《Drunk-Dazed (Lee Heeseung x Reader)》Chapter 11: Closet


For some strange reason, Mimi had asked you and Jay to come to Heesung's party tonight. One week had passed since Mimi and Heesung talked over the phone.

You and Jay reluctantly agreed, still unsure on why she had asked in the first place.

You decided to wear comfortable clothes since it was getting cold. A long white sweater with jeans and brown boots.

Mimi had on a long sleeve black shirt with white ripped jeans and black boots. She looked at you and laughed. "You look like you're about to go work at the library."

You laughed and rolled your eyes. "As long as I am comfortable, I'm completely fine."

You got a text from your phone and saw that it was Jay. He said he'll meet you at his dorm, and you replied okay. "Alright, let's go," you said, grabbing a random jacket from the closet and walking out with Mimi.

When you two got to the dorm, Jay was standing at the front door. He was wearing a black sweatshirt with a white polo underneath. He was smiling at this phone, not noticing you and Mimi.

You cleared your throat and Jay got startled, almost dropping his phone. "Sorry, I didn't see you come in," he said. You laughed. "It's okay. I know how easily you become unfocused."

Jay laughed as well. "You two look nice, especially you, Y/n." You blushed and said thank you, however, Mimi noticed something else.

When he gave the compliment, Jay was looking up and down at Mimi, smirking in the process. Mimi looked down at the ground, avoiding his gaze.

"Let's go inside now, it's cold out here," Jay said. He grabbed your hand and pulled you inside. Mini followed behind.

When everyone got to the party room, you and Jay sat in the back. He laid on your lap and started caressing your cheek. "You know, we should go somewhere quieter."


Your eyes grew wide and you blushed. "Wait, are you for real?" you asked. Jay looked at you for a second and then poked your nose. "I'm just kidding."

You pouted playfully as he laughed. Then he leaned in and kissed you. "We can stay here, though." You smiled and leaned in again, kissing Jay more.

Mimi watched from afar. She was happy that you finally found someone, but at the same time, she didn't like that someone.

She walked into the kitchen and saw Heesung stirring something in a water bottle. She crossed her arms. "Are you going to drug another girl tonight?"

Heesung looked up. "Maybe. I don't know yet."

Mimi sighed and leaned on the counter. "Anyways, I think Jay was trying to flirt with me. He was staring at me the whole time while talking to Y/n."

Heesung paused. "Oh really?" "Yeah. It was creeping me out a bit." "You know what, I'm going to tell you my plan now. You may not like it, but I do."

Heesung explained to Mimi the plan and she listened. When he was finished, Mimi took a deep breath. "Are you sure that this is going to work? My friendship with Y/n may get ruined."

Heesung nodded. "We'll do whatever it takes to show Y/n the true Jay."

Mimi sighed again and walked back to the party room. She looked around and saw Jay sitting alone on the couch. She walked towards him and sat down.

"So, where's Y/n?" she asked. "Using the restroom," Jay replied. "You know, you could do so much better." "What do you mean by that?"

Mimi placed her leg over his. "I mean having someone better than Y/n. There are much cuter girls on this campus."


Jay caught up on what she was doing and started to rub her leg. He smirked. "Like who?"

"I don't need to tell you."

Suddenly, Jay stood up and grabbed Mimi's hands. He pulled towards the back of the dorm and came to a storage closet. He pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. "Let's make this quick."

Mimi nodded and followed him inside, closing the door behind her.

Jay pinned her against the wall and smashed his lips onto hers. Mimi didn't kiss back at first but then remembering the plan, she did.

I'm so sorry Y/n, I wish there was another way. Mini thought as Jay started to move down her body.

You saw the whole thing. From Mimi moving her leg to Jay pulling her into the storage closet.

You were trying to cry, but you couldn't. It was like everything around you was going in slow motion.

You felt a sharp pain in your chest as tears started to fall. You felt and hand on your shoulder and turned around.

It was Heesung. He had a sad expression on his face and was shaking his head. "That little jerk."

He extended his arm out and you leaned into it, crying your eyes out. He wrapped his arm around you and you two made the way to his bedroom.

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