《All or Nothing / DNF Enemies to Lovers》Chapter 15


The weekend flies by quickly. After George's party I hadn't really done anything too amusing. Nick came over Sunday to play video games and watch the NFL. It was fun and all but the thought of Friday night had been lingering in the back of my mind the whole time. As much as I tried to distract myself, I could still tell Nick could notice the slight change in my behavior, since I was spacing out a bunch.

I hadn't told him what had been bugging me though since he didn't really straight up ask me what was happening, so I decided to keep it to myself.

Right now I'm in first period, and I can hear people giggling and sharing stories about topics that had occurred at the party. This was a common thing to happen after every party, people love to gossip, and since George and I always invite everyone in the grade, there are plenty of stories to go around.

We always tend to invite everyone because we don't like to exclude anyone.

Well that's what everyone thinks, the main reason is because we continuously fight to become the most popular and liked, so if one of us decided to make our party more excluded, then the other would succeed in becoming more liked.

I can hear George and Alex are chatting beside me as I keep my focus on my paper, trying to complete the task swiftly so I can move on to using my phone.

From the moment I walked in George has not once even glanced my way and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Honestly, I never pegged him as the kind to get all shy and flustered after a drunk kiss, which he in fact instigated.

But now that I have this piece of information I'm gonna use it to my advantage.

When I had first walked in I got this weird feeling in my stomach when I saw him. He is wearing a crewneck with his collar popped underneath, black ripped jeans and converse. For some reason I just want to have him in that position again, hearing those noises come from him and the fact that I was the one causing it has boosted my ego.

Out of all outcomes that would have been the last possible thing I would have thought would of happened that night.

However, I don't regret a thing.

The only problem is I don't know where he stands, I still don't like the guy, I only like the feeling of having him submit to me. Do you know how satisfying it is to have the one person who claims to hate you, grind on you and practically begging you to fuck them?

Cause the feeling was intoxicating, and I've been wanting to feel that way again.

I also have to deal with his bitch boy Braden. I can't stand the guy anymore. And knowing that he also gets to see George like that pisses me off. I'm not jealous or anything, I just don't like how he thinks he can just do these things to him and get away with it. I wonder how long George has been putting up with this on his own.

The sound of ringing fills my ears and everyone starts collecting all their things, getting ready to head to second period. I notice George falls behind as he asks the teacher about something, so I wait for him around the corner busying myself on my phone.


A minute passes and he finally emerges from the classroom, his eyes flick over to mine and he rolls them, seeming annoyed to have seen me there. I flash him an innocent smile. The bruise on his face is almost fully gone, so he isn't wearing his glasses today. He takes off down the hallway towards his locker, not giving me the time of day. I follow after him, "Ignoring me I see"

"I'm not ignoring u, I just don't like you remember?" He says voice laced with sarcasm as he keeps his gaze in front of him.

"You sure about that?" I question, you could practically hear the smirk in my voice.

"Clay don't even start" He trails off tired of our conversation that has only just begone. He starts to unlock his locker and I lean against the one next to it.

"If you don't like me why did you kiss me huh?" I say loud enough that if someone was walking past us in that moment, they would have definitely heard. I don't think George appreciated that. His neck whips towards me as he gives me a stern look speaking almost immediately, "Keep your voice down idiot!" he whisper screams.

"Why, I want everyone to know how badly you wanted me to f-" I get cut off when he covers my mouth with his hand and I smirk into it. I see his neck and cheeks become extremely red as his eyes dart around the hall. "We aren't having this conversation here, okay?"

I mumble back into his hand, "Fine, wanna skip?" He scoffs at the question and his hand falls. "Why the hell would I ever want to hang out with you" He responds, closing his locker and I presume, making his way to his next class.

"Because you think I'm hot!" I practically yell after him with my hands around my mouth, he turns around and opens his mouth but quickly shuts in. He approaches me once again and I can almost feel the rage steaming off him. "Clay, I don't know who you think you are, but I promise you if anyone else was in that room I would have done the same." He says in a stern tone. "So don't let it get to your head, you were merely a distraction" The words fly over my head as I stare into his eyes, knowing he is only pushing his feelings away as always.

I have known George for far too long to not notice when he is hiding behind a fake front, even though others would be able to tell. I step closer and grab his wrist before he can scurry off to class again, "Its been on your mind too, hasn't it" I say in a hushed voice, almost trying to reassure myself it wasn't just me.

He blinks at me innocently, his eyes studying my face for a few seconds before he mutters out, "I don't know what you are talking about" he rips his hand from my grip and storms off.

I know how that ended but I am feeling satisfied with the exchange, George's go to sentence when trying to avoid the truth is always something along the lines that he had just said to me, pretending to act clueless when in reality he is smart enough to figure anything out.


I stand there and sigh, thinking about how frustrating it is to have chosen the boy who is incapable of expressing how he is feeling to mess with.

I continue on with my day like normal, I don't get as easily flustered as George, since I don't like the guy in that way.

Or at all for that matter.

Classes were boring as usual, the only remotely exciting thing that had happened was during lunch a fight had broke loose between two girls. It was actually hilarious, some girl got dragged by her hair across the floor and when she found her feet, she reached over and grabbed a tray of food, slamming it in her face. Everyone had made a circle around them watching, until a teacher came over stopping the fight and calling both of them into the principals office.

It was now the end of the day and we were all heading outside for practice, we had a big game this Saturday against one of the best teams in the league, so it was important that we focused and trained hard this week.

It would also be George's first game back. Of course he is still a little rusty after all the time off, but he is still our best receiver on the team so we need him.

We warm up and start up a practice drill, offense against defense. We are basically playing as if it was a normal game, except if we score a touchdown we get a point, and if the defense stops us they get a point and we have to reset from the beginning.

The offensive line is myself, Braden, Will, Karl and George, whereas on defense its Nick, Alex, Joey, Luke and Sam. We were all apart of the starting lineup and the back up players were doing the same drill on the field across from us.

"Alright everyone huddle up!" I shout after my team, they all grab a last sip of water before jogging over towards me. I glance over at George when Braden runs up behind him and slaps his ass, clearly he wasn't expecting it as he lets out a shocked gasp and snaps his neck in his direction, giving him an irritated look before he covers it up with a small smile. I can tell he is uncomfortable. I get this weird feeling and try to shake away what I had just witnessed, I had never seemed to notice the subtle things Braden would do, but now that I notice them it triggers me. "Braden you are gonna run down the line and cut to the left, George same thing but to the right, I want Will and Karl defending me. I will throw to Braden" They all nod at my instructions and get into formation.

"Ready, hut!" Will throws the ball back to me and I catch it, lifting my head up to look for my options. Braden tries to lose Nick but he can't get him off his trail, I look over at George and he cuts twice making Sam fall over in the process. He waves his hand in the air as he continues running down the field, I throw it down to him deciding he is the better option at the moment and he catches it, scoring a touchdown. I pump my fist in the air, laughing when George does his same stupid celebration dance he has done since he has started playing. I certainly did not miss that. He pretends to be a basketball player and shoots the football in the air, then yells "SWISH". Its very dumb but he made it when he was little and claims its a tradition, and we have all come used to it by now anyway.

"Nice throw Robinson" George compliments me and gives me a high five. We don't like each other but we sure do work well together. "Yeah nice run, Sam got his ankles broken!" Karl chips in. The team burst into laughter as Sam's cheeks flush pink, embarrassed. He turns to look at Braden and he is glaring at him, shaking his head. Weird. My attention gets pulled away from them when George lets out a dumb comment, "Don't worry Sam, I'm a hard player to mark" he says, letting the play go to his head.

We huddle up once again and I bark orders at them, until Braden speaks up, "I thought you were gonna throw it to me last time?" he asks with an annoyed tone.

"Well maybe if you were better and could lose your player I would" I shoot back, I'm the quarterback so whatever I say goes and I don't need this attitude, especially from Braden.

"So you're saying George is better than me? He hasn't played in forever and you hate him" He continues, I can tell he is jealous but shouldn't he be happy for his own boyfriend? "I hate him and I'll still say he's better than you, now can you shut up and listen to my play?" I'm starting to get frustrated by this whole conversation, I look down at George and he is swaying back and forth playing with the bottom of his jersey. I can tell he is feeling uncomfortable right now and doesn't want to be talking about this any further, so I finish giving them instructions and we start again.

The rest of the practice goes by smoothly, we won 10-5. Our defense is really good but we have the best offensive line records out of all the high schools we play, so its difficult to do well against us. We all head to the changeroom and our coach praises us for the work we had done today. Everyone starts packing their shit and heading home, all chatting about God knows what. Once again, I have to wait till everyone leaves.

When the room is finally empty, I sigh and push up from the bench, grabbing the keys and walking towards the door, this was until I hear muffled sentences coming for the showers. I let out an annoyed groan since I am tired from practice so all I want to do is go home. I turn and take a few steps on route to the showers when I stop before entering, catching the end of a sentence.

"I'm not paying you Sam fuck sake! You were supposed to injure him, or at the very least stop him" My face twists into confusion as the words settle in, then my confusing turns into one of anger when I realize who is talking.


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