《Idol War (VKOOK)》Stolen


Jungkook is the last competitor to see Namjoon. Hoseok had his practise at 7am til 9am. The others went after him and through lunch.

It's now 7pm and Namjoon is finally asking for Jungkook, the boy is anxious to start his practise.

He knows his song pretty well already having listened to it many times as a child.

Jungkook surprisingly doesn't get lost as he makes his way to studio B on the 2nd floor. He finds the door to the recording room where Namjoon is awaiting.

Jungkook walks in and shakes the producers hand before taking a seat behind Namjoon's desk.

"Hello Jungkook, have you come with a song prepared?" Namjoon asks, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. Jungkook nods.

"Yes. I want to sing Haru Haru by Big Bang." Jungkook says confidentially.

Namjoon however doesn't pick up the pen. He doesn't write anything down. Instead he looks up at Jungkook, uncertainty written all over his face.

"Sorry Jungkook but that song is already chosen." Namjoon says, surprising the younger boy quite a bit.

"O..oh really? By who?" Jungkook asks, wondering who throughout the competitors would choose this specific song. However a part of him already knows exactly who.

"Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook sighs. He looks down at his lap, unsure how to tell Namjoon that he doesn't have a back up plan.

"Actually Jungkook-shi, I thought it would be better if you weren't singing another Big Bang song. I had another song in mind for you... maybe you could give it a try?" Namjoon proposes, making Jungkook lift his head pretty quickly.

"What is it?"

"It's called 2U by David Guetta. It's an English song, however I can see you being a very quick learner." Namjoon says, looking at Jungkook as if he's asking a question.


Jungkook knows the song Namjoon has proposed. He likes the song, he just doesn't know how he can learn a whole English song in a week.

"I like the idea... but I don't know if I have the time to-"

"Do you want to get through this round Jungkook-ah?" Namjoon interrupts.


"Then learn this song. That's all I can tell you." The older boy writes a few things down on the paper before standing up and walking over to the recording studio.

He turns on one of the speakers and then heads back over to his computer, searching something up.

In no time, Namjoon is pulling up 2U, letting it play on the speakers loud and clear.

He gets up from the computer and heads to the door. Jungkook stays seated, wondering where the older is going when Namjoon turns back to look at him.

"Listen to it a few times. A lot of times. Listen to it until the words can easily roll of of your tongue. I'll slow down the version your going to sing. You just need to practise this first." Namjoon says over the loud music. With that, he turns around, shutting the door behind him.

Jungkook directs his attention to the blasting speakers, playing the song on a loop. He gets up from his seat and walks closer to where the music is being played.

In the room, there's a microphone on a stand, Jungkook walks over to it and grabs the mic. He places it in his hands, trying to get a comfortable feel for it before listening more to the words of the song.

Jungkook spends an hour learning the first few words, singing them over and over until he finally feels they sound right.

"No limit in the sky that I won't fly for you."


Jungkook practises that sentence, he practises humming to the beat and holding his microphone, swaying with the beat. After spending so much time on the music itself, Jungkook heads over to Namjoon's desk to take a short break.

However when Jungkook passes the desk, he notices the sheet that Namjoon was writing on.

And when Jungkook looks down more closely at the sheet, he realizes some familiar words.

Words that he just spend an hour learning. Jungkook picks up the sheet, realizing that Namjoon had all of the lyrics printed for the song. Now Jungkook is no A+ student but he can completely understand how to read English and with the lyrics all written out for him, he might just be able to memorize the song.

Jungkook reads over the lyrics multiple times, spending more time on some words than others, correcting his pronunciation. Namjoon enters the room at 8:52pm.

Jungkook shows him what he's learned so far and Namjoon is pretty impressed.

"You think you could finish learning this by Friday?" He asks, confusing the younger a little. It's Tuesday, that would give Jungkook only 2 more days until the song would have to be memorized.

"Uh...I'm not sure... but why?"

"I want to spend Saturday and Sunday teaching you a short, easy dance with a choreographer. I already know you can dance well, by the looks of the dance club you were in, however I think the song would be even better with some motion. The judges would loose their minds." Namjoon helps Jungkook out a lot and by the time the clock hits 9, Jungkook is even more confident about his performance.

And he knows this will be much better than if he was singing Haru Haru, like Taehyung is.

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