《Over the Mountains // Thorin Oakenshield》Chapter 7
"We're about to step over the edge of the wild," THorin announced. "Balin, you know these paths, lead on."
Thorin stopped in his tracks to watch Bilbo who had stopped to watch Rivendell. The others kept walking, including Sepha. She was walking between FIli and Kili who had been practically inseparable from her since the night before. She didn't know if it was out of protectiveness because of what happened with Thorin, or because they were grateful for her singing to them... or just because they had begun to see her as like a mother figure to them.
Thorin's eyes wavered from Bilbo a moment when he saw Sepha climbing the mountain towards him. Her head was down and her hood up, even though it was lovely weather out. As she passed, Thorin opened his mouth to speak but she didn't even look up. She walked past and then chuckled at something that Kili said.
Thorin felt his heart clench. He knew that Sepha considered his nephews as like little brothers or sons but it hurt him when she found them more interesting than him. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he turned to Bilbo, "Mister Baggins! I suggest you keep up!"
Soon they were climbing higher and THorin found with dismay that he was about eighth in line and there was no one one could pass another for the pass was too narrow. Also, Sepha was at least five dwarves ahead and talking happily with his nephews.
Occasionally Dwalin would look back at THorin (From two dwarves up), as if asking when he was going to try and apologize but THorin could only sigh, knowing that he couldn't when Sepha was practically ten meters ahead and he knew that she was in no mood to hear him.
Soon the rain began to pour and vision became horrible. The pass got slightly wider, enabling Thorin to push to the front with Balin and Dwalin to try and find a safe route.
"We must find shelter!" THorin yelled over the rain.
"LOOK OUT!" Bofur yelled.
All eyes turned to see a giant rock come sailing near them, crashing the mountain above them. They cowered against the rock face to avoid getting hit.
"This is no thunderstorm!" Balin cried. "It's a thunder battle!"
"Well bless me!" Bofur gasped. "The legends are true! Giants! Stone Giants!"
Sepha leapt forward and pulled Bofur away from the edge as another rock struck the mountain above them.
Suddenly, the mountain began to jolt and soon they found that they were on the legs of a giant! The company got split in two, Fili and Sepha on one side while Kili got stuck with Balin and Thorin and the others.
"Hold on!" Fili cried.
Sepha gripped her boots into the wet stone and gripped onto the dwarf and the mountain. She could see the other half of the company jump from the leg onto a ledge, safely getting off but the head of the giant came off, causing the leg they were on to dip... a little too fast towards the mountain.
"Hold on!" Dwalin cried.
Fili cringed and Sepha gripped his hand in a comforting manner as they collided with the rock.
Thorin felt his heart stop when he saw half the company and Sepha slam into the mountain. The leg pulled away and fell off... no sign of any of the company.
Sepha... FIli... Dwalin....
"NO!" he cried, rushing around the corner. "Fili! Sepha!"
Just as he rounded the corner, he saw Dwalin slowly rising to his feet, helping Bombur. He caught sight of Fili groaning as Sepha pulled him up, both of them groaning from the impact. He let out a. breath he didn't know he was holding and with a sigh, he walked over to help Dwalin up.
"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur cried. "Where's the Hobbit?"
They were at the edge instantly, seeing the hobbit too far out of reach. Sepha tore forward, rushing to the edge. In a single movement she had drive a dagger into the stone and had swung down, using the dagger as a grip. Grabbing the top of Bilbo's jacket, she hauled him up towards Bofur who pulled him back up.
She felt her grip on her wet dagger weakening and her hood had fallen off, getting water in her eyes.
"Don't worry Seph," Kili's voice said from above as his hands gripped her wrist. "I've got you."
The dwarf pulled her back up and the girl sighed as arms encircled her. She could tell it was Fili because he muttered words in her ear, most of them 'you scared me!'
"I thought we had lost our burglar," Bofur sighed.
"he's been lost ever since he left home," Thorin spat. "He should never have come."
Sepha made a move to snap back at THorin but Fili held her back, "Hey. This is between Thorin and Bilbo. I know you have your problems with Thorin, but don't make the tension between you worse. Worry about your own argument and let Bilbo handle his."
Sepha sighed and nodded, knowing he was right. Soon they slipped into a cave and began to lay down their bedding for the night. When THorin told Gloin not to make a fire, the girl at once warmed the room, using her wizard powers and the dwarves all settled down.
"I'll take the first watch," Sepha said, interrupting Thorin who had just about told Bofur to.
"You need rest lass," Bofur pointed out.
The girl shook her head, "You forget that I'm part elf and we don't need to sleep as much. If you forgot, ask Thorin. He always seems to remember his enemies better than his friends."
The girl shot Thorin a glare, most of it because of how he had treated Bilbo before heading to the entrance. She sat down near the entrance, away from the warmth of the cave and sat down.
Thorin stood there a moment, just staring at her form. Oh he had messed up bad. He sat down and began to unroll his things when he saw Oin approach the girl.
"Lassie, mind if I check your shoulder?"
Sepha glanced at her shoulder. She would have objected but she was a healer just like Oin and she knew how much healers wanted to heal. Obliging, she slid the shoulder of her shirt down just enough to reveal her shoulder. THorin felt his breathing hitch when he saw her bare neck and part of her bare shoulder. How could one person be so perfect... so beautiful.... so graceful and fragile and yet so strong?
"It's healing nicely," the healer pointed out. "But what is that?
Sepha quickly pulled her sleeve back on, "it's nothing."
"It's not nothing," the healer observed. "Where did you get those?"
Sepha shook her head, "It's not the time or place."
The healer sighed and nodded, knowing that Sepha had already revealed enough for a few days, "You're right. Just rouse Bofur in an hour to releave you. Let me know if you ever need help."
Sepha smiled and gave the dwarf a hug, "Thank you OIn."
With that she sat back and stared out at the raining world outside. As Oin passed, THorin stood up and leant over, "What did you see?"
Oin looked at Sepha, making sure she wasn't listening before whispering back, "Scars. And lots of them THorin... like someone had whipped her or tortured here. I couldn't see the extent but... her arms and shoulders are covered in them... and some of them look like they were deep."
The healer left THorin standing there, taking in what he had said. He wasn't upset that Sepha had kept this from them... he was angry at whoever had dared to touch such a wonderful, beautiful, pure creature. If he ever found out who, heaven helped them if THorin ever found them!
was about twenty minutes later and all the dwarves were asleep. Or that's what Thorin thought. Balin and Dwalin were actually both awake but were faking sleep. Thorin found it impossible to sleep, even though he could see Sepha if he opened his eyes.... he still was writhing inside from knowing that he had caused her so much pain.
Opening his eyes at one point, he saw the girl rise to her feet and step out of the cave. When she didn't return for a full five minutes, THorin got worried and slipped out of his bedroll. Of course, Balin and Dwalin followed and they three stopped in the doorway of the cave, shocked at what they saw.
Sepha was standing on the ledge. it was no longer raining but it was dark outside except for the full moon. Her face was a light with the moon and she was looking up at what appeared to be a boulder.... but was really the head of a stone giant! It was gigantic and it's hole of a eye was as large as Sepha herself.
She obviously didn't sense their presence for she seemed to be talking to the beast who would groan or mumble in some language that the girl understood.
"I know it's been so long Cliff," the girl said, chuckling at the name she had given him years ago. "I just haven't had the need to pass through here."
There was a groan and she smiled, "Yeah you did kinda scare us earlier. Thanks for not killing us! So, I saw that you decapitated Brick. Did you help him back together?"
Suddenly, another stone Giant walked slowly over and crouched in front of Sepha by the mountain, his head level with her. The girl smiled.
"Hey Brick! Nasty blow you got on the head!" she remarked. "I'm surprised that you managed to put all the pieces together!"
the first giant, Cliff groaned and Sepha's smiled faded, "Pro isnt with me... he... he's not coming back...."
There was another moan and she nodded, "Yeah he died... I'm sorry. He really wanted to see you fellas again."
Brick lifted one giant stone hand and extended one finger to the girl. The tip of his finger was about the size of her body. She placed her hand on it and smiled, "Thanks Brick. I'm sure he misses you too."
Removing his finger, Brick stepped forward and placed his head close to the ledge, Sepha approached the giant and pressed her hand and forehead against the giant's huge forehead, "I promise to keep my promise. Even though I don't know why you made me promise it in the first place!"
Brick seemed to chuckle and Cliff said something as Sepha looked up at them, "Yeah yeah I remember the whole oath: Travel the world for adventure and help, find the ones that need your help the most and should you ever happen upon the ancient dwarf kingdom of Erabor, remember my childhood and from there, find a place to belong. What if I never find a place to belong?"
Cliff reached over and pressed his finger to Sepha's cheek that was beginning to get damp with tears. He moaned and Sepha smiled.
"Thanks. I know there are hundreds of places I could find a place to live but...I haven't found a place where I feel like I belong. Would the promise be kept if I just come back and stay with you guys after we reclaim the mountain?"
The two giants shook their heads and Sepha chuckled, "Yeah, that would be kinda strange."
Finally, the girl pressed her head to the giants' again before heading back to the cave. the three dwarves scurried to their beds and faked sleep before Sepha returned and began to rouse Bofur. When Bofur took over, Sepha grabbed her bedroll and curled up next to Fili before drifting immediately to sleep.
Thorin looked at Bofur who was out of earshot and Balin and Dwalin were now snoring. He slowly got up and approaching the girl, laid his cloak on top of her and smiled as she curled up into it, not waking up. Sitting down beside her, he traced her face with his fingers and pushed her hair out of her face.
"I promise Sepha. No matter what happens I will never hurt you ever again... and you will find a place to belong... with us."
With that he got up and went back to sleep. Hours later he woke to hear Bofur and Bilbo sleeping. Just when Bilbo seemed to be leaving, he noticed Bilbo's glowing sword and he jumped up.
It was too late.... all the company was awake now... and falling.
Sepha groaned as she was jostled around with the rest of the dwarves as the goblins pushed them through their town. it was a disgusting place and Sepha couldn't believe she was there, yet again. it wasn't the first time she had been and it was so going to be the last time! The familiar stench was horrible and the screeches brought back memories.
Finally, they were brought forward to the goblin king and Sepha glared. She was glad that FIli and Kili were standing in front of her or the goblin king would have recognized her instantly.
Clap, snap, the black crack
Grip, grab, pinch, and nab
Batter and beat
Make 'em stammer and squeak!
Pound pound, far underground
Down, down, down in Goblin Town
With a swish and smack
And a whip and a crack
Everybody talks when they're on my rack
Pound pound, far underground
Down, down, down in Goblin Town
Hammer and tongs, get out your knockers and gongs
You won't last long on the end of my prongs
Clash, crash, crush and smish
Bang, break, shiver and shake
You can yammer and yelp
But there ain't no help
Pound pound, far underground
Down, down, down in Goblin Town
Sepha rolled her eyes at the ridiculous song. He still sang it out of tune. Soon, they were searched and all their weapons laid before the king. Sepha hoped dearly that her swords didn't stick out too much.
"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom?" the goblin king insisted. "Dwarves? Theives? Assassins?"
"Dwarves your malevolence," a goblin replied.
"Found them on the front porch," the goblin replied.
Sepha sighed. They must have changed the front door because last time, it was a small cave concealed behind a waterfall. Things definitely changed over the course of twenty years.
"Well don't just stand there! Search them!" the king demanded. "Every crack! Every Crevice!"
Just when Sepha thought that her presence would go unnoticed, a goblin grabbed her wrist and yelled to the king, "There's a girl!"
"A girl?" the goblin king inquired, "Bring her here!"
All the dwarves at once began to object and even Fili and Kili were about to do something stupid but Sepha shook her head, "I've got this."
She took a few steps forward and stood before the dwarves, looking up at the horrid king. The goblin at once began to laugh till it almost broke their ears.
"Persephone Amatello! What a surprise! The last time I saw you, you were leaving with at least a thousand dead goblins litering the place behind you... all single handedly. I must say, if that was how you were twenty years ago, I would like to see what you're capable of now!"
Sepha glared and crossed her arms, "You've sure got a nerve. Didn't you learn anything from my last visit?"
"Oh yes indeed my dear!" the goblin chuckled. "Never ever underestimate a quarter breed."
At once, most of the dwarves, except Fili, began whispering, not sure what he meant by that.
"You would think that someone with so many different races in her blood would be weak... useless... a good for nothing wench. A miserable misbegotten wretch."
Thorin felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. those were the same words he used with Sepha and he could tell from the way her knuckles turned white that it hurt her too.
"Quite the contrary," the goblin king remarked. "pretty little lass with four different Races at her feet... is probably one of the most powerful people in the world!"
The goblin king approached Sepha and lifting his staff, poked her chest. The girl didn't move and then he moved down and placed it below her legs, poking at her private places.
"Though I have to say, this time I'm rather enjoying your visit! You are actually being civil with me.... and you've quite grown up from the little scrawny girl who trampsed out of here with her head held high."
Thorin felt his hands clench when the goblin king prodded her feminine parts as if she was an object. It got practically unbearable when he reached a hand towards her face.
"Maybe we can come to a little arrangement," he remarked. "I can tell... that fire in your eyes.... you're not take yet. You're still a maid. Such an honor!"
Right then, all the dwarves knew what he was getting at and they began to roar with anger. Sepha just stood there, pushing the goblin's hand away lazily. Wha there plan was, no one else saw it.
Finally, thorin couldn't take it anymore and stepped forward, "Wait."
"Well well well," the goblin taunted. "look who it is? THorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. King under the mountain."
Sepha turned and looked at THorin for the first time in two days. Her face was serious but her eyes were full of confusion as to why Thorin stood up for her. THorin wanted dearly to pull her away from the king but he knew that Sepha was still mad at him.
"Oh but I'm forgetting you don't have a mountain and you're not a king. Which makes you, nobody really."
There was a painful silence in which everyone noticed Sepha's knuckles turn while and her eyes flash in fury.
"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for you head," the king continued. "just a head. Nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours. A pale orc, astride a white warg."
"Azog the defiler was destroyed," Thorin spat. "he was slain in battle long ago!"
"SO you think his defiling days are done do you?" the king asked turning to say something to another goblin.
When he turned back, the goblin king waved his hands and thorin was pulled back to the rest of the company. He then turned and considered Sepha a moment.
"So, what do you say my dear?"
Sepha raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.
"I say. You're still the blundering idiot you were twenty years ago!"
The king chuckled and turned to his men, "Very well. Let's see how much more pain we can inflict on her."
Sepha tried to fight them but without a sword and her fears not allowing her to use magic, she was pushed to her stomach by the goblins. Grabbing a knife, one of the goblins cut the back of her shirt, not revealing anything but her bare back. Thorin and the whole company gasped when they saw that indeed her back was covered in horrible scars that were evidently whipping scars... many of them had been incredibly deep.
"Let me hear her scream again," the goblin king demanded.
A goblin raised a piked whip and brought it down on the girl's back. She let out a blood curdling scream at the pain that drowned out the protests and yells of fear from the dwarves. The goblin continued to whip her, opening up more and more wounds.
Finally, THorin couldn't bear it anymore and pushed out of the goblins reach. However there were more of them and soon they had him held back and the whipping goblin approached him. He raised the whip, about to strike Thorin in the face when the strangest thing happened.
Sepha lifted her green eyes, blinded from the pain but she could make out Thorin facing the whip. She felt a deep fire within her. She wasn't going to let the goblins hurt anyone else... they already hurt her... she wasn't going to let anyone she cared about get hurt again. Closing her eyes, she felt her eyes change and her hair turned violet, starting the goblins.
"SIRE!" the screamed, recognizing the signs.
As the goblins and dwarves turned, they saw something they had never seen before. Sepha leapt from the ground and as she did, she morphed into a giant gray wolf. In a single bound she reached the goblin with the whip and ripped his head off, pushing him off the platform.
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“The soul is a sword. The body its sheath. Adversity is the hammer, while courage is the anvil. Oh, and son? Your tears and snot, they’re just the sparks that chip away at the impurities, like dungflies off a sow’s arse.” - Kendric Farrow Ever since he could remember, young Skyle Farrow’s body and mind have been hammered relentlessly like red-hot steel against the anvil of adversity under the watchful eyes of his father. All the while, Skyle’s heart and soul have been nurtured by the enduring warmth of his loving mother. Skyle has always asked why a simple farmboy would have need for all manner of skills like hand-to-hand combat, wilderness tracking, archery, beast taming, geography, history, politics, and even embroidery! The one vital question remains unasked, however: just what are his parents preparing him for? The invasion of a demonic horde? The advent of an age of war and endless bloodshed? The dark legacy of an ancient mystical power? A desperate struggle to save the lives of those he holds dear? The end of the world? It is a good thing he never asked these questions, for the answer would have been yes - to all of them. Now Skyle must take his first steps beyond the sheltered world he has known. He has been raised strong, but is he strong enough? Welcome to a tale of friendship, love, loss and heartbreak. It chronicles the growth of a young boy into a legend whose path will shatter the very foundations of the world. Expect a rich, detailed world with vivid characters. Each will pursue their own complex agendas due to realistic motivations. The MC will be overpowered, not through liberal use of plot armor but rather the deliberate application of arduous training, clever thinking, and nurtured talent. Battles will be graphic, victories will be bittersweet, and defeat will not mean the end of the world - for time waits for no one and life goes on whether we like it or not. New chapters posted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m EST, 10 p.m. GMT. Get early access to chapters on my Patreon page @ https://www.patreon.com/hunterofclouds Join the discussion on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/gPws8He
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