《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》4- The One Where Stuff Goes Down Part 2: The Electric Boogaloo
"What the hell is wrong with you ?"
"Y-You bastard..." Giorno choked out, "This stand..."
"Use your Golden experience to defend yourself!" Bucciarati yelled. With a spurt of blood Giorno was bulled down into the box. Bucciarati ran up, but there was no sign of Giorno at all.
"I-Impossible!" Bucciarati yelled, "Giorno... Where are you?!" Bucciarati tried running forwards, but Abbacchio grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.
"Don't go down there, Bucciarati." Abbacchio said, "Actually, stay back. It's not that I trust Giorno Giovanna as one of us, but Giorno seems to believe you won't abandon him. He does some pretty crazy shit."
"Giorno Giovanna..." Abbacchio scoffed, "What if they had actually killed you? So, again, Bucciarati, don't go down there." Abbacchio pointed to where Giorno disappeared.
"Th-That fly..." Bucciarati started, "Narancia's shoe... Giorno's powers haven't disappeared yet. Does that mean Giorno's alive?"
"They're here, Bucciarati!" Abbacchio warned, "Narancia and the enemy are below deck!"
Bucciarati immediately brought out his stand.
"Sticky Fingers!" He said as the ble and white stand repeatedly punched the deck, creating a long, zig-zagging zipper that promptly snapped open.
Once the zipper revealed the lower deck, nothing could be found, not the enemy or the gang.
"Narancia, Fugo, Mista, Y/N, and Giorno aren't here!" Bucciarati exclaimed as he peered into the zipper.
"Maybe they're right under where the fly is." Abbacchio proposed.
"It's just like Giorno said." Bucciarati stated, "The enemy's not just hiding in some locker or behind something to attack..." Abbacchio saw the fly moving out of the corner of his eyes.
"Hey. The fly's coming around now." Abbacchio stated.
"That's strange..." Bucciarati stated, "Where is the enemy going? How and where are the enemy hiding?"
"Regarding the enemy's abilities..." Abbacchio started slowly, "I hate to admit it, but it looks like I'll have to accept what Giorno was saying. I'll use my stand to solve this mystery!" He declared, "But... that spot's bad news, Bucciarati!" Abbacchio pushed himself and Bucciarati into the cabin through the open zipper. As soon as the two were below deck, the zipper closed and disappeared.
Abbacchio and Bucciarati walked through the cabin instead of on the surface towards where Narancia had disappeared. As they were walking Abbacchio summoned his stand.
"Moody Blues!" He said as his stand appeared. There stood a blue, purple, and pink mixed Stand with Gray areas and a smooth surface. The stand didn't have a mouth, but it had two circular balls with holes in them for eyes and a small screen on it's forehead.
"Does Narancia from five minutes ago work?" Abbacchio asked.
"Yeah, that should be fine." Bucciarati said as the screen on Moody Blues' forehead set itself to five minutes. The stand quickly went up to the deck once it was set to five minutes. Bucciarati and Abbacchio followed closely behind.
"Is the fly alright?" Abbacchio asked as they made it onto the deck.
"It's heading towards the bow." Bucciarati replied, "Now's our chance. Do it quickly."
"Yeah." Said Abbacchio.
As the two approached they saw Moody Blues turn into Narancia. Abbacchio's stand started doing what Narancia was doing five minutes ago, which was listening to his music.
"What's that noise?" Bucciarati asked.
"His headphones." Abbacchio said pointing to his own head, "Five minutes ago, Narancia was listening to his boombox." The Narancia suddenly made a face like the real Narancia did earlier.
"Huh? What's wrong with this thing? It just stopped working! Why'd it stop?" The Narancia said as it fiddled with the controls of the non-existent boombox. The Narancia looked over to where Y/N was sitting before.
"It looks like it got fried somehow." Y/N's disembodied voice said.
"What? How!" The Narancia exclaimed.
"It might've gotten wet somehow or it was a manufacturing defect." Once again said Y/N's disembodied voice.
"What is he talking about?" Bucciarati asked.
"Y/N had offered to take his boombox to her father's shop to fix it." Abbacchio answered.
"The one by the airport?" Bucciarati asked.
"Yeah, I think so." The taller man answered. Bucciarati felt even more guilt for bringing the poor girl into this, she could've had a perfectly normal life...
"Anyways, This isn't it. Narancia was attacked a little after this." Bucciarati said getting back on track.
"I'll try fast forwarding and searching." Abbacchio said. Moody Blues suddenly sped up Narancia's movements until he started walking up to where he was sitting before he got attacked. As the two men followed Moody blues it sat down and resumed at normal speed. It was repeating Bucciarati's words from earlier.
"A-Awesome!" The Narancia said.
"That was my voice." Bucciarati said as the Narancia continued talking, "It was right after this conversation that Narancia was attacked!"
"We better be able to see just how he was attacked, Abbacchio." Bucciarati scowled as he pointed at moody blues.
"My stand replays everything." Abbacchio stated, "We'll be able to everything, from Narancia's sweat, to his pulse. And it'll follow him everywhere."
"It's about time." Bucciarati stated, "Let's get behind Narancia." He said as they WALKED BEHIND NARANCIA, "He's about to be attacked!"
Suddenly a hole appeared on the back of Narancia's shoulder, a mix of both shock and realization was plastered on the men's faces.
"L-Look! It's the same wound that Giorno had!" Bucciarati shouted.
The Narancia was then pulled into the box, then what sounded like air was released from the puncture wound.
"This is... He's deflating like a balloon loosing air!" Bucciarati said as Narancia started to deflate.
"Air is leaking from his wound, deflating him" Bucciarati stated more calmly than before.
"Looks like we know the enemy's abilities are now." Abbacchio remarked.
"He's being pulled in!" Bucciarati points out, "Pause it, Abbacchio!" Abbacchio complied and immediately paused his Moody Blues. The Narancia paused as it was halfway into the drain as Bucciarati crouched down to get a better look.
"I see... So he's inside the pipe." Bucciarati deduced, "This is the answer to our mystery. His nails, flesh, and bones are all floppy like a condom. Even his shoe and belt buckle, but he still has a pulse. Just like Giorno said, He's still alive." Bucciarati explained as Abbacchio watched the surroundings.
"So that's what's going on..." Bucciarati continued as Abbacchio turned back to him, "The enemy is also doing this to his own body, hiding in pipes or between the planks or walls, and he's dragged Mista, Fugo, Y/N, and Giorno, as well. That explains why Giorno's fly can trace the general area, but can't pinpoint exactly where they are."
"We figured out the enemy's abilities." Abbacchio stated and Bucciarati turned to him, "Now all we have to do is chase the enemy, find out where Narancia and the others are and save them, and then beat the shit out of this guy."
"I'm resuming Moody Blues' replay." Abbacchio declared and Bucciarati gasped.
The now deflated Narancia slipped down the pipes as the two watched. Abbacchio leaned down next to Bucciarati and peered into the box.
"Chase? Wait a second, Abbacchio!" Bucciarati shouted in disbelief, "While you're replaying, you can't attack or defend yourself. You're totally defenseless! It's dangerous to go into thee pipe."
"I know exactly where Moody Blues is going." Abbacchio said coolly, "When that bastard is near, use your zippers to open the floor and get him!"
"We can't defeat the enemy if we don't chase him, Bucciarati!" Abbacchio said as he turned to Bucciarati.
Abbacchio stood up causing Bucciarati to look up at him questioningly.
"He went left." Abbacchio said as he started to follow where his Moody Blues was, "That's where he got Mista." Abbacchio leaned on the railing, "Moody Blues is going right underneath that ring buoy. It's going near the cabin where it got Y/N, Fugo, and Giorno.
"So the enemy is moving them around while keeping them captured." Bucciarati pointed out as they walked a little bit away from where the fly was.
"It's moving much slower..." Abbacchio stated, "That's where the bastard was hiding earlier."
Abbacchio then pointed to a rope fastener.
"On the inside of that rope fastener! The enemy is right below the deck there!" He concluded. The fly started to rapidly come towards Bucciarati and Abbacchio.
"The enemy's coming for us." Bucciarati stated coolly, "I'm not sure if he knows that we know his abilities, but..."
"Bring it on!" Bucciarati declared.
"The pipes! Cut through them and get them outta there!" Abbacchio shouted.
"Sticky Fingers!" Bucciarati yelled as his stand once again rapidly punched the deck, creating a zipper through it and the pipe underneath. Unfortunately there was nothing to be found once the pipe was opened, both men gasped in shock and confusion.
"Th-They're not there!" Bucciarati yelled, "Where's the enemy, Abbacchio? Where's your Moody Blues? Where are they?" Bucciarati was starting to panic.
"Right there." Abbacchio said as he pointed to the open zipper, "It's my stand. I know where it is. It's right around there.
Sticky Fingers was hovering behind Bucciarati as the two men stared in confusion and mild panic.
"Right around were?" Bucciarati asked in confusion, even though Abbacchio was POINTING where.
"I'm telling you, right there where you opened it up!" Said Abbacchio, "My Moody Blues is definitely right there!"
Bucciarati 'tch'-ed before scowling and using Sticky Fingers to punch open many zippers into the deck, unfortunately they revealed nothing. "Where are they?" He said confused.
"Where are they?" Abbacchio repeated. The two stared in shock, confusion, and now more mild panic at the open zippers.
"This isn't good!" Bucciarati exclaimed, "Undo the replay and call your stand back!"
" I already did." Abbacchio interjected while Bucciarati pointed at the opened deck and gasped.
As the two crouched on the edge of the boat, they heard a creak from inside the pipe. Despite nothing being there.
"Did you hear that, Bucciarati?" Abbacchio questioned as they both turned towards the sound, "That's the sound of the inside of a pipe. We can't see it, but Moody Blues is definitely right there..." Abbacchio stepped over the thing he was crouching on and approached the opened pipe as Bucciarati watched.
"Inside the pipe." Abbacchio concluded.
"What are you doing?" Bucciarati said to Abbacchio as said man crouched down by the pipe, "The enemy's right there!"
"The pipe's wide open, but it's in the pipe..."
"It's coming closer..." Bucciarati warned as the fly from earlier was rushing towards the two. Though, Abbacchio was either too engrossed in his own thoughts or he was simply ignoring Bucciarati. The Silver haired man continued to ponder about what was going on.
"So it's right here..." Abbacchio murmured while Bucciarati was talking.
"We need to run!" Bucciarati said, grabbing Abbacchio's shoulder. Abbacchio didn't face Bucciarati.
"Run?" He asked and turned to partially face the bob-cut man, "That Giorno Giovanna, whom I hate, told me to solve this mystery. He's an annoying little brat, but I'm going to solve it!"
"Abbacchio..." Bucciarati said in concern and shock as he looked down at the other male. Abbacchio was momentarily distracted by the gulls that flew behind Bucciarati, before turning back around when Bucciarati spoke.
"It's coming!" Bucciarati said with his hand still on Abbacchio's shoulder as they turned towards the rapidly approaching fly.
"There's one more mystery surrounding this enemy." Abbacchio said standing up, "I'm finally starting to see it. I'll solve this and kill that bastard!"
Bucciarati watched as Abbacchio stood his ground with Moody Blues even though the two of them couldn't see it.
"It's right there! Call back your stand!" Bucciarati demanded, but Abbacchio ignored him.
"I've figured out the other mystery!" Abbacchio said proudly with a smirk.
Bucciarati couldn't respond to that and watched in tense anticipation as the fly rapidly approached them. Noises could be heard from inside the pipe, then suddenly the fly started retreating. But of course something else HAD to happen. A few cuts, like the one on Narancia earlier, appeared on Abbacchio and started deflating.
"Abbacchio..." Bucciarati said in shock.
"Kill him...Bucciarati!" Abbacchio struggled to say as blood sprayed from the rapidly deflating wounds, "This mystery... The place the enemy's hiding..." Abbacchio was suddenly grabbed by the leg by the arm that had stabbed Giorno earlier.
"You're being dragged in! Grab on to me!" Bucciarati yelled reaching out for his white-haired teammate. Abbacchio's bleeding, deflated arm then slapped Bucciarati across the face. Bucciarati reached out for Abbacchio a second too late and missed grabbing him. Bucciarati fell forwards on to his knees, with his hands holding him up over the hole in the floor.
"Damn it!" He yelled, "He's not there... Where did he go?" A drop of blood fell from Bucciarati's face into the cabin below. Some thought crossed Bucciarati's mind as the blood dropped. He looked at his cheek and touched some of Abbacchio's blood with his hand.
He then noticed the fly flying awfully close to him. He blinked rapidly and turned his head to watch the fly.
(Ok back to the story.)
"What?" Bucciarati said quietly as he stood up and crouched on the raised portion of the deck. He accidentally kicked the life ring. Bucciarati turned to stare at the fallen life ring for a moment before quickly standing up as the fly flew close to his face.
"You bastard..." Bucciarati cursed as he punched the deck, "Where did you take Abbacchio?!"
Bucciarati summoned Sticky Fingers and rapidly punched the deck, seemingly creating zippers out of pure rage and frustration while screaming. By the end of him punching a hole in the deck Bucciarati was panting.
"He's not in the cabin or the drainage pipe..." Bucciarati said as he stood up fully, "Where are you hiding Abbacchio and the others?!"
Birds squawked overhead as Bucciarati lifted his head and looked around to the sound of echoed laughter.
"The fact that there are seagulls flying around..." The voice said in a teasing manner as it laughed again.
Bucciarati stared at the fly that was near the bow of the ship.
"must mean we're getting close to shore" The voice continued, "Looks like you're finally all alone, Bucciarati." The voice laughed.
"You bas_" Bucciarati stood up and pointed at the fly that was now in front of him, but was cut off.
"Oh, hang on one sec." The echoed voice said, "Ah, ah, ah! I'm the one who's gonna be doing the talking here." Bucciarati tch-ed at the enemy's words.
"Shut your trap until I tell you to answer my questions, damn it!" The voice said angrily as Bucciarati lowered his raised hand and stood straight.
"Very good." The voice continued as it chuckled, "I can finish you off at any time, and your crew is still alive, but in suspended animation."
"You should be grateful." The voice said cockily, "I could have killed them and thrown them into the sea, all chopped up nicely so the fishies could eat them easier. Depending on your actions, I may even consider turning your crew back to normal. All you have to do is tell me where Polpo's secret fortune is!"
As the voice finished speaking with a cackle, Bucciarati had been staring at the open pie with a face of disgust and concentration.
"Are you from Passione?" Bucciarati said in a level headed manner.
The fly landed as the voice spoke up again.
"You really..." It started, "don't get it at all." There was silence for a moment before the fly started rapidly flying at Bucciarati.
"I'll murder you, you little shit!" The voice yelled angrily as the fly flew around Bucciarati, "Listen up! All you're allowed to say is where the money is! Just try and utter another word out of that asshole of a mouth! For every word you say, I'll kill one of your friends! Say "What?" and I'll kill them! If I find out you're lying later, I'll kill them again!" Honestly that last part didn't make any sense but Bucciarati chose to ignore it with a look of almost disgust as the voice growled almost feral-like.
"Got it?" The voice continued a bit more calmly, "Speak cautiously and very carefully. Now, then, let me ask you... where's the money hidden?"
Bucciarati was silent for a long moment before speaking.
"Black-tailed gulls." He said calmly.
"Sorry, where?" The voice asked.
"Those aren't seagulls." Bucciarati said as he pointed to the birds passing by, "They're black-tailed gulls. How do you tell them apart? The one's that sound like they're meowing are black-tailed gulls. You called them seagulls, but you were wrong. They're black-tailed gulls." Bucciarati pointed to the fly as he finished his small monologue about the birds.
The voice started to laugh before yelling.
"I'm going to kill one now!" It yelled angrily.
"Just try it! Better hope you don't get dragged down!" Bucciarati yelled over the voice.
Suddenly water burst from the hole Bucciarati had punched in the hull earlier.
"Wh-What the hell are you doing?!" The voice started to panic as water started to rush over the sides, quickly starting to sink the boat. Bucciarati was just calmly sitting on the lining to the entrance of the cabin.
"I didn't punch the deck earlier to find where Abbacchio was." Bucciarati stated calmly, "It was to put a hole in the bottom of the boat."
"A h-hole?!" The voice asked.
"Abbacchio figured out where you were," Bucciarati stated as he climbed up higher as the boat sunk, "he was kind enough to show me... where you are and how to know for sure. It was Abbacchio's blood. Abbacchio intentionally hurt his hand and showed me the blood trail. The blood trail didn't go down below the deck! It was cut off right on the deck! S what does that mean, and where was he dragged to?"
"I rented the yacht that was on the left." Bucciarati said as he held onto the mast as the ship went vertical, "Abbacchio realized as he looked up at the sky. I know where you are, so if you don't want to drown, you'd best come out."
The response Bucciarati got was just gargled noises before the boat started to peel.
"There were two boats!" As Bucciarati concluded his statement the boats split apart.
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