《The lonely wolf [bxb]》Finding out the truth



" s-so we have no other choice but to accept each other so Ryland can be ok?" I asked Andrea who nodded her head while looking between the mutt and I. I needed to stop calling him that, Lilliana already chastised me once within the short amount of time being here for calling him such a name.

" it's really up to the both of you though, but that's not what I'm here for. The important part is to find out why this is also affecting Ryland. It seems to be affecting him even more than you." I looked at my twin who was still unconscious on the bed next to me. The pain was slowly eating me alive, I could feel at times when my mind would drift, not knowing what was real or fake anymore. That was the beginning of what was to come and it was up to us to stop it.

" you are powerful, surely you must have seen why he's like that." Raina shot back as she glared at her aunt with despise written on her face. I wondered what that was all about.

" oh my dear niece, no need to be jealous because they chose me over you. I'm always one step ahead remember that. To answer your question yes I already know." I narrowed my eyes at the cunning witch, Andrea who had a smug look on her face, already guessing what was about to happen.

" you want something don't you?" Raina asked as she chuckled a little as if she was enjoying this.

" of course, I want something in return, what other witch, wizard, or warlock would do any sort of job for free? It's what I want would be a shock to all of you." Andrea turned to the mutt... um, Elias and pointed at him.


" I want permission to enter your pack. Your father owes me a great deal and I would like to collect." Why was she asking Elias for permission? there I said it. At least I was making progress right? Elias nodded his head as if agreeing with her. It seems as if it wasn't him, when he was brought to my room I could tell the difference from the scared and timid boy to the confident one that's there now. It somehow made me feel jealous.

" Elias is not just a werewolf, he doesn't have a rank because his powers are dormant. that means He is half warlock, half-werewolf." Andrea said as My eyes became wide as I looked at Elias who was letting out a silent laugh while shaking his head.

" this isn't funny by the way, I didn't come all the way here to make a mockery of." Elias stopped laughing while glaring at Andrea who shot him a glare as well.

" how else would you explain your previous situation? You should be in more pain than that but no it's a bit dull and it isn't because of my niece who you thought was helping you. Your warlock side also has healing power, meaning you will feel the pain a little less than they do." Andrea was trying her best to explain, given the fact that Elias found it funny and I for one found it hard to believe.

" no, you may not have the power of a warlock because that power was taken from you at a young age leaving you without a rank. That's why I want to visit your parents, to talk to them about it. But your soul already chose Ryker as your mate and when you rejected each other, your soul was left to wander alone until it found Ryland by mistake. Given the fact that you accepted Ryker's rejection in some way, your soul rejected Ryland because of the bond between them being twins. so that's why Ryland is feeling the pain ten times worse." I was still confused. Andrea wasn't making any sense as far as I know.


She was blabbering gibberish nonsense in hopes of getting us to understand but it wasn't working. Witches are so weird sometimes.

" aunt Andrea it's best if you stop confusing them further. Elias isn't from a warlock's background, I would have sensed that about him. He's what you call a normal wolf." Andra laughed as she rolled her eyes at Raina's input in all of this mess that was created.

" why do you think he's called the lonely wolf? Do you think it was because he was kicked out of his pack and on his own for years? No. He's called the lonely wolf because his soul as I know it is still not at peace. It's confused as to who to choose, being identical twins isn't helping him In this situation and quite frankly I'm tired of explaining to you all. You are too hard to teach. In the meantime thank you elders as well as Mr. And Mrs. Green for the gifts you have brought to me, I'll be off now." Andrea disappeared after her speech leaving nothing but a cloud of smoke behind.

I made a tsking sound as the pain was threatening to take over again. We didn't learn anything, only wasted our time with Andrea.

" what are the chances of her being right?" Samuel, who I have found out was Lilliana's mate asked as he looked at us.

" Elias tends to wander a lot like he is trying to find something. She said his soul was lost when you two rejected each other and mistakenly linked it to Ryland before the rejection happened which explains a lot." Samuel explain as I heard groans coming from Ryland as he struggled to talk, mom and dad ran over to him trying their best to comfort him.

Could it be true? Was this all our fault? There's no other choice, we have to accept each other in hopes of making this work. In hopes of finding out if Ryland is still Elias's second chance mate. Looking over at Elias I could see how hesitant he was, he didn't want to do this as much as I didn't. But it had to be done whether he liked it or not.

" I Ryker green of the dark sea pack accepts you, Elias, as my mate." Elias nodded his head while looking at Raina who seemed to understand what he wanted. My mind was once again taken over by his presence, but this time I didn't fight it because I knew what was going to come.

' I Elias Emerson accepts you Ryker green as my mate.' Everything seems to stop as our bond was back. The groans of pain coming from my brother eases as he seems to be feeling a lot better. I would do anything for them, no matter how stubborn I can get. My family always comes first and in this one fucked up situation, I had no other choice but to accept him. I'm just praying to the goddess that I can control myself around him because knowing me, I'll be the one to mess things up whether I want to or not.

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