

You meet thousands of people and none of them touch you.....

Than you meet one person

your life is changee forever.....

Ainam was laid on bed tired of all shopping they did but there was something which didn't felt good to her. Like she was missing something.

This was first time that she felt this but than she had that domino's pizza and burger too than while returning home had pani puri might me some sort of acidity it is.

Clicking her tongue she sat straight with head pinning with pain and heaviness. It was as is she had some drink too. Tauba.

Slowly she wore her specs and walked near the door with so much difficulty with that giddy feeling.

She groaned closing her eyes. Why these headaches are so bad it was nothing less than a hangover. Tauba again.

She slowly got down to kitchen knowing that there must be a bottle of coke.

With a satisfied smile she reached the fridge and open to see a bottle happiness had no bounds when she saw that bottle.

She poured the coke in a huge glass and slowly sipped feeling happy when she felt her veins and blood getting cool.

You all know that feeling when you drink something very cold and on first sip you could feel this like something cool going in your vains and body. Yeah I hope I did a good job in describing .

She was sipping her drink slowly with deep thoughts in mind.

From Tomorrow the university is gonna have exams and she gonna have so much work. Just thinking about it made her go mad.

And than she have a wedding in home. Really what was the rush in wedding they could have taken at least a month time. But than elders decision are really adventurous for our generation.

She finished her glass satisfied with it made a beeline to rinse the glass. She kept the glass in its place and was drying her hand with towel when she heard the door opening.


Who must be at this time?

She walked out to see and was shocked when her eyes fell on safa who was walking in or say sneaking in.

Ainam raised her brows as if asking. Safa had the face of horror when she saw ainam.

"What were you doing there safa?" Ainam asked directing to door in stern voice.

"I just ordered some ice cream mano wanna have some?" Safa asked

"No need,but why you needed ice cream at this hour?"ainam investigate.

"Just craving you know....." Safa shrugged with a smile.

"From where you got money?" Ainam pointed out.

"I had taken from papa? Safa replied in fear.

"You would have come to me why you walked out?" Ainam raised another question.

"I didn't knew that you were awake" Came the answer.

"You would have checked atleast... " Ainam comment.

"If you wanna have than come or else stop please....." Safa huff and said.

"Don't cross your limits you are gonna get married in three days but......" Ainam was about to scold the girl but she Apologised

"Sorry na mano!"

"Okay go to your room and never repeat this okay?" Ainam warned showing her the warning finger.

"Don't say anybody please" Safa pleaded

"I won't safa." Ainam said walking to her room

Ainam still felt something fishy safa was really not a person who would eat sweet at night,she was really health conscious. Shrugging her thought she walked up to her room and have a nice peaceful sleep.


"Sohail! Write what you know don't look here and there..."ainam yelled at the boy who was looking in the paper of the beside student.

"Sorry ma'am..." She nodded and stood giving enough time for this stupids to cheat.

She slapped the boys again whom she just warned to see all the backbenchers to have books with them. They can never be serious.

Glaring them she walked further, it was just exams not finals.


ainam can say that they all slay in final. They are just lazy to study.

Time was clicking with her roaming around the hall and doing Invigilation.

She wasn't the strict lecturer but during exams they couldn't escape her eyes for she make sure they never fail.they don't for which she is thankfull.

"Only five minutes!" She announced which panicked some students while some were relaxed while some were waiting for the exam to end soon.

Students increased their speed in pressure while ainam walked to her table to call out the numbers who had done their paper.

"Ma'am please take mine I need to leave now."she glanced up at the voice to see a boy who had a face of rush.


"Sohail!"she nodded and walked up to take his paper. He handed her the paper and checked it rawly and nodded.

"You can leave"he, as if waiting for this ran to the door. Ainam gaped at the speed he had..

"His brother is waiting for him out and his brother is getting married." A boy explained may be his friend.

"Write your paper"ainam said in stern voice and walked to table.

"Time is up!" She announced and walked to take the paper.

Arranging the paper which was a big task a huff escape her lips she was so done with this.

With a groan she continued arranging the paper and walked out with it in her hand.

'These are too heavy to handle' ainam was continuesly bouncing the papers in hand.

After submitting the paper she walked out to leave for home when phone rang.

She was confused to see safa was calling her. On picking up I

Ainam heard the last thing she wanted to hear

"Come the mall which we went yesterday fast." Before ainam could say anything she cut the call.

Again shopping!!

She really didn't wanna go but than even she had to take few things .

Ainam drove to the mall than the search of of the shop where they must be started.

At last when she couldn't find the shop she called safa.

"Where are you? I checked all the bridal shops and boutique." Ainam asked in irritated voice.

"We are here in men's section looking for sherwani and kurtas." Safa informed.

"Do you really need me?" Ainam asked really not wanting to go there

"Oh! come on ainam." Safa urged her to come.

Ainam looked around to the shopes and at last found safa standing on corridor on a phone speaking to someone. Thank Allah.

She ran to shop and smiled at her adjusting my specs.

"Come in fast!" Ainam nodded and walked in to see all the dulha side people roaming around the shop.

"Why so many people in a shop?" Ainam asked raking her eyes around the boutique.

"It's a boutique stupid."ainam rolled her eyes

it's still a shop.


Oh hi ma'am what you doing here?" Sohail came with excited grin on face.

Ainam turned to her right to see a boy with a grin on his face. She frowned.

"Oh me sohail!" Sohail introduced himself.

"Oh yeah you wrote really nice I have seen your paper." Ainam appreciated the boys

"Thank you ma'am but...." Before Sohail could say ainam said.

"Even I have a wedding in my house"

"Oh congratulations ma'am." Sohail grinned widely

"She is the bride!" Ainam said glancing safa who nodded and smile

"She is my bhabhi!" Sohail stated with shock on face.

"Wow! What a small world it is glad to know sohail. Done with your dressing? Safa asked.

"Long back! Waiting for the groom to finish all this" Sohail replied

"All the best!may you pass the exams with wedding on way." Ainam said with reminder of exams with a challenge in eyes.

"I will ma'am" Ainam nooded at his confidence which she really like and the attitude of him.

To be continue......

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