《Softest Lips | on hold》orianne micah wright jr.
I heard Jayden address me by the nickname he gave me, making me look away from the red and orange fire that was set ablaze in front of me. He stretched his hand out, making me grab the purple coffee mug from his hand. After my estranged mother popped up at the house, I cried and screamed until my pooh got me together. All I wanted to do was leave, and that's what we did. We came back to his house and he asked me what I wanted to do. I said I wanted to drink hot chocolate outside, make s'mores, and look at the stars.
We showered together, and now we're here. As he sat down, I pulled my knees to my chest and tucked my feet under the throw blanket before laying my head on his shoulder. I really didn't have anything to say, and I think he knew that. I was honestly lost for words, so I really appreciated him for being willing to just sit here with me in silence. I pushed my head up and kissed his cheek. I moved the spoon around in my cup, licking some whipped cream off the top. I took a sip and closed my eyes as the hot liquid slid down my throat.
My mother popping up is not random at all, and I don't care what anybody has to say. I mean, after all these years, she decided to come to Thanksgiving dinner as if she were a member of the family? My daddy told her to leave but she didn't, which resulted in my aunties jumping her. Nobody bothered to stop or break up the fight, so I gladly gathered me and Jayden's things and we walked right out of the door. I wasn't staying around to hear any excuses or the bullshit she called apologies. She's twenty-one years too late, and if my daddy didn't still love her, she would've been shark food a long time ago.
I know I said I missed her a couple weeks ago, but I didn't want her in my life at all. Nothing in the world can make up for the pain and abandonment she has put me through. For my understanding, she's nothing but an incubator and nothing more.
"Look bug, it's a shooting star. Let's make a wish."
I opened my eyes and grabbed his hand with my right since my hot chocolate was in my left. I closed my eyes and wished for an increase in peace, prosperity, happiness, protection, and good health. I already had everything I could ever want, so I just asked for an increase in a few things.
I felt Jayden look down at me, which made me look up at him. We gave each other a goofy look and laughed right after. "What do you want to do for your birthday?"
I shrugged my shoulders because I wasn't sure. My birthday is in two months on the 30th of January. Big aquarius! The best sign in the land. Ms. Sonni and I actually share the same birthday. "The boys usually plan me a big dinner and go crazy with the gifts. I'll tell them to text you, so y'all can correspond. They threw me a hugeee party this year, and I didn't know half of the people in the damn building. I had fun though. I was so drunk. Armis strong ass carried me to the car; I was sitting in the backseat of the Bach just spinning."
Jayden laughed. "I've only drank alcohol once in my life and didn't even know it. My pops snatched the cup from me so quick."
"Why did he snatch the cup?" I took another sip of my hot chocolate, savoring the sweet flavor.
"Because I'm not supposed to be around any drugs, alcohol, or drinking until I'm off papers. But this was the day of the wedding. I had gone to the bar to get some juice, but it was pineapple juice and tequila. 'Shit was so good I had three cups. I didn't even taste the alcohol. I went back to the room to finish getting ready, and to my daddy's and uncle's knowledge, I was too hyper, acting erratic. They smelt my breath and snatched the cup from me."
I shook my head because I could just imagine how he was acting. I sat my now empty cup on the table and stood up, pulling my shorts from my thighs because they had managed to roll up. I grabbed a skewer and pushed the tip into two jumbo marshmallows before holding them over the fire. Once, they were golden brown to my liking. I grabbed two graham crackers and a piece of Hershey's Kiss chocolate and made a sandwich. I took a bit and licked the stickiness from around my mouth.
"Stoppp!" I blushed bashfully and covered my mouth as I laughed because Jayden was staring at me intensely, or more so, at the movement of my tongue.
He laughed and raised his hands. "I haven't even done anything."
I bucked at him. "You ain't done anything alright."
I fed him the rest of the s'more and sat back beside him. We stayed outside for a few more minutes before we went inside. I was standing at the sink washing both of our cups when the alarm sounded, letting me know that his parents had returned home.
"Sincere, shut the fuck up before I smack you!"
My eyes went wide as I turned around to look at Jayden, who was sitting at the bar laughing. He looked at me and shook his head before whispering. "It's domesticcc."
"Smack me and watch I fold your ass up. I told you, it's ice cream in the fucking freezer! Now say sorry."
I bit my lip to contain my laughter. I have never witnessed them like this, so it was funny, but I didn't want to laugh out loud. Meanwhile, Jayden was over there cracking the hell up.
"I bet her fat self asked him to stop and get some ice cream so she could eat it with her red velvet cake that my Momo baked for her. He said no and now we're here." Jayden said as he shook his head, shrugging, because he knew his parents like the back of his hands.
"You wake our babies up and I'm going to show you how sorry I am."
I'm screaming! The volume of their voices decreased as they walked up the stairs. I walked towards Jayden, and he turned the chair and pulled me in between his legs as he rubbed his hands up and down my exposed thighs. He was staring at me, making me smile.
He cuffed my face. "You so beautiful, bug."
I shook my head, blushing. "Thank you, pooh."
"What do you want for graduation?" I asked. We were up in his room, and I was seated at the end, sitting crisscross as he sat up against his headboard with one of his sketchpads in his lap. I knew for sure he was drawing me because that's all he's been doing since we started dating. I already knew what I was getting him for Christmas but didn't know what to get him for his big day.
He looked up at me, squinting, before putting his eyes back on his pad. "Turn your head slightly to the left and I honestly don't know. You know I'll be appreciative of whatever you buy me. What do you want for Christmas?"
I had to refrain from smacking my lips so I wouldn't mess him up. I don't even know why he asked me that because, although I am very spoiled, rotten might I add, I was still getting used to him asking me what I wanted or just simply buying me things. Yes, the men in my life get and do whatever for me, but it's different with your significant other. "Can I make a Pinterest board and send it to you?"
He nodded his head. "I bought you a couple things already, but yes ma'am, send it to me."
Before I could even say anything, my phone started ringing. Jayden set his sketchpad down and nodded his head. I broke the position I was in and crawled his way, grabbing my phone off the nightstand. The caller ID read "nunu 🦍🧡" letting me know that Armis was calling. I shook my head and answered anyway, putting the phone on speaker. I threw my leg over Jayden and got comfortable. "Yes, Nu?"
"Put ya man on the phone. I need to talk business."
I smacked my lips. "You're on speaker."
"Aye Jay! You think you can give me your Pops's info? I need some good PR for Montez and since he's from Jersey, I was thinking he could do a toy drive for Christmas at the center or give away bikes to the kids. I know it's kind of last minute, but this nigga finna make me bust him in his shit."
I laughed and watched as Jayden grabbed my phone from his chest, unlocking it and going to me and Armis's message thread. He typed rapidly for a few seconds before placing my phone back down.
"I just sent you his business line and both of his emails. You can email him now and he's going to reply first thing in the morning, or you can call. Either one works."
"Good looking out, thank you and talk to you later, Juicy!"
I hung up the phone before tossing it somewhere. I looked up at Jayden only to see him already staring at me. My face broke out into a smile. "Whaaat?"
He chuckled and shook his head, pulling me all the way into his lap. One thing I've learned about Jayden is that he loves my body more than I do. I know I'm not the smallest girl, but with the way he handles me? You would think I was. I've never had low self-esteem or been insecure about my body, but I do have my days. He stuck his cold hands under my shirt, making me jump as he rubbed his hands up and down my sides and stomach. See? Boy loves touching on my rolls.
"I'm taking you and Emerie on a date tomorrow."
I smiled because he was so sweet and good with Em. I just know people swear that's his daughter when they're out. "Where are you taking us?"
"The hayride lightshow. I know you've been talking about the Christmas lights since the beginning of this month, so I managed to snag up the last two tickets for us." He gave me a goofy grin, shaking his head side to side.
"You so silly. I don't think I have anything over here for the cold weather at night though, so I have to go home in the morning and grab a few things." When that lady showed up, we kind of left abruptly, so I didn't get a chance to pack a bag. I only grabbed my purse and jacket.
"Okay, we can go after we eat breakfast."
I nodded my head and pulled off my shirt before laying down beside him. It's crazy how I sleep so much better when I'm around him. I swear I'll be asleep in an instant. He's good for my soul and I love it. He clapped, turning off his lights and turning the fan on. I don't know why he turned on a movie knowing that we were both about to go to sleep. It was like 1 o'clock in the morning. I threw my leg across him, getting comfortable, and his hand instantly went to my thigh, caressing and rubbing it.
"Ooo, get it, Em!" I hyped her up as she stood up on the counter dancing. I laughed as I stood in front of her with my hands behind her so she wouldn't fall. It was the morning of breakfast, and we were just sitting around until Pops finished cooking. Jayden turned on the Backyardigans theme song and Emmie went crazy.
"Okay, breakfast is served! All ladies, please be seated."
I laughed as the chef's hat on top of Xavier's head bounced and flopped from side to side as he walked. I scooped Em off the counter and placed her in her high chair that was by the table. I slid onto the bench beside Jayden and laid my head on his shoulder. I kind of didn't get much sleep last night because I tossed and turned. My birthgiver occupied my mind, and I just couldn't shake it.
"Juice, you're doing Christmas with us, right?" Ma asked me, making me nod my head.
"Yes ma'am. We're going to the ski resort up in New York, right?" I thanked Xavier as he sat my plate in front of me. It consisted of chocolate chip waffles, cheesy scrambled eggs, and sausage patties, along with a bowl of grits.
"Yes, Zai and I are driving up the week of. I don't know the nature of your schedule or if you're on call, so I told Jay that he could wait with you and we'll pay for y'all tickets to fly up."
I smiled at her thoughtfulness and consideration. "Yes ma'am, but I think I'll be able to ride with y'all. I won't know my exact schedule until I go in on Monday, but if I'm on call I can report from the resort."
She nodded her head. "Okay, just let me know boo."
"Daddy, I want juice!"
I laughed at Emerie once, she hit the tray of her high chair with her fist. If it wasn't Jay jumping at her every call, it was definitely Xavier. After we finished breakfast, Jayden gave me his keys, so I could go home and get some clothes. I was more than likely going to stay for the rest of the week before I headed back to work. I need to finish Christmas shopping because there are a lot of people on my list this year and I do not need to be last minute.
I pulled through the gate of my house and drove around the fountain before parking at the door. I killed the engine by pushing the stop button and stepped out, sliding the keys and my phone into the pocket of Jayden's hoodie. I was surprised I could fit it. I hit the steps and stuck my key inside the knob, turning it and pushing the door open. I heard yelling and knew that it was about the football games from yesterday. I walked into the living room, making my presence known.
"The princess is here!" I straightened my back and did the wave, widening my smile to show off my white teeth. The boys hopped up and formed a runway with six on each side, and as I walked through, they bowed. Once I made it to the end, I turned on my heel and smiled as I continued to wave. I looked at them as they tried to hold their laughter in, but I was the first one to bust out laughing, making them follow suit. This is something we've been doing since I could walk.
I made my way upstairs to my room and shook my head. I was surprised my room was clean because if it was left up to Azaire and Tizon? It'll be a damn mess, so I know for sure Binky and Karson cleaned it. I walked into my second closet, which was sorted by fall and winter clothes. I grabbed my beige bubble coat from Pretty Little Thing off a hanger, a pair of black ripped distressed jeans, and a burgundy-maroonish embroidered hoodie and walked out, going to my shoe closet. When I said my room was huge, I wasn't lying. I turned on the light and scanned the shelves and walls for a shoe that would go with the outfit I had imagined.
I stepped on my ladder and pushed it so I could slide down. I grabbed the Cordovan Neumel Ugg boots and stepped off the ladder, going back into my room. I threw everything on the bed and grabbed my purple Nike duffle and started filling it up with a few things before doing the same to my purse. I removed my MacBook charger from the wall and quickly wrapped it up before tossing it into my black MCM Tote. Once I had everything I needed and wanted, I made my way downstairs to my father's study. I knocked with my first two knuckles before opening the door.
He was in his brown desk chair facing the window with a glass of scotch resting in his hand. I shook my head because that lady got us both discombobulated.
"Hey, Pa." I called out but got no response, which made me drop my bags and walk further into the room.
"Pa ti conosco qui me!" I yelled in Italian, which made him jump and swivel around in the chair.
If y'all didn't know by now, I have Italian lineage running through my blood. I am African American and Italian. My Pa and his siblings were actually part of history. Y'all know, back in the day, interracial dating was a big no-no, but my grandfather didn't believe in that. He loved everything about her. In a certain Jersey neighborhood, they were the first Italian and African American couple. They went through a lot, but that didn't stop them from enjoying life or loving each other. To keep my Pa and his siblings safe, they gave them my grandma's last name, which you know today as Wright, instead of my grandfather's, De Luca. It kind of didn't matter though, because they were protected either way. My great-grandparents didn't play, which is why them being a part of the mob goes back at least 50-70 years.
On paper, I'm a Wright, but through linage and history? I'm a De Luca.
"Wassup Twin?" He got up and pulled me into a big ol' bear hug, making me smile.
"You okay?" I asked, putting my eyes on the cup of alcohol because it's like 10 in the morning and he's drinking. I don't like how we're letting this lady disrupt our lives like this. He followed my eyes, sighing.
"I'm good Juicy. I know I shouldn't be drinking this early, but I promise I'm okay. I couldn't sleep, so I've just been in here all morning. Yesterday was just a lot."
I shook my head because I understood what he was saying. "You want me to cook you something before I go?"
He shook his head and waved me off. "No. I'm going to make the boys warm up the leftovers. I don't want anything to go to waste and you know their hungry asses are going to eat it all today. You go enjoy yourself with your other family."
I gave him another hug before grabbing my bags and walking out of the room. He may have told me he's okay, but I know he's not. That was and is, somewhat, the love of his life. Her popping up is not doing nothing but tugging on his heart strings.
"I just airdropped y'all Jayden's number. He asked me about my birthday, and I told him I would tell y'all to text him, so y'all can correspond. " I said my "see you laters," and "I love yous" before walking out the door.
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Rebirth of Gu Jiao
When all was done, she was left alone and was killed by mysterious people. On her dying moment, her elder brother came. Truth was, it was Li Jun who had arranged for her to be able to live comfortably in even after all the scandal. If she didn't follow her mother? and was able to be a clever, obedient, lovable little sister, would everything be different? Just after Gu Jiao close her eyes accepting death she returned from the day her mother return to get her. Gu Jiao thought huh! This young Missu is not and idiot to make the same mistake twice.. hehehe this young miss will make sure that this evil woman of a mother would regret her schemes! (?_?) hehe.. This Young Miss would enjoy teaching you a lesson hahaha... (laugh evilly ?(???)?.... Why is this man becoming more and more strange? What is this sleeping together for warmth? What is this good morning and good night kiss? Do you really take me for an idiot? ?( ° ? °|||)? *** Pls be regarded that this is story is a fanfiction of the story "Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom". Some parts are added, some where cut and other were manipulated in another twist and some were retained the SAME. if you feel it was plagiarize then please talk to me first and i'll see what can be done. Disclaimer: names, situation, images and other information was similar to other are not intentional. This work purely come from the research, reference story, and authors
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sᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ 〢 ᴄʜᴀᴇ ʜʏᴜɴɢᴡᴏɴ 〢
ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴍᴇᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ʀɪᴠᴀʟ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ "My psychiatrist said that I'm improving" he saysWe are seated on a couch at my house, watching a documentary about fishes"Yes! Finally. If your recover fully then you can compete with me again in next semester!"Hyungwon snorted"I can beat you even now, loser""You wanna go?"In one swift move, Hyungwon had me pinned down against the couch, looming over me. He was so close I was worried that he could hear my heartbeat pounding"Yeah" he whisperedWe stared at each other for a few seconds before I regained my senses and pushed him off"What was that?" I heard him mutter to himselfHighest Rank 📌#1 in MONSTAXFANFICTION - 7/29/20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 📌#78 in leeminhyuk - 6/16/20📌#10 in monstaxfanfiction - 6/17/20📌#6 in monstaxfanfiction - 6/21/20📌#45 in chaehyungwon - 6/24/20©cutie_monbebe514
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