《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 13: Reece's Genius Brain
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They tasted salty.
Nothing about her tears tasted sweet. I could still picture her terrified expression as the tears streamed down her cheek and landed on my knuckle.
Why was she so scared? She looked as if she was about to die then and there. Trust me, if I could have ended her I would of. Why? Simple. I dislike like her and all the new transformed students that come in.
Saige, I think that was her name, for some reason has pissed me off more than the other normal transformed. Maybe it's the way she looks, wearing such an innocent face all the time.
But something about the way she looked at me as I pinned her against the bookshelf has got me confused. All I was doing was merely threatening her, I wasn't going to attack her.
I would have gotten in serious trouble if I had. I'm supposed to be a role model for my father and the school. They both care too much about personal reputation.
I stared at my hand that had held her mouth. Just imagining her fragile face has me tightly clenching my fists. It couldn't be possible, but I'm wondering if the school had a slip-up and accidentally let another human in.
It sounded ridiculous, but it could be a possibility of explaining why she has been acting differently. Nervous, confused and scared. Transformed do not usually have such strong emotions.
"Damn it!" I cursed loudly and slammed my fist down on top of what I think was a classroom desk.
I watched in frustration as the small, square desk cracked in half. The wood splitting down the middle instantly in a jagged way. Though surprisingly, the desk didn't collapse completely.
In a second, I stood up from where I was sitting and turned my back to the broken desk. Reece raised his eyebrow at me and took a large gulp from his drink.
"What the hell is your problem?" He asked once he finished setting down his empty glass.
Lunch period was almost over and I wasted more time messing with Saige than meeting Reece at our usual place. The only reason we went to the cafeteria the other day was that he wanted to check out the new student.
"Nothing you need to worry about," I growled out through gritted teeth.
Reece grinned at me and raised his hands up in defense. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Just asking what's got you so pissed off." Reece jumped up from his chair.
I sighed and ran a hand through my short hair. By the look on his face, I could tell he'd already figured out the answer to his question. There was no need for me to explain.
Turning my attention away from Reece, I fell back into the chair I was originally sitting in. This classroom was one we used often to eat lunch in. I thought it was much better than the noisy cafeteria.
"What plan are you stirring up in that screwed up brain of yours?" I slightly smirked, noticing the way his eyes lit up.
Reece uncrossed his arms and put one hand on the left side of his chest. "I'm wounded by the way you insult my genius brain."
I watched as he grinned wider, sarcasm-laced within his words. I rolled my eyes and dropped my smirk. The only entertainment I get around this boring school is by going along with Reece's plans.
"Genius my ass." I scoffed.
Reece stepped closer to one of the desks nearby where I was sitting. He hopped on top of it and sat facing me. He began making hand gestures, signaling to me that he was about to tell me his plan.
"Well Saige, the new girl, has become an interest of mine." Reece grinned at me and I raised my brow suspiciously. "Not as a romantic interest, if that's what you were thinking."
I tilted my head and slightly narrowed my eyes at him. "No matter what way you're looking at her, I still dislike what you're about to say."
"At least let me finish my plan before you try to veto it." Reece rolled his eyes.
I sighed and gestured for him to continue his plan. He sees Saige as a chess piece, like how he sees everyone. I'd rather prefer she not get involved in Reece's vendetta mission.
"I want Saige to join our side. I've set up a good start for me. You— well, you've already screwed up on your part." Reece beamed, causing me to narrow my eyes.
I clicked my tongue in annoyance. His true side only comes out when he starts to initiate his plans. I do not want Saige to join our side, not because I want to help her. Definitely not that. I don't want her to interfere, no matter what Reece might think.
"I'm against it," I stated and crossed my arms over my chest.
Reece sighed, the gleam still in his eyes. "I figured you'd say that, but think about it. If we get her on our side, then we can swoop in and crush Carson."
I stood up, trying to intimidate him. "No. There are other ways to go through with crushing him."
Reece gritted his teeth when he realized I wasn't going to give in. He slowly stood up from his sitting position on the desk. I narrowed my eyes at him and he mimicked my expression.
"I've already got this planned out. Trust me, that asshole will be done by the end of this semester." Reece clenched his fist, his eyes threatening to turn red.
Without another word, I took a step back. Reece's expression turned back to his earlier grin. Though I was giving in, I wasn't going to give up. I was going stop Saige from joining us at any cost.
"Do what you want," I stated coldly.
Reece nodded his head at me. "Glad you're on board with me."
"Just explain the plan before I change my mind and walk out of this room," I growled, becoming increasingly impatient and irritated.
Reece crossed his arms over his chest and resumed his spot on top of the desk behind him. I collapsed back down in the chair I was sitting in a few seconds ago.
"It's simple. We start with getting the closest student to her on our side."
I raised my brow in confusion. She hasn't made many friends that I was aware of. Of course, I don't really bother to pay attention to her. Just make her life a living hell in Chemistry class.
"Is it one of those two girls that she hangs around?" I asked trying to figure out who he could be referring too.
"No, no. It's that one twin, the boy. Harley." Reece shook his head.
"Twin? The one with the sister?" I tried to confirm.
"Yeah, she has that blood condition or whatever."
I narrowed my eyes at him. "How do you even have that information? Only workers from the company could possibly have known that."
Reece gave me a blank look, and then the small smirk appeared on his face. The only reason I would know about the sister's condition is that my father's work has that information. Not that I should know about it anyway.
"I know some people. Now, back to why he's important in recruiting Saige." Reece changed the subject. "If we can blackmail him into joining our side, it will make it easier to get Saige with us."
Then it clicked. All the pieces of the puzzle finally starting to come together. How he thought of this with so much detail, I'm not quite sure. Sometimes that brain of his is really screwed up.
"You want to blackmail Harley into joining us with information on his sister? I don't know if he'll buy it." I was not gonna give up on letting Saige interfering.
"An easy solution. Give him until the Hallow's Eve carnival to think about. That way the pressure will surely get to him and he'll give in." Reece grinned as the lunch bell rang, signaling it was time for our third class.
The silence between us was interrupted by the muffled noises outside the classroom as the hallway filled up with students. I stood up from the chair I was sitting in and Reece stood up as well.
I looked once more at the broken desk I had hit out of anger as Reece collected his empty glass. We both walked towards the classroom door and he stopped right before it. He turned to face me.
"Also, not only do I know about Harley's sister, I know that a few weeks ago the company lost some pretty valuable items. Not that it matters to me or anything." Reece smirked at me and I frowned deeply.
Reece turned back towards the door and opened it, the voices of students suddenly sounded louder than before. He stepped out into the hallway and joined the sea of students.
Whoever he's had to contact with was giving away important Intel on the company. Someone's being a mole and that's not a good thing. I'm not sure there would be anything I could do. Reece won't give up that information.
The mention of valuable items brings something back to mind. When I had Saige pinned, I noticed she was wearing a silver-chained necklace. Normally, I wouldn't think anything of it except the fact it strikingly resembles something important I know of.
I'll have to confront her about to confirm some of the suspicions I have after Reece and I deal with Harley. I have an idea about how to keep Saige from getting involved. Let's just hope Reece doesn't find out about it.
I entered the crowded hallway and made my way to my third class. I had a feeling that after school is when Reece will want to 'talk' to Harley.
Her black hair rested at about the middle of her back.
I stood by the double doors in the hallway that led to the parking lot of the school. Through the door's small windows, I could see Saige standing outside with the twin sister.
Annoyed at myself for staring at her, I glanced over my shoulder and spotted Reece immediately. He gave Waverly a quick kiss on her cheek before catching up to me while I continued to wait.
"Where is he?" Reece asked once he came up behind me.
I nodded my head towards farther down the hallway where Harley was approaching us and the doors. Reece looked at me and gave a smile of approval.
"Let's get this over with." I sighed.
Reece and I made our way down the hallway away from the double doors. Students passed us in the opposite direction, the way I wish I could be going.
As we approached Harley, Reece stopped in the middle of the path he was walking. It took a few seconds for Harley to look up and stop once he realized we were in his path.
I crossed my arms over my chest as Reece smiled brightly. He stepped forward and grabbed Harley's right shoulder. Harley gave us a confused look.
"Let's have a talk, shall we?" Reece smile turned into a grin as he led Harley away from where his sister and Saige were.
I followed them farther into the hallway until Reece turned Harley down a corner where there were no longer any students lingering. Reece lets go of Harley's shoulder after giving his a slight push forward.
I stood next to Reece as Harley turned to face us, his eyebrow raised. Reece only gave him a fake smile and stepped forward. I folded my arms across my chest.
"Why do you want to talk to me?" Harley asked suspiciously, eyeing the both of us.
"There's something the both of us would like to offer you," Reece replied, less than a foot away from Harley.
I stopped the urge to roll my eyes at Reece when he said 'the both of us'. Of course, he wouldn't have excluded me. I watched as Harley frowned at Reece.
"Offer something?" Harley asked trying to clarify.
Reece took a step forward and returned his hand to Harley's shoulder. "Yes, an offer to join our group."
Harley gave a blank look as he studied Reece. He turned his attention towards me and once he saw neither one of us were joking he slowly pushed Reece's hand off his shoulder. Harley took a step back and shook his head.
"I'll pass." He said slowly.
"Come on, it'll benefit the both of us." Reece continued stepping closer.
Harley narrowed his eyes at us and I could feel Reece's cheerful act drop. Reece squared his shoulders and frowned. I shifted my feet and watched the tension between them escalate.
"I don't think so," Harley said, attempting to move around Reece.
I stepped forward to try and block off his path, but Reece beat me to it. Reece moved in front of Harley, blocking him from getting away. Harley gritted his teeth.
"I really didn't want to have to use this but," Reece grinned. "It wouldn't be good for you if the rest of students found out about your poor sister."
Harley's eyes widened slightly and glanced back at me to see my reaction. When he realized I didn't react, he clenched fists and growled lowly. I sighed, of course, he would get enraged.
"You don't know anything." Harley hissed.
Reece's eyes lit up and he grinned even wider. "Oh? Don't I? But I know all about her condition."
Harley tightly gripped the front of Reece's shirt. I watched, debating whether or not to interfere. I mean, it's not my fault if Reece gets punched in the face.
"You don't know crap." Harley's blues eyes darkened, I could tell he was battling himself internally.
Reece ignored his words and continued on. "It would be such a shame if Saige found out. I wonder what she would think of the both of you. Keeping such a big secret—"
Harley's eyes turned blood red and I took that as my cue to interfere. As I took a quick step forward, Harley's canines elongated into fangs and he hissed loudly at Reece.
I hissed back, feeling my fangs come out. In a second I stood beside a grinning Reece and roughly pushed Harley's hand off his shirt. He looked at me and I could see the intense rage in eyes.
"Don't you tell anyone. And especially not her." Harley glared at the both of us, his eyes turning back to normal.
My fangs retracted and I looked over at Reece. He ran a hand through his hair, a smile on his lips. I can't believe he enjoyed angering Harley so much. This is what pisses me off.
"Then join our group. If you do, I won't tell a soul." Reece tilted his head at Harley, obviously amused.
Harley only frowned at that. He looked away, his fist still clenched tightly at his sides. He gritted his teeth as I felt a presence appear behind us. I didn't need to look to know who it was.
"How about this, I'll give you until the end of the Hallow's Eve carnival to give me an answer." Reece turned and I followed him.
As soon as we did, Reece's grin turned into a deadly scowl. At the end of the hallway stood the one person who Reece hates more than anything. His brown eyes stared at the both of us blankly as we passed by him.
I stopped walking as soon as I was parallel to him. Reece continued walking and only gave me a frowning glance before turning towards the double doors that exited the school.
With a sigh, I tilted my head to meet Carson's eyes. "Don't interfere."
Carson only stared at me and narrowed his eyes slightly. I know he heard the last part of Reece's deal. Of course, I naturally don't want him interfering. But I need to be the one to stop Reece's plan.
Who knows how much worse it could get if Carson got involved. But even knowing that, I still have a feeling he will no matter what I say.
"I won't interfere if you stay away from her," Carson whispered, his eyes threatening me.
I already knew who he was referring too and I debated whether or not to agree. I looked away from him and started to walk towards the double doors. I could still see Saige's dark hair through the small glass window.
Before Carson would become out of earshot, I said something I knew that would definitely spark a war. Because I still needed to confront her about the necklace she wore.
"No promises," I said, my footsteps echoing down the deserted hallway.
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★ @within_days
★ : @within_days
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