《All or Nothing / DNF Enemies to Lovers》Chapter 7


"Please, as if I would listen to you" I say as I turn to walk out of the cafeteria. I have no idea where I'm gonna go since all my friends are in there but I need to get out. He just embarrassed me in front of everyone and thinks it's funny. What really pisses me off is the fact that if I hadn't got injured, I would probably still run this fucking school since I was the captain.

I keep walking down the hall and find myself in front of an office.

*Knock knock knock*

"Come in" a low voice responds.

"Hi coach" I open the door and step into the room. His face lights up at the sight of me. I haven't talked to him in awhile but we used to be really close.

He was like a father figure to me and I miss our relationship.

"Davidson! How have you been" he sits up and engulfs me in a bear like hug. I hug him back and laugh. "I've been good coach just missed you" I reply.

"We haven't talked all summer and you go back to calling me coach?" he jokes taking his seat again and gestures me to sit in the chair facing his desk.

"Sorry Dave" I prolong his name.

"That's better. So, what brings you to my office?" He asks curiously.

"Take a guess" I reply with a big grin on my face.

"You need someone to eat lunch with you?" he guesses. I narrow my eyes at his dumb comment and he burst out laughing. "I'm kidding kid, lighten up." I try to stop myself from cracking a smile.

"I want back in." I say firmly. He sighs.

"We have talked about this several times George, I don't think it's safe" he sounds more serious now. I know he means well but I can't deal with sitting around and doing nothing all the time. Football was a big part of my life and it ruined me when I couldn't play anymore.

"Why do you treat me like I'm so weak? Injuries are common especially in football." I argue.

"I don't think you're weak, especially since you are brave enough to step back on to that field." He pauses, "I just care about you."

I soften at the words. Not a lot of people in this world really care for me other than my mom and maybe Braden.

Even though he has a weird way of showing it.

I don't really know what to respond so I brush it off with a sarcastic comment. I don't do well with sappy shit like that. "Yeah right, if you cared you would at least give me a chance to prove myself" there's a short period of silence which makes me think he's thinking.

"I'll tell you what, I saw you boys playing at lunch last week and I was surprised you still had that much skill after such a long break." I honestly had no idea he had seen us and it felt good that he did. I know I played my heart out.


Maybe the other guys weren't trying as hard because they attend practice every night but I hadn't played in so long I missed the feeling.

"You see! I still got it Dave. What can I do to prove it to you?" I egg on.

"Alright, come to practice tonight. I'll have you do a few things and if you pass I'll let you back on" my eyes light up at the words. I haven't looked forward to something like this in so long.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I stand up excitedly. "I won't let you down I promise"

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes trying to play off being annoyed when in reality I can see a small smile tug at his lips. "Just get out of here already"

"See you later!" I grab my bag and head out of his office. I cannot contain my happiness right now. I can't believe after all this time I will get a second chance. Maybe I'll be able to take my captain badge back from Clay.

Oh my god Clay! I can't wait to see the look on his face when I show up to practice today. It's gonna be priceless.

I walk to my locker realizing lunch is over and I need to start heading for my third period. I'm already late so I just take my time.

When I get there I see Braden waiting for me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I start to unlock my locker.

"That's not a nice way to greet me." He replies sternly. I don't care at this point I'm in too much of a good mood right now to have his attitude get to me.

"Sorry, I was just surprised that you weren't in class already" I reply smiling up at him.

"Well I was just surprised that you weren't at lunch" he mocks. "I was looking for you after you stormed out and I couldn't find you anywhere"

I kind of feel bad for making him worry about me, but it reminds me of what I was doing at lunch and how badly I want to tell him.

"Braden I'm sorry for that but I have the best news to tell you!" I grab both of his hands and jump up and down. I can't contain my excitement.

"What is it?" He asks seeming curious.

"Coach said I can come to practice tonight! Isn't that awesome? I need to pass a couple of tests before I'm officially on the team, but I know I'll be able to."

"He's giving you a second chance?"

"Yup! I guess you guys need me or something" I joke with him.

"George. I don't want you to come" he says with a neutral face.

"What? Why? I thought you would be excited for me" my mood completely drops. I'm so confused why doesn't he want me to join.


"I don't want you getting hurt" he intertwines our hands.

"I can handle myself Braden." I snap back and let go of his hands. "Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm not some fragile kid okay. Yeah I got injured once but so what? You guys are all acting like you've never witnessed an injury before and it's getting on my nerves"

I don't even care if he gets mad at me for talking back. I have all this built up anger from people constantly doubting me and I can't deal with it anymore.

"I don't care about your reasoning." His hands grab my waist and he digs his fingers into my skin harshly and I wince at the contact. He backs me up into the lockers. "You. Are. Not. Going. Understand me?" His eyes are like darts staring into my soul.

"Too bad I am!" I scream back in his face. "I'm going and you can't tell me fuck all. I-" I get cut off with a punch to my stomach which winds me. I feel like I can't breathe right now. He grabs my face with his hand. "You better listen or this won't end well." Tears start to form up in my eyes because I am so frustrated at the moment. "How can you protect yourself out there when you start crying over a little punch?" He punches me again with more force in the same spot. I look around for someone to help but the halls are empty since everyone is in class. The tears start falling down my face.

"Stop please!" I try to push him off with all my force.

"Are you gonna listen?" He asks.

"No." I don't care this is my dream and I'm not letting my stupid boyfriend fuck it up.

He starts chocking me and smashes my head into the lockers. I become lightheaded.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I hear a voice scream from the other side of the hall.

Oh my God I am so embarrassed right now. I look like a little bitch. I hear the persons foot steps get closer and the pressure on my neck finally softens. I start coughing on instinct and slowly slide down against the wall till I am sitting on the floor.

"Get off of him you fuck" Nick pushes him off of me anger seeping through his voice.

"Woah chill Nick" he puts his hands up innocently. "George likes it rough man." He winks, still trying to grasp onto that image of us being the perfect couple everyone sees.

Nick grabs the collar of his shirt and stares angrily at him. He might be shorter but he could take him in a fight. I wouldn't mess with him. "You have three seconds to get your ass to class before I show you how rough I like it" he threatens.

"Whatever dude, you can ask George we were just playing around. Right babe?" I look up at him rubbing my neck and nod. Tears staining my cheeks.

As much as I hate him right now, I don't want anyone seeing me like this. Weak and being bossed around. I feel pathetic. However, Nick doesn't buy it and reminds him of the threat he just made two seconds ago. Braden is quick to hurry to class.

Nick looks over to me concern flooding his face.

"You good George?" he asks helping me up. I wince and grab my stomach.

"Yeah don't worry about me man." I wipe my eyes and give him a weak smile. "You don't look fine." He notices me holding my stomach and I'm quick to pull my hand away.

"Seriously, I'm okay" I say convincingly. He almost believes me till he sees the blood against my locker from my head being smashed into it.

"Dude you're fucking bleeding. I'm going to kick his ass." He turns around about to run after Braden.

"NO!" I scream. "No please don't. It will only make it worse. I- I'm fine I promise he just got a little mad and that's it! Just drop it okay?" I plead trying my best to just get him to forget it.

"Listen I don't wanna make it worse for you but please talk to me if he ever does it again okay? No one deserves that." Nick replies walking back over to me.

"Okay I will." I answer quietly. I feel so vulnerable right now. Fuck you Braden you're really ruining my reputation.

Nick nods his head and starts walking off.

"Wait." I pause as he turns around lifting one of his brows questioningly. "Thank you." I mumble.

"Anytime George. I love you man" he smiles.

"Yeah yeah" I roll my eyes. He laughs.

I decide to head home. I don't wanna be here anymore after that. I feel so violated and embarrassed. All I wanna do is curl up in my bed and fall asleep. I wish someone was there to comfort me, but the only person I could think of was Braden.

He was the last person I wanted to see at the moment.

I end up going home early and falling asleep at 9pm.

My football practice completely slipping my mind as I drift off to sleep my thoughts being clouded with flashbacks of what had happened. The only thing I wanted was for him to not bring it to school. I could handle it at home but now it's getting too much for me to handle.

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