《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》12- Say No to Old Age


Both of you reel back in disgust.

"You're speaking too softly..." The old Narancia said, "I couldn't hear you very well..."

Both you and Mista stared at your friend in both disgust and confusion.

"I'm telling you, this banana is crumbling..." Narancia rambled on while holding a completely brown banana, "I-I can't eat it... Th-They're all dry... A-All the fruits are dry..."

"Wh-What the hell is wrong with you?!" Mista finally spoke up, which caused Bucciarati and Trish to look up.

"Didn't you hear me? Ok then..." The now elderly Narancia said.

"There's something wrong with your face!" Mista yelled and pointed at Narancia who was still talking, "N-Narancia, you..."

"I'll say it even louder this time!" Narancia said, ignoring Mista, "Are you paying attention?! I can't eat this banana!"

The old Narancia moved towards you and Mista, to which both of you backed up.

"Look. It's just crumbling..." Narancia showed the two of you how the banana crumbled, "It's old, damn it..."

"Bucciarati!" Mista and you yelled in sync.

"I know! It's a stand attack!" Bucciarati responded as Narancia walked around, "Th-There must be an enemy on this train!"

Narancia pulled out some of his now white locks and looked at them.

"Huh? What? What's this white stuff?" Narancia questioned, "It came from my head... What the hell is this?!"

Trish looked at Narancia with absolute horror and disgust.

"What's the matter?" An elderly Giorno asked, "Did something... happen?"

Everyone gasped at Giorno who was now old, the same with Fugo and Abbacchio.

"Th-They've all aged!" Bucciarati announced.

"Who the hell is th-this?!" Narancia exclaimed as he looked at his reflection, "What? No way... This can't be! This is me?!"

Giorno, due to being awake now, noticed he also aged considerably.

You wondered why you, Bucciarati, Trish, and Mista weren't as affected.

"What the hell's going on?!" Narancia yelled in confusion.


"A-A stand that makes people age?" Mista questioned, you could see the aging starting to have an affect on him.

"Did they figure out we were in this turtle?!" Mista panicked as he pointed his gun at the ceiling.

"No..." You murmured, drawing attention to you, "I don't think they know where we are at all..."

"What do you mean?!" Mista pressed.

"Calm down, Mista." Bucciarati commanded as Trish touched her face, "Like Y/N implied, if they knew we were inside the turtle, they would have used a more direct attack. And since they haven't, that means we haven't been found yet."

You admired Bucciarati for being able to keep his cool and calm down others in times like this, because honestly you were freaked out.

"The enemy probably only knows that we're somewhere on this train" Bucciarati continued, "and, in order to find her, they're attacking everyone on this train indiscriminately!"

"D-Does that mean this train is running with everyone on board affected?" Mista questioned.

"Probably." You answered with a grim scowl on your face, "They're desperate, I'm sure they'd do anything... Without a second thought."

"This leaves us with two choices." Bucciarati picked up from where you left off, "One, take Trish and somehow get off this train." Bucciarati started walking towards you and Mista, " Two, we find this enemy, even though we don't know their range, and dispose of them."

"Obviously, we'll go with the second choice." Mista said as he leaned closer to Bucciarati, "If we want to take her and run, we'll have to stop the train. It's too dangerous."

Mista opened his gun to show it was fully loaded.

"Assassinating them is more definite, with my sex pistols!" Mista announced.

"Yes, you're right." Bucciarati said, "But we don't have any time. We're aging at an alarming rate..."

"Bucciarati..." Narancia said from the floor, "M-My hands... They're crumbling!" Narancia yelled as his fingernails started peeling back, which made you gag and have to look away.


You could hear Narancia's bones creaking and his skin flaking, which wasn't pleasant in the slightest

"You're right, Bucciarati. We really don't have any time!" Mista said as he looked at the crumbling Narancia and slammed his hand down on a chair.

"Wait a minute Mista..." Giorno spoke up, "It's too early... to go..."

"What the hell are you talking about Giorno?" You questioned your now elderly friend.

"I'm telling you... It's too early to go..." Giorno repeated.

"We don't have any time to waste! " Mista pointed at Giorno.

"Wait." Bucciarati cut Mista off, "Hear him out. What are you trying to say, Giorno?"

"Why are we all aging at a different rate than Bucciarati?" Giorno questioned, causing everyone to gasp lightly and Bucciarati to look at his hand.

"Mista and my symptoms are light..." Bucciarati started, "Trish's and Y/N's are even less! But why?"

"Apparently, we're just aging at different rates! I'm going!" Mista said impatiently.

"No Mista, wait a moment." You called out.

"If they're attacking everyone indiscriminately with age... They might end up killing her, even though she's her target." Giorno pointed out, "There's some kind of prerequisite to how fast we're aging. I'll tell you what I think... I think the enemy is differentiating between men a women by the difference in their body temperature. I read somewhere that women have more fat in their bodies, which makes them less susceptible to temperatures fluctuation. Apparently, women also age better and live longer than men. Don't you think it's been a little hot? The enemy is differentiating the aging speed based on slight differences in body temperature. All that matters is that men age faster and she ages slower."

"Yeah that sounds about right," Mista said as he pointed at Giorno, "But why are you and I aging at different rates?"

"Are you insinuating that I'm a girl?!" Mista yelled as he touched his face, which made you chuckle softly.

"Change in body temperature..." Trish interjected, causing Mista and the rest of you to turn to her, "Come to think of it, our bodies were slightly cooler..."

"Because we had something cold to drink." You finished Trish's sentence and she nodded at you.

"Narancia didn't have anything to drink." Trish said as she knelt in front if the old Narancia and placed placed an ice cube near his eye to prove her theory.

The are where the ice was immediately turned back to the way it was, causing you to gasp.

"Th-That's..." Mista stuttered, "Giorno, it's exactly like you said! We're aging slower because our bodies were slightly cooler!"

Giorno nodded as Mista hurriedly grabbed the ice tray from the mini fridge.

"Cool everyone down! Cool everyone down with ice!" Mista yelled.

"Hold it, Mista! " Bucciarati stopped Mista's panic, "You're going to have to take that ice with you!"

Mista looked back at the tray, which only had two ice cubes left in it.

"Th-This is all that's left?" Mista muttered.

"It doesn't change the fact that we still have to dispose of the enemy." Bucciarati said as he pointed to Mista, "Mista, you're going to take that ice and defeat the enemy... before that ice melts and you lose your stand power!"

Mista was about to go up, but you pulled on the bottom of his sweater, which caused him to look down at you in confusion.

"One last thing." You said as you pulled Mista down to your level before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, "A kiss for good luck!" You smiled brightly at him despite your own fear.

Mista blushed slightly before smiling determinedly and exiting the turtle.

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