《Over the Mountains // Thorin Oakenshield》Chapter 23
Thorin lay awake, staring up at the ceiling above him. He didn't find anything of the wooden ceiling interesting, for he wasn't really looking. His mind was on other things. While he was running through the duties he had to fulfill the next few days, his fingers were gently running through Sepha's long brown hair that cascaded around her pretty sleeping head.
The girl was still sound asleep, her head resting on his bare chest, her soft breathing barely making the sheets rise and fall. Thorin could feel her heart beating against his chest and it made him smile. They had been married for almost two weeks now and almost every dwarf in Erabor had insisted Thorin take the mornings slow. That way, he didn't have to rush out of bed, either waking Sepha up earlier than need be or not being allowed to share breakfast with her.
In that case, Thorin was allowed the time to lay in bed for an extra hour before rousing and having breakfast with his wife before heading off to his duties as king.
Thorin turned his head to look at his sleeping wife and smiled. Her lashes were fluttering as she slowly woke. He reached over and ran his finger across her soft cheek and planted a kiss on her forehead.
The girl shifted at the gesture and let out a sigh as she opened her eyes. Thorin looked down at her as she turned to look up at him, a smile on her lips.
"Good morning," she whispered.
Thorin smiled, "Morning."
Sepha stirred enough so she could reach up and place a kiss on his lips before lying back down. She brought one hand up and laid it on his chest, feeling the taut muscle of his chest while she rested her chin on her hand, looking at him.
"How is it that you look beautiful even after you've been asleep for hours?" Thorin whispered.
Sepha smiled, "I move in my sleep in case you hadn't noticed so I don't look anywhere near beautiful in the morning."
THorin shook his head, "I beg to differ. You always look like an angel. Though, you have been restless more recently."
Sepha nodded and laid back, resting her head in the crook of his arm, "It's hard trying to get sleep for two people."
Thorin chuckled, "I'm getting enough sleep. You don't have worry about me."
"I wasn't talking about you," Sepha said softly.
Thorin thought that maybe she was trying to prank him with words so he thought back to what she had said. After a few minutes his eyes widened and he sat up straight with a start. SEpha rose to a sitting position, a smile on her face at her husband's reaction.
"You mean.... you are sure?" he asked, his eyes wide.
Sepha nodded and her smile widened, "I started getting symptoms a few days ago so Dis suggested I see Oin. He confirmed it."
Thorin's eyes kept widening until a huge grin spread across his face and he caught the girl up in a bone breaking hug.
Sepha chuckled as they laid back down, Thorin still holding her in a tight hug.
"I love you so much," he whispered into her ear.
Sepha smiled and turned to kiss his beard, "I love you two.... both of us do."
Thorin smiled widely at that and closed his eyes, his cheek resting against her forehead.
Eight Months Later
Thorin was restless. Balin could tell. The king had barely paid attention during the meeting that morning and then when Dwalin went with him to oversee the training of the warrior dwarves, Dwalin had agreed that Thorin really seemed in another world.
He was spooning his lunch around, obviously not hungry and was resting his cheek on his fist, staring blankly into space.
"You alright Thorin?" Balin asked. "Feeling sick?"
THorin snapped out of it and noticed that the whole company was looking at him with concern, "No... why?"
"You just seem out of it lately," Fili pointed out. "Don't think we didn't notice Uncle."
Thorin sighed and looked down at his food, "I'm worried."
"I knew it!" Bombur hooted a little too loud and got shushed by his cousins.
"What about laddie?" Oin inquired.
Thorin sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "It's Sepha."
"Are you kidding me?" Gloin asked, moving to the side so that the serving maid was able to refill his mug of ale. "I have never seen a girl look so happy! She is practically glowing! Motherhood suits her well."
THorin smiled fondly at this but it faded after a moment, "It's not that...it's the pregnancy herself. She is only eight months and already she looks ready to..."
"Burst?" Dwalin asked, smirking. "I would say that. I asked Oin three times if he was sure it wasn't twins you two were having but he was sure."
Thorin shook his head, "It's my fault."
"How is it your fault?" Fili inquired, smiling at the maid who handed him a fresh mug of ale.
"How come you get a whole new mug of ale?" Bofur asked, peering into Fili's full mug with jealousy.
"Because he keeps giving the handmaid that look," Dwalin pointed out after the maid had left.
All eyes glanced at FIli who had zoned out with a flirtatious smirk on his face, his eyes watching the door where the handmaid had left. It reminded the dwarves a little too much of Kili.
"Hey," Gloin remarked. "Back to the original conversation. Why do you think it's your fault THorin? It's not like you could decide the size of the babe."
Thorin shook his head, "I should have known it would hurt her. She has always been such a small, gentle thing. even though she is the strongest, toughest person I know..."
"Are you blaming yourself because you're a 'large dwarf'?" FIli asked, giving his uncle a teasing look. "Not in width but in height and muscle?"
Balin snorted at the young dwarf's remark and tried to hide his grin.
"Thorin," Dwalin sighed, patting the king's shoulder. "I will admit, compared to you, the lass is a small one but just like you said: she's strong and tough. If anyone could handle carrying the strong dwarf bairn of Thorin Oakenshield, it would be her."
Thorin smiled, a little encouraged by this but his eyes still held concern.
"Maybe it will make you feel better if you just spent more time with her," Balin suggested. "Let her prove it herself that this isnt too much for her."
Thorin sighed and nodded, "Maybe you're right."
With that he left, missing the pleased smiles on everyone's faces. After Sepha had announced her pregnancy, the whole company had practically died. They hadn't thought about the prospect of Sepha and Thorin having children and had completely forgotten to place bets.... that is everyone except Dis who of course would have won the bet so all the company agreed to do THorin's sister a favor since she was the only one with enough sense to think of making a bet.
After that, the company had found it a whole relieving thing with a pregnant woman in their midst. Not only because it gave them a sense to protect her even more than usual, but also because it gave them a chance to think of the future. Balin of course was the most excited to see a young bairn running around underfoot and Fili was more than excited about the anticipation of having a cousin.
Sepha had brought a whole new light to the company during her pregnancy. True there were the times when her hormones would kick in and she would become teary eyed about everything but after the first two episodes and after Dis explained the whole thing to the company, they weren't surprised whenever she would break down and they always knew how to cheer her up (by waging bets about the most outrageous things).
Thorin closed the door behind him as he headed off to find his wife but not before hearing Fili ask Dwalin why he was waggling his eyebrows at him. This only made the king smile, knowing that the moment his sister and SEpha laugh wind of Fili's attraction to the particular dwarf maid, Fili would have his hands full.
When Thorin entered his and Sepha's private chambers, he couldn't help but grin. Crossing his arms and resting his shoulder against the doorframe, he just stood there and smiled. Sepha was standing by the windowsill, tending to the small ferns that she had planted in the window box. After Sepha had insisted some indoor plants, Thorin had realized that it brought a whole different light to the room when there was a plant in the room.
Sepha's long hair was down (she had refrained from braiding it recently unless THorin helped her because it had become hard to reach back and braid without straining her stomach), cascading down her back and across the cream colored gown she wore.
it was a loose, light dress that was one of the few things she could still wear and feel comfortable in. True to Thorin's word and concern, Sepha was indeed heavily pregnant. She of course was taking it beautifully. Her cheeks were always full of color and her eyes always sparkled. She always had a smile on her face (unless the hormones spoke otherwise) and she never complained.
Of course, Thorin began to catch on whenever he saw Sepha sit down or begin to breathe heavily or place a hand on her back. HE soon learned with some help from Oin and Dis that this was a sign of her back getting tired from carrying the extra weight so whenever that happened, he was always the first to make her sit down and rest.
Sepha was humming to herself and THorin didn't want to interrupt her. He recognized the song as the song he and the company sang when they were in Baggend, but it was a more lighthearted, softer version.
Thorin walked silently across the room and slipped his arms around her waist. Sepha turned her head and smiled as THorin placed a kiss on her cheek, then her neck.
"I thought you had a meeting today," she said.
"Already done," Thorin replied. "Balin suggested I come and check on you."
Sepha smiled and leant against his hard chest, "I'm glad you did. I think it's about time we thought of names."
Thorin felt his heart soar at the way she seemed to whisper that. He smiled as the girl took his hand and led him to the bed. Thorin sat down on the edge, Sepha sitting next to him. She leant her head against his shoulder and he pressed his cheek against her hair, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"What were you thinking of?" Thorin asked.
"I was stuck between names for a boy," She replied. "We could either name him after you: Thorin III, or we could name him after your father...."
THorin smiled, "Well that's two options. What about the girl?"
"I was at a loss for girl names."
Thorin smiled and kissed her forehead, "What about Thora?"
Sepha smiled and looking at her husband, she kissed him gently, "Actually, that gives me an idea for the boy name."
"What is it?" Thorin whispered.
"Killian," Sepha whispered.
Thorin felt himself freeze but a smile appeared on his face, "Kili would love that."
Sepha nodded and laid her head back on his shoulder, "I wish he could have been here to see his little cousin."
Thorin smiled and hugged her close, "He'll meet them one day... in a better place."
Sepha nodded and closed her eyes. Just then, she shot straight up, startling THorin.
"Oh," she gasped, placing a hand on her stomach.
"What is it?" THorin asked, his voice laced with worry.
"Thorin.... we need Oin and Dis," The girl gasped. "My water just broke."
horin kept pacing back and forth. Dwalin had to plant himself in front of the door for every time that Sepha screamed, Thorin's fists clenched so much that his knuckles went white and twice, he almost tried to break into the room.
Of course, Balin had to assure the dwarf king that Dis and Oin had everything under control and that the screams were normal. The whole company were sitting in the hallway. Fili had gotten tired of sitting so he was pacing with his uncle, both going opposite directions and passing each other every few seconds.
"I think I'm gonna go check on the troops," Gloin muttered, beginning to head down the hallway.
"Okay," Thorin muttered, still not looking up or even stop moving.
"I'll go with you," Bofur offered, getting up.
Gloin thought a moment before walking back, "On seconds thoughts I'll just stay...."
"Okay," Thorin mumbled.
"Yeah I'll stay," Bofur remarked.
Dwalin rolled his eyes while Balin spoke up, "Will you two quit it? It's not your first born you're worried about so stop it, you're making Thorin crazy."
Suddenly, Thorin stopped pacing and Fili had to catch himself before he rammed into his uncle since he hadn't noticed Thorin stop pacing.
"It's gotten quiet in there," Thorin pointed out.
everyone jumped to their feet and Dwalin stepped away from the door, all eyes on the door. Suddenly, a high pitched wail hit the air and all the dwarves knew that sound.... the cry of a baby.
The door flew open and there stood Oin. He looked at all the expectant faces and grinned widely.
"It's a lassie!"
Thorin couldn't hold back the huge grin that spread across his face and he barely heard the hollers, hoots and cheers from behind him. Soon the dwarves were throwing bags of coins back and forth, most of them to Fili (figures).
Oin stepped to the side to let Thorin in. Dis looked up from where she was standing next to the bed. When she saw her brother in the doorway, she smiled and walked over. She patted him on the shoulder with a grin before shooing all the dwarves out and closing the door, giving the new parents some time alone.
Thorin stood frozen to the spot, staring at the sight before him. Sepha was sitting propped up on the bed, a small bundle in her arms. She was wearing a loose white gown and her hair was down and cascading around her. She looked up and smiled at the sight of him.
"Come here Thorin," She said gently, "Come see our daughter."
Thorin's legs moved themselves to the side of the bed and he slowly sat down beside his wife. He peered at the little face looking up at him with her huge beautiful green eyes.
Her dark hair brought out the blue tints in her green eyes. Her face was perfect.... she was a splitting image of Sepha except for the thin, pointy lips and dark hair which was definitely all Thorin.
"She's beautiful," THorin whispered, wrapping an arm around Sepha and kissing her forehead.
Sepha smiled and held out the baby to Thorin, "Here."
Thorin gingerly took baby Thora into his arms but soon he realized that it was a lot easier than he thought. Thora was swaddled in the white blanket except for her little hands and her face which still looked up at him with her big eyes. She cooed as Thorin looked at her and he smiled. His large hand reached out and touched her little hand and she looked so small compared to his hand.
Sepha leant her head against Thorin's chest and smiled, "I love you both so much."
Thorin smiled as he looked at his exhausted wife. He placed a kiss on her forehead before letting her fall asleep against him. Just then, Fili's head appeared in the doorway, asking for permission to enter. THorin nodded but looked at Sepha. Fili saw and nodded, tiptoeing across with the rest of the company.
They all quietly cooed and awed over the little girl and soon Thorin passed the baby around, first to Fili, then to the others. THorin gently shifted Sepha so she was lying on the bed and she was soon out cold.
Finally, Fili had Thora in his arms again and the baby girl was sound asleep, a handful of FIli's hair in her fist.
"She's beautiful uncle," Fili whispered. "She's just perfect."
"Like her mother," Dis whispered, smiling wildly.
THorin looked from his daughter, over to his wife and nodded, "I couldn't agree more."
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