《Beast love》chapter-24


" I am sorry,she couldn't make it"he looked down and his shouldar sighed in defeat.

I stumble back on my place with two steps.My vision become already blurry,bit of salty taste in my mouth.Somebody hug me tight from behind,weep slowly.

" why are you crying" i mumble quietly.His watered eyes staring at me with defeat.The look of guilt was there.

" we lost her" he gulped and crying louldy.

No we couln't lost her.She is my mate how can she.No she don't betray me.

" no max,she is sleeping,saw there she is sleeping like an angel" i said and smiling at my angel.Her face looking pale than before.May be she need some food.She also need some rest,care,love and my affection.

" you heard what he said"Max again tried.

I became quiet.Nothing want to hear anything.

A sudden volt of pain pass through my body.

" ahhhhhhhhh........." a pain shoot through me like fire.My insides howling.A lot of pain is there in my body like someone pulling out something from me.My knees went week.My inner soul shook to the core and feeling empty.A whole new weird feeling slowly inserted into me.I feel like,I am falling deep down somewhere.

My vision clouded with darkness,couldn't able to process anything.My surrounding become blurry.

My mind process it that,it is not attack on me.The pain of bones crushing into tiny pieces.My mind go numb with sudden amount of pain.

The emotion of pain.

Drew also go restless.His strength give me courage to bear this.The strength that i needed most at that time.

My knees buckle,someone quickly catch me from falling.

And in next second,everything alright in my body.I look upward and my mind went crazy what happened to me while ago and drew confirm my doubt when a realization hit me...

I am sorry,she wouldn't make it

It means no. no .no. no .no

I rush towards her side and first thing caught my eye is her neck no sign,no fucking mark,nothing.

where i marked her.My finger shaking when i touch her neck,no sparks nothing.My bond with her just broke.Her body looking more pale than before.I couldn't able to find my voice.My eyes roam at her face.I took her into my arms and made her sit on my lap and engulf her tightly.

No.no.no,not with me.Not with drew.Not with us.My whole world crush into pieces in front of me.I am the witness here of my own crushing world.What i did to deserve this enormous pain.But my heart still don't want to accept it.

I lost in my never ending thoughts.

" open your eyes mate" drew take over me when i am not making any move,no response,she was lying in my arms peacefully.

He again command.


" open your eyes mate" at this time he's was shaking with rage inside.He is always calm when it come to our mate.But not now.His world falling down.His mate.

The wolf mate whom they love with no boundries.Whom they share their world.Share your misery,happiness.Mates tame your inner demon and satisfy them with just slight touch.Mate understand your feeling,no matter what other said or doing.She always standing with you in your every aspect of your life.

" call her....call her...fucking call her max,She is one who can save her."drew voice shaking with fury when our mate doesn't responding.His command didn't work because of our broke bond.

" wh-o's who's my king"

" ja-de jade" drew shouted.

Max thought for a second before responding.

" But I think,she wouldn't do anything about that" max couragely told truth with high risk of being punished.But he don't care,he is all ready to bear anything from his king.Because he is the behalf of this crime.

"Fucking call her max.my ordered" The finalty of drew voice shaked him and max complied.

Max better not tried to urgue,so he also hoped might be jade will do something.

Max mindlink jade and holding king's shouldar for support.Max knew drew never going to listen from anyone when it come to his mate.

After some minutes,a women come hurridly its jade..her eyes roam in the room and gaze fall on us.

" i know,i know something bad will going happen"she see and hurridly stand in front of me.

" doctor said,she is dead" max say and look at me.I growl how dare he.no she's not,she never leave me.I will never allow it any cost.

" my king please put her on bed,so i examine her" jade say worriedly,her face express total unsurity.

I hurridly lay down her on bed and jade took place of me.This time of my life is too much precious.

" my king,i request you to not hold her hand at this time" jade said nervously.

I nodd and step away from them and max stood behind me.

She open a old book and start chanting something in her mouth while holding my mate's hand.After some time,she open her eyes,but there was no movement in my mate's body.She is still laying,not moving.

" my king,her soul totally drain out from her body."she say while looking at my mate.

" bring her back,i know you can" i said impatiently and didn't realize what i was saying.

" but if i want,i can't" she said and like fighting for the right words.

" w-hy why" i scared and went suddenly pale.My hopes slowly vanished.

" I can't remove the curse" she said and a tear fall from her eyes.

" what curse" i couldn't able to understand.Which curse

" you were cursed a month ago before finding her" she continued


" she said:-

You will suffering like that when your soulmate die in front of you and you will be helpless and can't able to save her.

These words were familier to my ear but couldn't able to put it in right place,from where i heared.

A memory flashed in front of me.I remember a lady,her husband,their girl..


" plzz my king plzz leave my husband,he is dying, plzzz we will do anything you say plzz mercy on us.." wife of the old man pleaded like her life depend

on it.

" ehh lady sit on the floor and if u not then we have our lady which make you to sit" max (beta) said with harsh tone.

" i- i will sit J-just plzz leave us,i C-cant see my husband in blood.,P-plzz all i have is my husband and my little D-daughter" old man's wife stammered but kept her voice low.

Dominic has no expression on his face while watching it.He didn't even blink .He stands still and his man is standing there to just follow his orders.

" He betrayed our alpha,our supreme,our king and you are also responsible for it bcoz you are his wife" max said and stood beside king.

The lady stand up and drag her feet towards king(dominic).bcoz she is drench with blood,can't able to walk and they beat her badly and kept her little daughter without any food from past 2 days and they both bear their torture without any meal and any water.

That's the order of dominic.

She sits down on the floor near the king's feet and asking for his forgiveness with trembled lips.Dominic step away from lady like she was some disease.

And then king orders" kill both of them and" he pause" also their daughter bcoz i dont want their seed in this world"

Lady shocked what king ordered and stop crying.She know he had no heart but She never thought He punished their daughter without any fault. She just sat there like her world crashing down.She sat their numb Like somebody burn her alive.

King( dominic) turned around and starting walking towards the exit door.then lady spoke the words and left him shocked to hell...that one shocked expression came on king's face.

"you will suffering like that when your soulmate will be die in front of you and you will helpless and can't able to save her"


" There's any other way to save her" max ask her and sweat formed on his face.

" only one way but it may be not successful ,there is a lot of danger in it,we have to risk it any way".

" what way" i asked her in low tone.

" actually,we have to use your power with my power" she continued.

"when the werewolf power mix up with a witch power it make a


" and then a magical ball will formed if our luna's body taken it then her soul will come back,if that' s not happening then her body will scattered into pieces"

She finished and look at me for approval.The words slowly sink into me.

" My king,i think we have to do it anyways.if we don't then she will never come back,there's a chance" max said worriedly his eyes watered.My mind not functioning like it stop at the moment when she's gone.My thoughts haunting me continously.

May be she will come back to me.

May be she's not.

There is a debating in my mind into two thoughts.

If i never try then i will regret...

If i try then there's a hope..

If she' s not...

I gulp a lump into my throat and nod with heavy heart.

" I will do it for her,i will"

Then jade waste no time and take my hand and connect with her hand and starting recite.

Seconds passes into minutes,she is still reciting.I wait if that will working.

A huge wave of light come from my body and passes into her body and a huge ball come from her and hanging in front of us.

A large amount of light pierced into our eyes making them close.

That's a moment,that's a moment...

Then ball start moving towards my mate and my grip on her hand tight and i am about to take my hand.

" don't ,otherwise it will break" i nodded nervously.

I am on a edge of breaking point.

My mind go numb.Now,i have no courage to face this.I am not ready.The thoughts of to loose her scaring me to hell.

Then happened

The ball go inside her and inserted slowly into her body.

No movement from her,nothing.I fumble on my steps.1 minute had past.

we stand their with wide eyes.I frightened.

Her foot start bleeding.Blood ozing out continously.

I stumble,i know what that mean,the ball start scattering her and suddenly jade left my hand.My foot collapse on floor.I fell on floor like thud.

Tears refuse to come out now.My blood freeze.The feel of cold water place on your body continously.She is in extreme pain.Her body can't take this torture.

My own powers get heavy on her.I hate this power which also snatch everything from you.

The power which give you to rule all world and sit on your throne to watch everything.

The power satisfy your hunger of controlling everything.

But everything come into your life,it bought good or worst equally.You have to accept it no matter what.

"But in my life,it cost me everything".

I sat there watching her death which was caused by me.

Peoples said true that words wouldn't describe me.

I kill my mate with my own hand.The regrets sink into me making me hate myself.


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