《All or Nothing / DNF Enemies to Lovers》Chapter 5


Braden grabs my hand and we push passed the big group of people on the dance floor. He tries convincing me to dance with him but I want to get a drink first so I continue walking towards the kitchen alone.

As I reach the counter, I see Nick and Karl taking shots together.

"George!" Nick screams and pulls me into a hug. I hesitantly hug him back a little nervous Braden is watching us. I do not want to repeat what had happened at home, and since he is drunk I feel as if he wouldn't care that we are in public. I brush it off and convince myself that he is probably too busy dancing right now to notice.

"Hey guys!" I beam.

"Come take shots with us" Karl says smiling while sliding a shot glass over to me.

"Okay, do you know where Clay is? I need to get my drinks off him" I wink.

"Yeah he was here earlier, I saw him go in the backyard" Nick replies pointing to the back door. I quickly thank him and tell them I will be right back. "Don't take too long! I'm too sober for this shit" Nick yells after me.

I head towards the back getting greeted left, right and center. People telling me how much they are loving the party and thanking me for having it. It's pretty funny to be honest, I mean it doesn't even feel like my party because all I've had to do was show up.

I open the door and search around looking for him. He has so much land back here it's honestly breathtaking. He has a huge pool in the middle of the yard, a hot tub, practically a whole football field and a bonfire. I would never tell him to his face, but this is the nicest house I have ever seen.

It feels like forever that I've been out here and I decide to just give up. He's probably not out here anymore. As I turn around to head inside I bump into someone.

"Oh! Sorry about that" I apologize while stumbling back a bit, getting a whiff of strong cologne. I look up meeting his glare. "Nevermind it's just you" I say while rolling my eyes. I quickly look him up and down. He's wearing black cargo pants, rings, Jordan 1's, a black t-shirt and a silver chain around his neck.

He looks... Good.

"Only you would show up late to your own party" he sarcastically points out.

"Missed me that much Clay?" I clap back smirking. He scoffs.

"Looks like you had a good reason though" he looks down slightly and traces his finger over my neck. I follow his stare and realize he is most likely talking about my hickey from earlier. I feel my face heat up from embarrassment but rapidly cover it up. I swat his hand away.


I raise my eyebrows and ask, "why do you care? Jealous or something."

"Yeah right" he laughs.

"Anyways, I came looking for you because I remember you owing me something!" I remind him. He takes a bit to process what I'm talking about but when he finally catches on he smirks down at me.

"Right. Well follow me." He opens the door and I start following him till we end up back into the kitchen.

"Finally George! You took forever man, Nick already took like five more shots" Karl shouts at me while pointing at Nick who has the largest grin on his face giving me two thumbs up. I smile back. "Sorry, Clay is taking forever" I reply.

When I turn my attention back over to Clay, he's rummaging in his cabinet and pulls out a cardboard box. "Here" he hands it to me. I almost drop it when I realize how heavy it is.

"Holy shit Clay why is it so heavy?" I ask struggling a bit. "It's not, you're just weak" he takes it back out of my hands and sets it on the table.

"Just hand me my drinks already so I can stop talking to you" I cross my arms becoming impatient.

He opens the box and pulls out a pack of beers and a bottle of vodka. This is not what I wanted.

"What the fuck is this? I hate beer and vodka" I look up at him confused. He chuckles quietly.

"I know you do" that dumb smirk returning on his face. I want to knock it off of him so badly right now. "What? You really think I would get you what you wanted after those rude text messages." He asks rhetorically.

I huff, taking the drinks from him and reaching back over to the shot glass Karl had handed me earlier. I pour myself a couple shots and down them instantly, washing them down with the beer he gave me.

"Woah slow down there Georgie, I don't want to have to drag you off my floor later" Clay jokes. He takes the bottle away from me and starts drinking straight from it.

"Hey! That's mine idiot" I grab it back after he took three huge gulps from it. "And you say I'll be the one on the floor" I say as I'm pouring myself another.

"Yeah because I can actually handle my alcohol" He scuffs watching me take yet another.

"Hey George wanna shotgun with me outside!" Nick asks enthusiastically.

"Obviously" I smirk, grab a beer and follow him to the backyard.

"Shotgun competition!" Karl yells.

A few people join us grabbing their own drinks. I guess this is a competition now.

Me, Nick, Braden, Clay and a couple of other guys lineup beside each other. A circle starts to form around us. Braden never really shotguns so he isn't a threat to me, however Clay and Nick do all the time.


I never really do, but I'm still confident in my abilities. Karl starts counting down. "Three, two, one, go!" We all tip our heads back.

All I'm thinking right about now is how much I hate beer. This is so much harder than what I am used to because I never drink this shit. I like sticking to coolers that actually taste good. So this slows me down immensely.

"Woooo I'm done baby!" I hear Clay yell throwing his empty can to the ground. Nick finishes almost immediately after and so do some of the rest of the guys. I finally finish my drink and start burping, the feeling of throwing up itching at my throat. Then everyone else finishes.

"That's so unfair! I hate beer" I frown trying my best to keep my drinks down.

"Shut up you're just a sore loser" Clay snaps.

I start randomly laughing at the comment which gets me a weird look from him, I feel like everything around me is spinning. I don't know why I'm laughing, he just insulted me.

"You're already drunk?" Braden says while snaking an arm around my waist.

"What? I'm not drunk!" I claim and start walking in a straight line to prove myself but stumbling over my feet. Clay chuckles from behind me.

"I told you George, you would be out in the first hour."

"I'm still the life of the partyyyyy" I say slurring my words. I grab Braden's wrist and pull him inside. "Let's go dance!"

The rest of the night was a blur.

I wake up with the worst headache I've had in awhile. I start stretching and feel a shooting pain come from my stomach. I look down and it's all bruised. What the hell happened last night?

Oh no. All I have on are my boxers. I rub my eyes and look around becoming familiar with my surroundings. How the hell did I get home? As I lie there I hear stirring from behind me.

"Morning babe" he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I calm down when I realize who it is.

"How did we get here Braden?" I ask knitting my brows together. He laughs lowly. His morning voice will always make me get butterflies.

"Well, after you started dancing on Clay's kitchen counter almost wiping out a couple of times using a vodka bottle as a microphone, I decided that you had had enough to drink and called an Uber back to your place" he explains.

"I WHAT?" I quickly reach to grab my phone and open snapchat. I start scrolling through stories from last night and a bunch of them are of me completely embarrassing myself. I sigh. I open the boys group chat.

The Boys

Alex : Holy shit guys check this video out!

I press on the video and of course, it's of me again. I'm up on the balcony with my shirt off screaming if I should cannon ball into the pool. I hear a bunch of people cheering me on but someone yelling at me to get down and that it's not safe.


Why would Clay care. He hates me.

I see myself run to the edge of the balcony and jump off belling flopping in the water. That explains the bruises all over my stomach. I huff and exit out the video.

Nick : Oh my God last night was sooooo fun dude

Will : Man George threw the party and carried it!

I slightly smile at this comment. I don't remember much from last night but it always feels good hearing something like this.

George : I'm dying rn

Clay : You deserve it.

Nick : Chill out Clay, no need to be sour you have to clean up all his puke

Oh... Oops. I don't remember that.

Clay : I have every right to be mad, I warned him.

Clay : And don't forget he blacked out on his way out.

George : That's payback for last party

I laugh to myself and turn my phone off. I stand up to get out of bed but quickly sit back down when I feel a pain shoot down my lower back. Crap.

Braden laughs.

"Did we..." I ask quietly trailing off.

"Well yeah you were begging me for it, don't you remember?" He replies proudly.

I wrack my brain for the memory and shake my head in reply to his question. Didn't Clay just say I blacked out? How would we have fucked.

"Didn't I pass out? That's what the guys were saying" I stare at him blankly trying to put all the pieces together. He rubs circles into my back.

"Come on George I saw the group chat too, you really trust something Clay says?" he asks suggestively.

"I guess you're right" I nod agreeing with him. I mean he has a point, Clay hates me and would probably overexaggerate something like this to prove a point.

The rest of the day Braden and I spend laying in bed watching Netflix recovering from last night. We order food to the house and basically do nothing all day.

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