《Star Wars: The Soul of a Sith》Chapter 06
Cathock appeared several hours later along with the two new companions. He and Dalvin smelled of alcohol and moved fairly slowly, but if the Falleen had imbibed a single drop she showed no signs of it. Ren sat quietly in his quarters, watching them all with his mind's eye as they took their places and Neeka gave the final word, and raised the ship off the landing pad.
The plan was to pick up supplies at a randomized location in space. They didn't know who their enemies were. They did know that trouble was coming at them from unexpected directions. It was best to keep their movements unpredictable, Cathock had determined.
Ren drifted in and out of meditation as they traversed several light years. He returned to the dark face that pulsed with the depths of the force within his mind. There was nothing new in this second vision, but the Force seemed to want to show the face over and over to Ren, as if to allow him to memorize every detail of the predatory eyes and the terrible power that lay behind them. Several times Ren's subconscious mind attempted to reach out to his mother, but the mental wall he had constructed between himself and that avenue held strong and his psychic tendrils fell in upon themselves.
Finally, after many hours of this, Cathock's voice came through the ship's sound systems, saying: "Would everyone please meet me in the cargo room?"
Ren stood instantly, happy to throw off the meditations. They were yielding him nothing at the moment, and he was quite curious to know Cathock's secret. He walked down to the cargo room, which was simply a large, open space with several chairs set up. Dalvin and Neeka were already present when Ren entered, and Malanctha was short on his heals. The two of them took seats next to one another, Malanctha casting him a cold smile as they did, and they both waited for Cathock to speak.
"I'm certain all of you are wondering why Neeka was taken hostage seventy-two hours ago. The answer is really very simple: Coordinates."
Ren felt a thunderous surge in the Force. This moment was of immense importance to his destiny. He gazed at Cathock and listened intently.
"Neeka and I were conducting a mission a few months ago in the Kelda system on a small, backwater world known as Kelda six. We happened completely by chance upon a group of... for lack of a better term I will call them militant archeologists. They had been excavating all over the planet, looking for something. You have to understand, this was a freak coincidence. Neeka and I had been assigned a simple pickup operation from an entirely different organization. Out of the hundreds of trillions of planets in the galaxy we might have met on, it only happened to be the exact point and exact moment when the Vultize Syndicate was concluding the pinnacle of its research."
Ren suppressed a chuckle. The way the Force was pulsing through his mind he knew with certainty that this incident was not a coincidence of any sort.
"We were waiting on the planet's surface when we saw our contact's ship destroyed by a planet based weapon. Apparently our enemies had not been ready for us but after they saw us land they readied to shoot us down when we took off. It was only luck, or I suppose the result of professionalism that Neeka and I arrived on the planet first. We pieced this all together and resolved to take out whoever had shot at our client. Kelda six is a jungle world, and Neeka and I had no trouble reaching the enemy base undetected." His eyes shifted to Ren's. "I know that Neeka has explained a bit about our physiology to you; we are extremely difficult to detect by sensors. Even alerted that there were enemies on the planet, these men were not ready for Neeka and me. We killed fifteen or so members of this group in seconds and broke into the gun station where the ground-to-air cannon was housed – it was also where the majority of their research files were held. When I killed the last soldier inside I came across a scientist cowering under an engineering table. Before I said a word to him he held out a trembling hand and said 'here, this is what you want, take it.' I walked over and took a small holocron from him and he shrank away, whimpering with fear. He was such a mess of nerves that I didn't bother killing him – a mistake I have come to regret – but instead I went over to the blast coil of the cannon. I thought the holocron was simply gun codes, but the receptacle on my wrist computer had been damaged in the fight so I just destroyed a few of the main pieces to the gun. Again, it was only chance that I didn't throw the holocron away.
"Neeka and I escaped that world and wrote it all off as bad luck. A few months went by and we took on new assignments and scarcely gave a thought to the strange planet. One evening though we were ambushed out of nowhere at a Cantina by a group led by a blond man who looked fairly similar to the last two you met. They killed nearly everyone in the place just to get at us, but Neeka and I make it a policy never to go anywhere unarmed. We managed to fight our way to the leader of the group and I got ahold of him. I asked him who he was and why he was attacking us. He wouldn't talk at first, but-" Cathock swallowed, looking somber, "I slowly extracted information. He was a tough bastard, but before he died he spoke a simple phrase to me: Kalethian's Tunnel."
Ren sprang forward, almost unable to control himself. The Force was ripping and tearing through his mind, filling him with visions of the past and the future in a flood too fast to comprehend. At the same time, he was reaching back to the ancient tomes he had spent so many thousands upon thousands of hours of his childhood pouring over. He knew Sith mythology better than his mother.
"Kalethian's tunnel?" said Ren, gripping the neck of Cathock's armor, "you can't possibly be serious."
Cathock gazed at Ren in wide-eyed surprise. From behind him, Ren could feel guns being aimed at him, one by Dalvin and the other by Malanctha, while Neeka was tensing with shock.
"You know about it?" Cathock grunted.
Ren felt his conscious mind slipping away, and he began to speak from memory without thought. "It's only supposed to be a legend."
"A legend of great treasure," said Cathock. He gripped Ren's wrists. Ren knew that those hands could snap his bones like they were thin, brittle twigs, yet they did not grab violently but only gently brought his hands down. He gave no struggle. "I know Darth Kalethian is a sort of deity to the Sith, but he's long dead," Cathock half chuckled, and he gave Ren a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Whatever you're worried about, try to relax. This isn't about religion; this is about getting at his horde – the treasure of conquered worlds. It's all out there, and we have a way to get at it."
"Do you know – do you really know – who Kalethian was?" Ren whispered after a slow inhalation of air.
"A great king," said Cathock. "The syndicate did its research very thoroughly. I haven't read all of their notes, but from everything I've ascertained Kalethian disappeared about two thousand years ago on a ship filled with unimaginable wealth. Why, the Sith artifacts alone are probably worth hundreds of millions of credits, but there were said to be some of the rarest minerals in the galaxy – jewels and trinkets forged by aliens now extinct. They say he took so much with him that it financially crippled the empire."
"And what does the syndicate say the tunnel is?" said Ren. He was feeling lightheaded.
"A hyperspace jumping point," said Cathock, sounding surprised. "He was said to have picked a path of space travel that was very difficult to navigate. From all of their research, the pathway can only be travelled every fifteen years or so. The coordinates themselves are in an uncharted region of the galaxy, but all the research indicates it's an area with heavy radiation and interference."
"No, they're just making assumptions," said Ren. "The tunnel is a wormhole – a stable one."
Dalvin spoke up at this point. "There is no such thing as a stable wormhole. It's mathematically impossible. The kind of technology needed to produce the gravitation and radiation in perfect equilibrium is beyond –"
"It wasn't created by technology," said Ren. "It's a vortex of Force energy. It's a doorway in space that is alive."
Malanctha stared at him, frowning. "What else does your Sith lore tell you?
Ren swallowed. "The wormhole leads to a world orbiting a star between galaxies."
"Hah!" Dalvin laughed aloud. "An outlier star? They do not exist."
Ren ignored the cyborg's comment and went on: "Kalethian was of the original Sith race. He mastered, among other things, immortality of the flesh. He took control of the Sith empire for centuries, but supposedly the position became too tedious for him. He cared nothing for his subjects and lived only to develop his awesome powers. In the end Kalethian abandoned his empire and flew a ship into space. From there he dropped away from recorded history, but there have been rumors over the centuries of Sith and Jedi who have stumbled across him through the wormhole he created." He fixed his eyes on Dalvin's and said: "According to legend this world cannot be reached by normal space travel, at least not in a lifetime."
"I suppose none of them brought along any sensor-recording equipment?" Dalvin said, rolling his one good organic eye. "You know, the kind that every ship capable of exceeding light speed carries?"
"Of course they did, but no ship has ever returned from visiting this world," Ren said.
Dalvin's one good eyebrow worked into a frown. "Then how would you possibly know all these ships went there at all?"
"Psychic impressions of death in the Force. Many Sith schollars have long assumed, if the tunnel actually exists, that it is a sort of trap. Those Sith who were said to have achieved immortality of the flesh required occasional victims. There are incredibly potent energies borne in those gifted with the Force that can be drained at the moment of death. If Kalethian is still alive today, then he is so because, every so often, he is able to draw victims to him from the shadows of the galaxy. It is entirely possible that he drew this syndicate to him."
"Or, by your logic," Malanctha said slowly, "he could be drawing us to him – specifically you, Ren."
"Yes," he said, a surge of uncomfortable adrenaline coursing through him, "that is certainly possible."
"Hmm," Dalvin grunted.
Neeka stood up and walked over to Ren. Her face was filled with concern. "I don't think we should go. At least, I don't think you should go, Ren."
"I have deep concerns about the whole affair," said Malanctha. "If the potential prize were not so colossal, I would scarcely even consider this venture. As I have told you many times, Neeka and Cathock, it is best to keep as far away from dealings with the Sith as possible." Her eyes shifted to Ren as she finished her sentence.
Ren shut his eyes. His mind was racing in a hundred different directions and the Force was racing with it. Visions spread out across his mind: of his mother; of the dark, malevolent face; of a path through the stars. His mind tingled with knowledge just outside of his reach. He could see himself in the future with Kalethian's knowledge – one future, where he could understand things suddenly that he had never before dreamed of. In another future he died, and in still another he was enslaved, and his friends were dead. For the first time in years, the Force did not urge him on or even gently tug. It wanted him to decide for himself.
"I want to go," said Ren after a moment.
"But you said – Kalethian...," Neeka muttered, trailing off.
"Kalethian is dead," said Cathock.
Dalvin spoke up suddenly: "It is not inconceivable that midi-chlorians could sustain and regenerate the cells of the body, provided sufficient mental focus and extremely specific knowledge were applied. Psychologically it would be difficult to maintain the full scope of sanity for such a long period – particularly if such a man were to live on a planet alone as Ren states, but I suppose it is not entirely inconceivable that an extremely talented Force adept could reach across hundreds of thousands of light-years to make psychic contact with the rest of the galaxy."
"No, not inconceivable at all," said Ren.
Dalvin continued as if Ren had not spoken. "Given what historical information we possess on Kalethian, and military reports on Sith and specifically Sith lords, along with presumable advances in Force abilities acquired over centuries of meditation, we should consider this enemy to be extremely dangerous – if he is still alive. It is impossible to calculate our odds of success at this point, but it is entirely possible that such a foe would be beyond our combined skills." His organic and metal eye shifted to Ren suddenly. "However, your midi-chlorian levels place you on par with all of the known great Sith lords and Jedi masters. You are nearly as great a variable as Kalethian."
"I want to go," Ren repeated. "I'm willing to take whatever risk that is necessary."
"As am I," said Dalvin. "The three of us-" he gestured to Neeka and Cathock, "already live lives of intense risk. Our bodies are cutting edge military property for which most governments would kill. We could get our hands on enough currency on this one mission to construct lives that no one in the galaxy could touch."
"I agree," said Cathock, though even his voice was troubled now.
"I must admit I cannot resist this idea, despite the possible dangers," said Malanctha.
Neeka cringed a little. Ren could feel great uncertainty in her. She looked at him, and then at Cathock and said: "All the people I truly care about are on this ship. If all of you are going, I can't stay behind."
Cathock tensed. "No one wants to drag you. I know this is dangerous, but you and I have been mercenaries for the past five years. We've faced a hell of a lot of danger, and all of it combined didn't add up to one percent of the payoff this trip would likely bring us. Dalvin's right. Aren't you tired of living on the run?"
"Of course I am," she said in a small voice. She swallowed and looked at Ren. "Why do you want to go? Somehow I don't think you care about the money."
"I don't. I want Kalethian's knowledge."
"Why?" she said.
"Because the Sith are hunting my mother. They don't know about me, but sooner or later they are likely to. I don't have the power to stand up to them. If I have the chance to acquire it, I am willing to risk my life for that."
Neeka hesitated, and then said: "Alright."
Malanctha walked up to her and put an arm on her shoulder. "We are not helpless weaklings, my dear. Between the five of us, we possess an incredibly versatile set of skills, and we can each be counted among the best in the galaxy at what we do."
"You're right," said Neeka, though she didn't sound entirely convinced.
"Well," said Dalvin, his voice filled with an enthusiasm that heavily contrasted Neeka's mood, "now that that is all worked out, I assume you have the date attached to the opening?"
"It's in three standard days," said Cathock.
"I see," said Dalvin. He stroked his chin with his metallic hand and said in a soft voice: "It stays open for how long?"
"Just over thirty-four days," said Cathock.
Malanctha walked to Cathock and said: "Assuming there will be others headed to this portal, we should move as quickly as possible. The one who arrives first – "
"Has the advantage," said Cathock, a grin crossing his face that showed his thick, white fangs.
"Ah," Dalvin grunted, his metallic eye suddenly blinking. "I've calculated minimum as well as ideal supplies needed for this venture and the nearest starport containing all materials – that is, barring the sort of toys Malanctha likes to use."
"My ship is on auto pilot and is only a little ways away," Malanctha said, her reptilian eyes flashing to Dalvin's.
"I know it is," said Dalvin. "Mine is already here." He tapped his wrist and a small, very odd looking rectangular vessel shimmered out of a cloaking field into visibility in front of the port window. It looked as though it had not been designed with the slightest care for aerodynamics or style. Asymmetrical bulges of sensors and things Ren judged to be shield generators, backup shield generators, plasma cannons, missile turrets, and many other things he did not recognize littered the vessel.
"Each time I see that ship I find a new appreciation for it's truly unique ugliness," said Malanctha.
"Funny, that is exactly how I feel about you," said Dalvin. "If you would like to compare ship capabilities, I would be quite happy to have a skirmish. I imagine it might take me three full seconds to litter this section of space with shrapnel and lizard guts."
"Hmm," Malanctha moaned softly and turned away as if Dalvin had not spoken. She had a fascinating way of belittling people without saying a word. Ren could see it in her eyes and in the way she moved and spoke. Everything about the reptilian woman conveyed superiority.
Dalvin, looking vaguely annoyed as he said: "Well, let's plan things out then and input all the coordinates."
"Right," said Cathock.
The two of them moved toward the cockpit of the ship and Ren started to follow, but he sensed Neeka moving purposefully toward him and he spun around to face her. "What is it?" he said as their eyes met.
"I was..." she looked as though she wanted to say something, but she paused, staring into his eyes. She was studying him, he knew, with all of her magnificent senses. She was looking for fear or doubt perhaps. He did not see his existence in such terms. His life had been one brush with death after another for as long as he could remember. Ren had long since learned to fold any conceptions fear away in a distant corner of his mind and simply plan and act logically.
He gazed at Neeka and watched her eyes dart to his, and then away. From what he had read, many people in the galaxy abhorred such silence in their interactions. Ren did not understand this. He would go months without hearing or uttering a word sometimes, and found it a great testament to his mental strength to exist tranquilly in such long stretches of silence. But Neeka was fidgeting, lost in indecision, and she seemed to be looking for Ren to say or do something.
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