《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 15: Making A Deal
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I believe I am cursed to have very bad luck.
School today so far has been awful. It's Thursday, which means I have one day left until the Hallow's Eve Carnival. And tomorrow I have to stay after school to help prepare with Zaylee, Waverly, Reece, and other classmates.
Luckily, it's almost the end of the day. Though everyone still seems to be on edge. For example, Nolan didn't even bother me at all during Chemistry class. He just glared at me the whole time.
Harley seems to be ignoring everyone, especially me. Every time I make eye contact with him, he just walks the other way. Hadlee seems to be down in the dumps and she looks sick again.
Honestly, I think everyone except Rowan and Zaylee are avoiding me. Why is that such a bad thing? Don't I want them to leave me alone so I don't get eaten?
I don't know. It just feels kind of lonely when you think everyone is avoiding you. Even though they're vampires, for once in the past few years I've had more people to talk to than before.
Now that I got a taste of semi-friendships, I want it back. Though that sounds kind of pathetic and desperate. I think Zaylee and Rowan noticed my internal conflict during our conversation at lunch.
They asked whether I was going to the Hallow's Eve Carnival or not. I told them I was and that brought up the topic of costumes. I completely forgot about that small detail.
"Come on! You need a costume! That's the whole point of going to a Hallow's Eve party!" Both Zaylee and Rowan insisted.
I shrugged and kind of tuned out their conversations to start worrying about what I was going to do. What if Carson or Sebastian see me there? I don't want them to be mad at me.
Maybe I'll look for a costume when I go out to get groceries. Wait— does this town even have a costume store? If not, I'm so screwed. Well, I was screwed from the beginning anyway.
"Why does life have to be so difficult?" I groaned while walking down the hallway.
I was headed towards my last class. So far every day, I've gotten lost and ended up being late. This is the only class I have with Theo or Sebastian. If you remember, it's Physical Education with Coach Woods.
I involuntarily shuddered. Just thinking about having to put on that smelly gym uniform makes me want to puke. I mean why can't-
"Come with me." A familiar deep voice quickly whispered in my ear.
A cold hand gripped my arm tightly and began pulling me forward. My body was frozen and my heart began pounding so hard, I thought my ribs were going to break.
My body felt numb and there was no power in me to resist the dark-haired boy pulling me along with him. Why him? What does he want now?
All I see are those red eyes looking down at me.
I can't even think of his name without having those flashbacks. Will he hurt me again? I'm scared. I'm afraid of closing my eyes. That makes it all the more real for me.
"No-No-Nolan! Whe-Where are yo-you take-taking me?" I was barely able to force myself to stutter out.
Nolan turned his head and glared at me over his shoulder. "Stop dragging your feet and come on."
I hadn't realized how much of my weight he was pulling. My legs were so numb I didn't even notice. Forcing my shaking feet to move, I swallowed the large lump of fear in my throat.
Nolan pulled me past the gym doors, where I needed to go to for my last class. I saw a glimpse of Theo chatting with other students inside through the small window on the large doors. All I could do was try and send him a mental message.
Help me.
Nolan was gripping my arm enough to make me grimace in pain. He pulled me down a separate hallway where no one really walked by. There was almost nothing on this side of the school except the gym.
Suddenly, Nolan pushed my arm in front of him which made me stumble forward with the force. My breathing was starting to become shaky.
"Wh-What ar-are yo-" I didn't get to finish before Nolan took a threatening step forward.
I tried to shrink back farther away from him into my invisible shell. Why couldn't he just leave me alone like he had during class? I couldn't think of anything that I had done to make him hate me.
"Where'd you get it?" He asked through gritted teeth.
I looked at him with wide eyes. "I don't kn-know what yo-you're talking ab-about."
My heavy breathing was the only sound between our silence. Nolan's stormy gray eyes were glaring at me. I didn't understand what he'd meant. Where did I get what?
Nolan sighed and looked away from me, my heart temporarily stopping. He glanced back at me, the anger in his eyes slightly softening. He stepped forward so quickly I had no time to react.
His hand reached for my throat and I choked on my words. I closed my eyes, hoping that if he was going to kill me that he'd do it quickly. When he didn't grab my neck, I timidly peeked open my eyes to see him holding the necklace in front of my face.
"Where did you get it?" His voice came out as a growl this time.
Nolan had bent down a bit to meet my height. We were almost eye-to-eye. I gulped loudly, catching his attention to my throat for a second. I opened my mouth to speak, but what was I supposed to say?
"I-I...don't know." I mumbled quietly.
Nolan narrowed his eyes and gripped the necklace, pulling me even closer to him. "Where did you get it?"
"I don't know!" I shouted and squeezed my eyes shut.
Being so close to him sent my nerves into overdrive. My heart was beating so fast that I couldn't stand it anymore. His face was too close to mine and I didn't like it. It was scary.
I felt Nolan let go of the necklace and it thumped quietly against my chest. I peeked open my eyes to see him take a step back. He sighed and gripped his hair tightly. I watched as his muscles tensed up.
"Damn it." He looked at me again, his eyes filled with frustration. "You really don't know where it came from?"
I slowly shook my head and looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, I just found it."
That was a bit of a lie. I knew where it came from and I've been trying to give it back to Carson ever since. I have no idea where he got it though. But why does Nolan want to know so badly?
"Are you sure no one gave it to you?" He stared at me, looking to see my reaction.
He's trying to find the truth in my eyes. I'll admit that I stiffened slightly when he asked who I got it from. Should I tell him? I doubt I should since there is such strong tension between them.
"No one gave it to me." I denied his question.
Nolan watched me for a second and I felt sweat trickle down the back of my neck. He folded his arms across his chest and raised his eyebrow at me.
"You're lying." He stated.
Crap, he saw through me. "No, I'm not."
"Will you tell me who it is?" Nolan's gray eyes turning stormy.
I can't tell him. I can't tell him it was Carson who dropped the necklace. I'm afraid that if I do, then a full out war would commence between Carson and Reece. It's obvious that they're not friends.
"No," I mumbled quietly and averted his intense gaze.
A few moments of silence passed which made me look up. Nolan stepped closer and I instinctively took a step back. When his pace towards me quickened, I stumbled back into something very solid.
Turning my head slightly, I cursed under my breath when I realized I hit a dead end. I was backed up against a concrete wall. My breath hitched when Nolan was close enough to place both his hands on either side of my head.
I tried to shrink away, but I was afraid to move. Nolan leaned in close and I could see the threatening glare in his eyes. I turned my chin away from him, pushing my back as far I could against the wall.
"Fine. If you don't tell me, then make a deal with me." Nolan's warm breath fanned my face.
I bit my lip to keep myself from moving. "A deal?"
"You must stay away from Reece at all costs. No matter what he says, do not get involved with him."
Nolan said darkly. It sent a chill up my spine.
I gulped, not understanding. "And in return?"
"I won't tell anyone you stole the necklace." Nolan grinned widely at me.
He wasn't making any sense. Stay away from Reece? If he hates Carson, wouldn't he want me on his side? I'm just getting even more confused. There has to be a reason he doesn't want me around Reece.
I watched as Nolan removed his hands from the wall and away from my head. He took a step back and turned away from me. He walked forward and for a few seconds, I could only stare at his retreating figure.
"Wa-Wait!" I stepped forward and away from the wall. "What do you mean by I stole the necklace?"
Nolan stopped and turned to look at me, a playful smile on his face. "Whoever gave it to you, stole it."
I stood there, unsure of how to process his words. Carson stole the necklace? Who did he steal it from? How come it sounded so unbelievable, yet believable at the same time? I'm not sure how to feel about this.
Nolan only smiled like he knew something I didn't and started to walk down the hall again. His footsteps echoed off the walls. I could only watch him walk away, leaving me even more confused than ever.
"I don't understand anything anymore," I whispered quietly to myself.
At the end of the hall, I heard Nolan give a small chuckle. "Stay away from Reece and I won't tell a soul."
It was completely silent after he said that. His words kept repeating in my head. Who am I supposed to trust? I feel like I've been spun around multiple times like cotton candy.
I really shouldn't think about this right now. That ass Nolan has made me extremely late for gym class. I need to worry about how many extra laps I'll have to do for Coach Woods.
Pushing all my questions and fears towards the back of my mind, I take a step forward. I slowly begin to pick up my pace and leave that hallway behind. If I remember correctly, the gym doors we passed should be here somewhere.
When I spot the rusting, large metal doors I sigh in relief. I'm ready for this school day to be over with. I don't think I've been so stressed about school during the course of a week. And it's not even due to nonexistent homework.
I peeked through the small rectangle glass window and felt my heart drop. Theo was laughing with a group of guys and passing around a basketball. The problem with that, it means they finished their laps.
Taking a deep breath to prepare myself for the scolding I was going to get, I put my hand on the handle and opened the very loud squeaky door. I walked through and let the door slowly shut behind me.
The very chaotic and noisy gym suddenly went quiet when all eyes had their attention on me. I gulped and stood frozen where I stood, waiting for the students to go back to their sports.
"Morris! You're thirty minutes late!" Coach's booming voice drew my attention to the left side of the gym.
Well damn, I didn't think I was that late. "Sorry...Coach."
"Drop your bag and start running triple the regular amount of laps." He yelled, adjusting the baseball cap on his head.
I could only gape at him, unsure of what to say. Triple the regular amount? That's insane! I'm no marathon runner. I can barely do the normal amount without passing out.
"Ri-Right now? In my uniform? Can't I go change real quick-" I tried to reason, though it was almost impossible since he was so stubborn.
"Yes, right now. You won't have enough time to finish the laps if you change. So, hurry up and go!" Coach demanded and turned around to walk off the court.
I gritted my teeth and looked at the students staring at me eagerly. I caught Theo's eyes and saw an emotion I didn't like receiving. Pity.
How was I supposed to run laps in a skirt and flats? This is insane. Swallowing what little dignity I had left, I dropped my backpack to the hardwood floor. It landed with a loud thud.
Sighing, I started my awkward jog and felt all of the students' eyes following me. I couldn't bear to look at Theo as I passed by them. This is really humiliating.
I heard someone's footsteps race up beside me and I felt a presence next to me. Taking a chance, I looked to my left and saw someone unexpectedly jogging next to me.
"You already did your laps." I breathed out.
Theo grinned down at me. "So? A few extra laps doesn't matter to me."
"But this is my punishment, not yours," I stated and rounded a corner.
Theo only continued to grin and jog next to me. Though I said that, I'm really glad he's jogging the laps with me. It makes me feel less lonely. Some of the students were whispering and looking at the two of us weirdly.
I caught Hadlee's eyes as she gave me an unsure look. She was standing away from the small groups of students mingling in the center of the gym. I looked at the students, trying to find Sebastian.
I found out he was in this gym class as well yesterday. I wouldn't of have known if I hadn't had met him two days ago. He hangs out with Theo and plays with the basketballs.
"Just let the guy run with you. He's doing you a favor." A second person joined my jogging party.
I looked to my left side and smiled when I saw Sebastian jogging with us as well. He smiled at me. The humiliation I was feeling earlier starting to disappear. Though, I'm still jogging in a skirt and flats.
"Thanks, guys," I whispered, even though I knew they heard me.
Theo reached out and ruffled my hair. "We got your back Saige."
Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I felt my face flush. I'm not sure if it was from Theo's comment or the fact I was basically panting on my second lap. I'm just out of shape.
"Saige, when you entered the gym you looked a bit shaken. Did something happen?" Sebastian suddenly asked, making my happy mood disappear.
I shook my head and breathed out. "Nothing important happened."
I didn't want to lie. I caught Theo and Sebastian give one another a glance. I knew they wouldn't believe me, but I wasn't about to tell them Nolan basically attacked me twice.
"If you say so," Theo said unsurely as we finished our third lap.
I was panting like crazy while both guys were breathing steadily. As I studied both tall boys jogging on either side of me, a thought came to mind. I need to know if Theo is in on it as well with Carson and Sebastian.
"Are both of you guys going to the Carnival?" I asked in one quick breath.
Theo and Sebastian glanced at each other again like earlier. Then they both simultaneously looked down at me. I tried to catch some sort of reaction in their eyes.
"Yeah, we're both going," Sebastian said, looking at me expectantly.
"But you're not going Saige, right?" Theo asked, confirming my suspicions.
I nodded my head. "I'm not going."
Theo and Sebastian both looked relieved. It actually stung my heart a little at their reaction. All three of them were in on not letting me go. Of course, I lied about not going. I'm definitely going, but they didn't need to know that.
"Is Carson going?" I asked, catching both of their attention again.
Theo smiled. "He's going this year."
I nodded my head, beginning to feel exhausted and sweaty. What lap are we on? I don't even remember. My heart was pounding hard in my chest.
I have this gut feeling that my heart doesn't hurt because of the running. In the back of my mind, I know it aches because I want to see Carson.
And I don't know why.
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★ @within_days
★ : @within_days
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Hello guys!!!!! This is Chubby!!! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟWell this book is a completed book and due to some own reasons got deleted. But now as all readers want to reread it again.... So I'm publishing it again!!! Mew Suppasit.......CEO of Jongcheevat enterprises. Rich🤑, Handsome💋, Fun loving😃, Flirty boy😏, Sexy🥵, Everyone is ready to spread their legs for him🔥, A playboy😎, Charming😍, Never care about anyone's feeling😒. Selfish🙄..... but when it's comes to his loved ones, he can do anything for them🥰. Hardworking🤓. Gulf Kanawut..... just an employee on Jongcheevat enterprises, who never comes under Mew's charm....yet.Silent😞, Sweet☺, Caring🥰, Broken💔, Respect everyone🙏🏻, Naive🙂, Hardworking🤓, but due to some incident, he can't easily trust anyone😔😔 except his besties mild🤪 and champ😋. Workaholic😎....most importantly SINGLE DAD👨🏻YES, Gulf was a single dad. He has a son name Type kanawut 👦🏻. Gulf is a rare case in which he can give birth😍😇. But no support from his husband🙁🙁, Marky... Why???You will get the answer soon.. 😉What will happen when the fun loving flirty rich playboy will fall for a broken and alone single dad????Will Mew accept Gulf and his son Type? 🤔🤔Will he LOVE HIM TILL THE END???😍😍 or.... 😲😲Let's find out together.... AGAIN! This is a republishing book! Hope you all will enjoy again!!
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