《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》15-Haha Stands Go Brrrrrrr


There was a lone motorbike, just sitting there, no rider, nothing.

"Hey Giorno, has that been here the entire time?" You asked Giorno, as your frog that you had named Lemon sat on your head.

"No I don't think so, that's what makes it strange." Giorno responded.

"Giorno, Y/N, is something wrong?" Bucciarati asked, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Bucciarati, please be on your guard." Giorno finally answered as you inspected the motorbike, "A strange bike has appeared."

There was ?" Giorno called, you turned around quickly as he said his next statement, "Don't tell me... Bucciarati! Where's Trish? Trish!"

"What's wrong Giorno?!" You quickly moved away from the bike and towards Giorno.

Giorno didn't answer, but when you looked in the turtle, there was no one there.

"Golden Experience!" Giorno said as he pulled out his stand, which promptly entered the turtle. You had Don't Stop Me Now follow behind.

You watched as Giorno's Golden Experience and your own stand investigated the turtle, but there was nothing there.

'Where could they be?' You thought.

"I thought I felt a presence in there, but..." You heard Giorno mumble.

"No, you were correct." A new voice said.

"Everyone! There's an enemy here! We're being atta-" Giorno was cut off as a cube of Giorno's neck was taken out.

"I'll relay the message Giorno!" You said about to race off when a cube popped out of each of your legs, causing you to fall on your knees.

"Everyo-" You were also cut off by a cube falling out of your neck as well.

You watched as Giorno tried to signal for help, but the gang didn't get the message.

Don't Stop Me Now watched as Golden Experience destroyed the cabinet. You clutched your throat as you mentally kicked yourself for not being useful . Suddenly, blood burst from Giorno's foot.

You tried getting up again, but another chunk was taken out of your left leg, causing you to loose a foot.

You watched as Giorno's eye was also carved out of his face, if you could scream you would have. You had no idea what what this stand was, you had no idea how the hell your stand would even help at all. To be short, you were completely panicking.

You were pulled out of the downward spiral that you found yourself in when Giorno had removed the key from the turtle, causing the stand to be pulled from the turtle.

You watched in shock as the cabinet turned into thousands of little cubes as they flew through the air. Then, you figured out what the stand was.


'So it takes living things and turns them into inanimate objects, kinda like the reverse of Giorno's stand.' You thought. You also wondered how the hell none of the gang had seen any of this.

You grabbed the turtle as the rock the stand had turned into was bouncing around.

"Golden Experience!" Giorno yelled as his stand came out and punched the rock. Though this didn't seem effective, as the stand simply split in two. The stand continued to slip any time Golden Experience tried to punch it.

"Don't Stop Me Now!" You yelled as you noticed your surroundings slowing down. Your stand did it's best to make it over to the pieces of the stand, moving them back a little as you were still going really fast.

When you slowed back down, the pieces of the stand that you had hit went flying, causing you to smirk. Though at that moment you realized you couldn't exactly breathe.

The stand shot out at Giorno, which he barely dodged. You watched as your friend tried to drag himself to the wall, hoping to be able to alert the gang.

The stand was reforming overhead as you noticed something, both you and Giorno were running out of oxygen.

"Guys..." You heard Giorno croak out, "I need to somehow... let them know..."

The rock bounced near Giorno, and Golden Experience promptly smashed. Leading you to believe that it was just a normal rock, not the stand.

"No. That was just a rock." The voice from before said as you watched the wall move as if something was under it.

You wondered if your brain was starting to not function due to lack of oxygen, because it took you a moment to realize it was the stand inside the wall.

You nearly screamed as you watched it take another chunk out of Giorno's throat.

'Shit.' You thought as you tried to crawl over to your now falling friend, 'If we don't stop this thing, Trish is going to be taken and Bucciarati will be killed!'

You watched as the stand's hand placed the key back in the turtle, while Giorno roughly hit the ground.

Your vision was getting blurry and your arms were about to give out any moment. You look over to Giorno for one last-ditch attempt to see if he has an idea. Your eyes widen as you watched the Blond's eyes lose their shine.

You watched as the enemy stand came out of the wall, it seemed to resemble a child of some sort.

"I'll leave the newbies corpses here." The stand said, "As planned I've quietly captured Trish."


You wished you could summon your stand, but you were losing energy and blood fast. You rested face first in the dirt, accepting that this is where you die.

Then, when you had lost all hope, you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your foot? You used your strength to look up and see Giorno. He had used his stand to remake the body part he and you had lost. It hurt as he put the pieces of your throat back in, but you were just happy you were going to live.

You stood up and saw the childlike stand on the motorbike, getting ready to leave with Trish and Bucciarati.

You both started walking towards the stand, which caused it to freeze.

"Reconstructing humans into objects..." Giorno started, "Your ability gave me an excellent hint."

"Your ability is similar to Giorno's Golden Experience..." You stated, "They're both similar since they both reconstruct things, yet they're almost complete opposites."

"Due to the hint you gave me, and us almost getting killed," Giorno said, "It would appear... That I've grown a little."

Giorno revealed the cubes on his neck that hadn't seemed to be pulsing. Was he doing this simply for intimidation, because when he did yours it didn't do that. You sometimes really couldn't understand this kid.

"M-Melone, did you hear that?" The stand said to what you assumed to be it's user, "I completely forgot, but now I know one of the newbies stand abilities. Though the girl's is still unknown."

Giorno ripped off one of his ladybug brooches dramatically, and transformed it into his missing eye.

You had tuned out the stands rambling, and turned your attention to Giorno as he put the replacement eye in its place.

The motor bike roared to life.

"Hey! No running away! Don't Stop Me Now!" You yelled as you pulled out your stand. Though, it did something you didn't expect. Your stand punched the motor bike with a clear 'Len!', causing the bike to not speed up, but slow down.

"Golden Experience!" Giorno shouted as his stand tried to punch the stand, but it dodged. What the stand didn't notice at first was the roots growing into it's leg. Giorno had also secured the motor bike with roots since the effect of Don't Stop Me Now seemed to be wearing off.

"A-Are you listening Melone?" The stand spoke to it's user, "One newbie made parts of the motorcycle into roots, and the other was able to slow down the bike! I can't separate them! I'll have to get rid of the parts that are stuck! I need to get away from the bike!"

You really didn't think this stand should be announcing it's plans in front of it's opponents, but oh well to each their own.

The stand then separated itself from the bike, turning into thousands of little cubes and dropping the turtle.

The stand then disappeared, leaving the two of you wondering where the hell it could be.

'Is it a rock again? Part of the bike? Or maybe something else?' You thought as you looked around for any signs of the stand.

You and Giorno both ran to grab the turtle before the oil could reach it. As you grabbed it and the two of you rolled, the stand came out of the oil and tried to attack you two. Giorno summoned Golden experience to punch the enemy stand, which caused it to get it's hand chopped off.

"I got him!" The stand said as Golden Experience's hand fell to the ground.

The stand pointed to the two of you as if it had already won.

"It was only a little bit, but how dare you freak me out you bastard?!" The stand yelled as you glared daggers at it, "Now I'm going to rip your heads-"

"I've learned learned a lot from your ability to turn humans into objects." Giorno cut the stand off, "I'm not sure if it's fate or if our stands were attracted to each other due to their similarities that we met."

" But because of you, both my Don't Stop Me Now and Giorno's Golden Experience were able to grow." You said as you held the turtle close to you.

"Wh-Where did it go?" The stand questioned as it looked around, "I just tore off your wrist, where did it go?"

"Tore off?" Giorno questioned, "That's incorrect. I intentionally let it go."

"I'll give you a little advice," You started with a smirk, "You should probably use that hand to defend yourself instead of attack."

"D-Don't you dare underestimate me!" The stand glared at the two of you, "Take this!" It yelled as it thrusted it's hand towards Giorno, suddenly it looked as if something was crawling under it's skin.

"W-What?!" The stand yelled as it saw the lump under it's metallic skin move up to it's shoulder.

"The hand that I cut off has already become another living creature and invaded your body." Giorno glared at the enemy stand, "Yes."

Suddenly a piranha burst from the back of the stand, causing it's 'blood' to spew everywhere as the stand screamed.

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