《Seducing The Male Lead Using A Pure Face》1.9 Snow White Stained Red
Like she had done for many years now, Annabell sat in front of her vanity. Although, this Annabell was older than what was remembered. And her appearance was as well.
Her black hair was put up into a neat bun. Her grey eyes were shiny and held a knowledge you could only gain with age. The thing to note that was most different was that instead of a school uniform, she was wearing a wedding dress.
Now at the age of twenty-six, graduated from college, and with a flourishing career as a historian, not to mention today being her wedding day, you'd think Annabell would ecstatic, overjoyed.
She was honestly more terrified than she'd ever been. Mostly because Brooke had decided to use her prediction ability to see how the future would turn out a couple of times. Turns out, that 95% chance of the prediction being correct came back to bite her in the ass.
There was a 95% of her dying. On her fucking wedding day. Isn't that wonderful? Brooke really wanted to curse at whatever God decided to do this. Annabell didn't deserve this!
"Anna? Are you okay? You look kinda pale."
Annabell was brought out of her thoughts by a familiar voice. She turned her head to look at a face that instantly made her relax. Maxine, with no red hair now, had gone to the same college as her on a boxing scholarship and was now a popular professional boxer and part-time bouncer. They were still the best of friends.
"I'm fine. Just wedding day jitters." Annabell reassured her, smiling. Technically, she wasn't lying.
"Don't go leaving Jason on the alter, Anna." The laugh came from next to her, smoothing out the veil hanging behind Annabell's head.
That was Candice, still just as pretty and queen-like, she had been in school. But now a renowned businesswoman worth billions. Annabell had really ended up hugging all the thighs, huh.
Maxine was actually her maid of honor, while Candice a bridesmaid. Of course, the groom was the ever-present Jason Yates.
Jason had inherited the Yates family business after graduating from college, made it into a bigger deal than it was originally, and then suddenly proposed to her last year. It was honestly pretty insane how the whole story had played out after the removal of Charlotte.
Everything had gone smoothly for the most part, as Brooke saw no reason to break up with Jason after the completion of her tasks. Jason's mother had loved her, literally told her son to put a ring on it before she left, which was kind of funny. They had fought here and here, as normal couples do because fairy tail relationships aren't a good representation of how romantic relationships actually operate.
Ah, the one thing Annabell hadn't mentioned was at current she was a couple of weeks pregnant. That was the insane part she hadn't mentioned and another reason why she was so worried about dying. Jules's notification had been beyond startling.
[ Host! You won't believe this! Guess what! ]
"Jules, you said that about a puppy being walked on the other side of the road while I was driving. I doubt this will be exciting."
[ But this really is exciting! ]
"Ugh, fine. What, Jules?"
[ You're pregnant! I can't wait to meet the baby! ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚]
To put things simply, Annabell had almost gone flying down the stairs at Jules' sudden announcement to her. Jason had the closest thing possible to a heart-attack he could have at his age. It had almost been as shocking as hearing Jules in her head. So, to recap the entire situation once more.
Annabell is about to get married, pregnant with a child, and has a 95% chance of dying today. A sundae with a fucking poison cherry on top. Sweet.
[ Are you getting cold feet, Host? You spent forever planning this wedding with the ML! And the cake and reception food looked so good. . . (º﹃º ) ]
"Jules, can you even eat? Not to mention that there's a high chance I'll, y' know, die?!"
[ I dunno if I can eat. I can enjoy the presentation though! And... If you might die, why not avoid deadly things? You've already completed all the tasks, you won't get a penalty for dying. ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ ]
"But I'll still die. . ."
[ Annabell will die. You'll just move onto the next world after a bit of rest. At least that's the procedure. ]
Annabell couldn't help but feel something was a bit off with Jules today. While she couldn't put her finger on what, they just seemed more. . . apathetic perhaps? It just didn't seem like regular Jules. However, there was no time to dwell on it now.
"Anna, it'll be time in ten minutes. I'm going to go stand in position with Candice."
"Oh, alright. I'll see you in a few minutes then."
It was already time for her to get married. And hopefully, stay that way for longer than a couple of hours.
It was a beautiful ceremony. The bride and groom looked excellent together and the bride's father had spent the entire time in tears. Everything had gone as planned and the guests were satisfied. The venue, an old but beautiful church, had been decorated to the nines and the rest of the upper class would be sure to reference the style for their weddings for a long time. Annabell was just relieved she hadn't died. Perhaps the 5% had pulled through for her. Leaving Jason a widow seemed like the worst thing to do.
Now the reception was in full swing. People were dancing, chatting, drinking, possibly gambling in that corner table close to the DJ booth. Everything one would expect at a wedding reception. However. . .
"Anna, you don't look so good. Was the food too much for you?"
Annabell's face was paler than usual, currently leaning on her newlywed husband for support after feeling a sudden wave of unease wash over her. A sense of foreboding. It was fucking terrifying.
"No, no. I just think I need fresh air. Let me lean on you for a bit, though."
Jason's eyebrows wrinkled at Annabell's dismissive nature towards her condition but could say nothing. The years had been kind to Jason, his face maturing into one of a dashing young man and his natural bedhead calming down. To put it simply, he had become a handsome young adult.
"Are you sure? We can head home early if you're really not feeling well."
"That wouldn't be fair to our guests. I really just think I'm a bit overwhelmed."
". . . Really?"
Before Jason could ask any more questions, Annabell leaned up and kissed him. This silenced him for the most part while she rested on him. It was quite a warm scene.
It would've been better if Annabell didn't feel eyes drilling into the back of her head like molten hot iron rods. If that even made sense.
"Jules, can you locate the source of that fucking glare? It actually hurts."
[ I'll see what I can do, but I don't even know if I have such a feature. ]
"Won't know until you try."
Annabell pushed herself off of Jason slowly and maneuvered her way through guests with polite greetings before coming upon a balcony. The fresh night air felt wonderful on her face and she let out a sigh of relief.
[ Host. Turns out I do have such a feature! ]
[ Thing is I won't unlock it until I'm leveled up. Would you like to do that when we end the mission, as you should have enough points from secret tasks and main tasks? ]
"Sure. Wait, why do you say that like the mission will end soon?"
[ Oh. That's because I checked the 95% thingy-thing. Turns out the 95% chance won and you'll be dying! :D ]
[ YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL AT ME! I can use an item in the shop to save the child. Would you like to purchase it? ]
[ Alright! Purchase of 'Protection Pill' in process. Please wait. ]
Annabell couldn't help but let out a soft sigh. She'd probably brought this upon herself. Actually, it definitely is probably the right answer. The thing was, how would she die? Would it be another knife to the back? Food poisoning? Earthquake? That one was a bit out of the box, but who knows?
If anything, the easiest way to kill her at the moment would be. . . A fall. . .
Goddammit. Now she had the horror movie character feeling of turning around. So she did because there's nothing she could do now.
Annabell then came face to face with a woman. She would've been considered a young woman if it weren't for her face. There were eyebags, wrinkles, everything that pointed to excessive stress. It reminded Brooke of what she looked like after emerging from her room from days on end of studying for finals. Fucking terrible. And probably in need of a bath and meal.
The only thing Annabell recognized for sure was green eyes. Green eyes filled with hatred. A green-eyed monster.
"Charlotte?" Her inquiry came out soft and confused like she was in disbelief. This was an instant death flag. She hadn't even had time to write a will. Oh well.
[ Purchase of item completed. Please ready mouth for the pill. ]
"So you do remember me."
Annabell would've said something in reply, if not for her silently choking on a pill at the moment. After a short struggle, it went down, causing her to almost sigh in relief.
"Of course I do. I've always wanted to reconcile with you-"
"No, you didn't."
Charlotte's abrupt interruption was expected. If someone ruined her life she probably wouldn't accept an apology from them. So, she decided to drop the act. She'd kill her no matter what. Might as well give her more of a reason.
Annabell clicked her tongue, gentle expression seeming like an illusion to her current cold one.
"You're right." She shrugged. "I honestly would've written off your entire existence for the rest of my life."
Charlotte was left speechless, so Annabell continued to speak.
"Who ran over you? Looking like roadkill at my wedding. Even your hair looks like a hay bale."
"I wouldn't have looked like this if you hadn't sent your minions after me!"
"Minions? What in the world are you talking about?"
Charlotte's ugly face went uglier. "You don't even remember? No matter where I went, everyone found out what I did to you. I've had to move so much, the longest time I've spent somewhere is a year!"
Annabell raised an eyebrow at that. She hadn't sent anyone to do something like that. She was vengeful but she always stopped when she was ahead. The only one with enough influence to do such a thing anyway would be her husband.
Jason, goddammit.
"Sounds tragic. Had nothing to do with it."
"Don't lie!"
"Look. I don't know about you, but I don't have the time to do petty things like that. I have a budding career, a successful career, and" Her expression changed as she softly rubbed at her midsection. "a family to prepare for."
The blonde woman could only blink in disbelief. "Y-you have a-"
"A baby, yes. There's one inside me at the moment. It's exciting."
". . . Not fair. . ."
"That's not fair."
Annabell gave Charlotte a cruel smile, one she hadn't seen for ten years. Ever since the police station.
"Life isn't fair. So make it your bitch and become an unfair factor for someone else."
She was stunned silent and Annabell only turned to face the scenery of the balcony, away from her.
"Enjoy the party if you wish. I'd like to be left alone."
There she went again, ordering people around like she owned the place.
Charlotte took a step forward.
This was all supposed to be hers.
She took another step.
The wedding.
Another step.
The success.
How was she standing behind Snow White?
Her arms went out.
And then there was a scream.
Brooke woke up in the room she remembered from when Jules first spoke to her. It was still as pastel and cold as she last saw it. However, there was a new addition to it.
A white vanity, placed upon the wall.
She would've laughed if she found it funny. It actually kind of hurt.
[ Congrats on finishing your first mission successfully, Host! With the completion of all Main Tasks and Secret Tasks, you've earned 100,100 points! We now have enough to upgrade me! ]
"Please do that, Jules."
[ Will do! However, you'll have to go into a hibernation-like state while I do that. Is that okay? ]
"I guess. Dying is tiring."
[ Alrighty. Rest well, Host. ]
"Thank you, Jules."
Brooke slowly began to feel sleepy before her eyes fell shut and she started to snore. It was at that moment a strange light emitted from her body and another entity appeared.
Androgynous was perhaps the best word to use for this person. Their hair was long, mint green-like in color and tied into a low ponytail with a black ribbon. Their eyes were a golden color with long eyelashes, drooping like they were always ready to close for sleep. The outfit did nothing to determine gender either, a black suit with a white button-up shirt and black bowtie instead of just a regular tie. The jacket of the suit and the shirt's sleeves went over their hands.
Their most striking feature of the person, however, was the bandages going across their head. Some were partly bloody, but they were wrapped tight. To put it into simple terms, they were attractive but strange.
This 'person' was Jules. Or System 137, if one was to use their now improper identification.
"I wonder if this upgrade will help with my memory." They mumbled, rubbing their eyes softly. Being upgraded didn't only tire out the Host. It made them sleepy too.
To keep themself nice and awake, Jules opened up his menu and began to go through his messages. Mission report, an e-mail from the Mother System, some spam messages for business meetings. They'd read the mission report first.
"Ah. How do I open mail again?"
Their memory was leaving them once again. This damn injury had really done a number on it. How did they get this again? Even that couldn't be remembered.
"Oh, yeah. I just click on it."
They did as such and the message loaded quickly.
[ Mission 1: Success ]
The world was successfully cleared with all Main Tasks completed and over 15 Secret Tasks found and completed. Congratulations. This is what happened after the Host was removed from the world.
Original Female Lead, Charlotte Dixon, was found guilty for her crime of first-degree murder and put into jail for life after the events of the Male Lead's wedding. She was tortured by her cellmates and before that, the aforementioned Male Lead, Jason Yates after she killed the Host body, Annabell Richards.
Due to advanced medical equipment, the child Annabell was carrying was saved and able to develop within an artificial womb before being delivered in nine months. She was named Anna in remembrance of her late mother and lived a happy life with her father.
NPC-like characters, Maxine Peterson and Candice Han, eventually recovered from their grief and furthered their careers while telling the story of their late friend, making sure her memory was preserved. They died without regrets.
An error occurred during the eventual death of the Male Lead at age 99. The awakening of a System and Host interrupted and destroyed the world.
From, The Mission Report System 2330
Jules blinked in confusion at that for a while. As far as they knew, Systems could only seek Hosts in worlds. Not be created there and then bind to a Host of that world. Systems could only be created by the Mother System. He could only brush that off as a mistake. Next would be the message from Mother System.
Dear System 137,
Hi! I'm so proud of you for you getting your Host! Though I didn't expect you to choose such a human. Nevermind, it was your decision.
Back to business. For your next mission, an older System (System 840) will be sharing a world with you. Your purposes do not interfere with each other, so it will be fine. Remember that Mommy loves you! Heal well!
XOXO, Mother System.
Mother System could never write professional messages. They were appreciated. Hmm. . .
What were they supposed to heal well from again?
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Legends of Gods. Tale of Vjaira.
In the Sarkcente Kingdom, in the south of the continent, the life of the King is nearing its end. The Royal Capital and the entire country slowly grow unstable. The many Royal Children are amassing power and allies, and shall soon engage in a life-or-death struggle for the crown. The four Great Families and the three Great Martial Schools will be forced to abandon their long-standing neutrality and choose their own sides. During the calm before the storm, the leader of one of the four Great Families decides to take in two common children and to the shock of everyone, officially adopts them and treats them with great favor. However, Tei’ru dies before long, leaving the two kids ostracized and alone within the family. As the major events in the Sarkcente Kingdom and on the entire continent start to unfold, the ten years old boy, Laien, is about to begin his epic adventure. (Read the brief introduction before you proceed to reading the chapters, thanks!)
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Monster Apocalypse
When the news started reporting strange changes of mankind, though the information was obviously controlled, it was enough to create commotion around the world. At first, it was only the subtle change of hair color, though it was strange, everyone accepted such a small change, some embraced it, some dyed their hair into normal colors. Afterwards, videos of people doing impossible feats surfaced onto the media, men lifting cars, women crushing walls, children jumping up to the second story of buildings easily. Then, humans started growing beast like appendages and features, horns and tails sprouted, though abnormally small, it was growing, regardless of the age or gender of the affected human. Despite the countless funds supplied into researching why, or how, did these features come to be, it proved to be fruitless. As those features grew, it became more defined, wings capable of carrying humans into the skies appeared, tails controlled by humans emotions sprouted to a certain length, and stopped growing. And on the last day, known as the beginning of the Monster Apocalypse, mankind grew wild.
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Glacierwaif Act 1: Homefront
Runt is a PT:DRVG (Pigmy Troll: Domestically Raised, Vat Grown) Trooper for a corporation known as Megacorp, in the Dastardly Dark Empire of Evil Bas...erm, Baddies.The world he lives in is locked in a proxy war between the aforementioned nation and a nation known as the United Nations of Good Guys and Heroes. His purpose is simple: Protect the lives and property of all those who live in his nation. This first act focuses on his transfer to a new platoon and his exploration of Megacorp and its residents.
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Changing the human made villainess.
°Status: On going°°After dying in a house fire, Aria got reincarnated as the daughter of Duke Callista. Lady Aderi Nova Callista. A villainess in a story. A villainess who was made and forced to make the main character's life miserable. She was fated to die according to the novel. Aria swore that she'll stay away from every event in the novel that will lead to her death. But can she really change the fate of the villainess? °{Disclaimer} This story is a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This story also contains drawings by the author, and there will be misspellings and wrong grammar.°Published: February 20, 2022Finished: ???
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