《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》23- Where Does it Go Mista?!


While Narancia was freaking out about having to pay for the man's suit, you had taken a seat next to Bucciarati. You poured yourself a glass of wine and took a sip.

"I didn't know you drink Y/N." Giorno said.

"I don't normally, but it reminds me of my dad." You smiled gently into your wine, unconsciously making both Bucciarati and Giorno feel guilty.

You were trying to ignore the four children (yes Abbacchio too) who were testing their food on the man to see if it was poisoned. You felt that they really didn't need to test their food, the were just wanting to mess with the dude.

"Hey, that's enough." Bucciarati spoke.

You felt Giorno staring at you, but you didn't really know why. You looked down at the food in front of you that Bucciarati had ordered in hopes of ignoring the blond. Despite the food looking amazing, you just weren't hungry, at this point you knew something was really wrong. You could've sworn you really died back there with the boss, but somehow you were here now.

"So Bucciarati, what are we going to do now?" Abbacchio said now that he was seated. Fugo was sitting between you and Narancia while Giorno was still standing.

"The boss's stand makes time disappear," Bucciarati started, making you remember what happened in the church, "the boss is the only one who can move in this state. He's invincible."

Your fingers intertwined as you glared at your own hands. That was until Giorno put a hand gently on your shoulder, causing you to look up and breathe. You needed to relax and pay attention to what Bucciarati was saying.

"It doesn't matter who it is." Bucciarati continued after noticing you relax, "Anyone's attack becomes useless against that stand. The only one that might be able to somewhat get around it is Y/N, though it's only if the boss doesn't notice."


Everyone gasped, and the atmosphere was very tense.

"However..." Bucciarati interjected, "That'll change once we figure out who the boss is! Because if we find out the boss' identity, we might be able to assassinate him!"

You weren't quite sure if Bucciarati should really be saying this out loud. You smiled as Lemon hopped on your head, resting there. You had never noticed how lemon was more yellow with what almost was a green heart on his back, he was strange compared to all the other frogs Giorno had created that were just green.

"And to do that, we need to find out who he really is." Bucciarati concluded as he slammed his hands down on the table.

"But how are we going to find him?" Mista asked, "The boss is the type of guy who's gotten rid any trace of himself."

'Yes Mista, he's erased everything of himself except one thing.... I don't like addressing her as a thing...' You thought as you looked at the turtle.

"Trish." Abbacchio spoke up, "There must be some kind of hint involving Trish. Everyone was after Trish, and the boss wanted to eliminate Trish. Right?"

'Woo! Go Abbacchio using that police officer brain!" You mentally cheered.

"A-About that..." Narancia spoke up, causing everyone to turn their attention to him, "I don't want to involve Trish in this anymore... Th-This feeling sucks. Trish doesn't know anything! If she finds out her actual father tried to kill her, she'll be in shock. Bucciarati, please! Let's not talk about the boss' identity and stuff like that in front of her."

Everyone was silent, you all knew Narancia was right.

"There's no need for that, Narancia." You whipped your head around to see Trish, "I've already know that... for a while."

You offered your hand to the girl sitting on the ground, you helped her up once she grabbed on.


"T-Trish..." Narancia stuttered

"I remembered something when you said he got rid of all traces of himself." Trish said softly at the beginning before speaking up. Her statement caused you and the group to quietly gasp.

"My mother had mentioned she met my father in Sardinia." Trish continued with her story, letting go of your hand.

"Sardinia..." Bucciarati repeated to himself.

"When I was little, my mother told me that they had met while she was vacationing." Trish turned her back to the group and walked toward the guardrail, "He told her he'd be right back... but then he disappeared forever, leaving nothing behind, not even a photo or his name."

"Before he became the boss of the organization..." Abbacchio started.

"Fifteen years ago..." Fugo continued, "Then he was born and raised in..."

"I'm not sure about all that, but..." Trish continued and turned to face the group, "Sardinia. His past and true identity should be in Sardinia."

"Why are you telling us that?" You asked, concerned, "We might end up killing your father! No, we will defeat him!"

"You defeating him or not isn't my problem." Trish said determinedly to you,"But... I want to know! I want to know who I came from! I'm not going to die before I find that out!"

You smiled softly at Trish's statement, she really had grown in the days you've known her. Your reaction was more positive than Bucciarati's, which was him looking away, conflicted.

"Hey Narancia." Abbacchio said as he walked up behind you and turned to the orange boy, "Looks like she's way stronger than you thought."

"Fine." Narancia raised his hands in defeat.

You looked at Giorno, who had been silent this whole time. You really do wonder what's on his mind sometimes. He looked in some random direction before looking back at you. He realized you were staring at him, so he did the only logical thing. He stared right back.

You weren't going to give into this donut-hair boy, so you stared right back. That was until Bucciarati bonked you both on the head for being weird.


"I was under the impression that Trish was like me..." Narancia lamented as he stirred his soup. You weren't really paying attention, mainly staring at Mista, wondering something.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Mista asked as he noticed your stare.

"No... I was just wondering..." You started, "Where does the food that the Sex Pistols eat go?"

Mista stared at you, then at his food.

"Y'know... I really don't know..." Mista stared at his food.

"Great Y/N, you broke him." Fugo said sarcastically.

"Well I was curious, do you know where the food goes?" You shot back.

"I-" Fugo raised a finger before placing it under his chin, "I don't know..."

"Stop breaking them Y/N." Bucciarati scolded to which you chuckled. Bucciarati halfheartedly glared at you, trying not to chuckle.

"Just eat your food you three." Abbacchio said, very much annoyed with your shenanigans.

You all were too busy bickering to notice Narancia's ramblings had stopped.


"LIKE HELL IF I KNOW?!" Abbacchio yelled back.

Mista was having a mental breakdown over where the food his stand ate went while Fugo was trying to do the math on his napkin. Bucciarati was about to start banging his head on the table if he had to hear you and Abbacchio yelling one more time. Giorno was talking to Trish by the water, probably something about dreams.

"An enemy! There's an enemy nearby!" Narancia's yelling grabbed everyone's attention, ceasing you and Abbacchio from fighting. Your stands were out and everything.

"There's a shark in my soup!" Narancia stood up. away from the table as he pointed at the soup, "Aerosmith!"

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