《Seducing The Male Lead Using A Pure Face》2.3 A Call From The Crown


Early morning arrived quickly and with it the groans of complaint from a young boy.

"I'll seriously die!"

"You only did ten laps around the mansion! Are you that weak?"

"I'm ten!"

"And you wanted to share a bed with me! Now do ten more laps!"

Renaut really wanted to cry. While Turaya had said she'd wake him up to train, he never expected this. In the morning, he was dunked in cold water to wake up and dressed in exercise clothes before being forced outside. Granted, Turaya had done every lap with him without even breaking a sweat.

Wasn't this asking too much of a ten-year-old?!

Even in the (few) other worlds, he had been in as a child, he'd never been pushed to do such a thing. This entire estate was maybe 1,000 acres, the actual mansion only taking up a couple. That didn't change the fact that it was way too much physical activity for a kid! He should've fainted by this point if he was a regular kid! This wasn't even tough love, it was torture!

The look Turaya was giving him encouraged to keep going though.

"Hey, System! Are you sure Anna's soul is in her body?!"

[ Of course, I am! If anything, she's going easy on you! And give me a name already! ]


[ Like hell I'd take that name! Think of something better! >:( ]

System 564 couldn't help but feel unappreciated and offended beyond belief. Here it was, created just for this Host, and being treated like shit! They should just go on strike already! Were they really such a burden?!

If they knew all of the terror they were causing two other Systems, they would probably fully admit being a burden and repent for the rest of its operating time.





[ Wait, what are we screaming about? ]

[ . . . ] )

Turaya, completely oblivious to the suffering of her own System and the others in the world, noticed Renaut's absent-minded running.

"Renaut, pay attention. You're going to trip-"

And he did. On his own two feet. Like a dumbass. Luckily, Turaya grabbed him by the collar before he could fall face first in the snow. Instead of standing him up straight to continue, the blonde woman only sighed and carried him inside the house.

"I'm not going to make you run yourself ragged. I just wanted to see how much you could take." Turaya placed Renaut on the floor and pet his head. "Now, go wash up. Diane should almost be done with breakfast."

The young boy was about to protest but was quickly ushered to complete the task by the blonde woman. There was no room for argument.


Turaya could only sigh as she walked into the dining room. While there were a couple of dishes on the table already, there were also letters. One that caught her eye, in particular, was one with a wax seal on the back. The seal with the royal emblem on it.

She could only giggle. "So, Duke Briovalin got off his ass and informed his Royal Highness about me." As she expected. I'm sure having a beheading happen before you was quite memorable. It sure was for Brooke.

Diane came into the room, remaining breakfast dishes mainly fruits being brought in by her. "What do you intend to do, Miss?"

Turaya gave a chilling smile as she sat down and tore into the letter. "Play along. It's always fun to see what nobles can cook up."

To the most prestigious Giandim house,

Turaya scoffed and rolled her eyes. Fake pleasantries. She wanted the point.

The royal family would be delighted to invite you to a private dinner with House Briovalin and Pope Constance to discuss the current state of the realm. We hope you can attend tonight.

With all due respect,

King George III

Turaya let out a genuine laugh at the letter. A good murder dinner was always welcomed in this household. Or perhaps they were trying to figure out who they left alive in the Giandim household. Either way, it was such a silly thing for them to do. Brooke was thankful for all the skills that Turaya possessed.

One of them was forgery.


"Yes, Miss?"

"Get me some paper and a pen. I have a couple of documents to forge. And do get Renaut down here, he takes much too long to get ready."

"Yes, Miss-"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Renaut's little redhead popped into the dining room, his shirt not properly buttoned.

"I'm here." He mumbled, trying to walk to a seat. The boy was promptly dragged over by his collar again and had his shirt buttoned right by Turaya, who then pushed him back towards the seat he was going to.

Just as he sat down, Turaya began to calmly build his plate. A glass of milk had already been set out for him by Diane who had left to go retrieve pen and paper. When his plate was returned to him, it was filled with fruits, meats, toast, and a good couple of eggs.

"... I don't think I can eat this all."

"You don't have to eat it all, just eat as much of it as you can. You need energy, and all the help growing you can get. You look like a stick." Was Turaya's curt reply as she began to eat her own food. She herself had a glass of cranberry juice.

This distinctly reminded Renaut of a black-haired woman arguing with him about eating a proper breakfast and then making a point to make him eat something every morning before any coffee went into his system.


During breakfast, Turaya decided to ask Renaut about the dinner party happening later tonight.

"Renaut, do you like parties?"

The boy looked up from his plate and shrugged. "I'd rather stay home but I guess they're okay."

"Is it the socializing that you don't like?"

"A little."

"Well, you won't have to say much at the dinner party tonight then."

Renaut blinked in confusion. "Whose dinner party are we going to?"

"The King's."


Both people at the table were surprised by Renaut's sudden outburst but nothing could be done before he continued speaking.

"I-I don't want to go."

"Why not, Renaut?"

"Because... Mom always said that the King was an idiot that shouldn't be trusted."

Turaya looked at Renaut's pouty expression and couldn't help but giggle. The sound had the boy's ears going red.

"She's quite right. But I don't trust him. I just want to play with him and his friends a bit. I promise it'll be entertaining."



"... Fine."

The blonde girl smiled in victory and finished her breakfast, taking the cranberry juice left in the glass with her as she passed by the boy and tousled his hair. It was nice and soft, which was probably why she got so addicted to touching it.

"Sis is going to prepare some paperwork, so finish breakfast on your own. I'll be done in time for lunch."

The boy nodded and was soon left alone in the dining room to his own devices. The main device is a loud System.

[ You're a real manipulative genius, Host! Fixing your clothes wrong to get her attention! ]

"I actually didn't know how to put these stupid fake medieval clothes on."

[ ... Host, did I drop you into this body too hard? ]

"Shut the fuck up."

[ *GASP* Profanity! How vulgar! ]

"I'm putting you on mute again."


The rest of the breakfast was finished in comfortable silence.


"You see, this is why I don't ever want kids," Diana grumbled to herself, walking to the room of Renaut for the third time tonight. This time with a hammer in hand.

To give some context to the situation, Diane knew for a fact the young boy would have trouble putting on his fancy dinner suit and went to help him. Only to have the door locked and be refused entry by the boy.

"I don't need help! Please go away!"

The second time was to check if he was done. Diane used her x-ray vision, a skill that she had gotten many worlds ago, to look through the walls. He was still struggling to put on the clothes. And he still refused to open the door for help. At this rate, they'd be late to the dinner party.

Not many people knew this, but Diane was a woman who prided herself on her punctuality. She'd never been late to anything in her entire life and if she was to manage this household, no one in it was going to be late either.

Especially because of a stubborn little boy.

"Young Master, open the door, please. It's almost time to depart, and I know you're not ready."

"Just give me another minute!"

"Are you sure about that?"


That second the hammer was named Another Minute and smashed into the door to reveal a poorly dressed ten-year-old boy. A terrified poorly dressed ten-year-old boy.

He was soon properly dressed and delivered downstairs to Turaya in a tearful mess. She didn't ask, Diane didn't answer and saw them off with a smile on her face.


A carriage had been sent for the duo by the King and they traveled smoothly, but silently. That was because the coachman was to listen in on any conversation. So instead, they wrote to each other about the dinner and a show that would occur at the royal palace.

When they finally arrived, there was no one to greet them but a single maid. A slap in the face respect wise, but neither of the two complained. Turaya was simply stacking up reasons to destroy the monarchy and church. Do as the British did and create a Constitutional Monarchy maybe if she could remember exactly how everything happened.

While the entering Giandim family was the picture of cool, calm, and collected, their host and fellow guests were anything but.

Duke Briovalin was practically shaking in his boots. He had always been a coward, sending others to do his dirty work. When that came back to bite him, he was nothing but a shell of his former confidence. Accompanying him were his eldest son, Edric, and youngest daughter Adelaide.

Little Adelaide, with her periwinkle hair and matching eyes, was his pride and joy.

Edric? Not so much. But, it was mentioned by his now headless daughter that the Giandim arriving was a young lady. Perhaps he could finally get his son out of the brothels and into a marriage. Even if it was with a Giandim.

The King and Pope were equally as intrigued and terrified as Duke Briovalin to see whoever they had left behind in the killing of the Giandim family.

Finally, the doors to the grand dining room were opened to reveal two figures. One was that of a young woman, blonde hair put up into a bun and wearing a flattering wine-colored dress, holding the second much smaller figure's hand. The second figure is the familiar red-headed Renaut Giandim.

"Miss Tua Giandim and Sir Renaut Giandim have arrived."

Dinner was not supposed to come with a show, but it would surely have one.

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