《Idol War (VKOOK)》Listen to me


Taehyung's performance is definitely an emotional one.

As much as Jungkook wants to hate the boy, he can't help but feel something in his heart while Taehyung's performing. He shows a lot of emotion while singing, emotion that Jungkook is rare to see.

And Jungkook, while watching the broadcast, notices a whole bunch of people in the crowd crying their eyes out. They're really feeling Taehyung's performance.

And Jungkook is starting to stress.

"He really did amazing!" Hoseok chants from next to Jungkook. All five of them are watching the screen backstage, trying to find flaws in each performance.

"Yeah! Taehyung has been practising hard." Jimin smiles, feeling proud of his friend.

Taehyung walks off the stage and directly passed the competitors watching the screen.

"Jimin you're up next, good luck." The boy says while walking by. His eyes are slightly glassy and his steps are quick. He smiles to Jimin and continues on until he can't be seen.

Jimin smiles back and waves to the rest of the competitors before walking off.

"Don't mess up." Yoongi mutters just before the short boy has disappears. He giggles while walking to the stage entrance.

They watch the screen as Jimin performs, then Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok.

And throughout the whole show, Taehyung doesn't once appear to come watch the show with them. And Jungkook isn't quite sure where he is but he clearly doesn't feel like being with anyone.

Jungkook thinks back to when the boy came off stage, his eyes were slightly watery and he seemed to rush off pretty fast. Perhaps he was emotional after the performance. Jungkook gets that way too.

Jungkook begins to collect information in his head on Taehyung and what the boys weaknesses are so far. Right now he's seen the boy nervous before performing and emotional after.


If Jungkook can find a way to catch the boy off guard before a performance, he could just bump himself higher in the competition.


By the end of the show, the time for elimination comes quickly. However Jungkook walks on stage with, for the most part, confidence in himself.

All the competitors stand on the stage together in front of the three lovely judges. Each one slightly fidgeting or breathing heavily as they wait for the results.

Namjoon stands next to the boys, holding a card in his hands on who the winner of round 2 is.

"I will now be presenting the winner of round 2. Tonight the judges found it very hard to make a decision. These boys are all extremely talented. However they came to a decision that the best performance of the night is..."

Hoseok closes his eyes tight. Jungkook tries to stay calm even when he notices the anxious faces surrounding him.

"Jeon Jungkook with 2U!" Namjoon announces the boys name and he almost doesn't hear it. The crowd goes wild as Jungkook is handed the card with his name on it.

He looks to Namjoon, still shocked as the producer/mc is smiling like crazy.

"Congrats!" He says more quietly, patting the younger on the back.

All the camera men automatically turn their cameras to the young boy as he smiles brightly, feeling his heart beating out of his chest. He's unsure where to look and what to do but Namjoon just pats the boy on his back until the crowd is done cheering.

Jungkook walks back to his place next to Hoseok, making sure not to look at the other members as he walks back to place. Even though he's super happy with the win, the boy still feels slightly bad that one of them is getting eliminated.


"Alright, now, the for the most dreadful moment of the night. I will now be announcing the competitor that the judges have chosen to eliminate."

Jungkook senses a tense vibe as the whole audience becomes quiet and everyone holds their breath.

Jungkook keeps his head down, looking down at the card in his hands that reads his name as the winner.

He worked hard for this, and now, he's won the second round. Jungkook knows his parents will be happy, if they're even watching right now.

"The competitor who's been chosen for elimination tonight is...Jin Hyung. I'm truly sorry."

Namjoon walks up to Jin and pats the boy on the back. He keeps his hand there as Jin drops his head, looking to the ground while the crowd is full of booing and yells.

As Jungkook observes the moment, he notices Namjoon whispering something to Jin very subtly. Jin seems to lighten up for a second before he looks up to the crowd.

Jimin walks over to the older boy and hugs him. Jin has disappointment on his face however he seems to hide some of it and replace it with happiness. He seems grateful for being where he is.

"Congratulations to those of you who are safe. Good job Jungkook for winning! And for Jin, I believe you had an amazing voice so continue to do what you're doing!" Namjoon looks to the boy again with a bright smile and Jin nods, smiling back to the boy.

The crowd applauds Namjoon and the competitors as they wave goodbye. An outro songs begins to play as the boys leave the stage.

When they get off, Hoseok stays with Jungkook, walking to the crew where they get handed water.

Jimin goes to Jin and shakes his hand, Namjoon also staying with Jin.

Jungkook looks around to see Taehyung standing with Yoongi. Both boys have mirrored expressions looking like they're both just bored. They stand there without talking, looking to where Jimin is.

"Wow that was stressful! Congrats Jungkookie!" Hoseok is breathlessly congratulating Jungkook before downing a bottle of water. He then heads over to Jimin and the other few, probably to say goodbye to Jin.

However as Hoseok is walking over to them, he stops by Yoongi and Taehyung, smiling at them both before initiating a conversation.

Jungkook watches as Hoseok suddenly leans his arm on Taehyung's shoulder as he talks to them. The brown haired boys face even lights up a few times while speaking to Hoseok. The enthusiastic boy even seems to forget about saying goodbye to Jin, as him and Taehyung get into a real conversation.

Yoongi ends up leaving the two to go stand next to Jimin. The mint haired boy leaves no space between him and Jimin as he touches their shoulders together. Jimin looks to him for a second, smiling brightly at Yoongi before focusing back to Jin.

And Jungkook looks back to Hoseok, who's now gotten Taehyung to actually laugh.

Since when are they friends?

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