《Mark of a Hero (Todoroki X Reader)》{Chapter 20}


🔥(y/n)s POV🔥

After a week of being in the hospital and Recovery girl giving me a bunch of treatment/kisses. I was able to leave the hospital, the whole class came on the second day while I was on morphine, and boy I heard I was very honest and funny.


"(Y/n)!" All the girls yell making me look at them with a dazed/confused look. Then the rest of the guys came in except bakugo cause he's bakugo, and I see mineta carry in a watermelon.

"Wawa." I say reaching for the watermelon making all of the guys look at us confused and shoto shakes his head and grabs the watermelon and hands it to me and I hug it.

"What is going on with her?" Momo asks

"She's still on pain meds that's making her act this way." Shoto says and Kaminari takes out his phone and starts recording me hugging the watermelon.

"What are you doing bro?" Kirishima asks

"Well Someone has to film this!" Kaminari says while recording more.

"(Y/n) how are feeling?" Uraraka asks making me look up from the cuddle session with the watermelon.

"I want food." I say while tearing up.

"IS SATO HERE I WANT FOOD!" I yell making everyone jump and Sato comes up with a Tupperware filled with cookies.

"Good thing I already made you a batch." He says and my eyes goes widen and my mouth agape.

"For me?" I ask and he nods and I start crying while eating one.

"Sato...Thank you!" I yell and shoto is about to take the Tupperware of cookies but I bite his hand making him pull his hand back.

"Fuck off ice prince!" I say making everyone laugh and causing shoto to turn red.

~Flashback over~

After I was finally off of morphine, Kaminari and midoriya showed me all the videos they captured and let's just say I was very embarrassed. Why the fuck did I cuddle a watermelon? But after the second day shoto and Iida left so it was only me and midoriya left until he left as well making me all alone. Shoto would've been hear the whole time but I told him to go back to the internship, but Rin did come and brought me food that he cooked. Let me tell you...THAT MAN CAN FUCKING COOK. It's like heaven in your mouth, and when I was eating he explained that when I was feeling better that I can train with him some more to get better with my hellfire, Then the day I was discharged came.


Dad and uncle Yamada came with the bag of clothes that was at rins agency and hero suit fixed up.

"You ready to go kiddo?" Uncle Yamada asks handing me comfortable clothes to get changed in.

"Yeah." I say very tired and I get dressed in the bathroom and after I finish I slowly walk out and onto the wheelchair they gave my dad to go to the car.

"When do I go back to school?" I ask

"Whenever you want to, but the doctor recommends that it be in a couple of days." Dad says and I nod.

"I'm sorry..." I say looking down at my hands and they wheel me to the elevator.

"What are you sorry for little demon?" Uncle Yamada asks.

"For fighting the hero killer and being slashed in the stomach. I wasn't thinking." I say

"(Y/n) what you did was stupid, but you also acted like a true hero. You went straight into danger helping your friends and you guys defeated stain. I'm proud of you." Dad says and I give a small smile.

"Thanks dad." I say and uncle Yamada messes with my (H/c) hair.


"(Y/n) are you sure your ready to go back to class we can wait a few more days if you want?" Dad says while running to grab anything I need to shoes, to brushing my hair and tieing my tie.

"Dad I feel fine." I say and he still doesn't listen.

"Dad I'm completely healed." I say and he stops running to look at me.

"Your not doing hero training until I say so. And I will be telling all might." Dad says and I roll my eyes and I raise my shirt enough to see that we're I slashed is completely healed and no scar and he widens his eyes and mouth agape.

"How. It took me weeks to get healed even with recovery girl and I have scars." He says and I shrug.

"Stain said that my blood was different and that his quirk didn't work on it. So maybe that has something to do with it." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"We'll be doing blood tests after school then, but go. I believe Todoroki is becoming impatient." Dad says and I nod and grab my bag and wave bye to him and I go down the stairs and I see that shoto is looking at a photo of me and dad the day after he found me when I was holding his finger and we were looking at eachother in the hallway of UA that uncle Yamada took, i then notice he is smiling at it making me smile back.


"You know. That photo was the morning of the night I got found." I say making him look at me.

"You were that trusting with aizawa already?" Shoto asks.

"I knew he was going to be someone very special to me from the moment he found me on the park bench." I say and he nods.

"Ready to go love?" He asks.

"Yep, lets go and be Tortured by learning." I say and he shakes his head and we leave, but what you didn't know that dadzawa heard everything you said about him and he was smiling so much.


"What do you mean I can't bring Cerberus out?!?" I yell in question.

"It's too dangerous and would cause a ruckus." Shoto says and I squint my eyes at him in anger.

"But I want to see if I can ride on his back." I say.

"You would burn." He says.

"I HAVE HELLFIRE I WOULDNT BURN!" I yell as we reach the gate of UA.

"What happened to be very serious and quiet?" Shoto asks.

"Well I feel comfortable with everyone. Plus you saw me on that devil medication." I say crossing my arms.

"You mean morphine?" He asks and I nod.

"You say tomato I say something completely different." I say while going through the doors and going to the shoe lockers to change into my school shoes and he goes to his that is conveniently placed next to mine for some strange fucking reason.

"That is not the saying love." He says and puts his sneakers in his locker and slipping on his school shoes.

"I know." I say and smile and I finish up and we both go to the classroom so I could get bombarded with numerous questions and hugs.

When I walk in I only see bakugo in there with Iida.

"Welcome back (L/n)!" Iida says and runs to me and bows.

"It's good to be back Iida." I say and I smile but I then see bakugo staring at me and shoto but I look away and go back to looking at Iida.

"How is the healing process going?" Iida asks.

"I'm all healed up. No scar no nothing, I can run around and use my quirk like normal." I say and Iida widens his eyes.

"How did you heal that fast?! Midoriya is still in bandages and so am I!" Iida says and I just shrug.

"I have no idea, if I knew I would tell you." I say and he nods and me and shoto goes to sit down at his desk. With him sitting in his seat and me sitting on his desk.

"So love." Shoto says and I look down at him.

"Yes?" I ask.

"How did you actually heal so fast." Shoto asks and I sigh, I knew I couldn't get anything past him.

"Stain, when he swallowed my blood. Remember how his quirk didn't work on me." I say and shoto nods

"Well I think he has to do with my blood and or demonic form." I say.

"So your blood is different?" He says and I nod.

"Do you remember the color of it?" I ask and I see him look down.

"It looked like normal blood love." Shoto says and I nod.

"I have to get blood work done after school with Recovery girl." I say.

"I'm coming with." He says.

"Why? Dad and uncle Yamada will be there." I say

"I just wanna be with you and hold your hand." He says making me blush and look away.

"Fine." I say and he nods and he grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles making me blush even more. We only just started dating, but I already know that I love him and he makes me feel very special.



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