《Sayonee》chapter 27


Kitna bhi aapko soncho kum lagta hain

Isiliye toh aapse pyaar har pal badhta hain...


Is a thing which is just like a string very weak and can be broken by just small misunderstanding.

And ainam didn't want this, it took all the courage for her to trust him and gain his trust she can't it break by something like this.

"How stupid I was! I never saw anything in this room all I did was come here and play like a whore to ehan. Shit!"Calming herself she walked to door and was about open it but ehan himself walk in.

Something in her made take a step back, she don't why but she felt as if his touch might do something bad to her.

Ehan stared her with a frown, something was off. He took a step in and ainam took more steps back as wanting to keep distance from him.

Ehan walked in and shut the door staring her, she was scared? Ehan couldn't say but thier was fear in her orbs.

"I will be back in an hour something urgent came up." Ehan informed walking in closet. Ainam tried to stop the tears

Ehan picked his wallet and watch and froze at her words.

"We need to talk doctor..." Her voice was shaken and she calculated her words like she was speaking to her prey.

"I know mano jaan but don't worry I will be back and we will have a long conversation with long cups of chai by me okay?" Ainam shook her head confusing ehan.

"Let's talk first?" Ehan walked to her and stared her whole face which was paled and she was hiding something but he really need to go.

"Mano jaan don't worry I am not at all angry I was just teasing you hmm? Have your meal and chai is ready have that also I will be back in an hour." Ainam inahled sharply when heard the same thing.


"I said we need to talk first let's sit here!" She pulled him but he was stronger to her hense he pulled her back held ainam's chin.

Ainam breathed staring his orbs which held concern for her she sniffed holding her tears back but one drop escaped.

"Please...."ainam soundes vulnerable ehan sigh and bend joining thier heads ainam slowly shut her eyes when his warm tumb Caressed her chin.

Next moment ehan leaned to kiss his wife who was crying over nothing. Only if he knew this is the kiss before a Separation.

"Don't worry I will be back and alveera will be with us okay you have your time. Take care! "ainam nodded wiping her tears not knowing what was awaiting for her.

Ehan walked down but somewhere he felt like he is missing out something but shrugged it off and picked alveera who was waiting for him and than all boys walked out leaving ainam back.

Ainam change in another clothes and sat in his room to check more about what he do with all these but found nothing.

She walked in his closet to see what she never did. She looked after his each and every cloth and got know about his favorite fabric is lenine.

She came back and sat on couch which was in room inhaling his smell but still something was not well. She was having a gut feeling that something is gonna happen something which is massive.

She shook her head and tried to time paas as she don't want to have anything but chai!.

"Yeah he made a cup right?" Ainam walked out and down the stairs to freez on her spot.

Her breath hitched seeing a group of men thier seated as if they rule here. Ainam's mind screamed to run up but still her body acted opposite she took few steps and all eyes turned to her.

A man stood while clapping his hands loudly confusing her further. She gulped when a man walked to her she took many steps back alarmed.


"You are the woman hmm....." The man raked his eyes from head to toe which disgusted her.

"What are you people doing in here no one is home."ainam spat at them all, they had this neutral faces

"Well you are and that's all we need ainam hamid." The only man who had smirk and evil mind walked further which feared ainam.

"Who are you all and this is-" The man cut ainam and cracked his bones which echoed in empty home.

"Please! We all your family and do family need any invitation?no right?"the man faked a hurt expression.

"Are you feeling bad that we came without any invitation?" The man again said when ainam didn't said anything.

"Aww, come with us to our place you will like it there will you?" Ainam's breath locked at his words.

"Please out everyone!" She tried to be strong and powerful but they laughed when her voice came out weak and broken

"Not that easy basim we have a long time conversation."

Ainam slowly stepped back and was about to run but screamed when a hand wound around her stomach.

She tried to come out of his hold but failed.the man was too strong for her.

"Let us have what that doctor had." She cried and kicked trying to free herself from the grip.

She inhaled sharply before hitting her head back on the man's face and than somewhere which can stop his family tree. Ainam took the keys and run out saving herself from all the men.

Running to the car she started the car catching for breathe and drove as fast as she could but a car stopped just an inch away making screeching sound on empty road. She glanced up to see some man walking to her car She locked the door but the men broke the glasses and last thing she saw was her devastation.


Ehan and all his men took a u turn to home when heard that people are complaining about something suspicious. A call from his men confirmed that someone broke in the home

"Yusuf drop veera at ainam's place and come to place." Ehan ordered and drove fast.

The car of lovers moved from side but failed to meet.

Ehan ran to his place and hitched to see the condition of penthouse.

It was as if a strom hit the place ehan took few breathe to calm himself.

"A-ainam!" He called her name loudly but got no response. One of his man came to him. He feared to hear the words.

'Sir,she is not in there."

And that was it for him to run and check the whole place like a maniac.

From alveera's room to his room to his study to his each and every small corner but nothing screamed but silence.

He walked in to his room and slumped there.

Where she could be?


Yusuf drove in the gates of basim mansion. With a girl sleeping in backseat.

Men came out and sabeer walked when he saw alveera in yusuf's arm. Sabeer held the girl in his arms.

"Sir ehan told me to drop her here for a while hope you don't have a problem. With all due respect." Yusuf drove out without hearing anything.

"Where is ainam she is not even picking our calls and-" Sana said with a fear she felt something in her heart.

"They must be busy sana and wanted some time alone so.... Relax let the kid sleep in safa's room Or your room." Sabeer said taking teh kid to their room.

They all let alveera sleep but unaware that something is wrong with their own daughter.

To be continue......

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