《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Chapter 26.


So, it's official Scott and I have been back together for a few weeks now, it's been so good, I mean really good between us. We haven't really talked to Remi about it yet though, we agreed on that because it's still new and we're still finding our feet at being a couple again, that we thought it would be best to hold off on talking to her about it for a little while.

But things are really easy with us, Scott stays over some nights without Remi's knowledge, of course, we go on dates alone, and we go out as a family too. we snuggle of the couch at night.

These last few weeks Scott and I, have both been so happy, which is crazy because it's like the past few years has just faded away and I'm glad that I found Scott again, even if it may seem stupid to some people for giving him a second chance, but for me, it feels like the right thing.

Either way today is a good day to be happy anyway because today is Remi's Fifth birthday. And I can't stop smiling regardless of anything else, I can't believe my little girl is five already.

It feels like yesterday I was in labour with her and was waiting to meet her for the very first time.

Five years ago, when she was placed on my chest for the first time, she was brand new, she was this tiny little human who needed to be taken care of by me... her mom.

And now five years later, she's walking and she's talking. She has such a big heart, wild spirit, and the cutest smile ever. She's a person with her own identity and now she's five years old, she's growing up so much.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear Scott's voice say from behind me and I feel his arms around my waist. Taking a breath and then turned around to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck gently.

"I'm thinking that I can't believe our daughter is five already," I say sadly, I miss when she was a baby, soon enough she will be in high school screaming she hates me as every teenager girl does to her mom at one point in her life.

"I know she's growing up babe....that's a good thing, and who knows maybe one day we'll have another baby-;" Scott breaks off and looks at me with a hopeful look, I wasn't even thinking about things like that yet with us.


I mean yes, we have a history and a daughter, but we've only recently got back together after being apart for years. I'm not even ready to give him a space in my wardrobe yet, let alone have another baby with him.

"Woah there speedy...I think you're getting ahead of yourself" I replied quickly, he looks at me for a second and then takes a step back from me.

"Don't you want any more kids?" He asks me, shaking my head and shrugged my shoulders.

The truth is I never really had to think about it, I never had to think if I wanted more kids after I had Remi, because I was focusing on the wonderful child I already have, and if I'm being honest I couldn't really see myself having more kids with anyone other than Scott.

And now that Scott and I are back together, it's possible for us which brings a whole other set of fears for me.

"Honestly, I've never really thought about it. I would like to think that maybe one day; I would have more kids I just never thought it was an option until now" I explain,

"Why is that?" He asks me again, with a curious look on his handsome face.

Taking a step closer to him and smiled.

"Because I always saw myself having lots of kids with you then everything got messed up, but we had Remi. And after she was born, I never really thought about it" I admitted to him,

Scott looks at me and sadly smiles before pulling me back into his embrace, and it's weird how easy it feels more like home now that he is here with us.

"Well just for the record I only ever saw kids with you too, so are you saying maybe one day for us?" He said to me, his gaze burning into my green eyes.

"Yes, I'm saying maybe one day in the very...far, far future" I answered, just as he breaks out in a massive grin and kisses me. Wrapping my arms around his waist and deepening the kiss a little.

After a little while, we break apart and smile at each other, stepping away from him. Walking over to the party bags, that I have to finish for Remi's party this afternoon.

"There's something that I actually wanted to run by you about Remi's party" He says to me, breaking the silence around us, letting my eyes move from the party-bags to Scott.

"What is it, babe?" I ask him, Scott stalls for a second not saying anything.


"Would it be okay if I invited my parents-;" He trails off, throwing my eyes to his and just looked at him.

I know that his parents are Remi's grandparents, and I know that they should eventually meet her, but I'm not thrilled with it being today of all days, also having the evil witch in my home,

"Scott-;" I began saying but only for him to cut me off by gently taking my hand into his.

"Look I know my mom is difficult-;" Now it was my turn to cut him off with a look and a raised eyebrow.

"Difficult you think?" I mocked, he looks at me for a second and sighs.

"But they're still my parents and Remi's grandparents, maybe the party today is the perfect time for them to meet, a social event, surrounded by other people," He said trying to talk me into it, shaking my head and sighed myself.

"Fine but Scott I swear if Valerie says one wrong word, she's out of our home by her hair because I will drag her out myself-;" I break off, hoping I don't regret this choice of letting the she-devil into my home.

Looking up to see Scott smiling at me like an idiot, shaking my head, and crossed my arms over my chest annoyed, that he's smiling after I just threaten to drag his, mother, out by her hair.

"What?" I snapped with a smile, Scott moves over to me and places one of his hands gently on the side of my face, still smiling like a cute idiot.

"You said our home, I like the sound of that" He answers and then kisses me quickly on the lips, before pulling away from me.

"And I promise, if my mother starts, she is out" He adds, nodding my head at him wrapped my arms around him, just as he pulls me in for a long hug.

Nothing if going to ruin Remi's birthday, if that means being civil to Valerie for a few hours then I will, because today is about Remi and she is going to have a great party, with or without Valerie Vaughan here.

Pulling up to my parents' house and shut the engine off, before letting out a sigh and got out of the car, walking up the front steps to the house. If I'm being honest, I have no idea why I'm even here, I mean my parents haven't even contacted me since before Christmas. And it's probably more of my mother's idea to ignore me than my father's.

But today is my daughter's birthday and I want to include my parents on this special day. I just hope my mom can actually act like a human being for once and come to her granddaughter's party, along with being nice to her mother.

Taking a deep breath and walked into the house, searching the rooms until I finally find my parents, outside in the garden.

"Scott, son what are you doing here?" I hear my father ask me, as he sees me first. My mother looks up from her teacup towards me and just sighs after a moment.

"I'm actually here to invite you both to Remi's birthday party this afternoon, I know you haven't meet her yet and I would really love it if you both could come" I replied, my parents are silent, and I can feel them both staring at me.

"Will Ella be there?" My mother asked me in a bitter tone, throwing my eyes to her and firmly looked at her back.

"Yes mother, seeing as the party is at her house and seeing as she's Remi's mom" I forced out, Mom huffs and I'm feeling myself getting upset.

I came here to make peace, to invite my parents to celebrate with us, but it's never enough with my mother and I just don't care anymore, I have my family, it's with Ella and Remi, if my parents don't want to be a part of it, then it's their bloody lose.

"You know what come or don't come, but eventually you're going to have to accept that Ella is the woman that I love...and one day she will be my wife, we're going to build a wonderful life together, so either be a-part of it or don't, the choice is yours" I barked at them both, and then turn around to walk away.

Just as I hear my father's voice announce behind me, stopping in my tracks and wait for his response.

"We'll be there, I promise son" And with that, I just shook my head without even bothering to look back at them, and just kept walking until I was out of their house.

I don't care if they come or not, because if they can't accept Ella or Remi then I have no time for them anymore, I can't worry about what my parents think.

Because I, Ella, and Remi we're a family, that's all that matters to me now.

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