《Idol War (VKOOK)》Rounds


Taehyung wakes up with a terrible headache and an awful feeling in his stomach.

He sits up in bed, looking down to see that his shirt is missing and his jeans are still on, but unbuckled.

And then Taehyung remembers the events prior, going to Jungkook's dorm and drinking juice that had way too much vodka in it.

And he remembers drinking a few, before he started to feel weird.

And everything else in Taehyung's mind is a little fuzzy. However he remembers things in bits and pieces. Some parts.... more than others.

Taehyung's gets up from bed, making his way to the bathroom to shower. However as he's walking, his stomach suddenly flips and he runs to te bathroom just in time to reach the toilet, where he throws up the access alcohol.

"Shit." Taehyung's groans, feeling dizzy as he stands back up and tries to get the shower to turn on. His body is hot and he's just killing to get out of his jeans.

After taking a quick, cold shower, Taehyung heads over to his drawer where he fishes out some light sweat pants and a black shirt. He puts them on, shaking out his hair before deciding he looks good enough.

Taehyung didn't forget about his schedule and everyone must meet in studio A at 10. It's already 9:45 so Taehyung grabs his phone, slides on his flops and heads to his door.

He's about to open it when he hears a voice right outside the door.

Instead of opening his door and breaking the conversation, Taehyung slowly brings his ear to the door to hear who's talking.

And when he hears Jungkook's voice, his heart picks up.

"I don't want you to be mad Hyung." Jungkook says, talking to another person. And Taehyung can barely hear the next voice but it sounds faintly like Hoseok.

"I won't. Tell me now." He sounds serious.

"I was trying to...sabotage Taehyung. Not badly, I just wanted to find his weakness so I could use it against him, like he's done to me."


Taehyung suddenly feels sick as he continues to listen to Hoseok and Jungkook talk.

"I gave him a lot of..alcohol last night, expecting for him to loosen up and maybe spill some stuff. However the plan was that he would return to his room at 1 and then everything would be okay..." Jungkook's voice sounds guilty as he speaks and Taehyung almost wants to remove his ear from the door and forget about this as a whole.

But he can't. Not when he's just finding out that Jungkook lied to him. Jungkook tricked Taehyung into thinking they could be friends.

"He didn't leave and so we hid in my room and all. And some stuff happened but Hoseok, I was just trying to break down some of his walls. You know, in a competition everyone's trying to get each other out. It didn't mean anything other than that." Jungkook says, and Taehyung finally decides to back away from the door.

It didn't mean anything other than that.

Taehyung shoves his phone in his pocket and turns the handle of his door.

"It's okay Jungkook. I know this is a pretty harsh competition and there's always some sort of crazy sabotage going on. Hell I even thought about doing something to Yoongi. Maybe not to your extreme but I understand."

Taehyung opens his door slowly, shutting it as quietly as he can. Jungkook's back is just next to his door so the boy doesn't see him as he suddenly turns down the hallway and begins to run.

He runs through the hallway and past all the dorm rooms until he reaches the elevator. His hair is still wet and his face is incredibly pale, however Taehyung continues running.

He gets stopped by Namjoon in the elevator, telling Taehyung to go to studio A. However Taehyung tells Namjoon he's skipping the meeting because he doesn't feel good.

He runs out of the elevator, not looking at Namjoon as the producer raises his eyebrow, wishing for a better explanation before Taehyung continues walking in a strange hallway.


He gets off on the 2nd floor, not quite sure where he is.

However he hears his name being called from the other side of the very white, echoey hallway.

And when Taehyung turns, he sees Hoseok running down the hallway, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Wait up Taehyung." Hoseok is breathless as he catches up to Taehyung, grabbing onto the boys arm to make sure Taehyung doesn't leave.

"What do you want." Taehyung snaps,pulling Hoseoks arm off of his own.

"I know you heard that conversation, between Jungkook and I. I just came here to explain." Hoseok says, sincerely looking at Taehyung. The brown haired boy rolls his eyes.

"You shouldn't be doing that for Jungkook. It's our business." Taehyung says, turning on his heals before Hoseok grabs him again.

"No Taehyung wait!" Hoseok gets Taehyung to turn around, annoyance building on the boys face.


"I know more happened last night than I know about. I can sense it. And I know... I know that it was a big deal." Hoseok says and Taehyung furrows his brow, confused as to what Hoseok is talking about.

"I can tell... you and Jungkook might have... done some stuff. Because I know Jungkook, and I know the look on his face wasn't guilt about getting you drunk." Hoseok says and Taehyung's mind suddenly clicks. And he suddenly grows angrier

"This isn't your business Hoseok!" Taehyung raises his voice, Hoseok telling him to quiet down.

"What I mean is that, I know you're mad at him. I know you probably hate Jungkook right now. And I'm not choosing sides, but right now, we're in a competition. You're showing that your weak and Jungkook is getting more confident." Hoseok says and Taehyung's surprised by his words.

He knows Jungkook just used him to get a head start on the competition, however if he shows Jungkook that it actually affected him, then Jungkook will be satisfied.

Taehyung beckons for Hoseok to continue.

"Jungkook feels guilty of course, but in a way, he feels like he's in control now. In the next few days, he's probably going to be cocky, and he's probably going to piss the hell out of you. That's how he copes with guilt. So I have an idea." Hoseok says, smirking a little which perks Taehyung's curiosity.

"I'm not sabotaging him." Taehyung says, feeling sick just saying that word.

"No. What you're going to do is act like he's nothing. When he does stuff just act like you don't care. Just act the way you were acting at the start of the competition." Hoseok says and Taehyung nods.

"Oh and one more thing." Hoseok gets a little quieter, making Taehyung believe he's about to tell a secret. He leans in to hear better.

"After Jungkook...does stuff...with someone, he gets kind of... attached. So his biggest weakness would be if you got close to him but acted as if it meant nothing." Hoseok says and Taehyung back away from him.

"But Jungkook told you whatever happened last night meant nothing. Doesn't that mean me getting close to him wouldn't affect him at all?" Taehyung says, feeling frustrated by the continuous loup of revenge he put himself into.

"I don't know, but it's worth a shot. Jungkook had always gotten super flustered super easily as a kid. So if he's acting more cocky and annoying, the best thing to do is to fluster him. Even if you don't feel anything for him and he doesn't feel anything for you. It'll still trigger something." Hoseok says and Taehyung doesn't like the way he worded it.

Because imagine if he ever did feel something for the boy.

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