's projection. "What is this?" he hissed. Around him, soldiers scurried about in all directions, seeming not to understand what was happening. One man panicked and fired a blaster rifle at Ren, the projection of which passed through him and struck violently into some circuitry behind, which in turn burst into an explosion of sparks and smoke.
"Shall I give you a moment to attempt to comprehend what is happening?" said Ren, his tone filled with just the right level of mock and contempt to provoke the reaction he wished. He could hardly tell if he was even the one producing the words escaping from him, or if Kalethian were already in complete control.
Sakar's severe features contorted into anger. "What do you want?"
"I want us to handle our... conflict like Sith," said Ren. "You wish to kill me, but you are too weak to do so." He gazed into the alien Sithlord's eyes and saw the dark anger building. No one had dared speak to Sakar in such a way in centuries. "I have no time for the pathetic blunderings of a pretend Sith-lord. That is why I challenge you to a fight to the death."
Sakar rose from his seat. "Shall I cut something off of your little mutant girl for this insolence?" He was trying to gain control of the situation, Ren knew. "Perhaps I'll start with-"
"You will not touch her," said Ren.
"Oh no?" Sakar hissed, his hideous features contorting into a dangerous smile. He gazed over at one of his men and said: "Bring the little freak here."
"You have sensors placed at the portal, do you not?" said Ren. He heard the steel in his own voice and it sounded strange. "Have your men glance at the current readings." Somewhere in the back of his own mind, Ren could feel enormous power in the Force working.
"Sir!" one of the officers nearly screamed. A young man in a black uniform was staring with wide eyes into the brilliant blue glow of the screan in front of him. "The portal is – contracting!"
Sakar's eyes shifted to his man, and then back to Ren's' "What is this?" he hissed.
"I should think it is obvious even to a mind such as yours," Ren said. "Kalethian has given me the power to collapse the portal at will. If my mutant freak is harmed in any way whatsoever before we have had our fight, I will shatter its magnificent symmetry and it will be gone forever."
Sakar's features tightened. "Why would Kalethian give you such power? Why would he allow an insignificant boy like you to destroy his work?"
"I owe you no explanations, ," Ren said, his voice smooth, "I have given you a challenge as a Sith. Do you accept, or are you a coward?" He gazed into Sakar's fierce eyes as he spoke the last word, and allowed himself the slightest smirk.
Though the words would have hardly provoked Ren into a fight himself, he could see they were well chosen in darth Sakar. The Sith lord bristled with rage. Almost trembling, he said: "I accept your challenge, boy."
"One hour," said Ren. "My compatriot will send you coordinates. Meet me alone. I am compelled to tell you that if you kill me all of Kalethian's knowledge that I possess will pass to you, and you will become his chosen disciple. If you attempt to cheat in any way and battle me with anything other than your powers in the Force however, Kalethian will turn his gaze from you forever."
With that, Ren's consciousness suddenly reeled in and he was suddenly standing back on the mossy soil within his physical body. Cathock was standing over him.
"What happened?" Cathock said, a thick eyebrow raised.
"The end has been arranged."
A shallow, unhappy laugh escaped Ren. "The end of my story." He gazed up into Cathock's eyes. "Neeka will live, as I have said."
Cathock opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He fidgeted nervously, his great muscles tensing and relaxing.
"It is alright," said Ren. "None of this is your fault. We have all been pieces in his game." He patted Cathock on the arm and said with a smile that brimmed from the deepest part of his heart: "Please tell her for me that I think I loved her back." He chuckled, "I don't have much experience with the emotion, and I know we only knew each other for a few days, but..." he laughed harder, thinking about the way Kalethian had shaped Neeka just for him, "with us it only took a few days."
"Neeka... wouldn't want you to do this," Cathock said uneasily.
"Of course she wouldn't," Ren sighed. "I think she would understand though." He started walking in the direction of his chosen battleground, but then he turned to Cathock and gazed into the pained yellow eyes of the enormous brute. "It was nice having friends," Ren said, smiling. "You're a good man, Cathock." His words elicited an explosion of emotion in Cathock and he watched the great muscles in his friend's throat clench tight. "Goodbye," he said before Cathock could find his voice, and then he turned back and continued on to his doom.
The next hour passed in a strange blur. He vaguely registered exchanging words with Dalvin about the location of his battle, but mostly he only felt his own heart beating in his chest. There was nothing to be afraid of. He was not truly a person, and yet at the same time the part of him that thought himself important and powerful and entirely valid as an individual fought to make itself known. He imagined winning the battle with Sakar against all odds. He had, after all, defeated every enemy that had ever crossed his path. Then again, even that could evidently be traced back to Kalethian.
Ren took a slow breath. He gazed out over the unreal landscape as he took his final steps. Vaguely, he had memories of creating intelligent life in this primal world. More and more, Kalethian's consciousness was solidifying within his mind. He had such little time left as himself, and every moment left of it was planned out. Below him he felt the Krath. Did they understand what was about to happen? Would they continue to exist once Kalethian had fully infused with Ren? Some of them – the ones Kalethian had used over the years – could sense Ren, and they were either excited, or terrified.
He stood to the edge of a crater on the planet's surface at Kalethian's choice for the final moments of his life. He gazed down at a moist patch of mossy rock. The sun, far above, was on the rise in the distance. Sakar would arrive in a few moments; he could see this.
"No thoughts on this encounter?" Ren said softly, knowing that his wrist computer would carry his words to their intended recipient at the speed of light.
"Many thoughts," Dalvin's voice said.
"I am sure it has occurred to you that Kalethian could easily betray me and kill you all once he has possession of this body."
"But you do not advise me against this course of action."
"No," Dalvin muttered after a brief pause.
"You're willing to gamble unleashing very possibly the most dangerous Sithlord in history on the galaxy for an uncertain chance to save Neeka's life?"
"Yes." Dalvin's voice was unusually cold. "So are you. It sickens me, but we are all responding exactly as Kalethian wants. Even I can't think of a way to subvert him and get all us all safely back to our own galaxy."
"None exists," Ren whispered. Off in the distance, he could sense Sakar's terrible presence drawing nearer. He felt something almost like fear in the deepest recesses of his being as he watched a small, black dot appear on the horizon and grow larger. He realized as he focused on that fear that he still had some tiny measure of hope that there was a way to defeat Sakar without losing his soul.
"Your surrender is not yet complete," he heard Kalethian's voice whisper in his mind in that moment. "It is perfectly alright. Go. Summon all your power and face the Sith lord without my aid. If you defeat him, I will let you leave this place with Neeka."
The words burned inside Ren's soul. Connected to them was every desperate hope in his heart. He could never surrender his mind and body so long as that hope existed. Kalethian had led him here so that that hope could die.
Sakar finally came to a smooth halt and looked into Ren's eyes with a cold, predatory gaze. Unlike Ren's mother, Sakar was pure malevolence. All compassion and notions of morality had long since been burned from his soul, if they had ever existed at all. Ren could feel his hatred, his greed, and his great power all driven by a cruel and cunning intelligence. In many respects, he was a perfect Sith.
"Do you have anything to say before I kill you," Sakar said.
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