《Heart of Embers (Thorin Oakenshield Love Story)》Chapter 4


He'd taken her pack when they stopped to make camp that night, so the warm, soft blanket of the elves was no longer available, and Arien had to lie on the ground just like the Dwarf, with only a thin blanket over her which he'd given her the choice of lying on top of, or lying underneath. It was freezing, so she'd chosen to lie underneath it.

Arien had asked him if they were going to Dale, to which he'd replied he'd rather not be seen there. Or anywhere else that might know the inhabitants of Erebor. It would only hold them up, he said, and he didn't want to spend any more time with her than was necessary. She'd decided to let that set the tone for the evening, and hadn't spoken once beyond asking where she could relieve herself. He'd only pointed to an outcrop of rocks a few feet away, which she promptly hid behind.

Now Arien lay on the hard ground, tossing and turning as she struggled to sleep. The Dwarf sat with his arms crossed, silently keeping watch. Or she guessed he was keeping watch. He hadn't spoken to her about it. And it looked far more like he was sitting there brooding than anything else. Arien sighed through her nose and turned onto her other side, hissing as a stick dug into her skin.

"You can sleep, you know." His words were tight, though slightly gentler than before. "I do bite, but I'm not really in the mood right now."

"Right," she said. "That's really comforted me."

He let out a quiet sound that she could have sworn was a low chuckle, and said

"I'm not known for my ability to do that."

So it seemed. They were silent for a heartbeat, then Arien said


"What are you even doing?"


She hissed. "I know that. But are you keeping watch, can't you sleep, or are you just brooding?"

"You seem like a far cry from the feral, hissing girl I found earlier."

"You'll find good food can do that to a person."

This time he really did laugh. "Indeed it can."

It was only then she realised he hadn't answered her question. "So what are you doing?"

"I told you. Sitting."

She growled in frustration. "I know. But which of the three things I suggested earlier?"

"All of them, I suppose. Plus, I don't trust you."

"The feeling is mutual, I think."

He didn't answer, so Arien turned onto her other side and closed her eyes. To her surprise, when she opened them again, the sun shone on the trees, there was a piece of bread and cheese by her side, and the Dwarf was sitting in exactly the same place, watching her.


Their conversation last night was probably the closest they'd come to companionship, Arien thought as she trudged on after the Dwarf, her muscles and feet aching from the fast pace he'd set. At least she now knew he was actually capable of having a conversation that didn't involve death threats.

He'd taken her two daggers last night too, and hadn't spoken to her today any more than a gruff good morning and an order to keep up. Which was proving to be quite hard to do, considering his pace and her exhaustion. They were skirting around the lake by the looks of it, and Arien had no idea how long it would take to reach Erebor, or if the Dwarf planned on stopping at all today.

"How long," she panted. "Until we reach Erebor?"


He didn't look behind as he replied "Another night and maybe half a day after that."

Great. At least another twenty-four hours of enduring his sullenness.

"So why can't you be seen in Dale?" she asked sweetly.

"That's no concern of yours," he said tightly.

She cocked her head. "Isn't it?"

"No," he growled.

Arien smiled. "Is it because no one can bear to see your horrid face?" He stiffened, but she didn't give him the chance to reply before carrying on. "Because I'm inclined to agree with them."

This time he stopped entirely, and turned slowly, every muscle in his body rigid with suppressed rage. He found her giving him a simpering smile. "You can keep your mouth shut," he hissed, every breath shuddering from his chest.

"Oh, you have a temper, do you?" she crooned. "I thought it was just your normal behaviour."

He snarled, hand drifting to the sword in his belt. "I'd watch what you say," he said through gritted teeth.

Arien just gave him another honey sweet smile and pushed in front of him, mimicking his tone as she said "Keep up."

Despite herself, his answering snarl made her bend her knees slightly in anticipation of a fight.

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