《Seducing The Male Lead Using A Pure Face》1.1 Snow White's School Girl Goals
"Anna. Anna, it's time for you to get up." Brooke felt her body be shook and she slowly opened her eyes to look up at an unfamiliar but pretty face. Black hair tied into a bun and sea blue eyes. The first thing that came to mind was Mom.
"Kay, Mom. I'm up." She sat up from her bed and stretched her arms. Mom smiled at her and pinched her cheek.
"Breakfast is ready downstairs." With that said, the lady left her room and disappeared down the hall. Brooke's head was suddenly assaulted with images and voices, memories and then knew whose body this was.
Annabell Richards, a shy sixteen-year-old girl transferring into a brand new school due to her Father's work once again. She was basic cannon fodder for the story and romance, someone who wasn't a rival or anything. She ended up being blamed for harming the protagonist and expelled from school, even though she had been friends with her. When she was found innocent, she had already ended up committing suicide due to all the stress and hatred she gained. All this girl ever wanted was a friend or two. How depressing. The girl was unbelievably pretty too. Skin as white as milk, grey eyes like diamonds, and silky black hair just like her mother but longer. Well, now Brooke was in control. She would get Annabell all the friends she wished for and put that protagonist who didn't stand up for her through hell.
Speaking of the protagonist/female lead, her name was Charlotte Dixon, a bombshell blonde who transferred into the school about a month or two after Annabell did. She quickly became a hot topic due to not only her looks but her headstrong but gentle personality. She got the popular ML, Jason Yates, to fall into a deep and unhealthy love with her in a matter of weeks and quickly became the friend goal of everyone in the school. Including Annabell. She had been used as a pawn of Charlotte's to bring her and Jason together. This girl wasn't gentle to anyone but Jason, she was cruel and calculating in Brooke's opinion. Brooke was already thinking of how to maximize her downfall. This would be fun.
[Hello, host. You seem eager to begin. I didn't think you'd be the type to plan so devilishly.] 137's gentle voice rang through Annabell's head as she put on her school uniform and brushed her hair. With a couple of touches of makeup, she already looked more breathtaking.
She couldn't help but laugh softly. "There's not much you know about me, 137. I know how people work." Annabel sighed. "Even though I wished I didn't sometimes."
The last statement left a couple of questions with 137, but it decided not to question their host. She had already quickly adapted to the situation, there was no need to bring up her past while she got into character. So the system decided to go quiet once again. Annabell wouldn't admit it, but she was thankful for 137 not being very chatty. After making sure her clothes and hair were perfect, Annabell headed downstairs for breakfast.
To say it was big was an understatement. French toast, orange juice, fresh fruit, yogurt, even fried eggs, and bacon were all across the table waiting for her. Annabell couldn't help but look at her Mom in shock as she sat down at the table. The lady simply shrugged with a large smile.
"You have to start the first day off right and the best way to do that is with a great breakfast!" Was her only reply before she sat across from Annabell and began to eat.
The girl couldn't help but dig in as well. Everything was so delicious, but the french toast quickly became a favorite. If she was stuck in this world and body, at least Annabell would get to eat some wonderful food.
"Did Dad already leave for work?" Annabell asked after finishing her glass of orange juice.
Her mother nodded. "He did but he wanted me to tell you he wants you to have a great day at school."
She nodded but could tell that was a sincere wish. From what she could gather from the body's memories, Annabell's relationship with her father was great. She knew he loved her despite all the work he did and would always try to wait for him to come home at night. It was honestly really sweet. Annabell was daddy's little girl. She couldn't even imagine how devastated he had been with the original's suicide. With Brooke in control, that wouldn't be happening.
After finishing breakfast and kissing her mother goodbye, Annabell was out the door and walking to school. 137 was directing her mentally.
[Take a left here... Walk for about two more minutes and turn right... Another turn here...]
"Hey, 137?"
[Yes, Host?]
"Can I call you something other than 137? It seems really impersonal to me. And weird."
[I do not have a name, but I would be honored if you gave me one. Left here. Other students up ahead, simply follow them.]
Annabell did as told and saw other people wearing the school uniform. Now she just had to follow the crowd. "Well, I'd love to give you a new name. Let's see..... Wait are you a girl or a boy?"
[Systems do not often possess genders.]
"Oh. Then I'll name you Jules. What about that?"
Annabell heard her system let out a satisfied hum. [I very much like this name. I shall be known as Jules from now on.]
She couldn't help but smile at her system's favorable reaction to her name. Unbeknownst to Annabell, that smile had already charmed many students around her into her grasps. Such a cute girl that had never been seen before and her appearance gave people the impression of a girl stepped straight out of a fairy tale. A literal Snow White had stepped onto campus and gotten herself the unofficial nickname in many's hearts. Just like she'd hoped.
Annabell's first stop with some of Jules' trusty directions was the school office. The first reason was to gain her schedule and the student guide that was supposed to be assigned to her, giving Jules a rest until she needed it again. Stepping into the office, Annabell finally turned on her shy and quiet demeanor as she approached the school secretary at the desk. The woman's face looked serious and cold.
"U-um, excuse me..." Her voice was soft and quiet, but loud enough to be heard by the lady behind the desk. She looked up from her computer only to have her voice caught in her throat. The young girl standing before her fidgeted, face slightly pink in a blush. The secretary couldn't help but look at her. Annabell's adorable appearance made others want to just give her a hug and pamper her to the ends of the earth. The secretary was instantly charmed and smiled at her kindly.
"What can I do for you, sweetheart?" The normally cold secretary even gave Annabell a pet name. The girl couldn't help but mentally smirk. If she wanted a good foothold in the school, becoming a staff favorite was never a bad idea.
Annabell played with a strand of her long hair shyly. "I... I'm here as a new student, um, Annabell Richards. I was told to come here and get my schedule..."
"Oh, you're our transferring Sophomore. I'm Miss Greene. Let me just get that schedule for you."
She nodded and watched Miss Greene leave her seat at the front desk to go grab her schedule. Jules suddenly spoke in her head after she heard a soft bell-like ring.
[Host, you've brought Miss Greene to your side. She's supposed to be a very cold staff member, it even took the FL a long time to get her to warm up to her.]
Annabell laughed. "Is that so? Too bad for the protagonist. That reminds me, how easily swayed will all my teachers be?"
[I'll check right now.] Jules went quiet just as Miss Greene came back, schedule in hand. She handed it to Annabell with a grin.
"Here you go, sweetheart. I look forward to having you at our school." Miss Greene said cheerily.
Annabell gave her a breathtaking smile and hid behind her schedule. "Mhm. I hope I'll have fun here."
Miss Greene seemed to suddenly remember something, being snapped out of her stupor from Annabell's attacks. Cute girls could truly be anyone's weakness. She picked up the office phone and made an announcement.
"Could Maxine Peterson come down to the office?" Annabell could easily guess that she would be her school guide but since she wasn't here yet, focused on looking over her school schedule. She could see a geometry class on that list and couldn't help but feel glad math was her best subject back when she was just Brooke.
[Host, considering your current skills, all staff members including the principal will be easy to make love your presence in the school. Participating in school activities such as clubs or events will only boost their opinions of you.] Jules voice was noticeably full of pride. [The FL won't stand a chance.]
"Thanks, Jules. I'll do my best to make everything go smoothly." Annabell's resolve got stronger as Jules finally cut off for the day until their host would need them. As if on cue, the office door opened to reveal a red-headed girl with her uniform worn somewhat sloppily, like she had just rolled out of bed.
"You called me down Miss Greene-" Maxine was stunned into silence at the sight of Annabell who instantly shied away behind her schedule, clutching it tightly as the paper wrinkled in her hands. Had this girl just stepped out of some romance book? Maxine couldn't help but feel her heart and brain be turned to mush.
Miss Greene smiled at Maxine, to her surprise. "Maxine. Just on time. This is our new student, Annabell." She gestured to the quiet girl. "You'll be her guide for today since you share so many classes."
Annabell waved to Maxine with a blush clearly on her face, having taught herself to do such things over the course of many years. The effect was immediate as Maxine gave her a wide, kind smile. "Oh, cool! I'm Maxine, just call me Max."
"I-I'm Annabell. I hope we can be good friends, Max." Annabell smiled gently, putting the nail properly into Maxine's coffin. A ring seemed to go off through her head just like earlier. While Jules hadn't mentioned it, she would begin to associate this sound with catching a character and bringing them to her side for life.
With all that said and done, Maxine leads Annabell around the school during what would be considered right before the first classes would start. They became fast friends, Annabell quickly warming up to the girl and her shyness melting away. She learned Maxine had an older brother in the Senior class, was part of the boxing club, and her favorite color was red which was why her hair was dyed that color. Annabell had also observed Maxine in other ways. Her new friend was certainly unique in her appearance. Sunkissed skin, dyed red hair, a mole under her eye, and her sloppy uniform gave her an air of being laidback and easy to talk to. Maybe even a delinquent appearance if she was being stereotypical. Annabell liked her already. It was now one friend down, nine or more to go.
"And this is Mr.Umbridge's class, our first class. He teaches World History. It'd be more interesting if his voice wasn't so" Maxine's voice went monotone like a robot's. "So damn boring. It's like he doesn't even wanna be here."
Annabell laughed. "Give him some credit. I'm sure it's not that bad. Are all of the seats in this class taken up?"
Maxine laughed. "Are you joking? People mostly take this class to sleep through it."
Annabell couldn't help but pout a bit at that. Maxine had the urge to hug her tightly and take back her words. World History sounded like a fun class to take to the original body, who wished to be a Historian surprisingly enough. A weird wish, but if Brooke was to spend an entire lifetime in Annabell's body, it'd be nice to fulfill her wishes.
"But history is so interesting. How could someone sleep through it..." Annabell said, her pout becoming more of a frown. Maxine pet her head gently.
"Don't worry about it! If you really love history, this class'll be great for you! Even if it's not, I'm still here for you to talk to."
Maxine waited with bated breath for Annabell's reply. She was met with a giggle and a smile.
"You're right, Max. I feel a lot better now."
Maxine couldn't help smiling too. Annabell's smile was as contagious as pink eye in a ball pit. Unknown to Annabell, Maxine made a quiet promise in her heart. She'd protect this princess until the end of her life, even if she didn't want to be around Maxine anymore. Any evil stepmother's with a poison apple beware!
With unhurried steps and a still-running conversation, the girls stepped into Mr.Umbridge's classroom and found seats in the middle, ignoring the amazed looks from their peers. Whispers erupted among them all.
"Who's the cutie with Mad Max?"
"I don't know. A model maybe?"
"Model? That's so lowly! She must be some rich girl."
"She looks just like Snow White, right?"
"I'd love if she choked on my poison apple."
The whispering continued around the class, the pair of friends blissfully ignoring all of it. Annabell had tuned in a bit at the mention of 'Mad Max' but soon tuned the rest out to continue talking to Maxine. Their conversation continued until an elderly looking man waddled into the classroom, the class quieting down instantly. Mr.Umbridge was a man who instantly made one think of Santa Claus without the jolly holly. He was round with white hair and round Harry Potter glasses. His beard was trimmed and ended a bit below his neck, but his eyes were tired and sad.
"Good morning, class. I hope you enjoyed your weekend." Just as Maxine had said, Mr.Umbridge's voice was monotone and carried an air of being just done. The class let out some grumbles here and there. "That reminds me. Today we have a new student. Would you mind standing up and introducing yourself to the class?"
Annabell noticed the spotlight suddenly put on her and couldn't help but inwardly sigh. What was up with teachers and putting their students on the spot like this? The original Annabell might've had a heart attack for god's sake! She slowly stood up and looked around the classroom nervously all eyes on her. Maxine gently tugged on Annabell's sleeve, sensing her distress and giving her a comforting smile. She took a deep breath and stood proudly.
"Um... My name is Annabell Richards. I-I transferred here from West Shores High."
Whispers started out all over again before Mr.Umbridge interrupted them. "And why are you taking World History?" He took a slow sip from his coffee mug, clearly not expecting a good answer.
"Because I find history fascinating."
That made the old man choke on his coffee as if it was extremely hot. As Mr.Umbridge stared at her, Annabell slowly shied away into her seat without permission. Inwardly, she was grinning. She'd hit the bullseye head-on with this teacher and technically told the truth. Annabell was in love with history, Brooke had just taken over her body.
"Is that so. Well, I expect good work from you."
With that said, clads begun with Mr.Umbridge's voice being noticeably more lively. His voice only got more bright as Annabell would raise her hand during class to answer and ask questions, immersed in the class. Gradually, so did the other students. Before long, people were actually taking notes and paying attention with interest. Snow White had saved a class from another boring day.
As class began to near the end, the classroom door suddenly slammed open, causing Annabell to flinch with the noise. Everyone else seemed used to it. Mr.Umbridge made a face.
"So glad to see you've joined us, Mr.Yates."
"Knew you'd say I was absent. Couldn't ruin my perfect attendance." He seemed to be mocking the teacher. Annabell couldn't help but roll her eyes.
Why was the male lead always a handsome delinquent from a rich family?
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