《Heart of Embers (Thorin Oakenshield Love Story)》Chapter 9


Having changed out of the dirty leathers she'd come here in, Arien stalked through the wide halls of Erebor, flanked by two guards. She tried to keep her face a mask of cool calm as she walked, her footfalls near silent on the stone. She wore a dark green tunic over a white shirt, with a brown leather belt around her waist and cotton trousers, but she'd insisted she keep her supple leather boots. She had no weapons, but that was to be expected, considering she was technically a prisoner.

As they walked, Arien couldn't help admiring the way the dwarves had created such a beautiful kingdom from nothing more than a mountain. The stone was mostly dark green marble, carved into ornate yet functional pillars that lined the smooth floor. Most of the halls were wide and spacious. There were great bridges spanning gaps in the stone, the abyss below them dark and never-ending. Arien made sure not to look down when they went over them, staring stonily ahead, her face utterly blank. Occasionally they passed door shaped gaps in the wall. They must lead to other chambers, but Arien didn't really concentrate on them.

At last they stepped onto a long bridge, broad enough for two to walk abreast, leading up to the throne of the King Under the Mountain.

From above the throne a bright silver light issued, beautiful yet blinding in its splendour. The light was cast by a jewel set in marble. The Arkenstone, Arien realised. Thror, king of all dwarves, if what Elrond said was true, sat beneath it, the raven crown atop his head. A heavy fur cloak fell about his shoulders onto the throne's carven arms. He watched her approach with cold dislike.

With a jolt, Arien realised that Thorin stood on the right side of the throne. One hand was resting on his sword hilt, and his face was carefully blank. She couldn't help noticing how the royal blue tunic he wore complemented his black-as-night hair. Beside him a grey haired dwarf stood, his beard incredibly bushy, tattoos marking his forehead. Arien wondered if that was Thrain, Thorin's father. On the left of the throne Arien recognised Dis, her features perhaps not quite as composed as Thorin's, standing beside a dark brown haired dwarf male. His face was almost identical to Thrain's. Frerin, then. Thorin's younger brother.


One of the guards that had escorted her here nudged her, and she realised they'd reached the throne now, and she was supposed to bow. Arien bent at the waist, staring at her feet as she forced herself to hold the position until Thror spoke.

"What brings a half-breed like you to our halls?"

Arien forced herself not to bare her teeth at 'half-breed' and instead straightened and said

"Forgive me, Majesty, but I was not aware that the road I took led here. Although it is an honour indeed to walk in your kingdom."

Thror's eyes narrowed as he surveyed her. "What is your purpose?"

She lifted her chin. "I have none, save to find a place where I can live, and if you would allow me to stay then it would be an honour to become a part of your people."

"Why should we trust your word?"

"Because I..."

Thorin stepped forward. "Because I trust her. Grandfather, as your heir, I suggest..."

"I suggest that you keep your mouth shut," Thror interrupted him. "You are in enough trouble already, Prince, do not make matters worse for yourself."

Thorin dipped his head and stepped back, but not before Arien caught the quickly disguised flash of resentment on his face. Thror turned back to her.

"You appear to have my grandson's favour, and, it seems, my granddaughter's, Elfling," a look of ice in Dis's direction. "So I will allow you to stay. You are no longer a prisoner. Now leave."

Arien bowed at the waist again, thanked him, and the guards allowed her to walk off.

No sooner had she reached the hall at the end of the bridge than Thorin caught up with her.

"Are you all right?" he asked. "Your back..."


"I'm fine," she told him. "Listen, I want to thank you. For what you did last night ––"

"Two nights ago."

"–– and for standing up for me today."

He smiled, and Arien realised it was the first time he'd done so in her presence, and it was such a pleasant expression that warmth bloomed in her core.

"Sometimes in this court of snakes you have to do the right thing," he said quietly.

"Thorin! Did Thror let her stay?"

A brown haired heavily tattooed dwarf came into view as Thorin looked up from where his eyes had been locked onto hers. For some reason the absence of that intense gaze made Arien feel distinctly alone.

"Yes," Thorin said as a grey haired dwarf dressed in red followed the first. "Although not willingly."

"And you?" asked the brown haired dwarf, glancing only once at Arien before turning back to Thorin.

It suddenly dawned on her that there were no visible bruises on Thorin's face, and yet Dis had told her he'd received three blows in punishment for what he'd done for Arien.

"I'm fine," he replied. "You don't need to keep asking."

"Yes, I do. As your second, it is my duty to..."

"I know." Thorin's gaze softened. "And I thank you for it. I would not wish for anyone else guarding my back." Suddenly he turned to Arien. "Arien, this is..."

"Dwalin, at your service," said the tattooed one, bowing.

Arien returned the bow and said "Arien Feathalion at yours and your family's."

The grey haired dwarf bowed too. "Balin at your service."

She replied correctly again and turned to Thorin. "You weren't nearly as polite to me when we first met."

He opened his mouth, looking annoyed, although there was a twinkle of amusement in his eyes, but Balin cut him off.

"Our Prince is so grumpy I don't think he knows what it is to be polite."

Arien got the feeling that if it had been anyone else saying that, they would have been splattered against the wall, but Thorin just gave Balin a lazy half-smile that for some reason had Arien's blood heating and said

"You'll be regretting those words in the training room tomorrow, Balin, when I ensure you eat dirt yet again."

Arien nearly choked at that, but decided there and then that she liked Balin and Dwalin. And loath as she was to admit it, she was beginning to like Thorin too.

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