《Idol War (VKOOK)》Photoshoot


The producer finishes up his conversation with the boy and his mother after another 5 minutes, before giving the younger boy some directions on what he's suppose to do now.

Behind the camera.

"Am I... taking pictures today?" Jungkook turns to his mother, his palms already sweaty as he watches the quite attractive boy standing behind the right lights and cameras.

His shirt is a pale pink button up that fits nicely. He puts on a beanie over his brown hair, adjusting his bangs as he does so. The boy hasn't looked at Jungkook once yet, not even to acknowledge that someone's been watching him.

He keeps his eyes to the cameras, probably getting ready for a photoshoot.

"Good job Taehyung, You come out well. Practise some poses while I talk to the next competitor, I'll be with you soon." The producer finally removes his eyes from Taehyung to look at Jungkook and his mother.

They'd been standing at the door patiently for a while now.

"Now, what's your name?" He approaches Jungkook, pointing at him with a questionable look. The producer wears an abundance of bracelets and jewelry on him. His shirt is white with a sparkly grey jacket over top. He's very stylish and Jungkook feels underdressed.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. I uh..got a letter." Jungkook doesn't have the letter for proof but he assumes the producer knows who he is.

"Hmm, Jeon Jungkook? Never heard of you but I'll try to remember. I'm Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you." The man says, reaching out his hand to shake both Jungkook and Jungkook's mothers hand.

"Now, I'll just borrow your mother for a second, we need to discus consent and forms. Boring stuff. Jeon Jungkook, while you wait you can sit over there, maybe make a friend." Namjoon points to the chair next to the camera facing Taehyung.


Jungkook looks at the chair, then to the boy behind the camera. He's sitting on the ground, positioning himself into new, very creative positions. Jungkook's cheeks go red.

"A..alright." Jungkook leaves his mother before taking a seat on the chair awkwardly.

The boy...Taehyung looks up as he notices Jungkook sitting down. His face doesn't change when they make eye contact, however he pushes himself up off the ground to approach him.

Jungkook turns his eyes downwards, looking at the white floor when he notices the boy walking over to his chair.

"Excuse me." The boys voice is unidentifiably deep, a voice Jungkook's never heard before, especially from a 17 year old boy.

Jungkook looks up to see Taehyung looking down at him. He looks expectant of something and Jungkook is unsure why.

"Uh..yes?" The boy is unsure how to react so he continues to look up at Taehyung.

"Who are you? Why are you sitting here?" The boy asks, leaning closer so he can rest his hand on the back of the chair. Jungkook looks to his left, only seeing Taehyung's arm in his line of vision. And Jungkook can actually smell the boy, a faint cologne smell that seems a lot more expensive than what Jungkook uses.

"I was told to. I'm Jeon Jungkook. Who are..you?" Jungkook looks back up at the boy who sighs.

"Kim Taehyung. If you're a competitor then you shouldn't be watching me. You might steal one of my poses." Taehyung rolls his eyes, pushing his arm off of Jungkook's chair before returning to his spot.

"I don't need to steal any of your poses." Jungkook interjects, feeling a little confident when he speaks. As long as the boy doesn't come close to him, he can at least get a reasonable word out.


Taehyung rolls his eyes again, unbuttoning one of his many buttons while positioning himself back in front of the camera.

"Suit yourself."

The producer leaves Jungkook's mom at a table to sign forms while he heads over to the camera.

Before starting the unexpected photoshoot, he looks from Jungkook to Taehyung.

"So, did you guys talk?" He asks expectantly, recieving a nod from both.

"Good. You'll be competing against each other so it's good to find each other's weaknesses. Maybe you could even become friends." Namjoon is suddenly cheery, however Jungkook can tell he's being sarcastic.

"Yeah, keep your enemies close." Taehyung mutters, the smile dropping from Namjoons mouth.

"Oh hush. Let's start this photoshoot already so I don't have to keep Jungkook waiting. If you want, you can head into the closet over there and pick out some clothes. I'll be shooting you next." Namjoon points Jungkook over to the walk-in closet on the other side of the room. Jungkook nods and stands up from the chair.

As he's walking over, he directs his eyes on Taehyung one more time.

The boy has his hands clutching his belt, his head tilted back a little as he keeps his lips parted. His gaze is directed to the camera, but Jungkook feels like the boy is looking at him.

His eyes are so strong, Jungkook is mesmerized. As he's walking over to the closest he even manages to trip over one of the lights, catching himself quickly before anyone could notice.

However Taehyung's lips discreetly turn upwards into a sly smile, and Jungkook can tell the boy is making fun of Jungkook.

He's judging him and the competition hasn't even started yet.

And even though Jungkook knows he can't compete with Taehyung's good looks, he'll beat the boy in talent.

Kim Taehyung, you won't be ready for me. The real me.

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