《Leone Abbacchio x Reader Oneshots // Drabbles》Abbacchio Finding Out About A Secret Child With The Reader


Reader insert // Your name // (Y/n)

Daughter's name // (D/n)

Thoughts are italics in quotations = 'Example'

Flashbacks are in italics = Example

Word Count : 3031

Abbacchio stared down at the picture in his grip, and as he did, his hand trembled the entire time he tried to properly hold it, wanting to avoid having it fall out of his shaken grasp.

"She just turned three," he read, trailing his eyes over the words.

He instantly recognized the familiar writing scribbled on the white back of the image as he'd turned it over during his inspection of it, and it only made him feel more uneasy as he read the message out loud,

"Three..." Leone breathed softly.

He felt his heart tighten, and lifelessly, he let the photograph fall onto the desk, joining more which lay scattered across the surface.

"Three years," he said to himself, his hands both slowly rising, pressing over his face as he sought to think rationally, attempting to pull himself together before he said something stupid, or much worse, picked a fight that quite possibly wasn't even there to take part of,

"It just...No...There has to be...be a reason...an explanation," He maundered incoherently.

He tried hard to keep himself together, but it was hard to when every bit of him shook with recollection of the memories that came forth, from the lovely ones that he kept locked in his chest, to the miserable ones that followed after his joy slipped through his fingers.

'I miss those days,' He thought to himself, remembering her and the little things that had made his life feel worthwhile.

Her (h/c) hair felt soft as it slipped through his fingers, the little knotted bits eased loose by his gentle tugs,

"I wish my hair was like yours," (f/n) mused, a small smile over her as she did the same with his own much longer strands of periwinkle, "It's beautiful," she breathed, her eyes on it as she watched it slip between her fingers, every strand that flowed over her hand being soft and feathery,

'If we ever have a child,' she silently mused, her (e/c) colored eyes rising to gaze up at him, 'I'd want them to look just like you,' She thought with certainty, having always perceived the man to be beautiful, far surpassing her in every sense.

'Especially your eyes.' She added as she found herself locked with them, ' Of all things, I'd love for them to have your eyes rather than mine,' She thought with certainty, having thought about it so many times before, because all in all, there wasn't anyone else she'd love to settle down with.

But it wasn't like she could openly tell him she had been ready to settle down and have a family, not when he didn't seem so ambient about being in an actual relationship to begin with.

Granted, they'd had their sweet moments, but she was well aware that truly, they meant nothing but one thing ;

He didn't want to be lonely,

not truly alone at least.

Meanwhile, during her inner musing, he let a placid smile overtake him, hidden, yet present as he played with her hair, not having had a mind to do anything else but lay with her and enjoy the end of the day together.

'I guess we could have gone out somewhere,' He thought with a little blue sigh, somewhat regretting not doing anything else but stay in, 'But sometimes, I just don't want to do anything but lay here with her,' He mused, stopping his caresses altogether to enjoy her touch instead.


It was hard not to see part of himself in the image of the little girl, not when she looked like the spitting image of him,

"There is no mistaking it," he said lowly, knowing deep within his chest the truth.

There was another image set before him, placed on the same desk the first one had been and had just fallen back down on.

Swallowing down hard, he picked it up, seeing that within that specific photograph, the child was much younger, practically an infant, being incredibly small and wrapped by a soft, pink blanket,

' - She has his eyes, his hair, his smile, his everything.' the back of it read, all written with the same hand from the first picture he saw.

"Abbacchio what was it you nee-" Bruno started, stopping as he entered his office, seeing his friend stilled as he read the written words on the printed image with hardened, darkened orbs.

"- Bucciarati," Abbacchio started, his voice dropped down by a pitch as he turned to look back at his boss,

"What are these?" He asked, the hand holding both photographs shaken as he tightly gripped them, waving them before the dark-haired male, "Why do you have these?" Leone added, his eyes glazed, yet stern, "I want the truth!" he demanded, stepping forward,

"And don't give me any bullshit lies." He added with venom laced within his words as little pinpricks stabbed and stung his eyes, the man somehow holding it all in, letting not a single tear slip out of his eyes.

It was then that Bruno sighed softly, "Yes...of course," he said with a silent nod, turning to close his door for privacy, being careful in doing so,

" I'm sure you want to know," He added, staying turned away to hide the pained expression fixed upon his own features, because he knew he'd inadvertently hurt his friend by obscuring the truth.

"....Just know that it hadn't been my intention to harm you, nor for you to find out this way," Bucciarati spoke earnestly, finally finding it in himself to gaze back at his friend and face the betrayal set over his features,

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Leone asked angrily, his tone rough as he addressed the other male, " Why the hell did you never tell me I had a damn kid, huh?" The long-haired male urged on, "Why hadn't it crossed your mind to tell me you knew where she was too," he added as he referred to the woman who appeared in every photograph as well.

"Well?" He said anxiously, wanting to know, waiting for an answer.

"...By then we had already betrayed the organization and made it to Sardina," Bruno started, his royal blue's eyes looking forlorn as he mentioned the past,

" A kid?" Abbacchio asked frustrated, holding his abdomen in pain because while he had been healed, he still had to endure the aftermath of the wretched assault,

"You're asking me about a damn brat right now?" He asked (f/n) while sounding thoroughly annoyed, glaring at her hazardously, most of it being a front to try and mask the pain he felt.

He'd just barely survived getting cut through and she was asking about kids...

'Of all things,' He thought bitterly.

"I don't mean now," she started, sounding rather small, " but perhaps in the future...Maybe... later..." She drifted off, biting her lip anxiously as she finally forced out the last word.


"Have you ever just sat there and thought about it?" She asked him, swallowing hard, " Has it ever come to mind?" she added.

'Have you ever thought about it...with me,' She wondered, wanting to ask him specifically, but afraid of the answer and what pain it would bring, because she was certain it would hurt.

"Yeah," Leone huffed, " Yeah, I've thought about it...About how much I don't want one." He muttered before hanging his head, "And it should be the last thing on your mind right now too," He added, abruptly standing, wincing as he did so,

"Right now, we've got to find the Boss," he reminded her, walking away from her and the conversation altogether, brushing right past Bruno without even a word of address.

With a frown, Bucciarati approached the woman, sitting beside her on the couch, joining the notably downhearted woman with the expression slowly melting down into soft, open kindness,

"Are you alright?" he asked her, concerned over the little tears that had escaped her, and that were then slowly falling down her face.

"Not really," she admitted to him, offering him a small, broken smile.

"He's frustrated right now," Bruno stated, "...He just narrowly escaped death not a few moments ago," he reminded her, desperately trying to justify Abbacchio's behavior while simultaneously attempting to comfort the young woman altogether.

"I'm sure that during another time he'd be much more amenable and open to the conversation," he said with a growing smile, assuring her as he reached out for her hand, warmly holding it.

"I know," she responded, "I know he's still hurt," she added.

" And you know... I was actually worried sick," she admitted, " I thought... I thought that he wasn't going to make it," She added with a harsh shutter, having felt her world begin to crumble as she caught sight of his bloodied body back at the beach,

'And I thought I wouldn't get a chance to tell him,' She thought to herself, absentmindedly placing a hand at her stomach, something that wasn't overlooked by the blue-eyed male,

"(f/n)..." Bruno started, deflating at the small movement, slowly coming to a realization.

For just a moment he looked around, making certain no one else heard before he spoke, " Are you pregnant?" he asked her, scooting closer.

- It had only been a small hunch, one that could have simply been squashed had it not been for the grim expression that overtook her at the mention.

Nodding somberly, she confirmed it, " Yes, but I don't know how far along." She admitted, "I only just found out today." She added, not having known till after she boarded the boat and already made the decision to accompany them.

" And now... I don't know what to do," she said while looking to him for guidance, " I've wanted to tell him, but whenever I try, he shuts me down." She informed Bucciarati.

" Whenever I try to talk to him about a future together, he simply brushes me away," she went on, having gone through the same dilemma even before then.

"He doesn't want children," she said sadly, " He expresses it with distrain each and every time it's brought up," she informed him.

"And what's worse is that, perhaps, I've read us all wrong.

I've been together with the man for months now and not once has he mentioned the possibility of a life together.

During all this time...he's also never told me he loves me.

He's also never been one to publicly hold my hand.

...He's never introduced me as anything but his partner; someone who works alongside him," She explained, "Almost as though we aren't really anything." she added with a small, bitter chuckle.

"Maybe, all this time that's all we've been, and he just doesn't have the heart to tell me where we really stand..." She added with a small, wavering voice, continuing on before he could try and convince her otherwise,

"Bucciarati, I promised to help. I did so with not only the intention of following Abbacchio, but also to aid you and save Trish,

But in the state I am now...

Right now...

I'm only a burden." she said with dejection, uncertain on how long the conflict will last.

"And as much as it hurts me to say this, we have to part ways," She told him, apologetically gazing at him, "Because even if Leone has no intention to love this child, I do.

I have to keep them from harm's way." She determinedly spoke, rising to stand, staring down at the dark-haired man with sorrow, " I have to go. So, before the morning comes I'll be gone," She added, knowing it was best.

"And absolutely nothing will stop me," She said with tightened fists.

"- As both my trusted friend, and my capo, I feel that at the very least I owe it to you to tell you upfront." She informed him.

"I see," Bruno said nodding, also standing up, " Then take everything you need," he told her, " whatever you need to hide and stay away, take it. I will not spare a single resource of mine to assure your safety," He vowed, offering her a lax, comforting smile.

"...Thank you," she said softly, bowing her head to him to hide her tears.

She then leaned forward, her arms tightly wrapped around him, "Thank you for taking me in...As well as allowing me a way out." she told him, truly grateful because, without him, she never would have stood a chance.

"- We will find a way back to each other," He assured her. " Once this is all over, I will make sure to let you know," He said while beginning to part from her.

Nodding, she too pulled back, "Thank you, again. For everything," She said once more, it being the last words she exchanged with him before she disappeared into the night, leaving the rest of their group baffled at her sudden departure, save for one member, because all but Bruno remained unknowing.

And rather than answer questions, he chose to play the fool. Instead, urging them to continue their hunt, forcing them to move forward without another member.

"And after that, as you know, our organization was left in shambles," Bruno explained, "With A new boss there came new rules, as well as A new reform that many others didn't agree with.

Only until recently have we been able to stabilize, but even then...

Even then it's been a long, heavy struggle," Bruno said with knitted brows, frustration showing.

"It wasn't my intention to keep this from you for so long, but I couldn't afford you searching for her, ultimately risking her location, and much worse, their lives," Bruno explained, still feeling guilty nonetheless, regardless of his intentions being good or not.

"Right now, she's doing well.

They both are actually, so there is no need to worry yourself. We've already agreed that in a month or two, they will make their way here, and then you can decide what you want to do." He said with a reassuring nod as he rounded his desk, walking over to his seat,

" If you want to be a part of their lives, or if you'd choose to sever your ties with them completely; It's all up to you." He went on, sitting down, his elbows placed on the surface of the desk as he lay his chin on his overlapped fingers,

"I just hope you understand that regardless of your decision, she is still a member of our familia. Whether or not you decide to take responsibility or be a part of their futures is your own choice.

All in all, it doesn't change my own final say:

Her home is here.

And I am her family, just as I am yours. " Bruno said firmly, his voice low yet sharp.

"...Of course," Abbacchio said back, his throat suddenly dry as he had a sudden question in mind, wanting to ask with unsettling desperation,

"Bucciarati...Did she really say that?" Leone said softly, regret settled over his features, " Did she really think I... That we weren't together?" He asked Bruno.

"From what I understood, that was her take on your relationship." He answered back, shaking his head, "Why? Was it otherwise?" He added as he tilted his head slightly, intrigued, because Abbacchio never shared anything that had to do with his relationship with her, making it all a mystery even to his closest confidante.

"Of course," Abbacchio said sadly, " And of course it hurt when she left... When she simply walked away.

But then again, how could she not?" He asked looking up at the ceiling, understanding how she could assume such a thing, having had too much time to maul over the mistakes he made with her,

" I was a complete bastard to her; An insensitive jerk.

Whenever she needed assurance I turned my back, all because I felt I didn't deserve her. I felt like she was asking for too much from someone that had too little to offer." Leone explained, shaking his head,

"And when she did leave... When she did what I assumed was best, I broke down," He went on, remembering just how he'd pretty much gone back to square one, falling back into his miserable pit of depression he'd barely scraped past the first time.

"But now...

Two months...

Two months in comparison to never is nothing," He said with a little itching grin, his eyes tired and sad, yet having a soft glow of joy to match the little twitching smile.

For just a moment he gazed down at his daughter, realizing that she didn't look just like him. There was plenty she took from her mother, being the perfect harmony between the two, something he'd only then realized he wanted,

'A kid of my own... with (f/n) nonetheless...

With the woman I still love,'

Absentmindedly, his fingers went down to fall upon the image, caressing the sight of them softly, lovingly, as well as longingly,

' Until then, I have to make sure that I'm everything you two need.' He silently swore, promising to not repeat any mistakes, hoping that somehow (f/n) still loved him just as much as he did her.

"From her letters, she still thinks about you plenty." Bruno nonchalantly informed him, growing surprised to see the level of enthusiasm that lifted the other man's features to life,

"She does?" Leone said with hopefulness,

" Certainly," Bruno replied back, neatly gathering the pictures together, as well as pulling a small stack of letters within carefully opened envelopes to stack them all together,

"You should see so yourself," He advised, handing him the collection, "Any fool could see that through it all, she still harbors the same feelings for you, holding no true resentment.

And speaking on a personal note;

If I were you, I wouldn't ever throw away the opportunity to have something so precious within my grasp." The don spoke with a little, longing look to his eye that made Abbacchio nod back knowingly.

"Don't worry," the long-haired male said back, "I won't let it slip past me, not again," he added with the utmost confidence, willing to do everything it took to give his girls the world.

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