《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 17: The Chess Pieces
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"Mr. Jackson is really starting to get on my nerves." Rowan vigorously clutched her glass, the red liquid inside sloshing back and forth.
I watched the movement, it reminded me of an ocean wave. Far away they looked gentle and calm, but as you neared closer they became more dangerous. Somewhat like vampires. From a distance, they could be a normal human being.
Zaylee took a large bite of her cheese pizza and replied while she was still in the middle of chewing. "How so?"
Rowan was fuming, her chocolate brown eyes turning darker by the second. "What the hell kind of Chemistry teacher gives his class a test on Friday and a hundred problems for homework during the weekend of Hallow's Eve?"
Today was Friday, everyone's favorite day of the week. I personally would've been thrilled that tomorrow was Saturday, except I dreaded going to the carnival in disguise. There was this emptiness in my stomach, a dead giveaway that something horrible was going to happen.
Yet, I told myself to suck it up and go anyway. For the sake of finding answers to all the questions I had.
"You're right. I'm so glad I don't have him this year for chemistry because he sounds like an awful teacher." Zaylee had a smug smile on her face, her gray eyes starting to glow as she rubbed it in.
Rowan narrowed her eyes at Zaylee, who I feared was pushing her luck. Having only known the both of them for a week, I have come to understand just how scary Rowan can be and how playful Zaylee is. I smiled widely, feeling a sense of normality wash over me.
Rowan glanced over at me and frowned. "Why are you smiling? You're in his class too! You should be agreeing with me!"
"I would, except I already finished his homework in Mrs. Neille's history class," I said trying not to sound proud. Even though I really was because it took me her entire class to finish the chemistry packet.
Rowan's eyes went wide and she lunged forward at me, her hands grabbing my shoulders. "Give me the answers."
She has this serious look in her eyes. One that made me stay completely still in my seat. My mouth clamped shut, afraid of saying something that would make her go berserk because there was no way in hell I was giving her the answers.
Zaylee laughed and set down her empty glass. "Do your own damn homework, Rowan."
Rowan sighed in defeat and let go of my shoulders. I let out a breath that had been trapped in my lungs. Her hands were so icy cold that I felt them through my blazer. The skin on my shoulders still burned even after she had released them.
The cafeteria was crowded with students and the chatter never seemed to end. I scanned the area for a table in particular and was disappointed when I saw that it was once again empty. I frowned, Rowan and Zaylee seemed to notice.
"You're staring at their table again." Zaylee pointed out, bringing my attention back to them.
I fiddled with the hem of my skirt, a sheepish smile tugged at my lips. My eyes darted between Rowan and Zaylee, not sure which vampire to look at. The playful atmosphere starting to disappear along with my dignity.
"Was I?" I asked, already aware of the fact that I had indeed been staring at their empty table.
Rowan nodded her head, a worried look on her facial features. "Yeah, you were. Nothing has happened between you and their group has there?"
A flashback of events were stimulated by her question. A lot of things had happened between Carson and I. He had found out my secret yesterday and I wasn't so anxious to see him in my next class. Would he react to me differently? I wasn't sure.
"No, not really." I tried to play it off, hoping one of them would change the topic of discussion.
Both of them shared unsure glances and sometimes I really wished I hadn't sucked at lying. I hated having to lie, but that's all I seemed to be doing lately. Each time I did, the uneasiness inside my chest grew larger and larger.
"If you say so, Saige. It's just you've been acting a bit strange as of late." Zaylee's playful mood had turned serious.
I bit my lip, a lot of people had been saying that to me. Was I really acting that strange? I didn't think so, but I was beginning to doubt myself. This week had been so stressful that I was hardly getting any sleep. So much has happened that it was hard to keep track.
"Have I? Sorry guys, it must be that I'm still not used to my new surroundings." I shrugged, using my transfer here as an excuse for my odd behavior.
Rowan had a look of understanding as she stared at me. "Most people who weren't born in Wintercrest are that way."
"Yeah, the newly changed tend to act differently than those born into vampirism," Zaylee added as if she had experienced someone like that first-hand.
Sometimes I forget the small detail that the both of them have been vampires since birth. I glanced at the nearly full glass of red liquid that rested by my tray of uneaten food. It's been difficult for me to adjust to their unique lifestyle. Though, I will forever refuse to drink blood.
"Who were the last fledglings to move into town, Zaylee?" Rowan suddenly pondered, dragging me back into reality.
Zaylee's eyes suddenly widened and she snapped her pale fingers. "It was the King twins, right? Harley and Hadlee?"
I stared at the both of with complete shock. Harley and Hadlee weren't born into vampirism? Instinctively, I glanced at where the twins sat for lunch every day.
Does that mean they had been ripped from the human world and forever stuck in this one? I suddenly felt sadness take over my mind, my eyes threatened to release tears.
Ever since that one afternoon Harley gave me a ride, he's been awfully quiet toward me. Had I done something wrong? I wasn't sure. Whenever I bring it up, he just shakes his head and walks away.
I wish we could have continued the tutoring sessions. Though, that first time Nolan basically tried to kill me before I could even meet with Harley.
I bet the grade in my Pre-Cal class has really gone off the deep end.
"Although, no one is really sure that Hadlee is a vampire. She apparently never drinks blood and always visits the nurse." Rowan said, her words had a bit of a curious edge to them.
I remembered when I met Hadlee, she had visited the nurse my first day here at this academy. She seemed awfully sick, but there was something about her that made her seem human-like. Something in my gut that told me I could trust her.
Was she human like me?
"Speaking of people who never drink blood," Zaylee gave me a pointed look and I glanced at my glass. "Aren't you going to finish that?"
I sheepishly chucked and shook my head. My fingers discreetly pushed the glass even further away from me. There was no way I was ever going to drink something so disgusting. It might be essential to them, but I wasn't about to start.
Rowan had a deep frown on her face and she pushed the glass back toward me. "You haven't drunk anything all week."
"I have, just not here," I said slowly, trying to ease away their suspicions. "Where does this school even get their blood?"
Zaylee raised her eyebrow at me as if I was supposed to know the answer to that already. "The company provides the school and every store with blood supplies. The blood isn't even human."
I let out a small gasp and stared at the both of them with wide eyes. It wasn't even human blood they were drinking? That doesn't make any sense because they had talked about their favorite blood types on Monday. For god's sake, Reece's favorite was my own blood type!
"Of course not, that's why our aging process hasn't stopped. It's animal blood we drink." Rowan informed me, a confused look on her face. "Supposedly, the different animal blood types taste weak compared to a human's."
Zaylee lifted her empty glass and turned it upside down. "Fledglings, who are vampires under the age of eighteen, must attend all stages of a human school. When they graduate, they receive human blood for the first time which unlocks their full adult vampire potential."
I felt my face flush and I realized how much larger this hidden society operated. The vampires I'm attending school with aren't even full vampires! If they aren't allowed to have human blood, at least that means I'm not in any immediate danger.
Then again, there's no telling how they would react when they found out.
"What about the fledgling vampires who drink human blood before they graduate?" I blurted out the question that was on my mind.
Rowan's lips tightened into a thin line as she gave an unsure glance to Zaylee. "Well, it's very difficult for one to. The company oversees who enters and who leaves the town. No unauthorized vampires are allowed to leave due to the possibility of our race being exposed."
"Last year though, one fledgling had escaped through the system and broke the rules. When they found him, it was rumored he had drunk human blood. He never returned to school." Zaylee said with a grim expression.
My stomach turned and I felt extremely uncomfortable. Just what was this company? I sensed that I had heard the word before like it had been mentioned to me.
Then it hit me like a brick to the face, my mother worked for a company that I knew very little about. But it couldn't possibly be the same company.
My mother would never work for a such a place.
"I am curious though," Rowan looked at me as she played with her brown hair. "This information was supposed to be given to you after you transformed."
One small problem, Rowan. I never went through this change that you speak of, but I couldn't tell her that. Why? It wasn't like she was allowed to drink my blood but that doesn't mean she wouldn't.
As much as I hate to admit that they're supernatural beings, I still can't completely trust them.
There are still adult vampires living in this town. Who knows what would happen if word got out a human girl was attending Wintercrest Academy!
I really hate my mother for putting me in this predicament because I'm not even sure if it was intentional or not anymore.
"Oh? I guess I forgot." I looked away from the two of them, ashamed of not being able to trust them. But could you blame me?
I remembered how Carson reacted yesterday. He was shocked and his eyes had turned such a deep crimson. I was scared for my life when I saw his fangs peek out from his mouth. Then instead of sucking my blood like I anticipated, he whispered something in my ear.
"Never take it off."
My hand instinctively went up and clutched the small pendant that hung from my neck. He was basically saying I couldn't trust anyone with my secret. It wasn't safe to let the vampires know I was human. Carson was trying to protect me. I think.
My eyes immediately glanced at the empty table across the cafeteria. Rowan and Zaylee had mentioned that his group rarely showed up to eat lunch at their table. That it was odd for them to be there my first day attending this school.
I have to find Carson and ask him all the hundreds of questions I have. If I remembered correctly, they said his group was rumored to hang out in one of the school classrooms. With a large intake of air, I stood up from my seat.
"I'm going use the restroom," I announced to Rowan and Zaylee, both of them raising their dark brows at me.
They nodded their heads simultaneously and I took that as my cue to leave. Maneuvering my way in between the circular lunch tables, I made it to the gray double doors that excited the cafeteria.
The hallways were empty, completely deserted and void of any life. It was the stillness and quietness that made me feel uneasy, but at the same time, it was relaxing. I could think a lot more clearly when I wasn't constantly surrounded by vampires.
I suddenly realized I had no clue which classroom Carson's group hung out in. There was a chance I could find the right room, but lunch was about to end soon so I didn't have much time. Picking up my pace, I glanced at each of the empty rooms.
Most the doors were closed and the lights were off inside, making each room a bit more creepily empty. There was no way I could search the entire school before third-period classes started.
I picked up my jogging pace and wondered why I was so anxious to find him. All the new information I had received made my head spin with questions. Did I think he would have the answers or that he would even tell me?
A glimpse of light caught my eye and I came to a halt. One of the classroom doors was resting just a bit open, a sliver of light peeking out from inside. I crept toward the classroom and saw that the room was indeed not empty.
I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't imagining it. Carson stood in the center of the room, Theo and Sebastian accompanied him.
The atmosphere was tense between the three of them as if they were having a difficult time deciding which chess piece to move next.
"The situation has become even more complicated than before." Carson let out a frustrated sigh as he slammed his hands down on one of the desks.
I could barely see through the crack of the classroom door, but it was just enough to see the three of them. Sebastian had a serious frown on his face as he sat slouched in a nearby desk. Theo was standing with his arms folded across his chest, wearing a stoic expression.
"How much more complicated?" Sebastian asked, sitting up straighter in his seat.
Carson clenched his teeth and looked as if it pained him to keep his mouth shut. "Enough to completely change the game. I miscalculated Saige's interference in this."
My eyes widened at the mention of my name. Was he talking about yesterday? When he found out that I was a human and not a vampire? My heart pounded loudly against my rib cage and I was afraid that the three of them would hear it.
"Her interference? Carson, you're avoiding the question. How has Saige changed the game?" Theo stepped closer to Carson, the cheerfulness I was used to was no longer present.
Carson narrowed his eyes and I noticed how his fists had tightened by his side. "Just, trust me on this."
My heart fluttered when I realized that Carson hadn't told his closest friends that I was human. He was keeping me safe by not telling them my secret. My face began to burn and I suddenly felt that I could trust him for once.
"Why can't you tell us?" Sebastian jumped up from his seat, his slender body starting to shake with rage.
I stood up from my crouched position and turned my back to the classroom door. I was prepared to walk away, knowing that I wasn't going to get the answers I wanted today. Before I could even take a step back toward the cafeteria, I heard Carson's deep voice speak again.
"Let's just say that Saige is no longer just a pawn in this game," Carson said with much seriousness in his tone. "She has become the queen."
• • • • •
I wiped my forehead, my arm becoming wet and sticky from the amount of sweat. The scene before me was less than beautiful. It was completely disastrous and I wanted to laugh my ass off.
"You goddamn idiots!" Waverly screeched at a group of students who had accidentally spilled green paint all over one of the precious decorations.
Waverly's green eyes held a fury I didn't want to mess with, but it was hilariously fun to watch her lash out at other people. Her blonde hair was put up into a perfect bun and I couldn't help but feel a bit envious of how neat it looked.
"Calm down, Waverly," Reece spoke up from across the gym.
I tensed up and tried to not to glance his way. Somehow I had successfully managed to avoid him all day. Nolan's deal that I was forced into still had me shaking to my core. All I had to do was stay away from Reece, and Carson wouldn't get caught.
Waverly turned her rage toward Reece and I felt a bit sorry for him. "Calm down? Calm down? The Hallow's Eve Carnival is tomorrow night and we aren't even close to being done!"
Well, she was right. I was sitting down on the hardwood floors painting small decorative pumpkins. Which was taking a painfully long time and I wish I could go home. Even though a couple of other classes had volunteered to help out, it would still take a few more hours to completely finish.
"We'll get done in time, Wave." Reece held a paintbrush in one hand and I winced slightly when he gave her a nickname. "Each group is almost halfway done with their project."
I glanced at the mountain of unfinished pumpkins I had left to paint and snorted. Halfway my ass. A sigh escaped my lips and I studied the different activities that the carnival would have. Zaylee had brought multiple bags of candy which she was putting in colorful bowls.
My eyeball cookies, which I somehow managed to bake enough in one night with minor casualties, were wrapped up on one of the dessert tables. All the food was going to be opened up when the party started tomorrow night.
I wasn't quite sure what Reece brought exactly, but I knew it wasn't something I was going to eat. After all, he decided to make the blood-filled pastries. Waverly was supposed to bring candy as well, but I'm not so sure she ever did.
"Has anyone heard the how much progress the haunted house group has made?" Waverly called out the groups of students setting up stations of games.
It was decided that the haunted house attraction would be set up in a nearby classroom since there was almost no room left in the gym thanks to Waverly's detailed planning. I was somewhat curious what type of attraction the group had set up.
The chatter and voices of multiple people responding to her question all became background noise to me. I continued with making small strokes of orange paint on the pumpkins, determined to finish before midnight.
"Saige?" Reece's voice called out to me and he sounded rather really close to me.
I fought the urge to look up at him and continued with my slow progress. Just ignore him and he'll go away. At least that's what I thought before I saw his shoes approach me out of the corner of my eye.
Someone poked me on my head and I knew it had to be Reece. "Are you ignoring me?"
I stayed completely still, afraid to make any movement that would give away my intention to keep silent. Guilty thoughts racked my brain and I tried to let it go. Reece had been avoiding me just the other day.
All of sudden, I felt a strong and cold hand lift me from my sitting position. I dropped the paintbrush as I was dragged away from my workstation. Damn! How was I ever supposed to finish when I kept getting interrupted?
I felt the stares of some of the other students as Reece dragged me halfway across the gym. My eyes followed the back of his head as he pulled me through the exit and into the empty hallway.
"Alright, answer me. Why are you ignoring me?" Reece stopped, but his icy hand kept its grip on my arm.
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