《Heart of Embers (Thorin Oakenshield Love Story)》Chapter 16


When Arien awoke, the sun was setting.

Thorin had left, but his scent still lingered on the pillow he'd slept on. Arien didn't know why, but she rolled over and hugged that pillow to her, breathing in his heavenly smell.

What am I going to do?

She hadn't realised it, but the question had been nagging at her ever since that orc had spoken the words that had broken her heart.

'We had your mother begging us to end it when we tortured her until she broke.'

What am I going to do?

And then she realised –– she knew. There had only ever been one answer, and it seemed that her long sleep had made it clearer.

"I have to see it," she whispered onto the pillow.

"See what?"

Arien's head snapped up. To her surprise, Thrain stood in the doorway. It seemed as if he had only just entered.

"It..." she hesitated. "I will tell you all at dinner."

He nodded as he entered and shut the door behind him. "Which is, by the way, only in a couple of minutes."

"I know," she said.

"Arien," he began. "My son is... growing very fond of you."

Something like a brand of fire went through her at the thought. Like a great beast awakening. But she only said

"I assure you, My Lord, Thorin thinks nothing more of me than he did when I arrived."

Thrain smiled. "I think we are beyond using my title, Arien Feathalion. You owe me no allegiance."

She couldn't stop herself from asking "But I do to Thorin?"

"That is for you to decide. But if you do decide to... 'owe him allegiance'," a hint of a smile. "I would warn you that Thror would not approve. And I would also give you some advice. If that –– if he –– is where your heart leads, do not let Thror dissuade you. Do not let him get in the way."


"I..." Arien stared at him. "Thank you."

He dipped his head. "It is only my duty."


As Arien made her way to the dining hall a couple of minutes later, washed and dressed, she was still trying to puzzle out Thrain's words. Especially the last ones,

'It is only my duty.'

He had gone to the dining hall ahead of her, giving her time to change. And now, as she entered the archway that led into it, he was sitting at his accustomed place at the royal's table.

They were all there, she realised with a flash of relief and apprehension at what she was about to say.

Dis waved her over.

Sitting down in her usual seat at the Princess's side, Arien opened her mouth to begin.

But Thorin cut her off.

"Arien, are you all right?"

She loved the way he said her name, with that deep, beautiful voice of his. As if it meant more than just a name.

"I... I'm fine." She took a deep breath. "Listen, I have to tell you something. All of you."

Thorin stiffened, frowning. Arien blew out her breath.

"I'm leaving," she whispered. "I'm going to leave."

There was silence. Thorin was staring at her.

"Why?" he whispered. His voice was choked.

"Because I have to see it. My homeland. I... hopefully I'll come back when I'm done, but... I'm sorry."

She had said those last words because Thorin... Thorin seemed to have gone utterly still.

"I also don't know if I'll be able to get permission from Thror, but I have to try."

"I'll do it," Freris said quietly. "I will get you permission."

"Thank you," Arien whispered. But she couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from Thorin's. His eyes were filled with pain, but there was no reproach in them. He wanted her to go, however much hurt it caused him.

"I'm sorry," she said again. "I'm sorry."

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