《Over the Mountains // Thorin Oakenshield》Chapter 18
Kili was not doing well. They had managed to convince Bard to let them stay at his place after almost everyone, especially the town master, turned them out. Kili was writhing in pain on the bed and while Fili was trying to keep him calm, Oin was trying to figure out what to do.
"This is unlike anything I have ever dealt with," Oin admitted. "Sepha?"
Sepha shook her head, "The arrow was poisoned. We need to stop it from spreading before it kills him."
"What do you need?" Bofur asked.
Sepha sighed and shook her head, "Kingsfoil... and quickly."
The dwarf nodded and bolted off to search for the said weed. It seemed forever that he was gone. Sepha sat next to Kili and kept whispering to him, humming but he was in too much pain.
"What is taking him so long?" Fili insisted, getting worried.
Sepha shook her head but she was cut off by the sound of footsteps above them..... there was dead silence.... then out of nowhere Sigrid, who had gone out to look for their father, let out a scream and came running back in with an orc close behind. Fili was on the orc in an instant while the two girls hid under the table. Bain tried his hardest to help by throwing things at the orcs but there were more and more coming.
Sepha covered Kili with a blanket and looked around. She saw Fili almost hurt himself knocking an orc down and she felt fury rise in her body. She remembered the promise she made to Thorin, telling him she would protect his nephews no matter what. No one was going to touch Fili or Kili when she was on duty.
Her hair suddenly turned a bright purple and she missed the shocked look on Kili's face when her eyes turned a shade of violet and she morphed into a giant wolf. She let out an angry growl and pounced on the orc who was giving Fili a hard time. She grabbed him by the head and swung him out the window, growling angrily with her hair standing up. FIli looked at her surprised but smiled.
"Take care of Kili," the girl instructed.
Fili nodded and rushed back to his brother's side, leaving Sepha to deal with the orcs. Just when she thought that there couldn't be anymore, more came through the front door.... .and with them.... two familiar elves.
"Tauriel!" Sepha cried.
"What have you gotten yourself into?" the elf asked teasingly, killing an orc.
"Didn't we warn you to stay out of trouble?" a familiar voice asked, turning out to be Legolas.
Sepha smiled, "I cannot help it."
The two elves smiled and began to make quick work of the orcs. Sepha made a leap over the table and knocked down two orcs who had gone for the children. Soon, there weren't any orcs left.
"You killed them all," Bain gasped.
"There are others," Legolas remarked.
Tauriel turned and looked at kili who was writhing on the floor in pain. She lifted her eyes and looked at Legolas who stood in the doorway. The elf nodded.
"I'll be back."
Tauriel nodded thankfully and just then, Bofur came back, carrying kings foil.
Tauriel approached him and began talking to Oin and Fili while Sepha morphed back to human.
"How did you do that?" Tilda asked, staring.
Sepha smiled, "It's a long story."
"Kili's getting worse," Tauriel warned her, "We need to hold him down. I need you to heat this water Sepha."
Sepha obeyed and making a flame in her hand, she warmed the water that Tilda had prepared and Tauriel placed the kings foil in it, soaking it enough. She then placed it on Kili's wound and he howled. Fili held him down and Sepha helped him while Tilda and Sigrid held down his legs.
Soon, Tauriel began to chant in Elvish and Sepha could feel the power of the Ethalas healing Kili. Soon, the young dwarf relaxed under her hold and she released him.
Sepha pulled Fili away from his brother so that Tauriel could finish patching him up and also, Sepha knew that Tauriel probably wanted a moment alone with the dark dwarf.
"Thanks," FIli whispered.
Sepha was taken aback, "For what?"
"For being here," Fili replied. "You could have gone with uncle.... but you stayed here with us and if you hadn't, we might have all been dead."
Sepha smiled and hugged the young dwarf, "You would have found a way, but I'm glad I was here."
Suddenly, the whole house went dead silent when the ground suddenly rumbled beneath them. The house shook and Fili stumbled but Sepha caught him by his forearm.
"What was that?" FIli insisted, fear in his eyes.
Sepha looked around and she felt a horrible feeling when she realized what it was.
"It's coming from the mountain," Bofur whispered.
Fili looked at Sepha only to see that the girl had gone deadly pale, "Thorin..."
The dwarves and Bilbo were all standing on the tower of dale, looking out at lake town. It was up in flames.... Smaug soaring overhead.
"Poor souls," Balin whispered.
He turned and noticed that Dwalin was pacing, "Brother, there is nothing that pacing can fix."
"I cannot help it," Dwalin admitted, "All of them: Oin, Bofur, Fili, Kili.... Sepha... they're all dying down there and its all our fault."
Bilbo heard this and turned to look back at THorin. The dwarf was standing a ways behind them, watching Erabor. What no one saw was that the dwarf's face was deathly pale and there were tears streaming down his face.
Sepha.... his love.... his One was dying by the fire of a dragon.... and it was his fault. He would never see her again.... she was gone.
He remembered back to the day he left... how they had parted... how she had told him that she loved him. His hand went up and touched the silver bead that was in his hair. He caressed it gently and brought it up to his lips, pressing it to his mouth while he closed his eyes and let the quiet sobs overtake him.
It seemed like years he was standing there, Sepha's green eyes on his mind when suddenly he heard Bilbo.
"It fell I saw it.... he's dead.... Smaug is dead."
He suddenly heard all the other dwarves begin to agree with Bilbo and soon the dwarves were cheering. Thorin smiled and he looked up to the sky at the plane of stars that hung above him.
"I love you Sepha," he whispered before his eyes fell on Erabor..... then something changed. The bright color in his eyes changed to darkness and his face hardened..... then he went hurrying down the stairs straight to the mountain, having completely forgotten what he had just said not a second before. His mind was on one thing only and it wasn't on the brown haired, green eyed girl who was sitting in a boat with Tauriel, trying to escape the burning town.
MEANWHILE.... With the others
"KIli watch out," Sepha warned, reaching over to pull the dwarf back to avoid a floating piece of burning lumber.
Kili stumbled in the boat and sat down, pressing his back against Sepha's so that they were facing different directions. Tilda was sitting next to Sepha, her head against Sepha's chest while the girl was trying to comfort the child. Sigrid was holding Tilda's hand and trying not to cry herself.
Fili helped Tauriel and Bofur row while Oin looked out for floating debris.
"I'm so scared Sepha," Tilda whispered. "What if da and Bain didn't make it out?"
"Sh," Sepha whispered, "DOnt say such things. THey'll be fine. Your father and brother are strong. They will make it out."
"But what will happen after?" Sigrid asked. "The town is destroyed... what will become of everyone?"
Sepha looked over at Fili and Kili and shook her head, "I dont know."
Her mind wandered to THorin who was no doubt in the mountain.... was he safe? was he hurt? Had he succumbed to the sickness or was he fighting it? Was he still the same THorin he had been when they had said goodbye?
She shivered at the thought and FIli noticed for he slid over and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, "no matter what happens," he whispered. "Even if uncle has succumbed to the sickness, he still loves you."
Sepha smiled and nodded, "I hope so."
When they landed on the shore, all the surviving people of lake town were walking around, helping people or trying to find loved ones. Sigrid and Tilda were screaming for Bard and Tauriel was trying to keep them calm. Just when Sepha began to fear something had happened, Brad and Bain appeared, both soaking wet and going blue but otherwise alright.
Sigrid and Tilda practically screeched when they saw their father and soon, the whole town was surrounding Bard and congratulating him on killing the dragon. Sepha was pulled away by Oin and Bofur who soon got her to help them load a boat with some things they would need.
Sepha helped by tossing Fili things. However, she soon noticed that Kili wasnt with them. Turning around, she saw that the dark dwarf was speaking with Tauriel. Fili made a move to interrupt them but Sepha stopped him, shaking her head and smiling knowingly.
"How much do you want to bet they'll become a thing?"
Fili smirked, "You're on."
"You okay Kili?" Sepha asked.
Kili nodded, "Yeah.... just a lot on my mind."
Sepha nodded, "If you ever want to talk about it, let me know."
Kili nodded and for a while there was silence before he spoke up. Arya had walked a little ahead to catch up to Fili but at his voice she turned to look at him.
"Was there ever a time you doubted THorin loved you?"
Sepha sighed and thought about it, "Before the whole incident at Thranduil's I had my doubts. But then afterwards I realized that he did care.... but then when we reached lake town I had the horrible feeling that he didn't care about me anymore. Of course that all changed after he told me he loved me."
Kili nodded and was silent a moment till Sepha walked over and drew him in for a hug, "Tauriel loves you Kili. I can tell. Maybe you don't see it and she might not be ready to admit it but she does."
Kili hugged the girl back and smiled, "Thanks."
Sepha nodded and began to head after the others when Kili scurried after her to catch up, "Sooooooooo," he said, sounding rather mischievous. "You and uncle.... so does that make you our aunt?"
Fili seemed to catch onto the conversation immediately because he was right by his brother and Sepha in an instant.
"Well....." Sepha remarked, turning bright crimson.
"Or at least not yet," Fili remarked, putting emphasis on the 'yet'. "Auntie Sepha sounds cool though."
Sepha smirked and ruffled Fili's hair, earning a yelp from him as he hastily tried to fix it again, "And you know what my duties as an aunt will be?"
"What?" Kili asked, intrigued but Fili looked concerned.
"To see that both of you get married before you turn old and gray like me," Sepha remarked.
"You're not old and gray," Kili objected. "You're not that much older than us."
"Exactly," the girl teased, patting Kili's nose with her finger. "Which means I'll have to get on it as soon as we don't have a dragon or orcs on our tails."
"Better run for our lives brother," FIli whispered.
TIME SKIP... to the mountain.
Fili and kili had bolted into the mountain the moment they arrived and Bofur began calling for his brother and his cousin... but no reply.
"Dwalin!?" Sepha called. "Balin! Dori!"
There was no reply. They began to worry when suddenly they heard a loud voice as a particular hobbit came into view.
"Stop! Stop! Stop!"
"Bilbo!" Kili cried.
"You're alive!" Bofur hooted.
"We need to leave," Bilbo panted. "We all need to leave."
"Hello to you too Bilbo," Sepha teased.
Bofur cocked his head, "We only just got here."
"I've tried talking to him but he wont listen," Bilbo explained.
"What are you saying lad..." Oin started.
"THORIN! Thorin.... thorin," Bilbo panted. "has been down there for days. He doesn't sleep. he barely eats. He's not been himself. It's.... it's this place. I think a sickness lies on it."
Sepha felt her heart drop and she zoned out from the rest of the conversation... Thorin.... he wasn't the same.... he had fallen to the sickness...
"Fili!" Bilbo cried, snapping Sepha out of her daze.
The others followed FIli and Bilbo down to the treasure room. When they got there, they were at once hit by the sick voice of Thorin. Sepha could barely look at him and turned her face. She couldn't look at him.... she could barely listen to him... he was so sick.
After THorin had greeted Fili and Kili, Sepha followed Bilbo away from the treasure room while the others went to greet the rest of the company.
"I'm sorry Sepha," Bilbo remarked when they were alone. "I tried to talk to him..."
"It's not your fault Bilbo," Sepha whispered. "There was no way we could have prevented this unless we didn't reclaim Erabor."
Bilbo nodded, "So what do we do?"
Sepha sighed and ran her hands over her face, "I don't know... but if this gets much worse.... I don't know that I'll be able to stay."
"Why?" Bilbo inquired.
Sepha shook her head, "Because...it pains me to see Thorin like this....it hurts so bad...."
Bilbo nodded in understanding.
Just then, there was movement behind them and the two turned only to find Thorin standing at the end of the hallway, staring at them in shock. Bilbo quickly squeezed Sepha's hand.
"I'd better see where the others got to."
With that, he left the two alone, giving the girl a knowing smirk before leaving. The moment he was gone, Sepha slowly walked over to Thorin who seemed rooted to the spot. He looked horrible. He had bags under his eyes, he looked underfed... his face was pale and his eyes looked glazed.
"Thorin," she whispered, reaching up to touch his face.
Before she knew what was happening, THorin had snatched her up and had kissed her long and hard, holding her close. Sepha at first returned it but soon THorin was holding her so tight that she could barely breathe. She gently pulled away and looked up into his eyes.
"What has happened to you?" she asked.
"Nothing," Thorin replied. "Everything is wonderful now that you're here."
Sepha felt the urge to smile at those last words but she knew that this wasn't thorin.... it was only part of Thorin while the rest was a sick person.
"You look like you're ready to die," she remarked, "You need rest."
Thorin shook his head, "I need to keep searching."
"Thorin," Sepha began to say but the dwarf had pulled away and had walked off.... just like that. "I've lost you haven't I?" she mumbled, too low for his retreating form to hear.
Are you sure you're alright?" Sepha asked Kili.
The dwarf nodded as he drank the large mug of water that she had brought him. He and all the other dwarves had been searching the treasure chamber for the arkenstone all morning and they were beginning to show signs of exhaustion. Sepha had managed to get Bilbo to prepare some lunch for them so that when they took break, they could eat.
Sepha shock her head as Kili downed the water in an instant, "I don't think so Kili. You're not the first one who has drunken water like it's oxygen itself."
Kili shook his head, "I'm just thirsty is all. You should worry about Thorin more."
Sepha looked up at the balcony where Thorin was overseeing things, "I don't know what to do Kili. He wont eat or sleep and it's going to be the death of him.'
Kili smirked as he drank another mug of water, "Well, you are his one after all and you seem to have a great influence on him. You have no idea how many times I've had to snap in his face to get him out of a daze when he sees you walk past."
That was before the sickness," Sepha pointed out, trying to hide the blush that lit up her face.
Kili shrugged as he set the mug down, "Then maybe you need to be a little more persuasive."
With that, the young dwarf headed off back to searching. Sighing, Sepha decided that she had to try. Her future duty as a wife (possibly) was to care and support her husband. Even if the husband wasn't doing his part of caring and providing and protecting, she had her duty to him and she wasn't going to let him down.
"THorin," She said, coming to stand behind him.
Thorin turned and smiled at her but the smile was only half there, "Givashel," he greeted.
Sepha felt a pain in her chest. She didn't mind him calling her that but that was all he called her.... never Amaralime, love or even just Sepha.... it was like all he said had to do something with treasure or gold.
"You are tired and exhausted," The girl pointed out, coming to take his hands, "You need rest."
"No I'm fine," Thorin objected, about to turn around.
Sepha gripped his hands tighter, "No you're not fine. I'm not blind THorin. You need rest."
Thorin shook his head and turned back to the others but Sepha wasn't going to give up that easily. Grabbing his hand she spun him around and without hesitation and placed her hand on the side of his face and kissed him passionately.
Thorin froze for a second before his hands slowly trailed to her waist and to the back of her head, drawing her closer to him. When Sepha backed away, she caught a faint glimmer of the real Thorin in his eyes..... it was working.
"Come on," she whispered, taking his hand.
"What about..."THorin started.
"Dwalin can take care of it," Sepha replied, not letting THorin finish as she pulled him away from the treasure room.
When Sepha finally got him into his room, she stopped in the doorway while Thorin stepped in.
"Now get some rest," she ordered softly with a smile.
Thorin turned and looked at her, "But I'm not tired."
"Really?" Sepha inquired, "Then why do you look like you haven't slept in a week?"
Thorin smirked as he approached her. Sepha let out a soft gasp as his hands gripped her waist and he pressed her against the wall, his face inches from hers, "Because I have been away from you too long."
This was unlike Thorin completely. Even after their passionate first kiss in lake town and their small moments together, Sepha knew that this hasty, almost rough Thorin was not the Thorin she knew.
Sepha reached up and traced his features, trying to bring out the real Thorin she knew was still in there. Thorin reached his arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms bridal style. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes as he kicked the door shut with his foot and carried her to the bed.
He tossed her on and then climbed on top of her.
"Thorin," the girl warned.
THorin smiled, "I promise I'll behave," he whispered. "You're lucky I'm a patient dwarf."
Sepha rolled her eyes and smirked, "Riiiiight."
THorin grinned and Sepha saw his blue eyes flash.... Thorin was back. Before she could even register this, she was attacked by THorin who began tickling her sides. Sepha let out a roar of laughter and tried to get him to stop but he just grinned.
Finally he stopped and hovered over her while Sepha caught her breath. The girl looked up at him and smiled when she saw the gentle, calm, patient Thorin appear in his features. He reached down and gently stroked her cheek with his thumb, moving a strand of hair from her eyes.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered.
Sepha smiled just before Thorin bent down and placed a feather light kiss on her lips. He then rolled over so that he was lying on his side, as was she and they were facing each other.
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