《Metanoia》Chapter 22 (Part 1)
"What are we going to do? We can't go back out to sea with the boat all burnt up."
Mista stated the obvious and gestured to the boat that was still burning. You took Narancia into the turtle but came back out to join Bruno and Mista again and waited.
"We're better off getting a car and leaving this place. We need to get to Rome, that's our top priority."
You looked into the turtle and at Giorno and Narancia.
"How is Narancia doing?"
Giorno was supporting Narancia and looking down at him.
"Not good. There's living mold inside his wounds and staying in this village isn't helping him."
Bruno took the turtle from you and looked from Mista to the parking lot.
"Y/n go into the turtle. Mista and I are getting a car."
Your lips parted but before you could protest he gave you a stern almost cold look. You shut down any argument you had planned and did as he said and joined the rest in the turtle.
"That's a bit cruel Bucciarati."
Trish spoke up and you leaned against the wall. She looked at the floor and Abbacchio walked to you to lean against the wall with you.
"He didn't even ask Narancia if he was ok or not."
Narancia was laid out on the couch with his arms in bandages and his head resting on the armrest.
"Not to mention when he was trying to get off the boat, and Y/n went up there to stay up there and help, what did he do? He coldly ordered both of you."
You were about to speak until Narancia said part of what you were thinking.
"What are you so mad about? Of course, he ordered me to do that. I went down into the boat and it's lucky we made it out alive. Because of me we almost died. It's better if one of us dies instead of all of us. It was smart to order me to throw it, I could've dropped it into the water."
His voice sounded a bit weak and you looked at him, slightly ashamed of yourself. You didn't reach out to grab him because you were too scared and grossed out to grow mold when he could have died.
"What were you going to say?"
Abbacchio kept his voice low and you turned to look at him, looking away and back at Narancia.
"But I agree, there wasn't any reason to order Y/n."
You looked Narancia, he was looking at you and you gave him a weak smile.
"No, three's a crowd and he and Mista have more experience than I do. It was a smart move."
He looked at you and Trish.
"I don't really know how girls feel but you both had different reactions, you guys are weird."
Your jaw dropped a bit and your eyebrows raised. Trish was having a similar reaction and Narancia turned so his back was facing away. He sounded like he was joking around but you could tell how drained he was.
You looked away looked down, spotting a bit of mold on your fingertips and you almost screamed. You jumped like a cat and almost fell when you landed.
Giorno looked at you and Ocean Man came out without warning. Spitting on your hand and you expected to feel the burning but you didn't.
Instead, it's spit destroyed the mold and it just dripped from your hand onto the floor, burning a hole that seemed to burn deeper into the ground than it did at the vineyard.
No, that shouldn't be possible, it burned my hand off back on the train but now it's not.
You looked at Ocean Man with your eyes almost popping out of their sockets. It attempted to smile at you, which was horrifying to everyone else but comforting to you. It faded back into you and nobody knew how to react to what happened.
Your hand was fine and you brought it up to eye level to look at it, you rubbed the acid in between your fingers and still felt no burning, onto a slight tingling feeling.
Giorno was the first to speak and he looked at the ceiling but he didn't look down or respond.
"Y/n touch my hand with the acid."
You looked at Giorno who was holding his hand out.
"I want to see if you're the only one immune to it."
"What? You're going to be burned."
"I'll be ok."
You had a feeling he was going to be burned and have some of his flesh melt away. You hesitantly lifted your hand that still had acid on it and touched his hand.
And you were right, what's new about that?
Giorno was burned but it did a lot more damage than you thought it would. The spot you touched started burning and melting, filling the room with the smell of burning flesh and Giorno quickly used Golden Experience to fix his hand.
"Bucciarati, Y/n has a way to kill the mold without needing to be healed, I think she should help you."
He looked at the ceiling again and Abbacchio frowned. Bucciarati didn't respond.
"Bucciarati ordered her to stay here and you want to send her out and put her in danger? There are two stand users out there now."
"Y/n's smart and can do things on her own, she isn't weak or helpless. Because there are two stand users it's more of a reason for her to go out and help them."
"I'm not saying she's weak or helpless, but she isn't immune to the mold and we don't know what the other stand is."
"Y/n figured out that we were triggering the first attack, she can figure out what this stand is faster than Bucciarati or Mista."
"You don't know that."
"Yes, I do."
"She isn't leaving this turtle. Bucciarati ordered her to get in the turtle so she's staying in the turtle."
"She can help."
"She's not going out there."
"She's fought enemies before and she's gained more experience."
"You keep dragging her into dangerous situations, you aren't going to do that again."
"Y/n came back because she wanted to, not because I forced her, yes I was wrong to bring her in the beginning but I didn't bring her back after she left."
"I'm not letting her leave."
"You can't force her to stay here."
"You can't force her to leave."
"Her stand is more powerful and she's matured a lot if you haven't seen. She can make her own decisions."
"Watch it, Giovanna. Bucciarati is our leader, not you, and he said for her to stay here, how many times do I have to say that before you understand that if she goes out there, and something happens to her, it's going to be on you."
Giorno and Abbacchio were going back and forth, staring each other down. Giorno wore a deep frown and tried keeping his voice calm and not raising his voice.
"She won't die."
"There's a chance she will."
"There's a chance everyone could die but she's capable of keeping herself alive and adapting to new situations. She is the most immune to the mold right now and we need to use that as an advantage, do you doubt her abilities?"
"No. But Bucciarati and I are thinking of her safety which is why she's staying. Y/n said herself Bucciarati made a smart move by ordering her in here."
"Y/n's going to do what she thinks is smart and right, and that's going up there to help."
"Y/n you're staying here, I'm not letting you get hurt."
"No, Y/n if you want to leave then you can leave and help."
They waited for a response and they broke eye contact at the same time to look at you, except here's the catch, you weren't there.
"Fugo where'd she go?"
Abbacchio demanded an answer and Fugo didn't want to get involved so he just pointed at the ceiling. There was a slightly burned towel that you used to wipe your hand off on the ground.
Now you were on the sinking staircase with Mista and Bruno.
"Y/n get back in the turtle!"
You watched as the staircase railing started disappearing into the ground. Looking back at Bruno.
"If you would listen, Giorno was trying to tell yo-"
Your sentence was cut off by you letting out a small yelp as you got dragged under the surface. Both Mista and Bucciarati screaming your name as you held your breath. It was like swimming underground, and your stand was a fish, you were perfect against these two.
When I say perfect I mean perfect. Absolutely perfect.
The black dragonfish live in depths up to around 6,600 feet and spend their lives in the dark. They have light-emitting organs and patches under its eyes it gives off light, rather than attracting prey they use it to hunting down their prey.
And here's the best part.
The light is infrared and barely visible to the human eye, but because Ocean Man is your stand you could see the light it gave off perfectly.
I love my stand so much, you know I love you right Ocean Man?
You spotted a person swimming around in a suit with barely any skin visible. Instead of going after the stand user, you pushed on the ground that was above you to see if it was like the underground where you could swim. You were only met with solid ground and went to plan b, using Ocean Man's acid spit and burning the ground above you and make an opening for you.
Your upper half reached the surface and the ground hardened so your lower half was stuck before you could get up.
You saw Mista holding on to a metal signpost and Bruno holding on to him and holding the turtle.
You were kicking and trying to get out before the enemy got to you and Ocean Man sprayed the ground around you again and you scrambled up. You didn't need to call for it. It was there for you.
You knew if you jumped onto Bruno you'd be taking all three of you down from the added weight so you jumped onto the wall and Ocean Man dug its nails into the wall just in time.
"Y/n the combination of their stands is too dangerous, you need to get back in the turtle and this time, stay there."
Ocean Man climbed up the wall and you made it to the top at the same time as the two men. Bucciarati looked like he was slightly angry.
"But Bucciarati-"
"Go back."
When I first joined he sent me on a mission right off the bat and then I was plan b on the train, those were when I wasn't experienced. Why does he want me to stay in the turtle after I have more experience? It doesn't make sense.
His tone was harsh and he gave you a stern look. You looked at him hurt. Why was he being so cold? Bruno could clearly see the hurt in your eyes.
"Y/n I didn't mea-"
He couldn't finish and looked at the stand user filming you three. There was the torso of a man sticking out of the wall with a video camera directed at you. Mista fired at him a few times before the stand user dived back into the wall and vanished from sight. Now all three of you started sinking into the ledge you were on and your eyes widened.
"Mista take Y/n and run!"
Mista didn't need to grab you. You didn't hesitate to start running before both of them and you got a solid two-second head start. Mista stopped and turned around, bringing his gun up.
"I'll hold off whatever it is just get to the car!"
"No! You have to keep running while the ground is still hard! Your bullets are just going to bounce off the ground!"
Bruno was right, if he stayed still for any longer he was going to be trapped and the bullets would do nothing. Still, Mista wasn't moving and you stopped, Bruno now the only one running.
Secco grabbed Mista's leg and Mista fired three shots, only to have the three bullets come right back at him.
You and Bruno both yelled and the three bullets came flying back only for Secco to dodge them. Secco abandoned Mista and the line of broken-up rock made a b-line to you and you started running. Away from the car, the turtle, Mista, and Bruno.
"Go! Get in the car!"
Secco chased you and you felt your heart pounding in your chest, adrenaline kicking in as you ran to a ledge and kicked off the ledge, jumping into the air and off the platform, letting yourself fall.
"Y/n! No!"
Bruno and Mista watched you as you left their sight and Mista started struggling to get free. He refused to believe you did that for them. To him, you died instantly.
Oh holy fuck, is it possible to get a heart attack from a rush of adrenaline at the age of fifteen? Can you even get a heart attack from an adrenaline rush?
You were in a small state of shock, you couldn't believe you just did that. You were falling feet first and you looked at the stone wall.
"I think I figured out your stand."
Just as you said that Secco appeared from the hole he made in the wall and looked at you like you had three heads.
"Ocean Man!"
Ocean Man came out from your call and started non stop punching him. Scratching his face and causing some bleeding. Ocean Man wasn't making too many strange noises or screeching loudly. Though in the end, you heard it say something, like words, with the last punch.
"Stai sotto."
It was rough and hard to make out but you could hear it. A smile spreading on your lips. Stay under.
You felt your chest swell with pride as the stand user retreated and fled in fear.
I did it, I was able to hit him. See Bucciarati, I can help.
Your pride vanished and turned into panic as you saw the mold rapidly growing on you, Ocean Man caught started spraying you with the mold, making sure all of the molds disintegrated before it ate your body whole starting from your lower half and you hit the ground.
Your body felt like you were on pins and needles and you shivered from the sensation, standing up and noticing something.
"Fuck! My clothes!"
You panicked and looked down. Your shoes, socks, and the majority of your pants were gone. Now you looked like you were wearing DIY booty shorts gone wrong.
Oh no, no no no.
Something out of the corner caught your eye. A girl that looked your size lying dead on the ground.
No, I can't...
Seconds later you were at her side.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you. Please forgive me."
You carefully took her pants off and instead of spitting acid on it, Ocean Man scrapped off any mold with its long sharp nails. You crouched down and untied her red sneakers, sliding them off and cringing as you looked at the socks.
"I can pass on the socks."
Time skip -
You sat in the turtle, staying quiet and looking like Narancia. Not 100%. Bruno hadn't said a word to you, Mista didn't either.
You couldn't hear Fugo.
You couldn't hear Trish.
You turned your head to look at Narancia and hummed in response.
"Are you ok?"
You nodded and gave him a weak smile. Bruno's harsh gaze flashing in your mind for a split second.
"Yeah. Just normal female teenage hormones making me feel like shit for no rational reason."
You muttered the last part so no one could hear, except Fugo and Trish heard and Trish related.
"Did you get hurt?"
You glanced at Abbacchio and looked down at the new pants and sneakers you were wearing.
"Ah well I was dragged underground and I jumped off a ledge, but I punched the new stand user and Ocean Man sprayed me down in time, except that kind of ruined my pants and my socks and shoes, so um I had to take them off a girl my size."
You thought back to what you did.
"Before all that I was dragged underground, but I have a good advantage underground. It's almost too perfect even."
You leaned your head on the couch cushion as you were laying on the couch horizontally.
"I don't want to bore you with my knowledge about fish, but it's like you're swimming when you're dragged down, I'm sure you can see how that's good with my stand."
You looked at the ceiling.
"Why do you sound so defeated. You survived both of their stand attacks combined and managed to hurt one of them, that's more than what Mista and Bucciarati were able to do."
You rolled onto your side so your back was to everyone. Sighing at what Fugo said.
"I don't know. Probably just hormones."
Trish left Narancia's side to go to you. She sat you up a bit and laid down so you were using her thighs as a pillow. You had no protests. And boy, they were better than pillows.
"Thanks, Trish."
You mumbled and she moved her fingers down to your hair, running her hands through your hair and playing with it. Fugo narrowed his eyes while looking at her and Trish looked back at him, returning the look but making it a sharp glare.
You looked at Trish's stomach and a blush started on your cheeks.
"Of course."
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