《Drunk-Dazed (Lee Heeseung x Reader)》Chapter 3: Water


When I walked back into my dorm room, I saw Mimi pulling clothes out of the closet. When I took a closer look at the clothes, I noticed they were mine.

"Hey! Why are you taking my clothes out?" I exclaimed, running to her and pulling her arm. "I'm trying to see what good party clothes you have," Mimi replied, still throwing my clothes out. "And all you have is t-shirts and jeans."

"Yeah, what's wrong with that? And what do you mean by 'party clothes?'"

Mimi paused and finally turned around to face me. "You're going to Heesung's party tonight, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Wait, how did you know?"

"Don't worry about it." Mimi pulled out a tight and glittery red dress. She put it against her body and it stopped right below her thighs. "This is one of my dresses." she explained, "We wear the same size, so I'll let you borrow it for tonight."

I shook my head. "No. That isn't my style. I'll probably just wear one of my long sweaters and leggings."

"But that's too nerdy. You're gonna look like a librarian at that party."

I groaned. I was getting tired of arguing. "I'll think about it, okay? But I'm not making any promises."

Mimi squealed and gave me and right hug. "Yay! You're my favorite person in the entire world, Y/n!"

"Hehe, back at you."

It was around evening time, and almost time for the party. I was wearing a gray sweater with black jeans and brown ankle boots. I didn't care too much about my hair, so I kept it the same.

I didn't put too much makeup on; the only thing I had was lip gloss. Once I was finished, I grabbed my purse and the dorm room key. Then I walked out, locking the door behind me. Heesung's dorm room was next to mines, so I was glad it wasn't going to be a long walk.


I looked at the dorm building and saw lights flashing different colors on the windows. It was all on the third floor.

I took a deep breath. "You can do this Y/n. You came here to solve the rumors, not to party." I walked into the dorm and climbed the stairs inside. I opened the door and saw people everywhere.

They were dancing and talking, just like stuff at normal parties. Once I walked in, I realized I was the odd one out. Most of the girls were wearing short dresses, and the guys all had sleeveless t-shirts. Maybe I should've worn that dress. I thought.

I was trying to find a place to sit, but the whole party room was crowded. I decided to go to the kitchen. I squeezed and pushed through the crowd of people until I got to the dorm room kitchen.

There was no one in there, so I was glad. I opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle.

Maybe I should've not come to this party; I was never really a party person. As I was drinking the water, I heard someone walk in. I turned around and saw Lee Heesung himself. He smiled. "You made it."

I nodded. "Yeah, I decided to come." He walked towards me and sat on the counter. "Why are you not out there with the crowd? That's where the actual party is at."

"It's too loud and crowded in there."

Heesung nodded, agreeing. "Yep, I understand." We then started talking about random stuff, like classes and friends and family. I even apologized for how I acted when we first met.

Heesung is a nice person; I don't know why I was thinking he was a villain or something. He then jumped off the counter and held his hand out towards me. "Come on, let's go back in. I'll stay with you."


I smiled and reached out to grab his hand. Suddenly, I became dizzy and started to stumble in my balance. I looked up at Heesung and he gave me another one of his sneaky smiles.

"Did you drink anything from my fridge?" he asked. My eyes landed on the water bottle in my hand. I looked at Heesung again, and my vision started to blur.

I wanted to find out if those rumors about him were true. I wasn't expecting it to happen like this.

I was now drunk-dazed, under his spell.

The last thing I remember is falling into Heesung's arms and having a splitting headache.

"Don't worry, Y/n, it'll only last for a little while," he said. "You'll be awake by tomorrow."

Then everything with black.

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