《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》29- Mysterious Computer Man


Last time...

"Let's give it a shot."


"We can't let him get away with this." You heard Trish say as she stood up from her chair, an almost dreadful expression on her face, "A moment ago, just for a little while, I felt the same thing I felt in Venice. The one who got close to Y/N and Abbacchio was... my father."

Trish stared at the mold she had made of her father from Moody Blues' replay.

"So you're saying that Abbacchio and Y/N could've..." Fugo trailed off, horrified that he could've lost two of his friends today.

"Let's not dwell on that, Abbacchio and I are here right now so it doesn't matter how close we were to death." You spoke up with a serious look on your face while Abbacchio nodded along.

"Y/N is right, but does that mean the boss is here Trish?" Bruno asked.

"Yes." Trish answered as she looked up at the ceiling, "I don't know where he is right now, but he's nearby."

"Bucciarati!" Giorno exclaimed, causing the capo to turn to him.

"Not right now!" Bruno scolded, "If we don't find out the boss' identity for sure and kill him, we're going to lose. We have to track down his identity first!"

You could hear the frustration dripping off of Bruno's voice as Giorno turned back to the computer when it beeped.

"No hits." Giorno reported grimly.

"It's no use... The boss is meticulous." Fugo grimaced, "It's impossible to track him down any further."

You watched as Bruno seemed to glare at the floor with this recent development. You adjusted the aviator sunglasses that rested on the golden hairpins you had received for your birthday, they were some of your most valued possessions.

You all turned your attention to the computer when it started making a dreadful beeping noise.

"That's not true!" A voice came from the computer, you noticed Lemon came out of your jacket when he heard the voice, "You have already tracked him down."


"What?" Giorno stared at the laptop in shock.

"All that's left now is to find a way to defeat him." the voice continued as you all stood around the computer in shock, yes even Abbacchio had stood up, "I've been waiting so long for people like you who'd do everything they could to track this man down!"

"Someone tracked us down instead!" Bruno exclaimed in slight panic, "Giorno, cut the connection quick!"

"Wait! Don't cut me off!" The voice pleaded, "I'm on your side! You want to defeat Diavolo, don't you?"

Everyone gasped unanimously.

'How does he know the boss' name?!' You yelled in your head while keeping a somewhat calm exterior.

"Diavolo?" Trish asked in a hushed voice, but Bruno put a finger to his mouth and shushed her.

"Please believe me." The voice urged, "I knew deep in my heart that someone who wanted to defeat Diavolo would eventually show up. That's why I kept this line open. I've been waiting for so long. I've waited for years, filled wit hope. I'm on your side!"

"I don't know about that." Your capo said with narrowed eyes, "Diavolo? Just because you said that name doesn't guarantee that you're on our side. Giorno, cut the connection."

"His stand ability is to cut through time!" The man exclaimed in panic of being cut off causing Giorno to freeze and your eyes to widen in shock, "Did you know that? Though I'm sure that you're in a hurry to find out who he is because you know that."

"He's on our side..." Trish said while pointing ti the computer, "This guy is on our side. No underling of my father's could've survived knowing his stand ability."

"Be quiet Trish." Giorno said, causing Trish to pull her hand back closer to herself, "We can't reveal more about ourselves just yet."

Bruno closed his eyes for a second to think before making his decision.

"All right. Let's hear what you have to say. First, tell us your name." The black-haired man said authoritatively.


"My name doesn't matter." The voice replied, "My body is already in a state that prevents me from fighting. What's important is whether or not you're able to defeat him. His ability to erase time has no weakness. I'm sure you're planning to assassinate him, but you are certain to fail!"

"Are you saying you know of a way to defeat the boss?" Abbacchio asked.

"His King Crimson is invincible!" The voice exclaimed, "But I do know of a slight possibility to defeat him. It's just a possibility though. You will have to obtain that possibility."

"Obtain it?" Bruno asked.

"Come to me. Come to Rome!" The voice explained,"If you do, I can give you this possibility!"

"Do you really think we'll go to you?" Bruno asked rhetorically, "We don't even know if we can trust you."

"I'm sure at least some of you know what this is." The voice said a picture of the arrow that gave you your stand.

You all gasped and leaned towards the computer, well except for Trish.

"That's..." Giorno said.

"The arrow!" Fugo finished, "Well, at least it looks just like it!"

"Why do you have that?" Abbacchio asked.

"I'll tell you that later." The voice said, "You must come to my location to retrieve this. He doesn't know the true way to use this arrow. This arrow doesn't just awaken stand abilities in people. There is hidden wisdom within it. I will tell you what it is. Come to Rome. The arrow will defeat him."

'Is he a foreigner? He seems to only be saying about five words per sentence.' You thought while the voice continued talking.

"It's your last and only hope!" The mysterious computer man finished.


The computer man had gone on a fairly long ramble about the arrow and it's origins.

"I see. I understand that now." Bruno said, "But what's this secret way of using the arrow that we're supposed to retrieve?"

"I can't tell you that until you come see me in Rome." The man said once again, "On top of that, I can only tell one of you what it is. Because no one else can ever find out about this secret power. But once you find out that method, I guarantee it will take you to another dimension. It is the only way to defeat King Crimson."

Everyone turned towards Bruno to see his decision.

"There's no guarantee that your story is true." The capo said coolly while closing his eyes, "But if the boss hears about this, he's definitely going to eliminate you."

" I'll trust you." Bruno declared, "How do you want to meet?"

"Come to the Colosseum in Rome." The voice answered, "Once you get there, you'll know. It doesn't matter what time. I'll be waiting. Everything will be revealed there."


As the mysterious man disconnected and everyone returned to their seats. You watched as Bruno slouched down in a chair, and arm covering his eyes.

You got up from your seat and walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out a cold can of orange juice that was still left. You walked behind the capo and placed the cold drink on his forehead, causing him to flinch before removing the arm from his eyes. You smiled at him and handed him the orange juice.

"Here, you've been working hard." You smiled as he took the drink. You sat down on the arm of the chair, your vision going fuzzy for a moment causing you to sway for a moment. Luckily the only one who saw was Bruno, who steadied you.

"How long do you think you have?" Bruno asked so just you ti hear.

"I'd say a day tops." You said looking at the floor shamefully, you didn't want to think about how you'd be leaving your friends so soon.

What happened next was unexpected, Bruno had pulled you into a tight hug.

"Then I'll try and make it the best I can." He said softly.

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