《Seducing The Male Lead Using A Pure Face》2.6 Help Wanted


Vampires. The strongest beings of this world, sometimes seen as godly. The only people capable of defeating them other than fellow Vampires were the Vampire Hunters trained and supported by the Church. Although they often kept to themselves and lived like normal humans, excluding drinking blood from time to time, being unbelievably attractive, and having otherworldly amounts of strength, humans would still hunt them down.

Vampires were also quite rare. Contrary to popular belief, Vampires were born not usually made. Well, the vampires of all above-mentioned attributes were born. Made Vampires were more like zombies. Ugly, brainless, and frankly a stain on the Vampire race that no one wanted.

This was one thing that all Vampires could agree on. The best blood type, however, they could not.

Why was all this important? Well, other than the fact that Turaya was a vampire, the Empress Vampire as a matter of fact. . .

There was an uninvited guest in her territory every day.

"Etienne, you're here again?"

"Of course. Have you considered my offer?"

Turaya's eye twitched in annoyance. This was the second week in a row he had appeared in her home. She was regretting letting him out of that cell.

"I wouldn't marry you if it would save the entirety of the Vampire race."

"That stung, right here," Etienne placed a hand on his chest, right where his heart was. "you're so cruel to me."

"Cruel would be ripping your heart out of your chest and eating it. I'm being quite lenient."

Remember how Vampires were born and rare? Well, that was what brought about this situation that the woman had been experiencing. For two. Whole. Weeks.

She had tried everything but killing Etienne to get him to leave. Picking him up and throwing him out a window, setting him on fire, sending Diane after him, everything.

But he wouldn't fucking take a hint.

Etienne was obviously not a weak Vampire, as it was instinct among Vampires to be submissive towards those stronger than them. He barely did a bow every time he and Turaya met. They were very close in power, but Turaya was still more powerful. Which actually worried her more.

If a Vampire as powerful as he was caught, how powerful were Vampire Hunters getting? She'd have to up security.

Back to the matter at hand. Etienne, the bastard, was sitting in her office on one of the couches lounging. Like he owned the place.

Cocky motherfucker.

"Leave immediately." She stated, walking over to him.


"Because I want you to."

"But why? We could be beautiful together you know."

Etienne winked at her and she felt like popping his eye out. So she decided she would.

Turaya grabbed the sides of his head and began to squeeze. Within a couple of seconds of squeezing, two magenta eyes popped out of Etienne's head and rolled onto the floor with a plop sound.

"Ow, ow, ow! There's dust on this floor! It's getting on my eyes!"


"Would you like me to get soapy water you to clean them with?"

"That would make it worse!"


Etienne went to grab his eyes and Turaya simply picked them up, feeling the squishy visual organs in her hand.


Before Etienne could take them from her, she walked over to a window and threw them hard. They flew like rockets into the air and eventually disappeared.

"I think my throwing arm has gotten rusty." Turaya murmured, caressing her right arm carefully. She didn't even pay attention when Etienne went jumping out her window just as Diane walked in.

Vampire anatomy was so interesting. The only way to kill one was through destroying their heart, but that didn't mean other things didn't hurt. They could even reattach their limbs like it was nothing.

Truly amazing.

"Diane, I believe we need more servants." Turaya took a seat at her desk and pulled out various paperwork nonchalantly as if she hadn't just squeezed a man's eyes out of his head.

Diane went and closed the window Turaya had opened, the chill from the winter air worrying her as she then went to light the fireplace. "Is my work not satisfactory?"

Turaya shook her head as she began to write down some things. Businesses of the Giandim House were going well, she had properly transferred ownership of them to Renaut while she managed them. "On the contrary. I feel bad leaving all the work to you. It would also be nice to have some..." Turaya paused. "muscle in the house."

Diane nodded. "Of course. I will look into employing more servants immediately."

"Wonderful. Pick a few up from the slave market, preferably young in age."

"It will be done."

"And do send Renaut to the office, I'm going to teach him how to do the account books."

Diane bowed deeply. "Yes, madam."

Turaya nodded and watched as Diane left the room. With that said and done, she turned back to her work. Lately, she had been receiving letters requesting her presence at parties. The blonde girl honestly had no desire to attend any of them but she had to keep up appearances. Build relationships, make friends.

Destroy her enemies socially and emotionally.

It was like high school all over again, just with more risk of death and financial ruin without the possibility for recovery.

Maybe it was exactly like high school.

Before Turaya had the opportunity to mull over the strange parallels of high school and the aristocratic circles of society, a knock came at the door of her office.

"Come in." Turaya's command was calm as the door opened to reveal little Renaut, still not properly dressed in his clothes. This time, his pants were on backward. She had to suppress a snicker.

"You called for me, Tu?"

"Yes. Come here. I'm going to teach you how to deal with finances." Turaya waved Renaut over, a gentle smile gracing her features.


The gentle smile on Turaya's face slowly went away and turned into blank astonishment after she began to realize how good Renaut actually was at financing. She hadn't even needed to direct him that much.

Turaya couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed as she had to buy a book from the System Store on the subject. She had always been good with numbers, but she still needed to brush up on the subject.

Renaut, on the other hand, had just picked up a pen and taken over her desk. He was entirely focused on this task. He reminded her of someone, but she couldn't put her finger on who.

As to not disturb the boy, Turaya pulled a book out from one of the various bookshelves in the office and sat herself down on one of the couches. It was when she sat down that she finally made the connection.

This situation strangely reminded her of when Jason had to take work home with him.

He'd hole himself up in the home office, although not really as the door was always left open. At some point, she'd sneak her way into the office with something. Her phone, a book, work of her own rarely. And they'd just be in there together quietly. The comfortable type of quiet.

Why was she thinking of this now?

There was no point to it. Annabell had died. That world had ended. It shouldn't matter.

It shouldn't matter that she had picked up a book on this kingdom's history either.

It shouldn't matter that this silence was just as comfortable.

It shouldn't matter that her heart felt like it was being crushed into little crumbs.

Nothing should matter.

"Tu, why're you crying?"

Renaut's voice right next to her broke Turaya out of her stupor. A hand instantly went to her cheek to feel wet skin. She hadn't cried since...

"It's nothing. Just remembering the past." She quickly wiped her eyes and gave a strained smile. "Have you tired yourself out?"

Renaut didn't look convinced. He reached out and hugged Turaya tightly, despite the fact that his arms weren't long enough to wrap around her fully. Curse this tiny body.

The Vampire could only blink in surprise for a bit before reaching down and petting Renaut's head.

"You're such a considerate child." She whispered. "Considerate children grow into wonderful adults."

The phrase that should've been patronizing to Renaut actually made him blush. He couldn't help but bury his head into Turaya's torso.

He was supposed to be comforting her, how did it get changed around like this?

"One of these days..." He mumbled.

One of these days, he'd be able to hug her properly.




"I'm going to skin you alive."

"A reasonable response but hear me out."

This resulted in the blue-haired Vampire being grabbed by the neck and slammed into the floor. Of the stone dining room. In front of Renaut and Diane.

And living.

Turaya clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Madam, is he perhaps a friend of yours?" Diane asked, completely unfazed by the feat of Herculean strength Turaya had just shown.

She scoffed. "If by friend you mean real pain in my a-" Turaya spared a glance at Renaut who was stunned in his seat. "rear. Then yes."

"I'm frankly offended by the lack of respect I'm being giVEN!" Etienne's voice reached a high pitch as Turaya effortlessly threw him out a window with a crash. She then sat down in her usual seat for breakfast as if nothing had happened.

"T-Tu..." Renaut didn't even get to finish his sentence.

"Renaut, if you ever become as shameless as that man I'll hate you for the rest of your life and beyond."

Renaut still had no idea what had just happened but nodded obediently, to Turaya's pleasure.

[ Host, please don't be so violent with the Special Character. You're scaring me QAQ ]

"Sorry, Jules. I'm just so sick of him. If he wasn't useful I would've killed him already."

[ His status as a Special Character? ]

"No, his existence as a Vampire."

[ ??? ]

"I'm glad you asked, Jules. As a Vampire, he's lived a long time. Correct?"

[ Yes. :D ]

"Which means he knows a lot, right? ]

[ YES. :D ]

"Which would make him an excellent teacher for Renaut."

[ YES? :D ]

"Which is the only reason he isn't dead yet."

[ Wow! That's so smart, Host! But please don't casually talk about homicide! ]

"I'll try."

Turaya ate her own breakfast after piling Renaut's plate to the ceiling per usual. He was finally beginning to gain some fat on him, which was greatly appreciated. She had worried the poor boy would be blown away by the wind at some point.

"Diane," Turaya savored the last bite of breakfast in her mouth. "did you look into the matter I asked of you yesterday?"

"Yes, madam. I found three suitable slaves along with multiple capable servants."

"Compile a list of them for me."

"Already done, madam."

Turaya smiled. "Efficient as always, Diane. Do give it here."

Diane was quick to deliver the list to Turaya's hands and she read over the list slowly before stopping at a description of a slave. Slaves weren't given names, only described to buyers.

Only their owners could give them their names, their identities.

Young girl, around age twelve, with brown hair and blind. Born of blacksmith, minor skills in blacksmithing. Slightly malnourished but with strong immune system. Could make good laborer or human shield.

"... Jules?"

[ Yes, Host? ]

"Isn't this one of the members of Renaut's possible future harem?"

[ Indeed, Host! ]

This time, Turaya spoke aloud.


It was simply a coincidence that Etienne came flying back through another window and rolled on the dining room floor before hitting the wall with a bang.

It was completely silent before Turaya sighed.

"Goddammit, Etienne."

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