《All or Nothing / DNF Enemies to Lovers》Chapter 10


My heart is racing and my thoughts start going wild. The worst possible scenario just happened. I was waiting until everyone left the room to finally change into my clothes so no one would see, but I haven't played for so long I completely forgot that the captain always stays to lock the room. 

I start speed walking down the halls and out to the parking lot not looking back to see if he was following me. The cool air calms me down as I try to stay composed until I get home. When I reach my car I see Braden leaning against it. 

Holy shit. After all this it slipped my mind that I eventually had to talk to him about showing up to practice. I was dreading this conversation already when my eyes lifted and were met with his deadpan stare. I gulped and tried to contain myself, but everything was starting to pile up and it was getting a bit too much for me. 

"Hey George, you wouldn't mind giving me a ride back to your place would you?" He asks approaching me in the nicest tone possible. "I have a few things I'd like to talk about" he flashes me a fake smile and I already know I'm in deep shit when I get home. 

"I'm not in the mood Braden." I try and get to my car door but he blocks my way with his arm. I stop and look back up at him. "I'd prefer you don't make this worse for yourself." He runs his opposing hand gently over my face as if he's tracing something. I want to push him away and hid in my bed covers forever. I'm starting to realize he is the route of all my problems. First he hits me when I disagree with him, then he doesn't want me to join the football team when he knows how much it means to me and now he's making me look weak at school, ruining my reputation. 

"Fine get in." I mumble knowing I have no choice. I'd rather get this over and done with if I'm being honest. The sooner he beats me up the more time I have to myself in my bed. 

We start driving and the ride is silent. And not the comfortable one. I find myself shifting in my seat and tapping my finger on the steering wheel. I tend to do this when I'm nervous. He just keeps his gaze out the window not giving me the time of day. He usually waits till we are home so I don't kill us on the road, which I guess I'm thankful for. 

I park the car in my driveway and get out not waiting for him. He trails slowly behind me and waits for me to unlock the door. I so badly want to shut it in his face but I know I will only make it worse in the long run. We get inside and he closes the door behind me. 


"Why were you at practice? I told you not to come" he asks as we walk towards the kitchen. So now he's done with the silent treatment? I want to give him some snappy remark but I choose not to, I'm really not in the mood right now to argue. So much is on my mind. "You know how much it means to me Braden, I don't understand why you don't want me to go" I reply my tone remaining soft hoping we can have a civil conversation.

"I already told you, I don't want you getting hurt" he argues taking a seat at the island while I stand on the opposite side. 

I scoff, "Come on we both know that's not the real reason" 

"Of course it is George, you are my boyfriend. I just want what's best for you" he continues reassuringly. As much as I would like to believe him, I know what he's saying is false. My eyes start tearing up as I finally ask the question I've been wanting to ask for so long. "Then why do you hit me?" My voice comes out quiet as I'm barely able to get the words out. He motions for me to come over and pats his lap. I do what he says because I feel so defeated right now and I just want someone to hold me, even if it's him. I straddle him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I try my best to not let the tears forming in my eyes fall. He sighs and speaks up. "I don't like hurting you but you bring it upon yourself, if you would just listen to me I would never have to resort to doing that" he rubs circles with his thumb into my side comfortingly but all I feel right now is anger and confusion. 

"Are you serious? That's not normal Braden." I say looking him straight in the eyes. Does he think that's really how relationships should work? "Stop lying and tell me why you don't fucking want me on the team!" I raise my voice and try to get off his lap but he holds me tightly digging his fingers into my sides. One minute he's rubbing circles into me trying to comfort me and next he's leaving marks in my skin. I wince. "Fine you wanna know the real reason you fucking brat?" He asks rhetorically. All I do is stare at him challengingly awaiting his answer. "Because I'm the best receiver on the team now and I don't need you coming back George." His voice laced with jealousy. He pushes me off him and stands up towering over me. 

"Look at you, all you are is some puny scrawny little bitch, only barely 5'8 and you think you can play football with us? News flash George, this isn't 11th grade anymore, you can't keep up. You are nothing compared to me and I don't know why everyone thinks you are so much better." He glares down at me. 


"Maybe cause I am better and you can't seem to get that through your thick fucking skull." I pause and take a deep breath, remembering what I'm best at, getting under people's skin. "Does it make you mad Braden? That I'm less fortunate but coach would take me any day over you. Heck, even Clay would rather throw the ball down the line to me and he hates me!" I laugh and start walking forward, pushing him back into the wall. "Does it make your blood boil that you try and try again to control me but all you do is push me away in the process? Does it make you jealous that your little boyfriend has the whole school wrapped around their finger and all you're known as is my side bitch? I mean come on Braden you don't need to admit it, I know it annoys you because I have the scars to prove it" I lift my shirt and show him the bruises on my stomach. He studies them and grins. Fucking grins like the sadistic fuck he is. "Fuck you Braden, we're over okay? Get the fuck out of my house" I spit out.

He then suddenly gets all his confidence back. He grabs my chin harshly and forces me to look up at him. "Oh Georgie, you think it would be that easy? What, say a few hurtful things and I'll be out of your hair?" He tightens his hold on me and lowers his face so I can feel his breath on my lips. "You can't get rid of me that easily... Have you ever seen the beautiful picture I have of you on your pretty knees for me with my dick in your mouth? Or perhaps the videos of you begging for my cock? You wouldn't want the school to see those if they magically got out now would you?" He says tauntingly. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask and curse myself for sounding so small right now. He chuckles lowly at my question. "Oh I have plenty of you from when we would have fun in the summer." He says leaving small kisses on my jaw and neck. I try to remember what he's talking about but I fall short. I had no idea he would take pictures of the things we did. Let alone that, the sex wasn't even good. He would make me do things to pleasure him and never once has he made me finish. I start getting frustrated as I realize he's blackmailing me and I don't know what to do anymore. I feel trapped. He bits down at my neck and I get brought back to reality. I push him off and slap him in the face.

"I hate you so fucking much Braden!" I yell and go in to slap him again but he catches my hand before I get the chance. 

"You shouldn't have fucking done that George." He says through gritted teeth and digs his nails into my wrist. His other arm swings at me and he punches me directly on the side of my left eye and another to my stomach. I can't take the pain and lean into his stomach trying to balance myself. 

"I'm leaving. You're pissing me off. But don't even think about breaking up with me ever again? Got it?" I nod my head quickly and he storms off slamming the front door. I've never felt so alone in my life. Sure he would do this here and there but I would always excuse his actions and tell myself he truly does care for me. Now I know for a fact he doesn't and never did and it hurts. I sink to my floor and let myself cry. Cry out and start hugging my body as if someone was holding me. These are the times I miss having my mother's company. My mind slips back to what happened in the locker room and I remember the concerned look on Clay's when he saw the bruises. I don't understand why he cared in that moment. I know we hate each other but I would feel more safe around him then my own boyfriend right now. As I'm thinking of the bruises, I remember the fact that he had punched me in the face. 

I can't go to school like this? Everyone will see it! I start panicking at the thought of all the attention on me. As much as I love being the center of attention, I don't want it for that reason. For looking weak and that I can't handle myself. I'm trying to prove I can play football again I don't need this set back. 

I decide I will call in sick to school for the next few days. 

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