《Over the Mountains // Thorin Oakenshield》Chapter 15
"Seph are you out of your mind?" FIli cried from his cell. "Who knows what they will do to you if you agree."
"He could very well not go with his word and just up and rape you!" Dwalin shouted.
Gloin and OIn didn't make a sound but kept ramming each other against their gate in an attempt to get out. Sepha was sitting in the furthest, darkest corner of her cell as far from THorin as she could. He was pacing back and forth in his cell, pinching the bridge of his nose and looking fully conflicted and worried.
"Can't we just wait for the halfling?" Bofur asked, stating the obvious
"What if he never comes?" Ori asked.
"Maybe Sepha has the right idea," Nori admitted.
"ARE YOU CRAZY!" half the dwarves hollered, making a ruckus.
"Sepha dear," Balin said through the bars. "Can't you just let us wait for a while and see if we can find a way out of this one?"
When Sepha didn't reply, all the dwarves began to chatter again. Finally the girl had enough and rising to her feet, she morphed into a massive wolf and rammed her head against the bars, silencing the dwarves.
"ENOUGH!" she cried, "JUST STOP!"
Her voice at first had been strong and demanding but as she continued, they could hear it breaking as she morphed back to human and tears sprang to her eyes, "Just....stop....please...."
She slowly slid down the bars of her cell and sat on the ground, pulling her knees to her chest. "I'm just a wolf.... a beast. Let me trade the beast for your freedom... please..."
AT once the dwarves began to object again, not at her idea but at the fact that she had called herself a beast. They knew she was implying that she wasn't worthy and they tried to talk her out of it. THorin noticed tears streaming down Sepha's face so walking to the gate of his cell, he yelled.
"SHAZAR!" he yelled.
Instantly the dwarves shut up and the prison was swallowed in silence. THorin walked over to the bars that separated him and SEpha and crouched down as close to the girl as he could.
"Sepha," he whispered softly. "I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now but... please don't do this."
Sepha lifted her emerald green eyes to look at the dwarf prince and for a moment, THorin thought she would agree. Her eyes pooled with tears and she slowly shook her head, "It's better for everyone if I do."
"Sepha," thorin whispered but he was cut off by the appearance of Legolas.
At first he had a right mind to yell at the elf but when he saw the pale, concerned and horrified look on the elf's face, he knew that Legolas was just as concerned for the girl as he was.
"Sepha," Legolas said. "before I open this gate, please try to reconsider."
Sepha rose to her feet and shook her head, "This isnt like last time Legolas. It isnt just one girl you and Tauriel are sneaking out of the palace... it's a company. It's better if it is done this way. That way, your father will not put two and two together and get the two of you in trouble... and there will be less casualties."
Legolas sighed and shook his head, lowering his eyes from Sepha.
"Open the gate please Legolas," Sepha whispered.
The elf lifted his eyes and for a split second he met eyes with Thorin. Their expressions were identical and they knew it.
Sighing, the elf opened the gate and placing a hand on Sepha's elbow, led her out.
"Seph," Fili's soft voice called as she passed his cell.
Sepha paused and Legolas knew why, "Make it quick."
The girl nodded and headed over to Fili's cell. He and Kili were right next to each other so she was able to grab both of their hands through the bars and smile.
"It's going to be okay," she whispered.
Kili was on the verge of tears and Fili was trying his hardest to not look concerned but his expression gave it away.
Sepha smiled and leaning her head against each gate, she pressed her forehead to theirs in a gesture of comradeship and friendship.
"Uncle didn't want to hurt you," FIli whispered. "he did what he thought was right."
Sepha shook her head, "I know..."
"Then why are you leaving?" Kili insisted. "It doesn't seem like you're upset with him."
The girl sighed, "I'm not upset with him... but I'm afraid that if I stay any longer it will become uncomfortable."
"Why do you say that?" FIli insisted.
"Because THorin hates me now," the girl explained. "And I hate myself for saying something to him that was nowhere near true...."
"You mean your feelings?" Kili asked, his eyes lighting up with hope.
Sepha nodded and the dwarf smiled, "I knew it!"
"Kili," FIli warned. "Seph. Thorin doesn't hate you because of what you said. You were upset and confused."
Sepha nodded, "Maybe so.... but I just lied to the leader of the company. That's enough reason for me to leave, not for my own sake of guilt but for your sake and the sake of the rest of the company."
"Sepha," both boys tried to reason but the girl pulled away from them and walked over to Legolas.
The elf gave them an apologetic look as he escorted Sepha out of the dungeons. They were halfway up the stairs when Tauriel happened upon them.
"You can't do this," she whispered. 'You know full well that Legolas's father will not go with his word! He'll keep you and then never let the dwarves out."
Sepha nodded, "I know... that's why I have a plan."
At once the two elves were listening.
"Tauriel, go back down to the prison and make sure there are no guards around. One of our friends... a hobbit is here in the palace. He'll get the gates unlocked and release the dwarves but you need to distract the guards. Give them enough time to get down to the cellar and then alert the guards."
"Why?" Tauriel inquired.
"Because that way if anyone asks, you had no idea that the dwarves escaped."
Tauriel nodded in understanding.
"Legolas will get me to his father. What he does to me is something of another story but I will keep his attention on me while this is happening. Legolas, you need to be sure you stay up there till Tauriel sounds the alarm or your father will suspect something."
Legolas nodded, "But what happens when we have to get the dwarves back?"
Sepha sighed and ran her fingers through her knotted, soiled hair, "There are orcs following the dwarves. I have a sneaking suspicion that you will be more busy fighting orcs than chasing dwarves."
the two elves nodded and Legolas escorted Sepha back upstairs while Tauriel went to distract the guards. When Legolas led Sepha up the last flight of stairs, it gave her a perfect view of the stairs that led down the cellar. She could see Bilbo there.... creasing down with the dwarves following. For a split second Fili lifted his eyes and caught sight of her. He would have spoken but she shook her head. Instead he silently alerted The other dwarves who all looked up at her, eyes wide.
She smiled softly at them and then her eyes met the piercing blue ones of the dwarf prince. She nodded her head respectfully to him before turning back to Legolas and heading up the stairs. Who knew if she would ever see Thorin again.
"I must say I am surprised," Thranduil admitted. "Seeing as you practically refused last time when I offered you everything if you would just cooperate."
"You were offering material things," Sepha pointed out. "This time you were offering the freedom of my friends. That's different."
Thranduil nodded and Sepha knew from the way his eyes turned dark at the mention of the dwarves, she knew that Tauriel had been right to assume he wouldn't keep his promise.
"Well why don't we get started immediately?" THranduil asked.
Legolas felt his heart stop. he had hoped his father would send the girl to freshen up and at least get a comb through her hair which had become a rat nest. that would have given the dwarves time to escape and then he and Tauriel might have found a way to free the girl.
"Whatever," Sepha remarked.
The elf prince felt a cold hand clutch his heart. Sepha had lost all hope. She didn't care what happened to her anymore.... all she cared was to see the dwarves escape safely...
"Let's see how much more resilient you are compared to last time," Thranduil taunted, summoning two guards forward, "Whip her till she passes out. When she does, report back to me and inform me how long it took for her to black out."
The two nodded and grabbing the girl by her arms, easily dragged her off. Legolas felt his throat tighten when he heard a door slam.... and the sounds of a whip meeting flesh could be heard.
"Do not be weak my son," Thranduil said, "This is punishment for her escaping."
Legolas nodded but inside he was screaming curses at his father. Suddenly, he heard another scream split the air and he knew it was Sepha's.
Suddenly, Legolas was pulled out of his daze by the reappearance of Sepha and the two elves. The girl was unconscious and bleeding horribly.
Legolas managed to keep himself from rushing to her side.
"It was a hundred lasses sire," one of the elves said. "She didn't cry out till the fiftieth."
"Impressive," Thranduil remarked. "Legolas, get the beast to a chamber and cleaned up. Bring her back to me when she wakes."
Legolas nodded and bending down, gently scooped the girl up without touching her blood stained back. As he descended the stairs, he knew he had to get the girl out before his father killed her. He knew there was no way he could do this without getting caught.... then something struck him. He saw one of the elves coming up the stairs, horribly drunk.
Just then, the warning horn went off. Tauriel had done it.
"Hold her," he instructed, handing the girl to the elf.
The elf weakly took the girl. Legolas ran past him but spun on his heel and crept up on the drunk elf. Clapping him over the head, Legolas caught the girl before the unconscious elf fell on the ground. If anyone asked, Legolas had handed her to him to help catch the dwarves then someone snuck on him from behind and took the girl. the blood on the elf's jacket was enough proof.
Legolas held the girl close and rushed down the stairs. When he got outside, he saw no sign of Tauriel but he could hear the dwarves yelling as they flowed down the river. Opening an abandoned closet, he placed the girl gently in there and closed it, locking it.
He rushed out and began to fake his game, "Close the gate."
TIME SKIP..... to river fight
Legolas kicked another orc into the river and shot the last orc. He stood on the edge of the rock, watching the dwarves float past in their barrels. His eyes sought out the lead dwarf and he spied THorin who looked in his direction.
The elf nodded and mouthed Sepha's name. he saw the dwarf seemingly relax, knowing that Legolas was going to protect her.
Suddenly, he heard a scuffle behind him and turned to Tauriel, "Tauriel. This one we keep alive."
He heard the orcs scream as they chased the dwarves downstream.
"I'm going to get this orc to my father. Sepha is in the old abandoned closet near the back entrance. Get her out and follow the dwarves. I will meet up with you the moment I can get away."
Tauriel nodded and handed the orc off to Legolas before rushing back to the palace.
When she found Sepha, the girl was half awake but bleeding horribly.
"Stay right there," the elf whispered. "I need to get you some clean clothes and supplies."
Knowing that they had nothing in the girl's size, Tauriel grabbed two clean shirts and an extra outfit of her own. With these in tow, she returned to Sepha who had managed to stand up on her own.
"Come on," she whispered. "Climb on my back."
Sepha obeyed and gently wrapped her arms and legs around the elf's back. Tauriel handed the bag of things to her and took off running.
"Lie still," Tauriel whispered.
They had stopped for a break when they were out of the borders of the kingdom. That way no elf but Legolas would find them. Tauriel had cleaned Sepha's wounds and laid kings foil on them to keep them from getting infected. Then, she wrapped the girl's back in strips from one of the shirts she tore up.
The other shirt she put on the girl and gently dressed her in the spare outfit she brought. It was slightly long on Sepha but after cutting the skirt a little shorter, it fitted the girl perfectly.
"You need to rest," Tauriel replied as she buried the bloody materials.
"Where are you taking me?" Sepha asked from where Tauriel had propped her against a tree.
"To join the company," the elf replied."They need you."
Sepha shook her head, "They never did. They especially don't need a wounded girl and one who tells lies."
Tauriel sighed, "Seph, I know you well enough to know that this isnt all about your snapping at the dwarf prince. What is really troubling you?"
Sepha slouched and buried her face in her hands, "I don't understand why Thorin did that."
"Did what?" Tauriel asked. "Place a claim on your hand?"
Sepha nodded, "Why would he do something like that? Is he so against me that he doesn't want me to find my One?"
A smile spread across Tauriel's face and she smirked, "SEph.... I think it's the opposite. I think he placed that claim because he wants you to find your One and he believes that by doing that, he is helping you."
"How?" Sepha insisted. "How is he helping me find my One if the only person he's allowing me to even favor is him...."
Suddenly, realization dawned on her and she looked up to see Tauriel smiling knowingly.
"I'm his One?" she asked.
Tauriel shrugged, "I'm not a dwarf so I don't know. I do know one thing. THorin Oakenshield isnt the type to meet a girl and know her for a short time then decide she is his One without good reason."
"But.... why me?" Sepha insisted. "I'm a beast..."
"Dont say that," Tauriel almost snapped. "you're not a beast. You're a unique, special person and THorin sees that. That is why he cares for you so much."
"He cares about me?"
Tauriel nodded, "Now all that remains is if you care for him too."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because if you care for him as much as he cares for you, then there is a very high chance that you two are each other's ONe."
Sepha slowly swallowed and her mind raced back over the past few weeks that she has been with the dwarves.... she remembered first meeting THorin and their slight rivalry.... she remembered when he saved her and she saved him.... when he found out she was part elf....when he was hurt.... Azog....Beorn's.... the signs of affection....
"YEs.... I do care for him," Sepha whispered.
Tauriel smiled, "Then all we need to do is get you all healed and get you back to the company."
"But how?" Sepha inquired. "They could be anywhere right now."
"I found them!" an overly excited Legolas burst through the bushes, making Sepha jump. "They're by the river! They just washed ashore."
"How long were you following them?" both girls asked.
"The moment my father told me to lock up the kingdom and then I was informed of your 'departure'." Legolas replied with a smirk. "Let's go find us some dwarves."
"Anything behind us?" THorin called.
"not that I can see!" Balin replied.
Bofur emerged from his barrel, spitting water, "I think we've outrun the orcs."
"Not for long we've lost the current," THorin replied, "Make for the shore!"
The dwarves stumbled ashore and Thorin helped Dwalin pull the half drowned Bomber out of his barrel.
"On your feet," he ordered Kili.
Fili shook his head, "Kili's wounded. His leg needs binding."
"We have an orc pack on our tail," Thorin pointed out. "We keep moving."
"To where?"Balin insisted.
"The mountain, we're so close," Bilbo replied, fully frozen to the bone.
"A lake lies between us and that mountian," the old dwarf pointed out.
Thorin had completely zoned out of the conversation the others were having. He looked at the lake that separated them from the mountain.... and the river and host of forest that separated them from Sepha....it felt like they were stuck.... lost.... alone.
"Bind his leg," Thorin said, snapping out of his stupor. "Quickly. You have two minutes."
"Uncle," Fili said, finishing his brother's leg, "What about Seph?"
"We have to get her back," Kili pointed out.
"We just escaped orcs and elves," Dori pointed out.
Kili glowered at the dwarf, "With Sepha's help. If she hadn't made friends with the elves we might be dead or back in prison. She got us out at the risk of her own life. We owe her our lives."
"We owe her everything," FIli corrected.
'You don't know how right you are', THorin thought to himself. He tried to imagine a life without Sepha appearing on Bilbo's front step.... he tried to imagine her smile not there every morning, her voice whispering goodnight every evening. He tried to imagine not seeing her brown hair blow around as she chased after Fili and kili....her piercing green eyes.... her soft smile....
"Uncle?" Kili asked, placing a hand on his uncle's shoulder.
Thorin realized he had zoned out and turned to see Kili's forlorn, worried and concerned face.
"I don't know what to do," THorin admitted.
The dwarves all froze and bowed their heads. That was the first time that THorin had ever said he didn't know what to do... but they knew why he didn't.... Sepha made his life whole... completed him and with her now gone, he was just the dwarf he was before... the dwarf with half a life.... an uncompleted life.
Suddenly, Thorin became aware of an arrow that almost struck Dwalin, then one that knocked the rock out of Kili's hand.
"Do it again... and you're dead," the stranger remarked, pointing an arrow at them.
"Really Bard," a female voice remarked as Tauriel appeared from the woods. "You have one arrow and there are fourteen of them. Which would you go for first?"
"Dont say the littlest," another voice remarked, making all the dwarves freeze. "They are actually the ones who bite the hardest."
"SEPHA!" Kili literally screeched.
The girl smiled as She limped over to stand next to Tauriel and Legolas. Kili limped over to her and wrapped his arms around her. Luckily Kili was also wounded so he didn't squeeze her wounds as bad. However, when Fili hugged her, his hands pressed on her fresh wounds and she hissed.
"Seph, what happened to you?" Dwalin asked, pushing Fili off the girl.
The girl shook her head, "Some casualties."
"I thought you said you would avoid cas..." Dori started but Gloin walloped him over the head to shush him.
"Are you sure you're alright lass?" Oin asked.
Sepha nodded, "Legolas and Tauriel helped."
"We were so worried we wouldn't see you again," Kili whispered.
SEpha smiled and nodded but her eyes held a faraway sad look. Balin noticed it and approached the girl, pulling her into a gentle hug that didn't hurt her back.
"Welcome back lass."
Sepha smiled up at the old dwarf.... then her eyes landed on the tall dark dwarf who stood a ways off. The dwarves all stepped aside as Sepha slowly limped towards Thorin. She stopped when she was about an arms length from him but she kept her eyes on his chest instead of his eyes which were looking down at her with his whole heart in his eyes.
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