《The Darkest Souls》02


I was awake by the couple of knocks on the door,

"Amelia, it's your first day of school" I heard Renee say from outside of the room

First day of school???

Oh shit, I totally forgot about school

"Amelia?" She called again checking if I was awake

"Im awake" I said as I rubbed my eyes before standing up

"Get ready darling" she said "I'll be down"


I walked to the bathroom, and I made sure to lock both of the doors, thank god Axel wasn't here, I dressed up into a sweater and some jeans, before brushing my hair then I headed down,

I silently walked into the kitchen and found Antonio sitting on the kitchen reading papers as he sipped coffee, Renee was behind the bar stool before she placed 2 plates of eggs on the stool with coffee, Valerie sat on a chair with crayons in her hands

"Good morning, take a seat, you ready for the first day of school?" Renee asked as Antonio looked up from the papers and saw me

"Morning Amelia" he smiled at me

"Liaa!" Valerie said happily, I met her yesterday after she woke up from her nap and she's the nicest kid

"Good morning" I replied politely as I took a seat on the chair

"Ax! Come have breakfast" Renee yelled as I dig into my food

Damn even there eggs looks fancy

I ate silently savoring the amazing taste before I felt someone take a seat beside me

"Amelia I got this bag pack ready for you, just for today but you can go any other time and buy a new one, and besides since it's your first day, you won't be doing anything, I contacted the school and I can come with you if you want" Renee said

"And if anything you didn't like in the school, we can always change schools" Antonio said

"No need, and thank you" I said in appreciation

"I'm going, bye" Axel spoke as stood up before placing a kiss on Valerie's head

"Wait! Where are you going! She's coming with you" Renee said stopping him


"What?! Can't she go with the driver?" Axel opposed

"No! You both are going to the same place why would she take the driver?" Renee said

"I can walk" I spoke

"Definitely not"

"Axel" his father said in a warning tone

he rolled his eyes as he walked outside

"Don't mind him darling" renne said "now go"

I followed him outside and saw him getting in a car

Rich kids and their fancy cars

I got into his car silently, before he pulled out of the house

The whole drive was silent, it was hella awkward and he was being an ass, sending daggers to my way

Suddenly the car stopped but it wasn't infront of the school

"You can walk from here, you can't be seen with me" Axel said


"Get down and walk"


"Okay asshole" I said

I got down of the car and closed the door by force

"DO THAT AGAIN AND YOU'RE DEAD" Axel yelled as I gave him my middle finger before he drove off and I walked for about 5 minutes before reaching school

I walked as my eyes were focused on the floor and I felt many eyes on me While I entered the school halls

I was completely lost like how the hell im supposed to know anything, I walked slowly trying to find the principles assistant or anything

"you must be Amelia!" Someone said from behind me making me jump

I sucked in a deep breath before I turned to look at them

A guy and a girl stood behind me, as they smiled at me

"Yeah?" I said confusedly

"Hi! I'm Savannah" the girl said as she pulled me into a hug

What's wrong with the people giving hugs???

"Sav! You're scaring her!" The guy said "and hi I'm Marcus, and we're assigned to show you around " the guy said

"and I'm Amelia" I said

"This is your schedule, and this is your locker keys, let us show you your locker" savannah said as she walked and I walked with her as people whispered things while talking


"This is your locker," Marcus said as I nodded before I heard some laughs behind me making me turn

Axel stood there with 2 guy friends and girls as he rested his back on a locker, his eyes met mine before I immediately looked down avoiding his looks and looking back at Marcus and Savannah

"Watch out, they are the populars of the school, That Axel Russo, Theo Miller, and Lucas Turner, and this is the Biggest bitch of all time, Brianna and her minions" Savannah said

"The guys aren't that bad!" Marcus said

"Not that bad? Remember what they did to you just because you laughed at Axel for missing a shot at P.E class?" Savannah said as Marcus frowned "just thank god that Theo was there"

"you didn't have to embarrass me infront of her!" Marcus said as a chuckle left my mouth

"class starts now, you have Literature now but then we both have the same class then maybe you could have lunch with us" Savannah said

"If you want Ofcourse" Marcus said as I nodded

Why not?

"thanks" I smiled as they returned it before they took me to literature

They were nice, I like them already

"We'll see you later" they waved before I got into class and took a seat avoiding all the looks I was gaining,

"isn't she the new girl?"

"She is"

"Look how skinny she are"

I ignored the people and focused on the teacher

"Hello again class, how are you today?" The teacher spoke as some replied and some ignored

"today we have a new student with us, and everyone should let her feel welcomed" the teacher said

"Can y-" the teacher was stopped when the door opened and Axel appeared

"couldn't you just skip the class mr. russo?" The teacher said sarcastically

"I would love to but you know what happens if I do" Axel said

"Just take a seat" she said as Axel's gaze met mine before he took the seat at the end of the row

"As what we were saying, Amelia introduce yourself if you'd like" she said as I shook my head immediately

I hate attention

"She's shy, So this is Amelia Moore and she'll be here for this year, I want you all to make her feel welcomed, and it's nice to have you" she said as I thanked her in a whisper and send her a smile

"Okay so now, we'll just complete reading Romeo and Juliet so by the time we finish we can have a project" the teacher said

Romeo and Juliet? I've read that a long time ago

after 2 more classes, it was lunch time and I was walking with Marcus

"Let's go" Marcus said as I followed him before he opened up the door for me and it felt like I just entered a new place

people were chatting, mostly yelling with each other, the place was filled with people of tables

I immediately looked down as I felt many gazes on me, and some started whispering things

"That's our usual table" Marcus said as we approached a table that Savannah sat on

"hey!" She said as I smiled at her

"Don't worry, you just have to survive this week then people will forget about you" Savannah said trying to comfort me

"I don't get why they're so thrilled" I said with a sigh

"it's alright, you'll get through it and we're here" Marcus said as I smiled and opened my bag and took out my lunch which consisted of only peanut butter sandwich

"how come that fills you up?" Marcus said looking at me weirdly

"I don't know honestly, don't have much an appetite" I said

"I literally eat this all and I'll still feel hungry" he said showing his lunch which consisted of French fries, a sandwich, some chocolate pudding, a leftover pizza I guess and he had orange juice and chocolate milk

"then don't come crying to me saying that I'm getting fat" Savannah said mimicking him as we laughed

guess first day wasn't bad at all

i regretted saying this because it became bad since I had to walk to the house at the end of the day

and the weather weren't anywhere near cold

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