《Beast love》chapter 28


"You are my girlfriend " i said with most clear voice.She was frowning and looking at me.I know her mind couldn't able to process what i said.There is no other way because that's the only way to keep her.To keep her as mine.Might be its selfish decision but who care.She's here with me that's all i want.

I am not give a flying fuck to anything.I will do anything in my power to have her,to cherish her,to protect her.

She is mine,all mine...

A knock on the door brought us out from our eye contact.She slowly diverted her gaze towards the door.Who dare to disturb us.

" come"

" My king,sorry to distu---" my omega spoke

"Cut the crap.Why are you here?"

My shirt clutch tightly.My mate looking at me with most feared expression and then at door.

What the matter

She still looking at my omega with some knowing look and her figure trembled.What happened to her

"shhh shhh angel nothing happened,its me" i soothed her with calm tone.she still not fazed by my words and looking at him.

I averted my gaze towards my omega.He had same look on his face,same knowing look.I asked him..

" you know her" i asked

He rooted at one place gawking on my mate.His gaze met mine and he nodded.That's mean my mate also know him.

"Angel,you know him"

My voice brought her from her own thoughtful world.she looked at me silently and opened her mouth to speak something but then close her mouth.Then she tried ..

" i-i- " my mate tried to speak something but nothing formed from her mouth

"ya angel try ya try"


I desperately told her.

" i-i don't rem-me-mer i-i" her eyes were filled with unshed tears.She touched her temple,painful expression crossed her mind.

"ok ok don't stress yourself,take rest angel" i spoke with her in purely baby tone to soothing her.I know she was struggling hard with her mind.

" I want to have a word with you,wait in my office " i said and he nodded....

" Lay down angel okk ,I will be coming in 2 minutes ,try to sleep "

" Laila laila i shouted and she was hurridly coming in room

"Yes my king"

" I need you to take care of your luna while i am gone for few minutes,If she need anything give her"I instructed her

"Yes yes my king" she bowed and stood at my mate's bedside.I bowed down to kiss my angel on forehead.

I make my way towards my office.I dont know how he know her.what relation they have.How they met.

"" drew whispered in my head.

I tensely mumble hmm at him.

I entered in my office and my omega standing waiting for me.He noticed my presence and bowed at me.I signal him to sit on chair.its going to be long talk because he know her.

I instantly throw questioned at him.

"How you know her " i asked with authority tone.

" My king,i know you are impatient.I understand your curiosity " he spoke

King impatiently watch him to answer him.

"Cut the crap andrian,tell me how you know her " i asked him fucking second time.

"My king,actually i dont know her personally.i just caught into few minutes while i see her."he spoke remembring something.

"I dont know she is your mate when i met her "


"where? " king impatiently asking him.

" At club,a few days ago i went in club into city " andrian spoke

"Her name is amelia " That sentence got drew growl in possessiveness,He know our mate's name.I calmed down drew in my head.

"Anything else you know about her?

How you got her name?

Tell me everything? "

I demanded and andrian know this was a drew's voice.His face show his fear.His legs trembling.

Then his mouth formed words.

" When i went in club,i saw her sitting at stool in drinking area.

Her face looked so innocent,she was a goddess if I ever know that she is my queen or your mate then I would never or ever try anything"

Andrian looked at king's furious expression,king raised his eyebrow to continue.Andrian gulped.He was so afraid of king's reaction.

"I asked her for dance with me,she was also drunk and ready for dance"

I growl at him how dare him to ask her to have a dance.Jealously over took at me to imagine my mate hand on another man's body.His hands on my mate.

I growled loudly.

Andrian face shook with pure fear.He nervously looked at king.

"I am sorry king,if I eve--"

Dominic cut his voice with his own " Continue "

"Then we danced and then i asked her name,we danced for few minutes and suddenly max mindlinked me about some rouges,i instantly came out from club and then they attacked me " andrian completed his all sentence in hurry.

I took a breath of relief.

That's it nothing serious matter.

" So after that, you met her anywhere?" i asked him to clear my doubt.

" No king,i saw her today as your mate" andrian bowed at me

"That's good to hear you can leave now and one thing, dont come close to my mate.I don't want to stress her over anything"

i whispered to him in demanding tone.

He nodded and left.

"Amelia Amelia " so beautiful name.Finally i got her real name.

Step by step,I am going to have her fully.

Drew voice ringed in my head.

"We got her name"


"I hope one day she will be ours"

Drew growl with pure possessiveness.


hello lovelies,

First of all, I am really sorry for late update.I was busy with some stuff.I had no time.

Now I am back.I will surely spoil you new updates.

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Until next time.bye

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