《My bully, My king, My mate》Chapter 1


☆Danny POV☆

I was awoken from my dream by my alarm clock rupturing my eardrums. Groaning loudly I smacked it stopping the dreadful noise.

I could hear the alarms of the others beginning to sound off through the pack house.

I swung my legs off the bed and ran a tired hand through my hair exhaling.

My fangs began to ache and my stomach rumbled loudly. Time to go feed. I walked out of my room through the hall of the house listening as the sound of complaining and music played in the different rooms.

It's crazy to think that though we're all the same in many ways were nothing alike. As I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen I could feel a presence.

Usually I was the first one to the fridge so I could avoid the crowd. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the soon to be king Beau standing against the counter with a large glass of blood in his hand.

I slowly backed away trying to escape before he saw me. The floor board creaked loudly as I allowed my body weight to press against it. Shit.

Beaus piercing blue eyes met mine and an evil smirk decorated his rather attractive face. I've had a crush on Beau for as long as I could remember and I know it's wrong but I mean can you blame me.

"Ah Henderson leaving so soon" he said walking over to me and throwing a strong arm around my neck. Instantly I tensed up feeling fear run through me.

"Uh y-yeah, I gotta get a shower" I said trying to remove myself from his grasp

"you look a little pale Danny why dont you grab some fresh air before that shower huh" he said walking me towards the door.

"But I'm not dressed I have no protection" I said feeling the anxiety in my stomach rise.

There's a common misconception that no vampires can go in the sunlight without being harmed but that's not entirely true. To be granted this resistance you have to have a live human sacrifice and drink the blood as it drains from them.


I couldn't bring myself to do it I couldn't take a life for my own benefit.

"Don't worry about it" he said opening the door and pushing me towards the Ray of sun. I cowered back trying to keep away.

"Beau please stop this isn't funny" I said trying to push him back. His alpha strength was too much for me to handle as I stumbled back feeling a burning sensation on my hand.

I screamed in pain throwing my elbow back connecting it with the future Kings nose... I'm screwed.

His once blue eyes were now red with anger and black blood dripped from his nose.

"B-beau I'm so s-sorry" I tried to explain but it was no use. He pinned me against the wall gripping onto my neck with inhuman strength.

I choked slightly scratching at his hand trying to get the oxygen into my lungs.

"B-beau" I croaked my vision going black

He dropped me allowing my body to hit the floor before he planted painful kicks into my stomach, sides, and face.

He kneeled down beside me taking a fistful of my hair into his hands. I winced slightly at the pain and looked into his eyes which had returned to blue.

"Danny, I'm going to make you wish you were never born" he said letting go and walking up the stairs out of sight.

All the pain rushed at me at once, tears filled my eyes as I laid on the floor, how pathetic.

You can't take a beating like the others, you can't please your king.

What kind of vampire am I.

After a while I heard the chatter of my pack members. I wiped the tears from my face and slowly stood up ignoring the pain.

I kept my head down as I watched people walk down the stairs and look at me, I could hear their whispers and feel their questionable stares.

I made my way up the stares keeping m face hidden as best as I could.


After finally making it to my room I walked inside seeing I had 10 minutes before everyone left.

Guess I can skip a shower

I walked towards my mirror admiring the forming bruises that decorated my slim body. Shaking my head I walked to my closet and slipped on an all black outfit.

Going to the bathroom I fixed my dark brown hair upright. I couldn't help but notice the dark bags under my light grey eyes.

I looked sick not that it was unusual. This was my life everyday. This abuse by my future king has become a normal part of my routine. I'm not even quite sure why he hates me so much.

Soft knocking on my bedroom door broke me out of my thoughts. I sighed deeply opening the door to see my best friend Delainey smiling up at me.

"Come on were leaving now" she said hooking her arm with mine and dragging me downstairs

"What happened to your eye" she said looking at the forming bruise I gained earlier.

"Fell in the shower this morning" I lied though everyone knew the king hated me, what they didn't know was that what they see as harmless joking around is much more.

He keeps it cool when everyone's around so that his reputation as king doesn't crumble and he's damn good at it.

She shook her head ruffling my hair as we walked out of the house.

"You need to be more careful" she said as we made our way towards her car


The hallways of Jamestown high like everyday were filled with a mix of vampires and unknowing humans.

All struggling to be on top of the social ladder and doing anything to get there.

"You okay Danny" Delainey said nudging me. I continued walking forward through the crowded hallway.

"Yeah sorry just really tired" I said stopping next to my locker number 449

"Did you feed this morning" she asked quietly as I opened the locker pulling out my classwork.

"I was a little caught up this morning, must've forgot" I said. before she could say anything else the bell rang loudly signalling the start of 1st period.

"I'll see you after yeah?" She said. I nodded watching as she turned around and disappeared into a classroom. As the students cleared out the hallways became more calm the noise died down and the atmosphere was serene.

School was actually one of my favorite places to be. It's one of the few places that I'm able to escape the Kings hatred... For the most part.

I sighed closing my locker and turning around running into a hard chest. I stumbled backwards dropping my books on the floor. Fear filled my body as my eyes met those all too familiar blue eyes. I guess i spoke too soon.

"B-beau I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" I said getting down and fumbling to get the books and papers back together.

"I just wanted to say sorry for earlier, I was just messing around" he said extending a hand for me to take. I looked at the small smirk on his face as a feeling of uneasiness washed over me.

I took his hand standing up only to be yanked into him. His hand held my neck and his lips brushed slightly against my ear making a shiver run through my body.

"But ever hit me again, and your punishment will be unimaginable" he said pushing me back into the lockers. I winced looking at the evil smirk on his face as he walked away.

I slid down the lockers panting heavily trying to calm myself down. Just 3 more days until he finds his mate. Then he'll finally be put of my life.

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