《The Rebel (Thorin x OC)》A Glimpse of What's To Come
Author's Note: Hello Hobbit's, Dwarves, Elves, and Wizards! Also, I haven't said anything in the past chapters, but thank you to those who commented on my story! It makes me really happy and I hope to have more people comment in the future. Though, as I have said in past stories I've written, it is not mandatory.
I hope you all forgive me for any grammar mistakes you find and hopefully you enjoy this chapter =) The video I attached is the song sung by Bellethiel, it is very intoxicating lol.
This time some of the the italics aren't the elves speaking Sindarin, you'll understand (or at least I hope haha).
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THE HOBBIT! All rights that you recognize from the movie or book belongs to J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Only thing I own is the elves I have created, meaning Bellethiel and her kin/companions. Enjoy enjoy!
After making a swift retreat back to the housing area, I decided to stay by the balcony area...hoping that the cool air would calm my beating heart.
I had seen Thorin Oakenshield, exiled King Under the Mountain, unclothed. That in itself made my face as red as ever, made my heart beat rapidly against my chest for reasons unknown to me. Seeing the company unclothed made me uncomfortable for walking out without making sure what they were up to, but seeing Thorin caused me to feel embarrassed.
"There is our lovely elf!" Bofur greeted.
"We are clothed our innocent elf maiden!" Kili called, as I turned around seeing him smiling cheerily up at me. "You do not have to fear seeing anything that will corrupt your eyes."
"My eyes are not corrupted, Kili, I assure you nor can they ever be corrupted." I stated, shaking my head.
"So...seeing our uncle bare has not corrupted you." Fili stated, matching the mischievous smirk his brother wore. "Your eyes lingered on him a bit longer compared to when we approached you, for us you hastily averted your eyes."
"I assure you my eyes did not linger." I defended, watching as the brothers laughed and teased.
"Fili, Kili." A gruff commanding voice called out, causing the two to abruptly stop their merriment. "That's enough."
I looked toward Thorin and saw him standing with Dwalin and Balin, his arms crossed over his chest.
"We're just having a bit of fun Uncle." Fili smiled. "No harm done."
"I wanted to state that I'm pretty positive Belle enjoyed the scene." Kili mumbled.
I opened my mouth, about to retort to the teasing, until the smell of burning wood reached my nose.
I looked toward the middle of the room and saw Gloin already breathing life to the small fire, watching as he fed it with more wood.
"Did you break the surrounding furniture to feed your fire?" I questioned, looking around to see most of the legs of the tables and bed posts were broken off.
Gloin grunted, paying close attention to the little flame growing in size, and made no indication of answering me.
I sighed and leaned against the railing of the balcony as I watched the company go about their business, laughing once more before silence fell.
"Lass, do you sing?" Bofur questioned.
I turned to look at the hatted dwarf a bit in surprise not expecting any of the dwarves to include myself into any conversation no matter how accepting they seemed to be with me these past couple of days.
"No..." I said, looking over my shoulder to the scenery. "I think my voice will harm your ears."
"I think you're over exaggerating." Bofur pushed, winking. "Sing something for us."
"I am sorry to say that the songs I know are not as merry as your tunes Bofur..." I added, hoping to get out of this situation.
"It's a way to get to know you Belle!" Bombur laughed joyfully out loud, putting a sausage on a spit and holding it over the fire. "We want to hear you sing, good or bad, happy or sad!"
I sighed before staring out toward the setting sun, deciding on whether I should sing.
Fanuilos heryn aglar
(Snow White! Snow White! O Lady Clear)
Rîn athar annún-aearath,
(O Queen Beyond The Western Seas!)
Calad ammen I reniar
(O Light To Us That Wander There)
Mi 'aladhremmin ennorath!
(Amid The World of Woven Trees!)
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
(Gilthoniel! O Elbereth!)
I chîn a thûl lin míriel
(Clear Are Thy Eyes and Bright is Breath)
Fanuilos le linnathon
(Snow White! Snow White! We Sing to Thee)
Ne ndor haer thar I aearon
(In A Far Land Beyond the Sea!)
A elin na gaim eglerib
(O Stars That In the Sunless Year)
Ned în ben-anor trerennin
(With Shining Hand By Thee Were Sown,)
Si silivrin ne pherth 'waewib
(In Windy Fields Now Bright and Clear)
Cenim lyth thílyn thuiennin.
(We See Your Silver Blossom Blown!)
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
(O Elbereth Gilthoniel!)
Men echenim sí derthiel
(We Still Remember, We Do Dwell)
Ne chaered hen nu 'aladhath
(In This Far Land Beneath the Trees,
Ngilith or annún-aearath.
(Thy Starlight on the Western Seas)
Silence...that was what lingered at the end of my melody, only thing that could be heard was the sound of the water running downstream, the singing of the birds, and the rustling of the leaves in the wind.
"That was rather lovely Belle." Bofur complimented, sighing in appreciation. "It sounded a bit sad, but I knew you would have a lovely voice."
"Will you tell us more about yourself Bellethiel?" Ori questioned innocently, his book opened to a fresh page and his pen scribbling away.
Bifur grunted, muttering to Bofur and nodding his head to me.
"Bifur likes that idea." Bofur smiled, as Bifur gave another nod.
"I am touched that you want to know more about me, but I am curious as to why the sudden interest." I smiled playfully.
"No real reason, just that we'll be traveling for a good year or so. We may as well get to know each other better." Kili suggested.
"Is there anything in particular you are curious about?" I questioned.
"Why do they call you captain?" Thorin called, stepping forward to join the group close to the fire. "I've taken notice how these elves bow to you and your companions when you walk by. Your companions hold you in such high respect, some would think you were royalty."
"In Greenwood, what you now call Mirkwood, I was apart of the Kings Guards along with my brother. I held a high title in Greenwood the Great and that respect carried over even after we left." I answered.
"Centuries ago, an elf maid had mentioned you and your companions were injured and close the brink of death after a war with orcs." Dwalin interrupted. "What war?"
"Usually when you get to know someone, you ask their favorite color and places they have traveled. A calm environment is needed, and yet this feels like an interrogation." I stated, raising my eyebrow down at the dwarf.
"Answer the question." Thorin grunted.
"Just as there are questions you would not answer if I asked, I will do the same." I stated.
"You have secrets and mysteries shrouding you elf...secrets that I am concerned about. Secrets that could potential put the company, my kin, at risk. The more answers I think I find, it leads to more questions." Thorin growled out.
"My secrets are mine to keep. But I can assure you Thorin, my secrets will not put your kin or the company in danger even though you do not believe my words." I replied honestly. "I am sure these secrets of mine will come to light, and then you will see that these secrets will not cause you any harm."
Thorin took a threatening step toward me, already standing an inch in front of me and glared up, his eyes boring into my own.
I took off the silver bead on my left ear, took Thorin's hand in my own with a bit of resistant on his part, and placed the bead in the center of his palm.
"When I return I would like this back." I smiled, looking down at the bead.
Thorin inspected the simple piece of jewelry, a bit of recognition crossing his face as he looked back up at me clearing wanting answers.
"The blacksmith went by the name Nár, he imprinted the writing on the bead as a form of appreciation." I stated.
"Nár? Not Nár, companion to King Thrór by any chance?" Balin interjected, now inspecting the piece.
"I would not know, my group had come across him injured and starving. We bought him to our campsite and escorted him to his home, which was located in a village not to far from where we were situated." I stated. "He repaid us by imprinting this word on our beads."
"And you're telling this to us why...?" Thorin questioned, peering up at me with his right eyebrow raised.
I leaned in close, my lips near his ear, close enough to smell the earthy scent of Thorin, and whispered quietly.
"Because I earned the trust of a dwarf, enough for him to teach me a bit of your language." I whispered, pulling away to be only inches from his face, his eyes widening by the second. "I know dwarves are secretive Thorin, they do not trust outside of family. And I am telling you this in hopes that with this small secret I willingly share...it would be enough for you to trust me, even just a tiny bit."
I leaned back and looked past Thorin to see my nephews and Mellimeldisiel standing by the entrance.
"Is there a reason for your visit?" I questioned curiously.
"Tirananniel wishes to speak to you, she has asked for all of us to gather together." Mellimeldisiel smiled.
I nodded, a bit in shock before looking down at Thorin.
"Please do not lose that bead." I said, smiling lightly. "It may not look it, but it is one of my most prized possessions."
I quickly left and followed the three out, excited to see a friend I had thought to have lost centuries ago.
(Company's P.O.V)
"What did Belle whisper to you?" Kili asked, coming up to Thorin's right side.
When Thorin made no sign to respond, Fili walked up to Thorin's left.
"What does the bead say Uncle?" Fili questioned.
"Promise." Thorin mumbled in Khuzdul, closing his hand tightly around the bead.
(Bellethiel's P.O.V)
"Why had I not seen Tirananniel at the festival?" I questioned walking beside Mellimeldisiel.
"You know how Tirananniel is, she never goes to those festivities unless she is needed." Mellimeldisiel giggled.
"What has she been doing most of the days." I questioned.
"Meditating most of the time." Beriohtarion stated.
"She says there's something she wishes to tell you." Balamaethor added. "Something very important."
All four of us appeared in a secret garden known only to the elves of Rivendell, the yard was full of familiar faces, filled with more than a hundred of us circled around one elf.
The elves, young and ancient parted to the sides to make a path from myself to the elf in the center. A woman with fiery red hair. As her eyes, dark and comforting, opened and laid on me she smiled and stood up, beckoning me over.
I made haste and embraced her tightly. We smiled and laughed in glee, relieved on my part for seeing another familiar face I thought to have lost.
"Tirananniel, it is so good to see you." I smiled, pulling away and holding her in arm's length. "But how? I thought you had perished in the fire?"
“Bellethiel, you know me. No fire will be my downfall.”Tirananniel smiled, her eyes looking at me sadly. "There is something different about you Bellethiel, a small glow that is glowing bigger by the second, something I have never seen in you before."
Tirananniel winked as she motioned for the others to relax, the movement causing those around to either shift their weight or kneel on the ground.
"I still will never understand how we were able to get you to follow us, Tirananniel." I smiled.
"I would have followed you to the ends of Middle Earth my old friend." Tirananniel laughed. "Now, we may as well get down to why I had summoned all of you here, that way we can get you back to your dwarf companions."
She looked at the elves around us before sighing sadly.
"Middle Earth is growing darker, there is a shadow growing and I am afraid. What we have started, we may now be able to end it...to mend what we had promised to mend." Tirananniel said, looking to Bellethiel. "And it's all because of you, Bellethiel."
"With me?" I asked curiously.
"Your involvement with Thorin, son of Thráin, son of Thrór." Tirananniel said. "You accepting to help them has set things in motion."
"You mean...to mend the wounds our King had caused to the dwarves?" A voice called out.
"Of course, what happened at the gates of Erebor was a tragedy. We were right to lend our assistance, even at the cost of our home." Tirananniel said. "I knew that no matter what decisions we made at the gates, we would be fine in the end, but we would have always ended up here."
Tirananniel motioned around to Rivendell.
"In the end would we be forgiven for making that choice by our King?" A different voice questioned. "Would we be accepted home?"
"I think even if King Thranduil would forgave us...can we really settle going back to a place where we were banished in the first place." Dûrion growled out.
"I have gathered us here, because we will play a part in the mending of the relationship between the dwarves of Erebor, and the elves of Greenwood." Tirananniel said, smiling as the others around began talking enthusiastically among themselves, most getting up and having a small celebration among friends.
Tirananniel smiled at the scene and took a hold of my arm, pulling me to a quiet area away from any who could overhear us.
"There are things being set in motion, but there is something I am worried about concerning you Bellethiel." Tirananniel said gloomily.
"What is it Tirananniel..." I questioned.
"Let me show you Bellethiel." Tirananniel said.
Erebor lay in ruins, the land dark and dry, and at the gates of Erebor waged a war with elves, men and dwarves charging at orcs and goblins. I saw fallen bodies of my fellow companions, bodies of dwarves and men strewn across mixing with bodies of orcs and goblins.
"To the King!" A dwarf had yelled out over the screams of pain, bringing the attention of the allies.
"Where are we?" I questioned, standing in the middle of the battlefield, watching people pass right through.
"At the end..." Tirananniel said, now appearing beside me. "of your journey...at the gates of Erebor."
"Where are the princes?" Balamaethor questioned, standing back to back with his brother, blocking jagged edge, rusty swords.
"They were lost in the bloodshed!" Beriohtarion replied, pushing against a goblin, beheading the creature before quickly firing an arrow at an oncoming orc.
"Find them!"
A vision of myself clad in silver armor called out, covered in splotches of black blood.
"Where's Thorin?" The vision asked.
"They just called a retreat to the king!" Veryan reported, a very loyal messenger that followed us centuries ago, coming to a halt with another elf at his side.
"The healers?" The vision asked.
"Got them to safety, Bregolien and his squad are bringing the wounded and the fallen to the healers as we speak." Saeldur replied.
"Find the princes." The vision commanded, looking toward my two nephews and then back to Veryan. "Veryan and Saeldur, stick to them and make sure my nephews make it out alive."
"And you Captain?" Saeldur questioned.
"I am retreating to the King," The vision replied, looking sternly back at my nephews. "alone."
"But Nana..." Balamaethor protested, stopping as the vision of myself turned her hard gaze on him.
"Look after one another and stay alive." The vision called out, looking stoically at the four leaving no room for protest. "That is an order."
Veryan and Saeldur bowed as Balamaethor and Beriohtarion looked torn and unsure. The vision of myself smiled and went over to quickly embrace my nephews.
"I shall see you both once this is over." The vision of myself smiled, turning to leave. "Now quickly, you have your orders."
"Captain!" The our voiced before running in the opposite direction, slashing a path through the oncoming enemies.
The scene followed the four as they frantically began searching for the two princes.
"Where are the Princes of Erebor!" Beriohtarion called out to a dwarf being carried off of the battle field by one of Bregolien squad members.
"They were protecting the King..." The dwarf gasped out in pain, pointing in the direction the two princes stood.
Not too far from the twin elves stood the dwarf princes in the middle of a group of orcs. They were outnumbered and outmatched, but the battle was leaning in their favor. They were confident, proud, and determined. I watched as they fought with such strength that it had seemed nothing could bring them down.
Suddenly, an arrow flew through the air, hitting the eldest brother in the calf and catching him off guard. The painful sound Fili made caused the youngest to get distracted at his older brother's cry and began to frantically run to the aid of his brother leaving his defenses wide open.
"Kili!" I called out in a panic, about to rush forward.
"It's only a vision Bellethiel." Tirananniel reminded, as we both watched close.
An orc from afar took advantage of the opening, for soon two arrows were shot and embedded themselves in his back.
Kili stood with eyes wide open, shocked, as he held his gaze with his brother, not registering that he had been hit before another arrow was shot, embedding very close to Kili's heart.
"Kili!" Fili yelled out as he watched Kili collapse onto the ground. Fili ran to stand before his brother, blocking any orc or goblin that dared to touch his baby brother. His fighting now becoming reckless and careless.
Another arrow was shot, the arrow obviously being aimed at Kili, but Fili had seen it at the last-minute and moved into its path. The arrow had lodged into his rib and from what I could see, possibly puncturing his lung.
"We have to hurry brother!" I heard Beriohtarion call out, as the two boys and their guards ran to protect the fallen princes.
- In Serial10 Chapters
The Principles of Magic
Eran Magia is an unfortunate boy, he was born into a world of magic, without any to call his own. Shunned and disowned by his own family, teased and bullied by both teachers and students, there was no one in his life that would show him kindness. The abuse had caused Eran to become severely introverted and a classic recluse. But what the cruel world did not know, was that within the boy was a power stronger than any other. After an accident during a duel at Eran's School, the power which was once sealed within Eran was released. The power looked deep into Eran's memories and even his soul. Finding nothing but cruelty in this, strength driven world, the power shifted Eran to a different time, space and reality, in hope of a kinder future. Follow along Eran's journey in another world as he meets new people, learns new things, and tries to get a handle on his new overwhelming power.
8 111 - In Serial9 Chapters
Lunar, a lonely boy who is adopted, never felt that he belonged. One day he comes across an egg. How are they linked? What will become of the egg? *DISCLAIMER* This series is in early, early beta. When I'm finished with this story I will rewrite it. So, pardon any stupid mistakes I apologize in advance. Updates every 2 weeks on Mondays.
8 92 - In Serial12 Chapters
The Incipient Path to Demesne
Hidden from the world, the first and only VR game is being developed. By using various means, a group of talented friends manage to acquire access to the beta.Combining their skills and knowledge, they set out to rule the game, and the world thereafter.***On hiatus, will be completely rewritten.
8 92 - In Serial8 Chapters
Rebellion of the Exps: Exp 8
Freedom is a shackle. Exp 8 is a living weapon. After awakening in an isolated lab, one instinct fuels him: a burning desire for freedom. His creator, Devlin, will stop at nothing to keep Exp 8 subservient to his will, even if it means sending droves of weaponized warriors to capture him. To break out of Devlin's hold, Exp 8 stages a rebellion, using both his wit and power to unite his fellow Exps against their creator. But not all enemies can be converted, and Devlin is not the only one with plans for the rogue weapon. The sentient inventions Exp 8 and his allies encounter become more powerful, fanatical and merciless with each wave. Driven by instinct and the desire to free his people, Exp 8 perseveres through conflict and loss. Is freedom worth the cost if he alone desires it? A sci-fi anime-style experience packed with intense battles and other-worldly abilities.
8 191 - In Serial17 Chapters
Pandora's Box Online
The first and new VRMMORPG made by a company called Dragon Lore Inc. They decide to make a beta test and release 10,000 capsule around the world that can be bought at a random gaming shop for 5,000$Paul(21 years old) is a NEET (Not in Education,Employment and Training) is one of the 10,000 buyers of the capsule for beta testing of the first VRMMORPG.(My reference of this fiction is the game called Weapons of war. I took some names and concept on it :3)(Source Link of the Cover: http://kevincu.deviantart.com/art/Pandora-s-Box-80535550) (From the future me, Oh man... This is bad... Really bad... I don't even know why I made this one. If you can bear with many of errors I made in this one then go ahead and read it.)
8 120 - In Serial108 Chapters
The Toys of the Fool
Sequel to 'The Unfortunate Fool', 25 years; a century has passed in the world of Royal Road and things have changed quite a bit. The game now even more popular than before having several billions of users online at a time is at it's peak, the continent united as one as the Ahreupen Kingdom under the rule of Emperor Weed. In the mist of this, six new players have joined this game under the request of an old man to find his granddaughter who is hiding in this game with no return. Soon enough they catch the attention of a certain Independent Guild under the leadership of a certain person.
8 541