《Metanoia》Chapter 2


The loud noise of water splashing outside your dorm caught your attention. Curiosity gripped you by your shoulders and led you to the window, you pressed your hands against the window panes, pushed the window open, and glanced down.

The old janitor was cleaning the base of the stairs, and the boy in pink was standing there as he talked. You rested your cheek on the palm of your hand as you watched them. You had no idea what this boy had gotten himself into earlier that day, but he looked fine now, and you had learned to mind your own business.

Yet the scene in front of you was interesting and intriguing, so you continued to watch. A giant flame erupted from a small metal lighter, so large you could feel the heat on your skin. You were about to turn away but saw that janitor stopped moving like he was frozen in place. You raised an eyebrow, curious as to why he was frozen or what made him freeze.

He started to falter; his face was still frozen. Your face was written with deep confusion as some force threw him down the steps, Giorno caught him, but the janitor again wouldn't move. He was limp like he was... dead.

D-Did he just have a heart attack or something? No that wouldn't explain why was thrown down the stairs, did he jump? Did I miss something?

You rubbed your eyes, hoping you were just seeing things, but the janitor was still unmoving. The boy started walking backward, he looked scared of something, but there was nothing there.

You couldn't tear your eyes away from the scene playing out before you. Too frozen to look elsewhere.

Giorno flipped on the staircase barrier and started to almost yell in pain. Talking out loud to himself and speaking through gritted teeth.


"This bastard... he's dragging my soul out of me through my shadow."

W-what the hell? There's no one there. Is he seeing things? Should I go down there and see if he's alright? No, that could make things worse. Mind your business, Y/n.

His hand started to gush with blood making your eyes widen.

There was nothing to cut his hand on! What am I missing here?!

"I have to defeat him before he kills me."

You snapped out of your train of thought, he seemed to be talking, but you only caught the last part.

Defeat who?

You stayed silent so you wouldn't be noticed. You watched as Giorno struggled and spoke to himself as if there was someone else there.

And it looked like there was, just like before with the janitor, there must be some invisible force. But you didn't want to believe it; you just convinced yourself something else must be happening.

Maybe he was rehearsing for a play by himself, running over lines and movements.

Giorno fell over the barrier of the stairs and fell to the ground, scrambling away from the shadows.

"It can only move within shadows, but at amazing speed..."

You sat in anticipation, wondering what would happen next like this was some sort of tv show. Not knowing if the main character would escape the villain, but he always would in the end.

You heard a small voice come from below you and looked down. Thee stood a short boy with silver hair and a high pitched voice.

"I was watching from the window!"

He pointed up to the window next to yours, Giorno turned and looked spotting your face.

"You were both... watching?"

Koichi looked back and looked up to see your shocked face, and Giorno paled.


"Then... did you both see the lighter being relit, too?"

You only gulped audibly and nodded, too shocked and embarrassed that you had been caught watching to speak.

"Get away from the shadows now!"

You looked down and saw that you had made a shadow from leaning over the window edge to watch.

Without warning, something grabbed the sides of your head and tore you away from your own body.


You panicked as you were being held up in the air. A figure that looked like a dark puppet dressed as a king speaking in a robotic voice. His grip moved down to your neck, practically cutting off your air supply. Your back was bent backward, and you clawed at the hands gripping your neck, but it was useless.

His iron grip was too firm, threatening to snap your neck any second. An arrow extended from his mouth and started to move closer to the base of your neck.

"You saw the lighter being relit, didn't you? You have two possibilities. The first path is to become a chosen one."


Your voice was quiet form your lack of air. Your struggling became weaker, but you were still getting air. Just not a lot. It was a matter of time before you would pass out and possibly die.

"Your only other path."

You looked into the eyes of the puppet, which held nothing.

"Is death."

A voice screamed out for 'Golden Experience,' but it was late. The arrow ripped through your neck. Choking you on your blood.

You squeezed your eyes shut and gritted your teeth as blood dribbled down your chin. You tried to lengthen your life span for just a few more seconds, maybe minutes if you could.

"This soul..."

You forced your eyes open to look your killer right in the eye. Wanting to face him if he was going to take your life. Not hide from him. But his eyes didn't hold any emotions, just as if he was a robot, and the small amount of confidence faded from your eyes.

"Belongs to one who is chosen."

You didn't understand his words. You had been placed back into your body, and you fell limply out of your window and landed on the top of the staircase. Blood was no longer in your throat. You no longer felt pain at the base of your neck. But your vision started to darken, the last thing you saw being the shadow puppet moving on to the short silver-haired boy.

"Sh-She, she has a stand."

You weren't able to identify the voice. You only laid there in your last few seconds of being consciousness, wondering what would happen next.

Finally, you faded from the world on the conscious. You were falling slowly into a world of darkness.

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