I always wished for a miracle
always wished to tell you
everything that I felt
but that never happened
and then destiny offered me
the thing that I always wanted
but here was the tricky part
before that, I had to play
a game called gamble of heart
and if I could win I would
get everything always I craved for
maybe only then I didn't have
to hide it from you anymore
though somewhere in my mind
I knew it wasn't gonna be easy
still, I agreed to play along
as it was the only way for me
didn't think twice, just gave my all
thought you'll catch me even if I fall
slowly I became addicted
and it wasn't the game
but it was you, my addiction
and when I thought my wish would
finally come true, I lost the game
was swallowed by emotions
and engulfed by the flame
guess I wasn't that lucky
or was just too blind to see
that it has always been
a losing game, I could never win
no matter how hard I tried
I had to lose in the end
still I took a chance and lost
everything that was mine once
but I don't regret anything
I don't regret giving up everything
after all the reason was you
and if it's for you then
I am ready to lose again
but this time all I have
is just miseries and pain
pain, that's tearing me apart
and heartbreak that I got
from the gamble of hearts
»»————> <————««
Hello, my lovely readers! Hope you all have been doing well! Once again thank you so much for your love and support and thank you my friend for helping me always❤
Please vote and comment!
Love ya all💕
Unkillable Will
The start of the end, a now man who wakes up to find he has been sleep for many years is thrown into a world he had only a glimpse of before, now it is his story to tell us how humanity is brought down to it's knees.And the tragic tale of what humanity will do to survive extinction, because we are no longer alone, and our enemies are more than we had predicted.
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The Pyrophobic Pyromancer
Pyromancers, wielders of the flame and the most sought after, but rarest among those who have mastery over the elements for their use in war. A childhood tragedy leaves one such boy with a deep fear of fire and unable to use his power. Kicked out of the king’s service, he tries to start a new life, but circumstances conspire to make him the most wanted man in two kingdoms. Driven into a corner, Philip finds himself forced to confront his fears and master his power or risk losing his life.
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Realm of Fantasy Online
The launch of the first ever VR MMO is underway. Grey gets ready to enter the game and start his life over again. By unforseen trajedy he is forced to become a nercromancer and all the friends he has wanted his whole life shun him. If only he could log out. City building, Crazy magic, death and despair, necromancer, this book will have it all. I hope you love it. Authors note: Hey everyone, this is my first book and I hope you like it. I will be going back and redoing the first two chapters with blue boxes for the system messages. I was going to rewrite it in 3rd person but my two favorite LitRPG's are "Ascend Online" and "Life Reset" both are written in first person so I am sticking with it. -Hammy Schedule: Currently I am able to write a chapter a day but I need time to edit and live my life so I am aiming for 3-4 days per upload. This is a hobby afterall. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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Slave Company
Avian a cruel business is transported with his old highschool class into a different world into a younger body back when he was 15, everything was strange yet fine, but Avian quickly figures out that his former classmates weren't the same mentally as they were back on earth, an alliance threatened by the demons who need to be erdicated by the heroes. Avian wants nothing to do with it.
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[ LUCIFER ] completed
- Нүглээс төрсөн хүүхдэд "Жуи" хэмээх нэр хайрлаж байна. Түүнийг үхлийн бурханд өргөмжилж эрлэгийн элчүүдийг удирдуулагтун. Тэр хүн төрөлхтний дунд амьдарч тэдний нүглийг дэнслэг. Бузар муу нүгэлтний сүнсийг доод ертөнцөд тушааж Люсиферийн хоол болгоно, харин ачит нэгний сүнсийг дараагийн амьдралд нь замчилна. Жуи 1000 жилд нэг удаа өөрийн биеэр оноогдсон нэгэнтэй хамтран амьдарж амьдралын үнэ цэнийг мэдэрж байг. Түүнийг яг одоо дэлхий рүү явуул. Тэр одооноос үхлийн төлөөлөгч мөн өмч нь.
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Kidnapped by the Alpha
This is back up! I never got around to editing it because I didn't have the time like I thought I would. Enjoy this and the sequel.Isabelle was jolted awake out of her nightmare quite suddenly. Dazed, she tried to look around but found that her head was held firmly to the pillow under her. Cloth covered her mouth and nose, a sickly sweet smell enveloping her senses. Her mind began getting hazy. Chloroform, her mind whispered almost silently. Her vision began tunneling, and she weakly looked up into a pair of icy blue eyes. She stared into those eyes as she was pulled deeply and forcefully into oblivion. Isabelle is a smart girl and not really the girly type unless going out. You would usually see her wearing sweats around the house or outside in her backyard on the beach since she lives on the ocean. So when she suddenly gets kidnapped one day, she wonders what she had ever done to deserve this. She hadn't done anything wrong, at least she didn't think she did. But she learns that there is something about her that is special and that she is not only human. Meet Jared Gray, the person that kidnapped Isabelle because of her being his mate. He's been waiting since he was 16 to find his mate and now he's 22, about to give up on ever finding his mate. But when he smells her in a mall one day, he follows her home and decides to take what's his. Isabelle's life will never be the same again. Will she be able to escape or will she fall in love with her hot and charming kidnapper that she wants nothing to do with? Or will she stay with him and eventually fall in love? --- THIS IS A DRAFT. And I was 15 when I first started writing it so there are many mistakes. Please don't judge too harshly. WARNING: CONTAINS SOME SCENES OF SEXUAL AND MATURE CONTENTALSO, MANY MISTAKES! SOME THINGS I'VE WRITTEN I FORGOT TO PUT BACK IN THE STORY SO THIS NEEDS TO BE HEAVILY EDITED. Sequel is called Unwinding Fate
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