《The Darkest Souls》04


I woke up on Saturday morning, it wasn't early but still in the morning

I made my way to the bathroom but found Axel standing infront of the mirror doing his hair

He felt my presence and took a look at me for a second before looking back to the mirror

"my friends are coming in an hour, you either leave the house or stay in your room" he said his eyes still focused on himself before leaving the bathroom


Is he trying to control me now??

I would've stayed but I'm sure I don't want people at school bragging about it

I took a warm - relaxing shower before dressing up into a sweatshirt and some sweatpants

I wanted to go for a walk and have a breakfast so I put on some random sneakers,

Not like I have a lot but choose one out of two

I then grabbed my backpack and rushed down

I heard noises coming from the living room and my eyes widened immediately


His friends!! they're here!!!

I tried to make my way outside but I was stopped when I heard a voice call me

"Amelia! Why in a rush?" Antonio said as he took a seat on the dining table with his laptop infront of him with some papers, he was dressed into a suit and looked all clean

"Um.. good morning" I said politely giving them a warm smile

"Good morning, you going somewhere?" Antonio replied with a smile on his face

"Yeah just for a quick walk" I said

"You're not going out without breakfast!" Renee said

"Actually I was gonna get something to eat on my walk" I said

"Why get from outside when you can have the best here, don't be shy! Come take a seat" Renee said "and Axel's friends are here, you should meet them"

"No no, thanks,it's okay I'll have food on my walk" I said shaking my head


Fucking shit, please don't come

"I'm leaving," I said giving them a smile and walked before a voice stopped me

"AMELIA MOORE! Take a seat!" Renee scolded

"Come on" Antonio said giving me a look

I gave up and took a seat but sink into the chair, i tried to cover my face with my hair

"BOYS!" Renee yelled


"What mom!" I heard Axel said

"what the hell is she doing here" he hissed when he saw me there

"Axel" Renne scolded as she gave him a threatening look and her eyes moved to Antonio who glared at Axel


"Renee I love you and your breakfast" I heard Lucas say as Renee rolled her eyes

"Ooh who is this girl?" Theo asked

Renee smiled "this is Amelia"

I spinned the chair and looked at them

Their eyes widened and their expression were priceless that I could laugh at but I'm sure it would be awkward

"NEW GIRL!" Lucas and Theo exclaimed

"Actually Amelia" I said

"What is she doing here!" Theo asked

"Boys, she lives with us now, and I look forward of you guys looking after her, she's my bestfriends daughter and I want her to have the best time here" Antonio said

"She lives with you!" Lucas said looking at Axel in shock

"Why don't we know about this???" Theo asked Axel

"I don't care, We'll talk about this later" Axel said sending me death glares

"Have a seat" Renee said as all of them took seats around the dinner table, Lucas took a seat beside me as he looked at me

"I'm still processing this" he whispered looking at me

"How are your parents?" Renee asked them

"Haven't heard from them but I'm sure they're good" Theo said

"Mom's great but too busy, she's been in a shift from 3 am" Lucas said

"All for you, you should appreciate what she's doing" Renee said "Honey can you put the Tablet down? At least wait till breakfast is over" she looked at Antonio

"Actually I have to leave, I have to go to the company" Antonio said and I heard a bitter laugh escape Axel's Mouth

"It's fwiday!!" Valerie who was all quiet said

"I know princess but I should go" he said before placing a kiss to Valerie cheek before he walked over to me

"if you need to go anywhere, the driver is here" he said before placing a kiss to my cheek

"thank you" I said as I felt the boys looking at me, I immediately dig into my food avoiding their looks

"Val, it's time you have a shower, come on" Renee said picking her up "Amelia don't leave before finishing your food" I nodded Before she left the kitchen

"New girl" Lucas said "you're pretty"

"Amelia" I corrected "and thanks"

"I'm shook she didn't talk about it in school" Theo said to Axel

"Didn't I tell you to not be here?" Axel said angrily

"Well excuse me, tell that to your parents, and why are you so afraid of letting your friends know I'm living here?" I said "you're afraid of your reputation, people talking about you and me?"

"Oh darling, do you think I'd actually get with you? Just look at you" he laughed bitterly


"no one wants to get with you, just look at you" he said "ugly, dumb and lonely"

Okay that hurt a bit

"thanks" I said giving a fake smile before standing up

"A bit harsh Axel" I heard one of them say before I left the room and got outside to have a walk,

I was listening to music when I heard my phone ping, couple of times before I opened to see the texts from Savannah


Me and Marcus are heading out

Would you like to come?

Thanks for the offer but can't come

Maybe next time :)

Oh man! I wanted to see you

Marcus is being annoying

Sorry, maybe tomorrow

And Don't worry, Marcus won't know

You just said this or else he'll kill you

He loves me

I closed my phone and laughed, the past week in school have passed so fast

Savannah and Marcus have been the best people, I've known them for just a week and they seem to be there for me anytime I need help

Axel has been a bitch who give me threatening glares at everytime he sees me

Brianna on the other hand would kill me if she can, she started throwing words every time she sees me making everyone in the crowd laugh


I spent the next 3 hours doing nothing, just walking, sitting and eating the large chips pack I got

I went back to the house and entered the living room to watch tv but stopped when I found Theo laying on the sofa while using his phone, he looked up from his phone and saw me

"I'm just gonna go to my room" I said As I turned to walk away But stopped when he spoke

"You can take a seat, I don't eat, I'm not Axel" he said with a chuckle making a smile appear on my face

"You sure you want me to sit?" I asked as he nodded and sat properly, I walked over and sat on the couch opposite of him

"why aren't you with that asshole?" I asked wondering why he was sitting alone

"They went to buy ice cream for Val" Theo said "and I don't think we've met properly"

"I know who you are Theo, also Marcus's cousin" I said

"Oh right! You're his friend, saw you together" Theo said as we sat in silence

"Axel is like this with anyone he's not close to, so if he says anything don't take it seriously" Theo said

"I've known him for a long time but that never changed" I said

"What do you mean?" Theo asked confused on how do we know each other

"Actually my father was really close to Antonio, we used to come to visit them when I was little and they came couple of times to our house but Antonio used to visit whenever he came" I said

"me and Axel never got along with each other, we used to at first but he then changed and we grew up hating each other although I didn't see him for the past years but still"

"Aha, I see." Theo said "ANYWAYS HE'S AN ASS DONT HEAR WHAT HE SAYS" he basically yelled as I looked at him in a weird way

"I heard that" someone said from the back of the couch

That's why he was yelling

"Why are you two sitting together?" Axel asked

"Because they can sit!" Lucas said "and I want to sit with her!" Lucas took a seat next to me

"Because we can" Theo replied

"Lia! Look we got ice cream" Val said happily

"Did you get me one?" I asked her as she looked down and I laughed

"Nope" she said popping the p

"You can have mine" Lucas said offering his ice cream which was sweet of him

"No thanks" I said

"Then maybe we can go grab ice cream later" he said

I furrowed my brow "are you asking me out Lucas?"

"I would but Axel would kill me" he said nonchalantly as Theo laughed

Axel raised his hand to smack him but Lucas jumped away from him

"Hold up! I was joking!" He said as me and Theo laughed at him

"Val, come on let's go to my room, maybe watch frozen" I said standing up and taking her hands

"Yayy!" She squealed

"I WANT FROZEN!" Lucas yelled as I shook my head while laughing

"You're 18 Lucas, freaking 18" Theo said rolling his eyes

Lucas opened his mouth to say something but closed it again

"Bye Lucas" I said waving as I walked to my room and before entering I heard Theo say something that made me smile

"She's not that bad, you made her seem as a bad person" Theo said

"Yeah! I like her already" Lucas said

"I like you too Lia" Val said making my heart melt as tears filled my eyes

"I like you too Val" I said as she hugged me and I hugged her back

"Don't cwy" she said trying to erase the tear that fell

"I'm not baby, come on let's watch frozen together" I said as I opened my laptop, and we watched movies together from the rest of the day

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